Just when Ye Wen wanted to go further, the honey glass of Ganlu Temple broke away from the wrist that was buckled and pushed him away.

"It's going to be too fast, and there's a lot of people around.

Ganlu Temple Mili gasped for breath, she felt that she was too bold just now, the previous blind dates had not developed so fast, at most to the point of holding hands.

If I do this, will I look like that kind of girl who is very indecent, and it will be bad if I leave a very bad image in his mind.

"Not happy, this shows that Miss Ganlu Temple also likes me, just like I fell when I saw you at first sight, if there are too many people, we should go to a place with fewer people.

"I, that's not what I meant.

Seeing that Mi Li of Ganlu Temple really believed her teasing words, Ye Wen couldn't help but tease:

"I'm teasing you, but Miss Ganlu Temple, if you think that the progress between us is too fast, you can get along for a while next time." "

Eh, are you leaving?"

It could be seen that Mi Li of Ganlu Temple still wanted to stay with him for a while, but Ye Wen still shook his head and said

, "That's all for today, I'll send you home first, and then find out the two uneasy parents in my family by the way." When

he was pushed away by the honey glass of Ganlu Temple just now, Ye Wen happened to see his parents shaking their heads in the crowd not far from him, as if they were looking for something.

"Then I'll see you in two days, I'll be waiting for you at the door at that time, and I hope that when I see Miss Ganlu Temple the day after tomorrow, your hair can show its true color, rest assured, no matter what color it is, I can accept it." "

Okay, after... See you the day after tomorrow, Ye Wen. It

seemed that he was very shy when he read Ye Wen's name directly, and the next moment he ran into the house and closed the door.

Returning home, Miri of Ganlu Temple faced her parents' inquiries and thought about what happened in the alley, and she blushed and didn't dare to speak.

"Did you fail again? It's okay honey glass, it's a big deal to stay at home, and you make us very worried if you go on like this. "

The parents of Ganlu Temple Mili thought that she was blushing and feeling ashamed and inferior to her own situation, after all, she had a similar expression after coming back a few times.

They don't think it's a big deal, in their hearts, as long as the children can grow up healthy and happy, even if they don't marry for the rest of their lives, it's not a big deal.

"It's not like that, the blind date was a success! Mr. Steel Mound and I are very fond of each other, and we are at the market... I had a lot of fun, and I also exposed my appetite, and the hair that I had dyed was finally seen through, but he didn't mind and hoped that I could dye my hair back and be my true self.

Seeing her parents' reaction, she realized that they seemed to have misunderstood something, and hurriedly defended herself.

"Yes, yes, that's not good, but he can see through your tricks, and it sounds like a meticulous and thoughtful young man.

"No, my best friend's ancestor is a famous swordsmith, and her son has also inherited the craftsmanship that has been handed down, so how can he not practice a little meticulous ability in forging." "

Good fellow, we started to boast before we saw you. The

parents of Ganlu Temple Mili learned from their daughter that not only did the two get along very happily and had a common topic, but the other party didn't care about their daughter's small "flaws", and even accepted it calmly, which was obviously a symptom of love at first sight.

"Must be a nice lad, by the way, did he invite you on a date next time?"

"Date! Yes, probably the day after tomorrow. Ganlu

Temple Mili realized that after the blind date was successful, it was natural to make the relationship between the two parties closer by dating, but this afternoon, ah! That's a date!

"After you officially confirm it, bring him to the house to meet us!After that, we will get engaged, and then get married, it's good to be young~"

I didn't expect my parents to think more long-term than myself, just listening to them describe their future felt like they were about to faint with happiness.

"Mom and Dad are very happy today, is my sister's blind date successful?"

Standing at the door of the living room are the younger brother and sister of the honey glass of Ganlu Temple, since the sister began to decide to find a wishful husband, the family has not been so lively for a long time.

"But my sister seems to have fainted~"

Everyone looked at the honey glass of Ganlu Temple with white eyes, quickly lay it flat on the ground, and called the doctor to come to treat it, fortunately, it was just too excited, nothing serious, just rest for a day.

Ye Wen didn't know about the above things, and now he was returning to the market to find his two strange parents.

"I said, what are you two going to do by sneaking up on you until now?"

Ye Wen looked at the two people in front of the mask booth, one wearing a fox-like mask painted with red and gold patterns. The other wears a Prajna mask, two horns on the top of his head, pointed ears, and a murderous expression.

"This little brother, did you recognize the wrong person?"

the man under the mask made a dull sound.

"Don't act, aren't you naïve? I've seen you all the way away, and I thought I hadn't noticed it, did you know that you two were probing your brains in the crowd.

Ye Wen raised his forehead and sighed, he had never found that his parents in this body had such a detached personality before, and it was probably because they had never shown it in front of him.

"Wife, I just said I can't hide it from this kid.

"Shut up, when did you say that. The

two of them, who knew that they were exposed, took off the masks they had just bought, looked at each other, and then turned their necks to other places, with a posture of never getting along.

"Dad, Mom, you can save me worry, today's blind date is very successful, that girl is the honey glass of Ganlu Temple, I'm quite satisfied, that's all.

Ye Wen watched the two of them sing a double reed expressionlessly, at home, his father has always been the object of his mother's suppression, how could he dare to resist authority.

"In this way, the blind date is really successful!" the

mother pushed her father, who was standing aside, as if to signal something to him.

"So when are you going to come to the door to propose?"


" "Your kid is in that place every day, obsessed with forging knives, every time you are called home, you are wasted, and the letters sent to you a few years ago have not been answered, and even I almost forgot whether there is a son like you."

So hurry up and let me and your mother hug our grandson directly, so that we won't bother you.

Faced with such a straightforward announcement, Ye Wen's jaw was about to fall in shock.

"No, there has to be a run-in time, isn't this progress a little too fast.

"How long do you want to run

?" "

Eight years?" "If you follow the direction of the plot, Wu Miao has been eliminated by that time, wouldn't it be good to live together in peace and stability at that time?"

"Eight years? How old are you kid now, at most one year!"

"Seven years! I have a lot of things on hand, how can I arrange it so quickly." "


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