You want to move on from here?

Yes No


Things are different from before.

Suddenly I thought the battle was going to start and I was on my feet and I clapped it out.

Seems like an option here, but no stray.


We're moving on, right?

"Thou caller of the middle."

I'll give you the test you deserve.

"It will make a hard choice for you."

Do you still want a trial?

Yes No


Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!

Besides, we want more powerful enemies.

My standards have been skyrocketing lately.

Are you all right, sir?

Satisfy me.

Otherwise, I won't forgive you, will I?

I don't think so, but it's not exactly a statue in front of you, is it?

That would literally make me an enemy of Buddha.

Changes were happening while troubles were running around the back of my brain.

Fog all around?

It's getting dark at the same time.

And now it's brighter.

The surrounding landscape is a mess, not a cave.

It's like a plain somewhere.

What is this?

But there's a bigger change.

I don't see any Summoning Monsters around me.

Party faces, portal guard faces.

I can't even check in a virtual window.

What the hell is this?


Not exactly the same, but wasn't there a similar event before?

That's right, that's it.

At the beginning of the game, the battle against Doppelgenger is slightly similar.

So, what, you want me to fight myself?

I don't know about that either.

I think he told me in an info that he would make a tough choice.

I'd be really happy to talk about it myself.


Apparently, the other person is different.

A figure stands in a way that turns his back on me.


It's probably the Japanese knife in the waistband.

My head is gray, apparently like an old man, but my back stands pinned.

It just stood naturally, but also seemed to embody the ideal weakness.


This look, like you saw it somewhere?

A difficult atmosphere to get close to, which leads to someone from the English Spirit of the Swordhawk.

Who the hell are you?

Can you slaughter this man?

Let's see what we can do.

I still heard the info.

Is this some kind of event?

But I don't see a marker in the shadow of the person I'm dealing with.

[Identification] What kind of person doesn't work?

Slowly, the old man turns this way.

And a great deal of doubt arose in me.

Be good at the same time.

It's only natural that I remember what I saw before!


I remember when I first met my grandfather when I was a kid.

I'm there but I'm not there.

There was such an atmosphere.

But when it comes to training, the impression is blown away.




Those are only words.

Fear for me was my grandfather's very existence.

A knife on his waist was released.

Undisputed Japanese knife.

The beautiful body is gradually raised.

I suddenly remember what Grandpa taught me.

It also makes sense that Japanese swords are beautiful.

Photograph the surrounding scenery and blend it in!

That leads to the person you're fighting not being able to make sense of your time.

My grandfather packs the distance while I raise the knife.

I'm just walking.

Then there is no brake.

It moves naturally so that it slips even though the lower back position is low.

I see.

Is this the trial?

I think I finally understand the meaning of the bitter choice.

If the person fighting is indeed the flesh parent, hesitate and deserve it!

Yes, if you're a normal flesh parent.

The shape of Leviataine was cane.

This is changed to a knife.

Cancel the wind attribute that was set.

Leviataine has also changed to the shape of a knife, but the sword is somewhere western.

There is some discomfort with the pattern and violin, but there is no problem.

There are many things I think.

How did the operation bring in Grandpa's appearance?

Plus the intention is to make flesh parents fight against each other.

There's something behind it.

That's what I was telling you, but not now.

"Ha ha!"

It's my laughter that leaks unexpectedly.

Yes, I was laughing.

I was having fun.

Do you hesitate because you're a flesh parent?

There's no reason for that!

You should not hesitate because you are a flesh parent.

And I was always taught to try and kill. [M]

But if you don't, you'll really kill me.

I've been doing that exercise over and over again.

I'm moving forward again.

And put the levatein in your hand in plain sight.

I lowered my cut at once.

They're coming.

If you're my grandfather, there's a relentless slaughter coming from the dragonfly stand!

"Kay, yay, yay!"

A voice like a weird bird strikes my ear.

And how's Grandpa?

It was like the surface of the water that had swept until the beginning, but now it was like a burning flame.

However, the appearance is slightly uncomfortable.


