"I really didn't expect that the Hinawa knife could be made into an axe, and in this way, it could indeed kill him.

Tanjiro looked back in surprise and saw a "tengu" appear in front of him, a large hand gripping his shoulder from behind.

It was a tengu's mask, it was a short man, although his face was hidden under the tengu mask, and his head was still wrapped in a cloth, but his pale hair was faintly visible, and judging by the touch of his voice and hands, he was probably very old.

But his back was very straight, and more importantly, this person didn't make a single footsteps.

You Douzi returned to her usual appearance, standing to the side blankly, her eyes wandering in the air, she probably thought that the other party was not dangerous, not an enemy, so she did not attack.

"Concentrate on it, Tanjiro, if the other party wakes up, you'll be dead a few times.

Ye Wen nodded to the scales, and at the same time did not forget to remind Tanjiro to hurry up.

"If you can't kill with one blow, it will be very painful, what angle should you cut it down, Brother Ye Wen said that he was going to cut his neck, but his neck was broken, will it still have an effect if he cuts it again at this time?"

Tanjiro stood motionless, unable to make up his mind to smash the stone.


Scales looked at Tanjiro's back and sighed secretly.

"His compassion is too heavy to make a decision, even if the ghost is in front of him, his gentle smell still does not dissipate, he even gives sympathy to the ghost, Yi Yong, this child can't do it. "

A few days ago

, I received a letter tied to the crow's feet

, and I asked a young man who wanted to be a swordsman of the Demon Slayer to visit you, and he was very brave and dared to challenge me with his bare hands. His family was brutally murdered by ghosts, and his only surviving sister turned into a ghost, but I don't think he will attack humans.

From these two people, I feel a unique characteristic, even Mr. Ye Wen, who is at the same level as you, is very optimistic about him, the young man is the same as you, his nose is quite sensitive, and he may be able to make a breakthrough and even inherit your mantle.

Please rest assured, I have already consulted with Mr. Ye Wen, he has no intention of guiding this young man, and thinks that you are the most suitable person to nurture him, and I also hope that you can cultivate him well.

This is also my personal request, and I hope you can forgive me, please take care of your body, concentrate and keep improving.

Although Tomioka Yoshiyong

said so in the letter, it was Ye Wen who was standing next to him, exuding a power far beyond his peak, and this one came over, and if he refused directly, the scene was also embarrassing.

Scales glanced at the young man who was still unable to make up his mind, and turned around quietly.

How long did he hesitate? Tanjiro noticed that his surroundings were getting brighter unconsciously.

"It's dawn now!" Ye

Wen stood behind Tanjiro and pushed hard, Tanjiro didn't stand firm, and subconsciously swung the axe down.


Before the sun could shine, Tanjiro slashed the oni's neck, and the oni's head crackled and crumbled in wailing.

"Hurry up and put your beans into the box, there are very few leaves here, and the ghost will have the same ending if it is illuminated by the sun~"

Tanjiro looked at the axe embedded in the ground in a daze, and the tragic situation of the ghost passing away with the wind, after hearing Ye Wen's reminder, he hurriedly looked around, fortunately, your beans had already hidden in the box under the eaves.

Finding that the old man was not there, Tanjiro went around to the back of the hut to check, and saw that there were a few more piles of soil there, and the old man was clasping his palms in front of the mound, and he seemed to have buried the person who was killed by the ghost last night.

"Excuse me..."

"My name is Tsutaki Sakonji"

As soon as Tanjiro approached, the old man got up and looked back at him.

Sure enough, Tanjiro gasped, he had already vaguely noticed it.

"You're the person introduced by Yiyong, right?"

"Yes, yes, my name is Tanjiro Kamado, that's my sister Youdouzi, and I'm accompanied by Brother Ye Wen..."

"Tanjiro, what should you do if your sister eats someone?" Tanjiro

couldn't answer for a while when he was asked by Scales Zuo, he had never thought of such a question, not that he didn't want to think about it.

A slap in the face suddenly came over.

"The judgment is too slow!" Seeing

Tanjiro press the swollen cheek that was beaten, Scales said bluntly

, "You decided too slowly, and you didn't kill the ghost until dawn, and this was done with the reminder and cooperation of others, just like why the question just now was not answered immediately, because you lack consciousness." Although

the old man's face hidden under the tengu's mask could not be seen, his voice was deep and intimidating.

"Once your sister eats someone, you can only do two things, one is to kill your sister, but to commit suicide by seppuku, and you will have to bear the consequences with your sister who has become a ghost,"

this person is right, listening to Ye Wen's story along the way, he thought that the world was still as peaceful as usual, Tanjiro realized that he was too naïve, and it was clear that Tomioka Yoshiyoshi had also taught himself a hard lesson at that time, but he didn't understand this truth at all.

"But you must remember that there must not be something that must happen, you must not let your sister kill innocent people, understand what I said?"


Tanjiro replied with a straightened back, and Scales looked at Ye Wen, who was standing behind Tanjiro, who had already put the box on his back, and nodded.

"So... The next thing is to test whether you are suitable to be a swordsman, come with me!"

After saying that, Scales turned around and ran down the mountain.

"So fast!"

Thanks to Ye Wen carrying his sister on his back, Tanjiro was able to catch up in the first time, and Scales Left ran at an astonishing speed.

"How old is this man? "

Scales are left to be the next time, but the former pillar of the Demon Slayer Team, the current branch, is far superior to most of the team members in all aspects, Tanjiro You should be thankful to have such a strong person to guide your cultivation, otherwise this level in the team can only be enjoyed by geniuses." "

Ye Wen can catch up with them with your beans on his back, and it also makes Tanjiro understand that Ye Wen is not as simple as it seems

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