Horse Farm Shinto????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Original tiger

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Immediate Jiui administration????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Yoshihiro Shimazu????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Mastaro Kojima????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Morinaga Ko?

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Masahiro Hiratsuka????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Naoto Akai????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

They did it!

The void dragon will sink!

It looks terrible.

There is no shadow in sight of the many murder weapons that are equipped throughout the body.

The claws on both arms and legs are worn out, and the wings that should have been paired are lost.

The two pairs of arms, which seemed to be huge death sizes, were all amputated.

How much natural armor all over your body was pierced with spears, bloody paint!

All six eyes should have been crushed.

A ghost.

The English spirit of a swordsman, but he's always a ghost!

It was the general's head that I managed to fix, but this is not good.

Time is sure to spare!

Who am I supposed to sign up against?

There's only ghosts out there, right?

Is the Star of Hope the Lord of the Enchanted Demons?

No, he's still here!

Xinna Zhongyuan

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Yukihime Yamanaka????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Kiyoshi Kato????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

All the English spirits who are consolidating my surroundings.


Shin Na Zhongyuan has a large cylinder.

Okay, is that it?

My [English Spirit Summon] spell was the descent of a swordsman.

Well, the majority is fighting with spears, and now it is!

In fact, Kiyoshi Kato is a spear.

No, Kiyoshi Kato for Shinna Chungwon?

Wasn't there a time when we were confronting each other across the border?

I remember.

Are the stars of hope Mitsumomo Yamanaka fighting with a sword in his hand?

Do you want to taste the Seven Difficulties Together?

But I'm not as good as you, am I?


It's not the Seven Hardships I wish for.

It's not hard, either.

It's such a big struggle that I'm satisfied!

In brackets of great difficulty, it would be common!

For example, the Dragon Newt Hero in front of us.

Strong on offense!

The blow of the Cloth Du Soul now has been played with a shield.

I didn't stand up and defend myself.

It's no motion.

I have the impression that it moves null, like a slip.

It's a human away reaction!

No, I'm not a human being because I'm a dragonneut!

Moreover, when the effect of [sealing] is interrupted, various attributes are used without interruption in the brace attack.

My physique is also far above mine, but I stay like a saddle horse.

I mean, I'd love to be able to fight!

I just can't afford to do that!


The explosion burst in my ear, and Dragon Newt Hero blew up!

I know what happened.

It's a big one.

Did you do it again?

There must be a range, but Shinna Chungwon likes to let it go from close range.

I feel like I'm going to do the same thing if I let him have a modern weapon.

What's the basis?

Because I'm a Satsuma.

I think there's something I'm sorry about if I don't finish in front of you.

In fact, I only know the mouth, but I'm laughing.

No. Are you there?

It's a smile you shouldn't see.

Oh, that's something you don't want to be!

((((((six-man seal!

((((((seven-star seal!

(((((Ten Kings Sealed!

(((((Force Field!

((((((Prism light!

(((((Meetia Stream!


Once again, take over the support.

What about the Ice Castle?

It seems unnecessary to rebuild it.

I still have more than half the numbers, but no problem.

There is no longer a general.

The remaining strong enemies are Boyd Dragon and a few Dragon Newt Champions.

And fight.

Enjoyment time was imminent for a war involving fear and madness.

Play against all the English spirits of the Swordhawk in your spare time?

You're a warlord's mistake, not a swordsman.

Everyone but the Protective Demon King is.

What's going to happen to this?

I feel like it's just going to be a punishment game of fear.

What if Shin Na Zhongyuan is the opponent?

It's not weird to let go of a big barrel before you get the wooden knife, is it?

'Cause, look.

I'm a Satsuma.

Besides, there are other dangerous Satsumas.

Still want to fight.

I guess it's my business to be sorry if I do.

Do we have to accept our destiny clean here?

"The [two-handed sword] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Sealing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dark Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Wood Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Burning Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Collaboration] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Leap] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The summoning monster Terromere has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Come on, what's the time left?

Do you have three minutes?


No, I'm sure this is long.

And I only have a bad feeling about it.

Because the gaze that flies from the English Spirit of the Swordhawk is unusual!

Running up your back is fear.

And madness.

Floating in the back of the brain is a feeling of death.

Why is that?

