"Everyone but the Summoning Monster equipped with the Orihalcon system?

"Yeah. Is that enough?

"One more thing I want."

Is this still not enough?

Somehow, I felt that way!

Not even a ghost guard would be fine, but I wonder if the size of the warrior and murator is a bit.

Don't say one, maybe we can have another two?

"By tomorrow morning, I'll have it ready"

"Are you okay?"

"Well, somehow"

Hyodle and the others are playing against each other in the arena.

The opponent is quite an army led by the incarnation of Marduk!

He uses [English Spirit Summoning] spells, Tai Gong fishing, crushing ravages, and rigidities to counter it.

That's a pretty big struggle!

"Copy that. I don't think the pre-processing will be over by tomorrow anyway."


Mr. Saki is checking the back of his skin as he grumbles again.

Apparently it is more difficult than the skin of this colored sky dragon, the ax-headed Wu Long.

It seems to be lightweight for the thickness, but it reaches deep into the skin on top of the laminated scales.

Seems pretty suspicious to peel it off and paste it again to see if it performs.

Still, Mr. Saki looks like he's having fun.

That attitude, which challenges the difficulties, should be apprenticed.

I've already made a promise.

The addition of the Skin of the Colored Sky Dragon must be challenged early!

But you know what?

I want to put some time aside.

I can't afford it psychologically.

I'd like to spend at least the morning hunting outside.

'When you're done eating, talk to me about the example. Okay?'


I have a secret conversation with Mr. Fina using the Whisper feature.

It's with the Tachigis, but you should see that there's been some progress.

I hope it's good news.

"Next, is the match good?

"Go ahead. Sometimes it's good to watch a game."

It's a lie.

There's just a little mix of lies.

I just wanted to keep you on short pause with a heavy fight until the last minute.

Besides, it's true you want to watch the game.

Hyodor-kun and Zeta, plus Hera Claios, are fighting with all their might.

You can call it desperate.

I can like the fact that I imposed that much difficulty on myself.

Next up is the order of Mr. Fina and the others.

It will also be joined by a masterpiece and an eastern cloud, which will be a union by two parties.

By the way.

There's Mio and Yuka, too, but who makes breakfast?

"Is that it? What about breakfast?

"Adele and Irina are making it!


When that happens, what about spring vegetables and these flowers?

But we should seriously watch the game now.

Hyodor-kun jumped behind Marduk's incarnation!

Pretty dangerous, risky choice.

That would make the battle even more effective if it could move so effectively.

Look at the struggle from here. Doesn't look like it's gonna hurt!

"By the way, can I have a moment?


It's about the spell.

Red Lotus talks to me in a frightened manner.

No, am I that scared?

Maybe he's building a wall before he even realizes it.

No, really.

Thanks. Maybe one thing with that muscular idiot demon god is affecting you.

"The [two-handed sword] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Tracking] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Cover-up] has been leveled up in the current battle victory!

"Summoning monster Funaoka has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

I also had a request for Red Lotus, so I tried and shot the spell.

Summoning magic spell, Rainforcements of Monsters is unplugged.

This spell is clearly a trump card!

Looks like the complete top of Extra Summoning.

Up to 10 at the same time, this is an anomaly that allows you to summon additional Summoning Monsters!

Similar to Extra Summoning, it becomes available as reinforcements in race-level dependent time.

Naturally, the added Summoning Monster does not contain any EXP.

What we don't have in common at all is MP bar consumption and cooling time.

require at least 50 percent of the half.

Once a day has elapsed, it will be available, but in that case a 90 percent MP bar will be required.

And 10 percent after every 12 hours, it's a way to go with depletion suppressed.

This seems to be common with [English Spirit Summoning].

I haven't tried it yet, but it makes me want to.

I might skin a colored empty dragon on my universal dragon opponent.

I'm excited to think so!

It was mental strength that was already rising with Funaoka status values.

Let's specify an agility value for the other stat up.

