"Maybe it's the ghost of a samurai?"


they did disappear, did they?"

"Will ghosts appear in broad daylight?"

The policeman who had just finished patrolling returned to the unit and began to chat with his colleagues about the strange things he encountered today.

"I saw the same group of people, led by big boxes, right?"

The person who spoke was also a newcomer who had only been in office for a few days.

"But I don't think he's a prisoner, he looks to be about twenty years old, and in the recent homicide, the deceased didn't die of a knife wound."

"I know, I know, it's more cruel than a knife wound . It was like being bitten by a ferocious beast, and the room was full of flesh and blood.

"Ah, but you said that there is a knife around your waist, and it is too suspicious that there are people with knives who have been out for so long."

"yes, yes!"

Listening to the noise of several new police officers outside the door, the head sitting in the office could no longer bear it.

"Hey, is the government paying you for small talk?"


"You both write down their characteristics! Then the others hurried to patrol, and then there was a homicide, and they came back to receive the punishment, understand? "



"sweet and delicious, the meat is tender and very delicious,"

a man sits cross-legged in the hallway, his kimono open, holding a piece of minced meat with his breasts exposed, and gobbling it into his mouth.

The tongue licked the blood at the corner of his mouth and smashed it a few times.

Stretching out the index finger of his right hand, he nodded to the children in the courtyard.

"One, two, three, four, five, six."

The corners of the man's mouth happily went under his ears, and he didn't look like a normal human being.

"It's nice to have six children, let's play together!" I love small children... Oh the taste! The

nameless ghost withdrew his finger and fumbled with his chin, as if he had thought of some idea.

"By the way, let's play a game of ghost hunting, you were playing before I came!" I also want to play, because your courtyard is spacious enough to play a little. The

six children in the courtyard were so frightened that they huddled together, and from the outside, they seemed to be two older sisters and four younger brothers, and the eldest child held the two younger brothers in his arms with his left and right hands, shivering.

The other girl stared dumbly at the ground, her two younger brothers with their eyes closed and their hands tightly tugging at her cuffs.

"Then, before this hourglass leaks, if he has not been caught by me, I will spare his life."

Out of nowhere, the nameless ghost found a very simple hourglass, which seemed to be a child's toy, and placed the side full of sand upside down, and explained eagerly

, "But if I catch it, hmph, children taste different from adults!"

Watching the sand in the bottle continue to flow, the children in front of them are still curled up together, trembling.

The nameless ghost inserted his finger directly into his brain and turned it a few times, and when he pulled out his finger, a few drops of red and white unknown slime spilled outward.

Then he walked up to his eldest sister and pressed his fingers stained with unknown mucus firmly on her head, tilting her head back slightly, so that their eyes would meet.

The nameless ghost used a voice that only six people could hear, and Yin Yang said strangely,

"Don't hurry up and hide it!" Remember not to leave this house, if someone runs out and I find out, I will kill everyone else! "


The little girl was glanced at by the ghost, black eyes white, golden pupils, sharp teeth like a beast.

Feeling a sticky liquid slipping down between my eyebrows, I reached out and touched it, and saw the red and white mixture on the palm of my hand, which emitted a strong fishy smell.

Only then did the children react, this hell-like place is really the real world, scattered and fled.

The nameless ghost stuck out his scarlet tongue and licked his fingers clean from the bottom up.

Seeing that the children finally dispersed, he nodded in satisfaction, crouched down to cover his eyes with his hands, and sang aloud.


When did the birds in

the cage come out

, and on the evening of dawn

, the crane and turtle slipped and fell

, "Who is directly behind?" "

The nameless ghost lowered his hands that covered his eyes and wandered slowly in the courtyard....

"Some people say it will not be a bear who did it."

Two policemen carrying a kerosene lamp walked side by side on a street in the town, and if you looked closely, you could see that one of them was Ye Wen, and they met the police in the afternoon.

They're still talking about recent homicides, which in a small place might be a big case that won't happen in decades.

"Wait, but can we deal with bears with a sabre?"

"It's pretty scary, I kind of want to quit."

"You should call the hunters, aren't they specialized in this job?"

"Shh, don't let the top know this, he is thinking of taking this opportunity to get promoted

" "Such a criminal case is enough to be promoted to Tokyo, it is a big city, no wonder it is so positive."

"But it's us who patrol..."

"The credit of subordinates is inherited by superiors, and the fault of superiors is borne by subordinates, this is the law of the workplace!"

"Eh, how can this be....."

Brush - brush

- brush brush - just as the two were chatting, a strong wind blew through, almost blowing away one person's hat, so frightened that he hurriedly covered the brim of his hat, and the other hand pulled the rope on the left and right sides, and hurriedly tied a dead knot.

"Oops, it's dangerous!"

"The wind is so strong, the kerosene lamp in my hand was almost blown to the ground."

The policeman carrying the kerosene lamp had already walked to the front, turned his head to see the other party with his police hat crooked, and walked back.

"Just now, something passed by us? Do you feel it?

"You're almost enough! Stop telling ghost stories!"

"Okay, okay, listen to you, don't talk about it."

"But I really feel it!"


fact, the policeman did not feel wrong, just now, Ye Wen and others quickly rushed over with the help of the night, because Ye Wen took the lead, coupled with the shaking of the kerosene lamp, the two did not notice the abnormality.

"Mr. Ye Wen, where are we going?"

Yulu Tianyuan ran to a position similar to Ye Wen and asked in a low voice.

Since the sun set, Ye Wen has been running around the village, and he can still hold on to himself, but the three behind him don't have so much physical strength.

Ye Wen didn't say a word, in fact, he didn't know where the ghost was, he didn't have the talent to distinguish between ghosts and people, he could only see from family to family, whether there was a bloody smell after ghosts ate people.

At this moment, there was a vague smell of rust in the air, and Yulu Tianyuan's pupils shrank, which was the most familiar smell to him, blood.

"Find it, it's this house!"

Look at the size of the house, it is a big household!

Ye Wen stepped forward and kicked open the door directly, while singing the ballad he had recently learned on the road.

"Momotaro, Momotaro, leave home to bring down the demon, Ye Wen I will also come to help!!"

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