The battle is over but the tension is as if uninterrupted.

Maybe this is where the real battle begins.

No, I'm serious about it.

It was the agility value that was already up in the Terromere status value.

Let's specify mental strength for the other stat up.

Terromea Vampire Dutchess Lv65 Lv66 ( 1)

Dexterity value 45

Agility value 77 ( 1)

Intelligence value 76

Muscle strength value 45

Vitality 45

Mental Strength 76 ( 1)


Cane Hammer Small Shield Received Avoid Flying Aerial Manoeuvre

Heart and eye changes, signs of blocking, magic blocking, rituals in the palace.

Physical Resistance [Extreme] Magic Resistance [Large] Self-Repair [Large]

MP Absorption [Large] Increased MP Recovery [Medium] Surprise Blood Suction

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute

soil attribute water attribute dust attribute soluble attribute fascinating paralysis

Curse True Ancestry

"The Summoning Monster Florin has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Eliminate my own status anomalies with soma liquor.

I shake two wooden knives from the Item Box and think they are being removed.

What kind of development would that be?

I can't read.

Too many people were unlikely to read it.

Confirm the position of the Defensive Demon King.

Naturally, my body understood that I was the person to apply to.

This is not an escape.

Because it's in all these faces, but the power is isolated!

This is not an escape.

I didn't run away!

It was the agility value that was already rising with the Florin status value.

Let's specify a dexterity value for the other stat up.

Florin Golden Bat Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 76 ( 1)

Agility value 100 ( 1)

Intelligence value 40

Muscle strength value 57

Vitality 57

Mental Strength 40


biting flying echo positioning hyperopia avoidance ambush

Covered tracking, surveillance, signs blocked, magic blocked.

Self-healing [Medium] Physical resistance [Medium] Magic resistance [Small]

Blood sucking, poisoning, dark chaos, paralysis, petrification, oblivion.

Hypnosis High Frequency Resonance Wave Low Frequency Poison Disabled

Immediate death, darkness.

"The Summoning Monster" Red Star "has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

What about stripping?

I'm in charge of the portal guard fire wheel.

I also have a slight desire to participate.

You don't have a choice.

It's not just the gaze that flies from the English Spirit of the Swordhawk.

Smells like death.

Definitely drifting.

I feel that way.

Oh, no.

I'm about to leak some weird laughter too!

I'm about to pee on you!

There was tremor all over the body.

Warrior tremor?

I'm sure it is.

Let's do that.

It was vitality that was already rising with Red Star status values.

Please specify a muscle strength value for the other stat increase.

Red Star Spector Road Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 56

Agility value 56

Intelligence value 57

Muscle strength value 57 ( 1)

Vitality 57 ( 1)

Mental Strength 57


Swords, hands, sticks, sticks, little shields, heavy armor.

Received Evasion Night Eye Collaboration Cloud Spraying Removal Magic Block

Physical Resistance [Extreme] Magic Resistance Extreme] MP Absorption [Large]

Self Repair [Extreme] Spacetime Attributes Light Attributes Dark Attributes

fire attribute wind attribute earth attribute water attribute soluble attribute

Ice Attribute Evil Light Resistant

"The Summoning Monster Sirius has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Around me there are Sirius in Terromea, and sixteen nights with the devil.

Stay away for a moment.

All the English spirits of the swordsmen, but there is a difference in degree, but it is sword swallowing.

I think it's a lot of unkind people.

Honestly, it's dangerous.

There's apparently a problem in front of me like that.

Rubbing among the English spirits?

I shouldn't do this.

In a way, it is also a boat that crosses the border.

Please, please be quiet!

It was the agility value that had already risen with the status value of Sirius.

Let's specify mental strength for the other stat up.

Sirius Whitefang Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 53

Agility value 100 ( 1)

Intelligence value 52

Muscle strength value 65

Vitality 65

Mental Strength 53 ( 1)


biting disease leap avoidance intimidation ear cover-up

Assault Balance Smell Sensing Hazard Sensing Tracking Night

Excavation Signs Blocked Predatory Absorption Self Recovery [Medium]

Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery Increased [Medium]

Light Attributes Dark Attributes Ice Attributes Immediate Death Resistance Enchantment Dark Resistance

brace instant death

"The Summoning Monster" Gimball "has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Who's rubbing it?