Funaoka Xuanbu Lv60 Lv61 ( 1)

Dexterity value 42

Agility value 57 ( 1)

Intelligence value 56

Muscle strength value 42

Vitality 105

Mental Strength 56 ( 1)


Avoiding Aquatic Drilling Smell Sensing with Chewed Roll

Heat Sensing Spirit Strike Vibration Sensing Signs Block Magic Block

Steadfast Change Psychic Ground Operating Physical Resistance [Extreme]

Magic Resistance [Large] Self Heal [Large] MP Heal Increase [Medium]

Toxic Darkness Petrification Paralysis Immediate Death Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute wind attribute earth attribute water attribute

Wood Attribute Immediate Death Toxic Disabled Vajra

"Was it helpful?

"Yep. Thank you!

Red Lotus's gaze is flying everywhere.

I guess I'm checking on the video as well.

What spell did you show him?

Common anti-spell, Force Field.

Deadly touch and liza collection of [No Spell].

How'd you get the liza collection?

I've tried to revive the Talos that I should have put in place.

Sand Colossus was a bit of a hassle, so I'm dodging it!

It's not that fun to fight.

Even the demon opponent's Liza collection works.

That opportunity is not so many, but I have used it several times before to confirm it.

As an opponent of a fight, it's only a matter of pleasure.

Originally, the demon's body has been in the specifications that remain for 30 minutes.

Some seem to disappear as soon as they are slaughtered, but the basics are.

This is interesting.

All, resurrect the opponent who wants to corpse and then slowly enjoy the fight.

That seems like a good option to use!

However, it is not known whether experience will be added.

I don't think the operation is that sweet.

Deadly touch of an instant death spell is fine, what about Force Field?

[Wand] Close to Magic Fortress and Magic Booster in Martial Arts.

Increase Defense and Magic Mastery against a range of allies!

Although less effective than martial arts, unlike martial arts, I can move my users!

I can use this.

I can use it!

Fast but I want to incorporate it into [Spell Fusion]!

"Dinner, done!

"Oh! I've been waiting for you!

Adele and Irina are coming to the audience.

Summoning monsters from the doll system are carrying Okayashi.

Apparently, the review of [Spell Fusion] is going to happen while eating.

"What is it over there, too?

'Yes, there are still a lot of things to check, but there's no doubt about it.'

There are flashy matches in front of us.

Adele, Irina, Spring Vegetables, Union of these flowers.

It's raging!

But, you know, that's not the place.

He was also in the realm of the Tenma knights.

What? What?

Suspected inhabitants of different worlds or parallel worlds.

Moreover, it is likely that this is different from the Kuchigi and others.

"All, it's hard to think that the operation is under control."

'That's a lot of opinions. I don't even know the server specifications.'

"It wouldn't be strange if there were other additions."

I'm secretly talking to Mr. Fina and Zeta with the Whisper feature.

You haven't noticed the surrounding faces, have you?

"I'd like to move on to a certain point in the last few days."

"Is it an event"

"Is it going to be a war?"

There's nothing like a screenshot, but there's information.

It's information brought to me by the Tachigis.

It is said that a few times more troops have been assembled than previously dispatched.

This is good news.

However, an army tends to slow down its actions when its size increases.

The march to the town of Sania has not yet begun.

They say requests for supplies are being rambled up by adventurers like Kiki and the others.

This is tragic news.

Why don't we just stick him where the army is assembling?

Such dangerous thoughts plunder the back of your brain.

"Mr. Keith, in order!

"Oh, okay"

Looks like the order of the fights has arrived.

That's it for the secret talk.

It is promised to show Red Lotus the last remaining spell.

Rainforcements of Monsters.

Naturally, but also from the portal guard.

Temporarily, but we're all in.

Up to 10 can compete in the Rainforcements of Monsters.

It's going to be like an army.

And the odds of winning will be pretty high.

It is possible to win without using remote control.

What about the party formation?

Taylor, peptide, panar, isotope, water out.

It's time for you to level up your isotope.

There is, isn't there?

If it doesn't, we'll have to go hunting after this.

"[Horse Spear] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Strike] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Kick] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Articulation] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Throw moves] have been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Evasion] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Space-Time Magic] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Sealing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dark Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Thunder Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [No Curse] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Collaboration] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Identification] has been leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Nursing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Equestrian] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Equilibrium] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dash] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [Endurance Walk] has been leveled with the current battle victory!

"[Tracking] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Signal Detection] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Signs blocked] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Magic Detection] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Assassination] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[BODY ENHANCEMENT] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Spiritual Enhancement] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Martial Arts Enhancement] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[All Resistance] has been leveled with the current Battle Victory!

