"You should always be calm in battle!" said

Lower String Two, who undoubtedly revealed a hint of joy, while the inside of his clothes continued to gurgle.

Feeling that he had not been hit, the blade gradually sank as if it had struck a dark and bottomless swamp.

"This is your

blood ghost technique?!" Purgatory Kyojuro knew that he was careless, and in the face of the battle of the Twelve Ghost Moons, he should probably face it when he completely understood the opponent's blood ghost technique, otherwise he would encounter a difficult situation like the current one.

And now he doesn't dare to spread his hand at will, otherwise the only weapon that can defeat the opponent has a high probability of being absorbed into that darkness.

There was a wriggling on the inside of the clothes, and finally dozens of cylinders of the same size and length were spit out, and just when Kyojuro was still wondering what the attack was, the end of the cylinder also appeared.


when Xing Shoulang was still subconsciously curling up, ready to avoid the key point and take this trick, a voice came from his ears.

[Thunder Breath Land Type Electric Bomb Thunder Boom]

Although Ye Wen said that he could easily bring the honey glass of Ganlu Temple to a safe place, it would not be easy to add Xing Shoulang who was controlled.

However, he was always watching the battle from the sidelines, and when Kyojuro used the form of Flame Breath, he knew that the combat experience of the two was already very different.

If you are yourself, there should be a more lethal and more focused attack, and the opponent's counterattack will rely on the flesh to dodge or avoid the key points as much as possible, so that you can also judge how strong the opponent's defense is and whether you really have a chance of winning.

And the moment the explosives appeared, Ye Wen used the Thunder Breath, the Lu Zhi type with a group attack effect, which could release attacks around in an instant, and it looked like countless lightning bolts exploded on the ground.

Each slash unmistakably severed the continuity between the lead and the spark, and incidentally split the explosives themselves in two.

"Leaf..... Ye Wen, are you okay!"

Mi Li, who was hiding behind the water tank, poked out her little head and looked at the position of the three people, she seemed to see thunder in the sky just now, if she didn't find a place to hide from the rain in time, she would get wet and cold later.

"It's okay, don't worry, I just want to have a good chat with these two, don't move around where you are!" After

getting Mi Li's response, Ye Wen turned his head to look at the two who were still deadlocked, frowned, and said,

"Aren't you two going to take a break

?" "Is it Mr. Ye Wen?" Great, he is the second in the twelve ghost months, his blood ghost technique is very strange, please be careful."

Xing Shoulang shook his arm holding the Nihon Wheel Knife vigorously, and demonstrated the effect of the other party's blood ghost technique to Ye Wen.

"You're a subordinate of Purgatory, you don't seem to have any taste at all! Don't worry, I'll clean you up when I've beaten Purgatory to the ground." "

Well, I'm definitely not going to let him die simply, then I'll be very troubled, revenge should be done in the best way to torture him, for example..."

It's not my boast to torture and kill his companions and family in front of him

, when I was still human, this was my specialty, and I can know just by feeling how far a person can collapse when he is still alive!" "Next, I will use a way that you can never imagine in your life, so that you can also quarrel with the most extreme pain that you can experience as a human being, and your life will disappear in my revenge, and this is the price for you to join the ghost killing team!"

It's so sad, it's so pathetic, no one knows and can't get the approval of others, you ghost killing teams can only die tragically one by one!"

Ye Wen patiently listened to Xia Xian's self-praise, picked his nostrils, and rubbed the yellow-green goo in the fingernails of his little thumb on his coat.

"Is the fantasy time over? I'll just say that it's easy to forget things like you don't have any idea about the current situation, and you can still maintain such an optimistic attitude.

Ye Wen gently put the dragon tooth on his other side of his neck, and motioned for him to release the blood ghost technique and let go of Xing Shoulang.

"Hahahaha, Purgatory, are your subordinates stupid? Obviously, you have made it clear to me that you have made my blood ghost arts, and you still put the knife on me so easily, I can't only defend half of it

!" "Mr. Ye Wen, be careful!" Ye Wen

felt the suction force from the blade on his wrist, and released the handle of the knife very cooperatively, such a move was undoubtedly giving up resistance in the eyes of the two.

"It's kind of interesting, it's the same type of stand-in as me!" Ye

Wen put on a strange pose on the spot, and Xia Xian Er also found that his blood ghost technique seemed to be ineffective, and he couldn't devour the dragon's teeth into it.

"What is this!"

A faint golden halo rippled on the hilt, and the second string felt a similar ability to himself on it, and it was with the same suction power that he could resist his own blood demon magic.

No, the other party's ability is far above his own!Xia

Xian Er felt that his entire ghost was going to be driven by this power, so he hurriedly lifted the blood ghost spell and let the dragon tooth be collected by the king's treasure.

"Now you know the gap, you miscellaneous cultivator!"

Kyojurou was also freed from the strange suction because the other party had unlocked the blood ghost technique.

Ye Wenping raised his right hand, ready to launch the King's Treasure to continue the attack, but was stopped by Xing Shoulang on the side.

"I don't know why, but that guy is coming for me, I'm going to knock him down!"

"Ah, if I hadn't stopped me, you kid would have died." "

It's okay!Mr. Ye Wen!Next, I will use all my strength to deal with it, and I will never miss again


Even if I don't get anyone's approval, fighting to protect humans from being attacked by ghosts, that's the ghost killing team! No matter how miserable I am, I will fulfill my obligations!"

"Tsk, if you die, I won't be able to explain to your father~

"" Mr. Ye Wen, please lead the other team members to defuse the bomb, he has installed it all over the imperial capital!"

"Hey, hey, hey, this hasn't become a pillar yet, why did you start arranging tasks by yourself!!

"Okay, okay, you just fight here, remember to run if something happens, I will come back to support you as soon as possible." From

the side, it can be seen that Kyojuro's resolute eyes represent the belief that there is no concession, and in this case, you can't change a person's decision no matter what.

So, Ye Wen picked up Mi Li, who was hiding aside, and in her scream, moved between the buildings, searching for the remaining team members.

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