Hondo, Seiichi Mizuno, Yoshio Satake.

Yukihime Yamanaka joins the war here!

No, they're arbitrating.

Apparently, he is a relatively common sense person in this facade.

And I know why you're a hard worker.

He said he didn't want to arbitrate like that!

It's almost a fight, isn't it?

What about the Enchanted Demon King?

It doesn't move.

I think it's a position to arbitrate, but it doesn't work.

That sucks.

Fucking people, they're closing in on me!

There is no resting English spirit.

This sucks.

What am I gonna do?

It was vitality that was already rising with the status value of Gimbal.

Please specify a muscle strength value for the other stat increase.

Gimbal Schwarzlevé Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 66

Agility value 105

Intelligence value 33

Muscle strength value 74 ( 1)

Vitality 74 ( 1)

Mental strength 33


biting tear high avoidance disease drive endurance walk

Sneak Leap Danger Detection Night Eye Cover-up

Tracking Surveillance Signs Blocking Assassination Physical Resistance [Medium]

Self Healing [Medium] Magic Resistance [Small] MP Healing Increase [Small]

Assault Drilling Dark Attributes Fire Attributes Soil Attributes Solute Attributes

Dark Paralysis Poison Resistance Dark Poison Resistance

Yoshihiro Shimazu came first.

Toyosu Shimazu to the left and right, Shinna Chungwon.

I can't see the spear or the large cylinder I should have had in my hand.

It's obvious what kind of connection it is.


It's Tsujima.

And my hand was reaching for the pattern of a knife on my hips.

Is that it?

Don't you use a wooden knife?


The first shooting could have been avoided.

What about the wooden knife I had in my hand?

It was amputated.

Not again.

Is this a recent boom?

Yoshihiro Shimazu is rebuilding the knife he pulled out and shot.

Low hip position.

And slightly forward leaning attitude.

I mean it.

And what if I was eating that blow earlier?

I would have had my abdomen torn.

Will this happen?

No, I had a feeling this was going to happen!

I just didn't want to admit it.

I just didn't want to give up hope.

And I can't go back.

There are more dangerous signs.

Toyoshimazu Shimazu, and Shinna Chungwon are semi-surrounded while keeping a little distance between left and right.

Each one of them was pulling out a knife.

What we have in common is a smile in our mouths.

It's like a carnivore itself.

A ghost.

There's a ghost in front of me!

Let go of the wooden knife and pull out the Kukri knife on your right hand.

On the left hand side is the Little Sword of the Fury Snake Dragon God.

I guess the English spirits have only a few hours left.

Still too dangerous time.

It's too much to kill or be killed!


And odd.

My body doesn't change and I can't stop shivering.

And I was laughing.

This won't stop either!

Three people attacking at the same time?


Is it dirty?

Battlefields are common.

I don't have the idea that it's cowardly if it's not one-on-one.

Probably not even in the English spirits in front of you.

'Cause, look.

I'm a Satsuma.





The voice of the beast sounds.

That meant the beginning of a death fight.

Yes, this is not an audition.

Kill each other!

"[Sword] has leveled up in the current battle!

"The [two-handed sword] has been leveled in the current battle!

"[Strike] has been leveled in the current battle!

"[Kick] has leveled up in the current battle!

"[Arthrop] has been leveled in the current battle!

"[Throw moves] have been leveled in the current battle!

"[Duplicant] has leveled up in the current battle!

"[Dash] has leveled up in the current battle!

"[Endurance Walk] has leveled up in the current battle!

"[BODY ENHANCEMENT] has been leveled in the current battle!

"[Spiritual Enhancement] has leveled up in the current battle!

"[Limit Breached] has been leveled in the current battle!


You can't win!

A word before that.

I thought I was going to die.

Really, I thought we were going back to death!

I thought you were coming to discuss it.

In fact, I was wary when Toyoshima Shimazu snuck in.

There were ghosts at close range.

And Yoshihiro Shimazu is coming to shoot in across Shimazuku's body!

A ghost.

You don't think about talking to each other?

I guess it was my gear that didn't crack my shoulder.

But I think it also affected Shimazu Toyoshi's shoulder.


It's got nothing to do with flesh and blood!