"The summoning monster Taylor has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Is Rainforcements of Monsters a trump card?

It's definitely a trump card!

Put it in from the beginning, good.

Two universal dragons, because they were appearing!

I'm in the arena.

Are you here to kill me?

I had that suspicion, but now I'm happy the other way around.

This one was as well prepared as possible.

Who summoned you to extra at Rainforcements of Monsters?

Tigris, Lion Roar, Extreme Night, Evil Encounter, Sirius, Gimbal, Sleepover, Chelate.

And it's Mesian and Largo.

What was going on with the total force?

Party by me and 5 summoning monsters.

Portal guards spanning 30 bodies.

Plus 10 extra summonses!

I said if I could sweep it off with a force push from the beginning, it wasn't either.

Pretty critical.

It would have been one of the most flashy fights ever fought in this arena.

The fighting time itself is not that long.

The extra summoned faces disappeared, and after a little while I managed to win.

It can be described as an achievement that skipped without even thinking about the pace from the beginning.

There were quite a few dangerous occasions.

Ernid had to give Slurr booze during the fight to restore the MP bar.

On top of that, an axial booze ship has more than a severe status!

I could use a change monster, but I didn't.

I couldn't.

Because he was holding one universal dragon back for me!

The universal dragon is like Jericho and Slime wrapped around it.

Immerse yourself in your body as you deserve, and destroy it internally.

The liquor ship continued to struggle to make sure this was done!

It was my decision to give you soma booze without letting you take turns.

I think it was reasonable.

It was the muscle strength value that was already rising with Taylor's status value.

Specify Vitality for another point's Stat Up.

Taylor Jewel Cancer Lv60 Lv61 ( 1)

Dexterity value 53

Agility 67

Intelligence Value 16

Muscle strength value 118 ( 1)

Vitality 104 ( 1)

Mental Strength 16


Steady evasion of drilling bubble waves per strike body

Foam emission, light concealment, simulation, night vision, signs blocked.

Self-healing [Medium] Physical resistance [Extreme] Magic resistance [Medium]

Aquatic Light Attributes Dark Attributes Water Attributes Fire Resistance

Wind resistant soil resistant

"The Summoning Monster 'Peptide' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Naturally, I have the other universal dragon.

To be more precise, I rode Panar and stopped him with an assault.

I don't think it's impotent.

I don't feel like fighting as hard as I can while I'm conscious of my return to death!

But you should be cool here.

Everyone, including me, has the damage they deserve.

I can handle the drain on the HP bar.

There's nothing I can do about the MP bar.

Well, there's no choice this time.

Besides, portal guards are a minority of summoning monsters that rely on MP bars.

There is a noticeable depletion of ernide and scorch.

It was the muscle strength value that was already elevated with the status value of the peptide.

Specify Vitality for another point's Stat Up.

Peptide Holly Scorpion Lv60 Lv61 ( 1)

Dexterity value 86

Agility value 86

Intelligence value 26

Muscle strength value 72 ( 1)

Vitality 72 ( 1)

Mental Strength 26


Strike Needle Strike Steady Avoid Excavation Vibration Sensing

Signal Blocking Magic Detection Covered Climbing Surprise

Monitoring self healing [small] physical resistance [extreme]

Magic Resistance [Medium] Lethal Toxic Paralysis Dark Spacetime Attributes

Light Attributes Dark Attributes Fire Resistance Wind Resistance Soil Resistance

Water Resistance Toxic Resistance Brace Resistance Awakening

"The summoning monster Panar has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

"Are you all right? Do you need recovery?

Sounds like you survived somehow.

Irina is making a worrying voice.

Well, will it?

They all survive, but they wear out.

I'm sure it sounds terrible.

Ma, there's not much concern because it's a fighting field.

My biggest concern would be whether or not I would be impotent.

It was the Intelligence value that was already up in the Panal status value.

Let's specify mental strength for the other stat up.

Panal Slapenil Lv60 Lv61 ( 1)

Dexterity value 56

Agility value 81

Intelligence value 36 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 81

Vitality 87

Mental Strength 36 ( 1)


biting stepping assault and evasion disease

Night's Eye Endurance Running Horses Leaping Ravage Kicking Up

Heavy Duty Hazard Detection Rider Recovery [Small] Self Recovery [Large]

Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery Increase [Small]

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute wind attribute earth attribute

Thunder attributes, confusion resistant, charm resistant, instant death.