Jump up the cutting edge of the knife and step forward.

I don't care now.

Is the power of your grandfather in front of you replicated?

I want to make sure from there first!




The skill does belong to your grandfather.

No, the movement itself is also like my grandfather when he was younger.

Slow but not slippery movement.

It's more dynamic!

But this is not enough.

I already knew what that was.



I shoot in a knife, too, as if to hit that madness.

It keeps getting overrun, but it's uncomfortable there, too.

Not like this.

He's not the kind of grandfather who rubs up a sword strike beautifully.

Step forward as if you were going to hit your body.

And come crush the steeple.

That's what happened all the time!

Sure, the grandfather in front of me, he's strong.

Strong, but not scary.

And I was sure.

He looks the same, this is not grandpa, even if he is outnumbered by strength.

Same as a loose shell.

That doesn't mean I can afford it.

I don't use spells or martial arts.

Then the power of Grandpa may approach or be equivalent to the English Spirit of the Swordhawk.

Honestly, it's weird that it's up.

There will also be the benefit of the gear you are wearing, but this one will still be at a disadvantage.

Spells, and martial arts?

No, this is a good opportunity.

How did the operation find out about me and Grandpa, and why did you do this trick?

I don't care about that anymore.

He's more than enough power.

What do you say this is not a good opportunity?

I get it.

Step by step, the madness grows in me.

And the beast was whispering.

Kill him.

It is the enemy in front of us.

Trying to take my life, it's an enemy.

Then kill him.

For what?

To eat meat, to sip blood, to take everything away.

That's the kind of fight Grandpa wanted.

And I don't think I could live up to that.

Let's make that happen now.

Protrude forward so that you can float the knife.

How much does it weigh?

I know.

What's the deal?

No problem.

Grandpa's sword also disappears between swordstrikes.

I can't afford to be calculating, such as the time I grasp in my head.

Whatever the time may be, crush the distance.

That's the way to go.

I don't originally know how to fight elegantly, such as cutting through the time and removing it critically.

If you're not the one who can afford to do that, you're outrageous!


Exhale at once.

And breathing.

Set your gaze, and at the same time, let your consciousness float.

Look forward as if looking at a tree and looking at a forest.

Drain strength from your body everywhere.

It's basic.

And basic, yet difficult to embody.

Basic yet profound.

And shackles the beast that is in me.

Not yet.

Just a little more, wait.

It's still early to unleash.


You can't, I can't.

I don't have the guts.

I couldn't stand it!



The voices of the beasts mix together and sound like one.

I'm gonna step forward and shoot you in at once!

That was the same for Grandpa.


Pain runs on the kicked leg rolled out.

It was halfway straight into Grandpa's belly, but it's stuck in his elbow and knee!


Sure, it's a move Grandpa could do.

And my grandson will use it relentlessly even against me.

But I still feel uncomfortable.

I still haven't got the moves I shouldn't use.

Poke your eyes.

Slap your ears.

Kick the gold.

I don't use any of them.

It just seems like we're fighting elegantly somewhere!


My head slams into my face.

But a series of attacks doesn't come from there.

Again, no.

Not my grandfather!


Stick your left hand knife into your jaw and grab your jawbone as you go.

I'm coming to get my elbows, but I don't mind!

Fly your legs as you go around to the side.

Kick the back of your knee with your right leg and land your kick foot as you go.

Stick your left knee up!

I hit the gold directly, but this was defended by my palms.

Grabbing his jawbone, he holds his head to his right side and grabs his grandfather's right ear.

In exchange for that, there was a severe pain running on my left elbow.

It's getting extreme.

But it has not been destroyed.

Then do it!


Pull hard with your ear grabbed and push your left elbow in.

My grandfather's body shaft broke slightly.

Flipped his body all at once, captured his wrist!

Throw with deformed sleeve fishing hips to flow!

But Grandpa avoided jumping himself and being slapped to the ground.

But within expectations.

Not yet, we should attack!


As you step through the back of your foot, keep your knees folded and low altitude tackle.