I knew it was a fluke to use any hand if it was to clamp down on the enemy.

I'm convinced to experience it.

Besides, Toyoshima Shimazu doesn't even make it a decent fight.

Because he's coming for his neck with a knife.

I don't like it.

Do you want a general's head that bad?

I would do something similar.

If you change your position, you change the way you look at it.

Honestly, my spine is still cold.

Why isn't [cold] working?

Why is that?

"Mr. Keith!

"Hey, what are you doing!

"No, it's a match, as you can see."

Spring vegetables and this flower were in the audience.

I don't know.

Were you watching the match?

Honestly, I don't think it was a substitute for watching and enjoying.

It is certain that the battle was equal even though the beasts were involved with each other.

"Do you want to use it in a match? Just give me a minute. The stripping operation remains."

"No, I think recovery is ahead of that,"


Look at my own marker.

Mild but abnormal status.

However, this fits within the scope of being able to recover to the fire wheel.

The problem was with the HP bar.

10% left.


10% left!

You were really close to dying!

"It's okay, he's not dead."

"I'm dying!

Is that true?

But when these matches are over, I feel more comfortable sparing them.

It's strange, even though it was just a kill that went on with a terrible look.

I wonder why?

Is it affecting me that I'm definitely a Satsuma, too?

I don't like it.

I don't want to be.

I think so again.

And yet I also feel yearning, this contradiction.

I don't understand myself anymore.

What is it, this feeling?

[Material Item] Vanity Dragon Wing Claw Raw Material Quality A +

Rarity? Weight 8 +

Boyd Dragon's side arm nails. The surface is pitch black and glossy.

Thin and long, the figure is elegant and a few exist as works of art.

"Previous Behavioral Experience has Level Up [Dismantling]!

The same thing is peeled from two void dragons.

This is already easy to understand.

He said make Death Size.

That's what this is about, isn't it?


But now, I want you to separate me.

Restore your gear first.

I would also like to log out and check the level of the portal guard.

There's also a review of the portal guard in the Summon Forest.

Oh, there's already so much going on and my head's gonna get confused!

"Previous Behavioral Experience has Level Up [Alchemy]!

Restoration is fine.

I was the only one who ate it, but the reason is obvious.

Shimazu is abundant.

No more tears, that English spirit!

I hope it hurt badly all over the gear, but it was just before they smashed me!

There was nothing wrong with it.

I didn't take it personally either.

Should I describe it more accurately?

There was no room for manipulation.

I can tell you because it's over, but I'm dying to do it again.

It's not my will.

My body felt that way.

It's like you're shaking with joy after the battle!

But is there ever going to be a chance?

I don't think so for the moment.

Spring vegetables and this flower are in the middle of a battle in the arena.

The opponents are Apsaras and Hanuman.

The General Commander is apparently the shadow of Brahmar on Hansa.

Is that reasonably difficult?

Whoa, let's log out while we're at it.

What needs to be done should be done by now.

Anyway, I have a delivery today.

Looking forward to it.

I'm counting on you, Mr. Saki, Mr. Malgrid!

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Couturier!

Please check the status of Couturier.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Guardian!

Please check the status of "Protector"

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Suraj!

Please check the status of "Suraj"

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Kue!

Please check the status of Kue.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployed Summoning Monster Butterfly Maru!

Please check the status of Butterfly Maru.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster, Reticle Cost!

"Please check the status of" Reticle Cost ""

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployed Summoning Monster Spark!

Please check the status of Spark.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployed Summoning Monster Crack!

Please check the status of "Crack"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Auro!

Please check the status of "Auro"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Plata!

Please check the status of "Plata."

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Silvra!

Please check the status of Silvera.

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Ge Che!

Please check the status of "Ge Che"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster, Scoville!

Please check the status of "Scoville"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster, Sixteen Nights!

Please check the status of Sixteen Nights.

"The Portal Guard has levelled the deployed Summoning Monster" Your Ship "!

Please check the status of your ship.

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Senote!

Please check the status of "Senote."

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Caller!

Please check the status of the caller.

Logged in again.

I used the tent in the audience because it was a waste of time.

The battle between spring vegetables and this flower was still going on.

Fine, struggling?

But the war is not going to be covered anymore.