"The summoning monster Isotope has been leveled in the current battle victory!

Please add 2 points to any status value

Isotope finally leveled up!

It was a long time.

But what we should aim for is the next class change.

Oh, no.

I'm going to be distracted again!

Nevertheless, Isotope is eating universal dragon meat to that effect.


The body is giant and you won't be able to eat it up, but let's keep it on track.

Don't forget that Isotope has one foot in the dragon!

It was the muscle strength value that was already rising with the status value of the isotope.

Specify Agility and Vitality for the other 2 Stat Up points.

Isotope Uranos Dragon Lv23 Lv24 ( 1)

Dexterity value 39

Agility value 85 ( 1)

Intelligence value 39

Muscle strength value 70 ( 1)

Vitality 70 ( 1)

Mental Strength 39


biting tearing head poking flying avoiding leaps

Disease Nocturnal Aquatic Manoeuvre Assault Underwater Manoeuvre

Self-healing [Medium] Physical resistance [Medium] Magic resistance [Medium]

MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Predatory Absorption Brace Immediate Death

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute

Water attributes Dust attributes Toxic resistance Immediate death

"The Summoning Monster 'Water Out' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Again, level up Summon Monster is perfect.


But it is also clear that we lack the strength to continue the streak!

We need to make sure we dedicate Cornou Copiai in moderation, while also raising the bottom of the battle.

When I say it's worth the challenge, I know it's imperative to wipe it out and I'm not going to go in there.

Today will be the limit around here.

It was the intellect value that had already risen in the status value of the effluent.

Let's specify mental strength for the other stat up.

Water Outlet Demons Apostle Lv60 Lv61 ( 1)

Dexterity value 51

Agility value 102

Intelligence value 65 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 44

Vitality 44

Mental Strength 65 ( 1)


Biting Rope Strike Kick Throw Arthrop

Flying Float Avoided Cursed Aerial Maneuver

Underwater Mobile Aquatic Wide Area Exploration Night Echo Positioning

Magic Block Predatory Absorption Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Medium]

Self Recovery [Large] MP Recovery Increase [Medium] Change Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute earth attribute water attribute confusion resistant

Silence Resistant Curse Eye

"Wait a minute for the next match. I'm having a hard time cleaning up."

"Copy that!"

"And what is this? Was it a war, too?

As Mr Malgrid says, it is indeed terrible.

But there's something to enjoy.

It's the skin of a colored sky dragon.

There's Mr. Saki. One now, I want him to add it!

"Previous Behavioral Experience has Level Up [Appraisal]!

"Previous Behavioral Experience has Level Up [Dismantling]!


"What are two additions? It's okay, we'll make it."

But there's still a suspension.

The colored sky dragon eyes are still there!

If you touch him again, he won't disappear, will he?


Touch it this time and it won't go away.

I don't know why.

More than I know, I'm on hold now.

Let's throw it in the Item Box.

I'm dying to dedicate myself to the obelisk of the arena right now, though.

Even if I put in all the trump cards, I still have a dangerous feeling about it.

I have to weigh myself down.

"Is the spell you used at the beginning Rainforcements of Monsters?"

"Don't be. That would be a pretty powerful spell."

"And it looks like it's worn out terribly."

"I can't help it."

Red Lotus also looks at me worried.

I don't know.

You should just repair your gear and log out.

Plus, the face I summoned in Rainforcements of Monsters is wearing out.

Wherever you're going, you should consider it.

Underground cave?

I don't think so.

Just strain the portal guard again!

We should hunt outside the Summon Forest here.

Either aerial or nautical warfare is fine.

A tide hunt would be nice.

Whatever it is, you should give priority to working out faces that aren't fighting the Universal Dragon.

Well, you should log out first now.

And let's be happy that Mr. Saki has procured the requested amount of material in time.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Bundle!

Please check the status of the bundle.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster, Scorch!

Please check the status of "Scorch."

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster, El Nido!

Check the status of "El Nido."

"Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Isocyanate!