I don't mind if my elbow drops on my medulla oblongata like that.

I lifted it as it was!


Flip your body and throw it to the ground.

And from the tip of your head, drop it.

I threw him to the ground decently, but he's not finished?

My left arm was tangled with my grandfather's leg!

They captured my arm as it was, and I was pulled down to the ground, too.

Thoughts look clear.

You want to destroy my left elbow.

You can be destroyed.

But it's a wish to defeat!

Cross your head and tangle it with your legs before it locks.

Reverse triangulation.

I had concerns, but I don't mind.

Keep going, I'll strangle you up!

The left elbow remains in severe pain due to the forceful removal of the one that was about to be extremed.

That was making the beast in me more ferocious.

Unleash with madness at once.

I could see the head captured by reverse triangulation.

Release the palm bottom toward its side head!

I don't have the means to avoid this.

It was all a direct hit.

Still going to hit the palm bottom.

If you want to do it, do it thoroughly.

It was my grandfather who planted me like that.

And I had no reason to lose my hand because they were my grandfather.

Many times, I hit him directly.

There is no bite that I was concerned about.


Then I see ahead already.

It will be stuffed like this.

But don't be alarmed.

Fighting is the end of the day, and you don't know what's going to happen!

"Thou caller of the middle."

"Fearless of sin."

"To destroy the flesh and blood is to destroy the devil."

"I'll give you the title you deserve."

I got the title [Pass to Shura Road]!

"The [Knife] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Knife] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [machete] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Strike] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Kick] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Articulation] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Throw moves] have been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Evasion] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Received] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Precision Manipulation] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Leap] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Light Industry] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dash] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Signal Detection] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Signs blocked] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[BODY ENHANCEMENT] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Spiritual Enhancement] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Limit Breached] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

I think I got the title.

Shura Dao?

Is it most preferable to me in a six-door circle?

Hell of a way to go next.

Honestly, I don't have to break free.

That said, I don't think something will change.

No, it's also possible that Dragon Pappy can be added.

I'd like to check back later.

The surrounding landscape switches.

Looks like we're back in the square.

The Summoning Monsters are all here.

Were you worried about losing me?

There's no reason for that.

generous around the fire wheel.

Even Telomea seems to have a soothing atmosphere of regular swordsmanship.


I was wondering if someone could worry about me?

I want you to realize I'm back.

The fire wheel is throwing a strange gaze at me.

No, because you're not bad.

The first thing I noticed was Wolf.

But you were burying your face in the bristles of the fire wheel, too, right?

You've been watching this?

Oh, that's good.

Apparently it doesn't end in this cave.

A new cave was being worn.

It's like an entrance to an underground parking lot.

What time is it?

2: 40 a.m. would be the place.

The battle with Grandpa has been a fight from the middle of nowhere.

Honestly, it's been postponed.

My grandfather would have just had a drink with Kill.

As such, there are many doubts.

I don't understand the intent of the operation.

I don't even know how I could reproduce Grandpa in the game.

What's wrong with letting them fight flesh parents!

I guess that's what you would normally think.

But things are a little different for me and my grandfather.

It was different.

How many times, you can do it.

At the end of the battle, Grandpa broke his neck bone.

I'm not feeling guilty.

Instead, he was surrounded by a sense of trance.

Why is that?

I didn't have the right words to describe it.

Will I get another chance like this?

I can't tell that without trying this game more.

Then let's keep going.

Now proceed through the cave in front of you.

That should do it.

"The [Knife] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Knife] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [machete] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Summoning Magic] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Space-Time Magic] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Dark Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Thunder Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [No Curse] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Collaboration] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Equilibrium] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [Endurance Walk] has been leveled with the current battle victory!

"[Assassination] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Your current battle victory has increased your level of occupation!

"The race level has been increased with the current battle victory! Please add 1 point to any 2 status values."

I tried to move on through the cave.

This is good!

The difficulty is rising even faster!

Who's he dealing with?

It is a Buddha statue series, but the circumstances are slightly different.

