On the way back to the Butterfly House, Ye Wen began to look through the tasks on the system panel.


Quest: Test the Knife] [Task Description: Use Tanjuro's Axe to Kill a Demon

] [Quest Reward: Turn on the Weapon Enhancement Function] [Quest

Completed, Reward Distribution]

Nowadays, he rarely cares about the rewards of the system, but this task should have been completed when he was a child before he was developed, which also made him care very much about the effect of the reward.

I didn't expect that the function of weapon enhancement is far more powerful than weapon synthesis, weapon synthesis is to improve the quality of weapons through different materials, and weapon enhancement functions are to directly increase the power of weapons, but the cost is to consume weapons of the same type and quality, and it will also limit the maximum ceiling of weapon enhancement because of quality

Just seeing this, Ye Wen already felt that it was too powerful, if each team member was equipped with a Japanese wheel knife that was several times more powerful than the original, then He Chou would not be able to cut some ghosts with hard necks, but he didn't want to complete such a big project by himself, so he had to go to the Knife Forging Village.

Under the leadership of Yin, Ye Wen directly found the Forging Knife Village, and now his identity is different from what he used to be, and he is qualified to pass all the buildings and facilities in the Ghost Slayer Team.

"Hahahaha, I have to let that old man kowtow to me when I come back this time, hum, in order to relieve my anger for so many years!"


was no imaginary welcome, and there was no imaginary groveling, Tetsujigawara Tiezhen still sat at the top of the room as always, but this time all the guards on the left and right sides were withdrawn by him in advance.

"I said don't talk about that name, I've always been called Ye Wen, and there is no need to hide it now!" Regarding

Tie Zhen's attitude did not change to what he imagined, Ye Wen breathed a sigh of relief, explaining that the old man was still the same old man, and thought that after so many years, there would be changes.

"There's no need to hide it?, is it, so what is the purpose of your return?"

"Here's the thing...""

You need a lot of the same quality of the same quality of the Nihon Knife? What are you going to do with it? Even if the Ghost Slayer Team is counted, there is no need to equip so many Nihon knives, and the raw materials may not be able to keep up.

"Come on, old man, it's okay to deal with others with this kind of talk, but don't forget that I'm also from the Knife Forging Village, how many raw materials are used in the Wheel Knife every year, everyone knows that the Ghost Killing Team has so many newcomers every year, even if you add the usual wear and tear of other team members, it's not too much."

"What do you want to do? Do you want to overthrow the ghost killing team or the island country? If you can't tell the old man the truth, the old man will not agree to this matter, and you should not have the approval of the lord..."

"Recently, I have gained an ability, which is about weapon enhancement

...""Impossible, I obviously sealed your qi, how can it be....."Before

Ye Wen's words could be finished, he was interrupted by the village chief's shocked roar, and looked at the village chief with a blank face who was about to dislocate his jaw.

"Seals, what's going on?

" "Sure enough, don't you even know about it?"

Can you stop talking about riddles here? "

The old man is from another world.


"It's really fake, there are people from other worlds besides yourself, shouldn't there be a system, so top?" but the old man is old, has he traveled for a long time?"

So old man, I'll use....."

"No, I believe. "

Somehow to prove that the old man is from another world...

"Well, I believe that there must be other worlds, so old man, you really come from other worlds, I believe that. "

“....... Your interruption made the old man not know what to say. It

seems that because of his age, Tieji Kawahara Tiezhen thought for a long time before organizing the language.

"The world that the old man comes from is far more dangerous than this world, there are many people in that world who have mastered the cultivation method of qi and manipulated it in some way, such people we call them telepathic people, in your world may be called superpowers or immortals or something. The

world described by Tiedi Heyuan Tiezhen, Ye Wen always felt that he had heard of a similar setting somewhere, and he frowned, thinking about whether he had seen similar anime in his previous life.

"And the Hunter Association holds a strict examination every year, and only those who pass will get a hunter's license, usually such people will master the most basic mental ability, like the old man is also one of them. Listening

to the village chief say this, Ye Wen has already guessed where the other party is from, and he feels a little stomachache, the top powerhouses in that world can carry nuclear bombs, and it is estimated that they can blow up Wu Miao by pulling one over at will.

Like Captain Nitro, it is estimated that a single Idea Hundred Style Guanyin can destroy the island country, not to mention the Ant King who can easily defeat him.

"You already had this talent when you were a child, but you were unconsciously stimulated by any cultivation method, fortunately I found out, otherwise you might have died of exhaustion.

Ye Wen thought of the ability to read in the task reward he got many years ago, and at that time he thought that he was able to retrieve things from the air, and there was no hint when he asked the system, it seemed that the key person village chief was not triggered, or he was interrupted.

"Learning to chant can generally be done by learning slowly from those who have the ability to read, constantly working hard to practice, feeling the existence of qi through meditation and zazen, and then gradually learning it. Whether you can learn it and how long it takes to learn it varies depending on your aptitude. Tiedi

Kawahara Tiezhen's body suddenly exuded a strong aura, and he even felt that he was on par with the face of no misery.

"The quickest way to force a wake-up is to be directly approached by a telekinetic attack. So as to stimulate one's own thoughts. The higher the qualification, the shorter the time to feel the recitation, in the old man's opinion, you are more likely to be the former, and you are the best of the best, because I have not seen my kind for so many years.

"So old man, how did you come here?"

Ye Wen couldn't help but wonder if the other party was coming through the soul or the body.

"I was teleported after entering a forbidden place in the Dark Continent, I originally thought I was being teleported to other parts of the world, but I didn't expect it to be a passage to another world. "

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