Please check the status of "Isocyanate"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Amorphas!

Check the status of Amorphas.

You are logged in.

Well, I'm just using my tent at the edge of the audience to log out and get right back.

The match before you actually log out is not over yet.

Adele and the others are running around fine.

"I'll get to work when the next match is over."


I have already completed my request for Mr. Saki.

Even in the arena, there are no more trump cards to fight against the Universal Dragon.

Let's still go hunting outside.

Confirm the level of the portal guard, and review it.

I think you should just take off the ernide.

Bundle Pyrohydra Lv60 Lv61 ( 1)

Dexterity value 60 ( 1)

Agility value 68

Intelligence Value 32

Muscle Strength 68

Vitality 97 ( 1)

Mental strength 32


Steadfast Avoidance Aquatic Smell Sensing with Chewed Roll

Heat sensing, magic sensing, signs blocking, intimidation, surprise attack.

Self Healing [Extreme] Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Small]

braces virulent strong acid fire attribute water attribute sleep resistant

Immediate Death Toxicity Resistance

Scorch Minervaour Lv60 Lv61 ( 1)

Dexterity value 46

Agility value 102 ( 1)

Intelligence value 61

Muscle strength value 62 ( 1)

Vitality 61

Mental Strength 46


Mouth Shooting Claw Shooting Silent Flying Avoiding Telescopic Wide Area Exploration

Nocturnal fluoroscopic echo positioning aerial manoeuvre surveillance breakthrough

Assault, cover-up, tracking, signs of blockade, signs of detection, hazard prediction.

Heavenly Sleep Confusion Self Recovery [Medium] Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Medium] Increased MP Recovery [Small] Confusion Resistance Immediate Death

Enchanting, sleep-resistant

Ernid Sage Lv60 Lv61 ( 1)

Dexterity value 58 ( 1)

Agility value 98 ( 1)

Intelligence value 68

Muscle strength value 45

Vitality 46

Mental Strength 57


Mouth Shooting Flying Aquatic Habitats Avoiding Psychic Psychic Spirit Shooting Telescopic

Night's Eye Wide Area Exploration Assault Hazard Detection Aerial Maneuver

Underwater Motorized Heavenly Ear Self-Recovery [Medium] Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Large] MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Fire Attribute Wind Attribute

soil attribute water attribute ice attribute wood attribute blessing rui bird weird

Toxic resistance

Isocyanate Spider God Lv60 Lv61 ( 1)

Dexterity value 87 ( 1)

Agility value 78

Intelligence value 30

Muscle strength value 78

Vitality 69 ( 1)

Mental Strength 30


Chewed Nail Strike Leap Avoid Climbing Excavation

Surprise Concealment Hazard Detection Vibration Sensing Magic Detection

Signs blocked, magic blocked, surveillance, night out yarn.

Trap Creation Cocoon Creation Mesh Yarn Junction Self-Recovery [Large]

Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery Increase [Small]

Dark Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes Toxic Paralysis Dark


Amorphas Mad Hydra Lv60 Lv61 ( 1)

Dexterity value 49

Agility value 64

Intelligence Value 32

Muscle strength value 80 ( 1)

Vitality 101 ( 1)

Mental strength 32


Steadfast Avoidance Aquatic Smell Sensing with Chewed Roll

Heat sensing, magic sensing, signs blocking, threats, surprise attacks, cover-ups.

Self-healing [large] physical resistance [medium] magic resistance [medium]

MP Recovery Increase [Small] Brace Violent Soil Attribute Water Attribute

Wood Attribute Immediate Death Resistance Paralysis Toxic Resistance

Confirmation is over.

Okay, let's get Ernid off the portal guard.

It's an obsidian week to deploy.

"Keith, you want a match?

"Yeah. I'm going hunting"

The organization is already building up in me.

It starts with aerial warfare.

Fighting the Universal Dragon in the arena means a lot.

Items were secured once.

Purely an experience earner.

No, he'll be the one to enjoy the great struggle!

Let's look forward to this.

You have to be patient until the trump card is ready to be used!

Okay, then.

What about the formation?

I made it ninetail, pale moon, spatter, ignis, pantanal.

What about the hunting grounds?

Angel hunting is good.

Fallen angels are good for you.

The shadows and goddesses of Vizovnil can be your opponents.