It's not just the Ming Kings.

There are also faces such as Jidu and Luoyuan.

And they attack at the same time!

Besides, there is no delay in the collaboration seen in the hordes of angels and demons.

Individual strength is also extraordinary!

Terribly, it's even hard to bring it into combat.

No, it's not as if we've made it this far!

This is good.


I have major concerns.

It's hard to get here.

I want a relay portal.

I want it from the bottom of my heart!

Foundation Status

Dexterity value 70 (-7)

Agility value 70 (-7)

Intelligence value 109 ( 1) (-11)

Muscle Strength Value 70 (-7)

Vitality 70 (-7)

Mental Strength 109 ( 1) (-11)

"Bonus points will be added by 2 points. That brings us to 18 points."

As a matter of course, I use limiter cuts every time.

It somehow fits in to the extent that it can be covered by fire wheel blessings.

It was good to have the power to fight, including the portal guard.

How many times was the party alone wiped out?

That's all the fighting power is attacking me!

"The Summoning Monster Ghost Guardian has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

But maybe I can count on it?

There is a change in the condition of the cave.

Master Tang Wen on some of the struts.

There must be a hall ahead.

There must be!

Besides, it could be another fight.

Again, you can fight your grandfather.

Is that possible?

I want you to have it.

Many times, let me slaughter you.

It was vitality that was already rising with the status level of the Ghost Protector.

Please specify a muscle strength value for the other stat increase.

Ghost Throat Lv65 Lv66 ( 1)

Dexterity value 80

Agility value 80

Intelligence value 48

Muscle strength value 67 ( 1)

Vitality 67 ( 1)

Mental Strength 48


Bow, axe, sword, stick, knife, shield, dodge.

Covered Surprise Change Divine Prestige Meditation Night Eye Light Industry

Collaborative Precision Operation Leap Balance Signal Blocked

Signs perceived self-healing [small] physical resistance [medium]

Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute fire attribute earth attribute flow phase

"The Summoning Monster 'Ghost of War' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Wolf, the ghost guard, and the war ghost look like fun too.

In the face of ancient ginseng, it is strong enough to disrupt cooperation.

It's also great to be able to combine income and expenditure there somehow.

No, I'm in charge of the leadership, so Wolfe's contribution is huge.


The Golem team lined up and came forward to ravage the battle.

Rather than refrain from rearward, the rear guard also turns to the side to siege while keeping the backup attack tight.

Whatever you think, it just looks like a siege.

Besides, this place is huge, but it's a cave.

How did this happen?

Because of me?

I hate to admit it, but I guess I have to admit it.

It was the agility value that was already rising with the status value of the Warrior Ghost.

Let's specify a dexterity value for the other stat up.

War Ghost Augalord Lv65 Lv66 ( 1)

Dexterity value 61 ( 1)

Agility value 79 ( 1)

Intelligence Value 17

Muscle strength value 107

Vitality 107

Mental Strength 17


Strike, kick, bite, throw, avoid.

Per Climbing Equilibrium Throwing Arthropod

Severe High Rigidity Night Eye Grab Dash

Leap Balance Light Industry Collaborative Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Small] Self-Healing [Extremely Large] Petrification Resistance

Immediate death, paralysis, charm, darkness, poison.

"The summoning monster Nias has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

What time is it?

It's almost 3.30am.

A portal guard in the Summon Forest, but he hasn't left a puppet set in the voicemail.

I wanted to go back early if I could.

There must be a relay portal candidate ahead.

Otherwise a tougher fight awaits.

Believe me.

It was the dexterity value that was already up in the Nias status value.

Specify your mental strength for another point's Stat Up.

Nias Orkeanis Lv64 Lv65 ( 1)

Dexterity value 77 ( 1)

Agility value 76

Intelligence value 76

Muscle strength value 36

Vitality 37

Mental Strength 77 ( 1)


Double Pistol Avoidance Cooking Underwater Mobile Aquatic Heaven

Psychic Change Night Eye Curse Curse Meditation Collaboration

Precision Operation Self-Recovery [Small] Physical Resistance [Small]

Magic Resistance [Large] MP Recovery Increase [Large] Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute water attribute earth attribute wood attribute

Blessings, confusion, resonance.