No, let's do it all!

I think it's a win for those who have enjoyed it anyway.

"[Horse Spear] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Equestrian] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Precision Manipulation] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Equilibrium] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Tracking] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The Summoning Monster 'Aemon' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

I wonder what.

I'm still dealing with Kelvim in a short time today.

I wonder if that's the effect, the pace of EXP earning is amazing!

Well, before we hunted here, we were in a tough battle with the Universal Dragon. The impact is also terrible.

This is the norm.

It makes me naturally sad without Kelvim.

If I don't even have Sloan, I'm gonna tongue you!

Thank you. I think I've completely switched the standards of my strong enemies.

It was the intellect value that was already rising with the status value of the Ethereal Moon.

Let's specify an agility value for the other stat up.

Aoyagi Kirin Lv60 Lv61 ( 1)

Dexterity value 49

Agility value 100 ( 1)

Intelligence value 57 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 49

Vitality 49

Mental Strength 49


Disease per biting head pedal body

Endurance Running Horse Ravaging Flying Kicking Up Farsighted

Wide Area Exploration Assault Tensei Aerial Mobility Divine Authority

Psychic Spirit Tracking Rider Recovery [Medium] Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Large] MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute wind attribute earth attribute water attribute

Thunder Attribute Holy Beast Weird

"The Summoning Monster Spatter has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

I wish I could enjoy more aerial warfare here on the u2 map.

Let's change our mind.

u3 map?

I like the W2U3 map before that.

Aerial warfare against fallen angels and masticators, I think!

It's horrible, but I'm not satisfied that it's not a bunch of angels with kelvims.

In a way, Mastima is an interesting opponent.

Even when you're fighting in an air war, you're not responding well.

I feel like I'm fighting because my wings are hard!

That response to smashing that wing of the whole offensive is extraordinary.

Let's move.

It doesn't matter if you are experientially disadvantaged.

Satisfy me!

It was vitality that was already rising with the status value of the spatter.

Let's specify a dexterity value for the other stat up.

Spatter Aurora Wing Lv60 Lv61 ( 1)

Dexterity value 45 ( 1)

Agility value 118

Intelligence value 62

Muscle strength value 44

Vitality 45 ( 1)

Mental strength 62


Mouth Shooting Flying Avoiding Telescopic Wide Area Exploration Nursing

Tracking Assault Hazard Detection Aerial Mobility Self-Recovery [Small]

Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery Increased [Large]

light attribute wind attribute earth attribute lightning attribute ionization

Disassembly, instant death, confusion, polarization.

"The summoning monster Ignis has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

And Ignis is leveling up, too.

Well, what about the formation?

It's a little troubling here, but it's okay.

We still have air power.

It was mental strength that was already rising at Ignis status levels.

Let's specify an intellect value for the other stat up.

Ignis Peacock Lv60 Lv61 ( 1)

Dexterity value 49

Agility value 103

Intelligence value 67 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 53

Vitality 53

Mental Strength 49 ( 1)


Mouth Shooting Kicking Flying Avoiding Psychic Psychic Psychic Shooting Farsighted

Night's Eye Wide Area Exploration Assault Tensei Aerial Maneuver

Self-healing [Extreme] Physical resistance [Small] Magic resistance [Medium]

MP Recovery Increase [Medium] Fire Attribute Wind Attribute Soil Attribute

Dissolved Attribute Immediate Death Toxic Deactivation Inflammation Weird

Okay, let's change the formation.

Let the Ethereal Moon, Spatta and Ignis return here.

Summoned Heather, Alyosha and Rosso.

Rosso had a lot to do with snow and white and wet feathers, but it's okay, right?

The other person definitely has a masticator.

You can use Ghost Dragon Weird to sharpen it if you like!



Heather is playing while I switch to Alyosha.

The place is over Pantanal's head, and its opponent is Ninetail.

As an example, you look young for some reason when you laugh.

That's why I look good playing with Ninetail and Pantanal.

That's a funny story.

Even then, among my subpoena monsters, they are ancient ginseng.

It would be a triumph for Nias and Telomea in the sense of the ancient Ginseng style.

Fair enough.

From now on, we will have the Fallen Angels and Mastimas repeatedly storm each other.

You expect that, don't you?

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