"The summoning monster Terromere has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

And that's amazing.

A skilled [knife] says what's great.

I am continuously leveling up with great momentum.

The battle here is passing the gain with a kamikaze bird's sword.

I'm sure there's also a portion of what I earned for the Buddha Statue series against me.

But leveling up in a row is an anomaly.

Should I see you made quite a bit of money just playing against your grandfather?

As for me, it was a very uncomfortable battle.

Still, I'm pretty sure it was a big struggle.

I guess I should be happy.

It was the Intelligence value that was already up in the Terromere status value.

Let's specify an agility value for the other stat up.

Terromea Vampire Dutchess Lv64 Lv65 ( 1)

Dexterity value 45

Agility value 76 ( 1)

Intelligence value 76 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 45

Vitality 45

Mental Strength 75


Cane Hammer Small Shield Received Avoid Flying Aerial Manoeuvre

Heart and eye changes, signs of blocking, magic blocking, rituals in the palace.

Physical Resistance [Extreme] Magic Resistance [Large] Self-Repair [Large]

MP Absorption [Large] Increased MP Recovery [Medium] Surprise Blood Suction

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute

soil attribute water attribute dust attribute soluble attribute fascinating paralysis

Curse True Ancestry

"Previous Behavioral Experience has Level Up [Appraisal]!

Items are also abundant.

It was also a good idea to secure the number of trips between Qianbao Falun and Qianbao.

But this must not end.

Let's move on.

What about the change of formation?

I think there's a hall ahead.

That's as good as it gets.

I don't know what's going to happen.

Now I want to keep going with this formation.

"We have reached the deepest part of the cave set up by the lithography of moderation!

"Relay Portal Candidate Location Secured!

"You need a Fool's Plate to activate the point."

Further caves can be expanded.

Expansion will require a moderation tablet

I went out into the hall.

And as expected, it was a relay portal candidate.


And too bad!

The expectation that there is a battle is unbroken and scattered.

Whoa, priority now is to install the relay portal.

There is a tablet of the fool.

Plus, there's a tablet of moderation.

There was also an enhancement menu, so I did everything I could to enhance it!

Sooner or later it will be reflected in the arena of the Summoning Demon Forest.

I think you can count on it.

Look around.

There's no such thing as a weird hall, but something's crawling out!

It's the Spirit Mall of the Earth Spirit.

This is a scale I've never seen before!

Besides, some of the spirit malls can have Xuan Turtle Ongs over their heads.

Then Norm and Knocker also emerged.

That's a great number, too!

Head to one point of the hall wall after another and disappear.

Apparently, construction will start anew.


Thank you. I'm going to leave you to move on for the moment.

That's still enough.

It is of great significance that the relay portal has been secured.

You can always fight the Buddha Statue series by jumping here and going back to the cave.

I haven't been able to enjoy fighting against my Buddha Statue series opponents yet.

I prioritized trespassing.

Is the time 3: 50 AM?

Let's return to the Forest of Callers.

I want to log out and review the portal guard.

"Ah! There he is!

"I'm home!

I'm back in the forest of summoners.

It was Adele and Spring Vegetables waiting in front of the castle gate.

Fighting in the arena early in the morning, I guess?

There's no reason for that.

Must have come for a fire wheel or a patio.

Quick, I'm rushing over to the fire wheel.

"Ko, can I play with this girl?

"Just a little bit!

"Once, I'll be logged out. Just a little, huh?

It's still dark, but the big wheel of sunflower is two wheels, and I feel like it's blooming.

Absolutely no choice.

The fire wheel is running out of MP bars, and I'd really like to have it replaced.

This is what makes Adele and Spring Vegetables so fun to be here.

I don't sneak up on imitations that take away that pleasure.

On the other hand, I think.

Do something about it in front of yourself!

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