Looks like we're almost there to win.

Well, it's a portal guard level up.

That's a lot today.

And based on this, I'd also like to review it.

What about Sleep Lotus Sinus?

Can I keep it that way?

If there is an ernid, I'll take care of it and feel safe.

Couturier Divine Demon Bee Queen Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 86 ( 1)

Agility value 110

Intelligence value 55

Muscle strength value 30

Vitality 63 ( 1)

Mental Strength 30


Flying Avoidance with Needle Strike Bite Collection Beekeeping

Architecture Wide Area Exploration Night Assault Hazard Detection Magic Detection

Aerial manoeuvre tracking induced self-recovery [Medium] Physical resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Large] Increased MP Recovery [Small] Fatal Toxic Paralysis

Darkness attracts petrochemical resistance, confusion resistance, slavery.

Guardian Clone Servant [Male Model] Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 106

Agility value 42

Intelligence value 76 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 45 ( 1)

Vitality 45

Mental Strength 44


Handax Hammer Bow Strong Bow Small Shield Received Avoidance Woodworking

Masonry Farming Afforestation Livestock Tutorial Brewing Night

Surveillance Palace Ritual Collaboration Precision Operating Physical Resistance [Greater]

Magic Resistance [Large] Self Repair [Medium] MP Recovery Increased [Medium]

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute earth attribute

water attribute soluble attribute wood attribute

Suraj Clone Servant [Female] Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 104

Agility value 64

Intelligence value 75 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 31

Vitality 32

Mental Strength 51 ( 1)


Handax Hammer Bow Small Shield Received Avoidance Cooking Woodworking

Masonry Livestock Farming Tutorial Sewing Night Surveillance

Miyagi Ritual Precision Operation Dash Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Large] Self Repair [Medium] MP Heal Increase [Large]

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute

water attribute soil attribute soluble attribute wood attribute

Kue Deus Ex Makina Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 106

Agility value 51

Intelligence value 58 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 37 ( 1)

Vitality 38

Mental Strength 48


Sword Two Pistol Hammer Handaxe Bow Small Shield Dodge Received

culinary masonry afforestation woodworking farming carpentry night

Precision Operating Physical Resistance [Extreme] Magic Resistance [Extreme]

Self Repair [Large] MP Recovery Increase [Micro] Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute earth attribute water attribute wood attribute

Butterfly Round Cyber Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 103 ( 1)

Agility value 59

Intelligence value 91 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 31

Vitality 33

Mental Strength 65


Small Sword Bow Received Avoidance Cooking Livestock Tutorial Brewing

Night's Watch Collaboration Precision Operation Balance Miyagi Ritual

Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Medium] Self-Repair [Medium]

MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Space-time Attributes Light Attributes Dark Attributes

fire attribute wind attribute earth attribute water attribute wood attribute dust attribute

Reticle Raver Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 92 ( 1)

Agility value 52

Intelligence value 40

Muscle strength value 95

Vitality 67 ( 1)

Mental Strength 34


Handax Hammer Bow Small Shield Received Avoidance Steadfast

equilibrium climbing leap woodworking afforestation farming masonry

Night Collaboration Precision Operation Dash Physical Resistance [Large]

Magic Resistance [Medium] Self Repair [Large] MP Heal Increase [Small]

soil attribute water attribute wood attribute

Spark Divine Demon Bee Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 67 ( 1)

Agility value 124 ( 1)

Intelligence Value 23

Muscle strength value 79

Vitality 67

Mental Strength 24


Flying With Needle Strike Bite Avoiding Steadfast Drilling

Wide Area Exploration Night Surveillance Collaboration Precision Operation

Collection Surprise Tracking Special Attack Signs Blocked

Hazard Sensing Vibration Sensing Aerial Mobile Self-Recovery [Medium]

Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Medium] Violent

Paralysis Resonance Resistance Paralysis Resistance Attraction Toxicity Resistance

Crack Divine Demon Bee Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 72

Agility value 122 ( 1)

Intelligence Value 23

Muscle strength value 75 ( 1)

Vitality 69

Mental Strength 23


Flying With Needle Strike Bite Avoiding Steadfast Drilling

Wide Area Exploration Night Surveillance Collaboration Precision Operation

Collection Surprise Tracking Special Attack Signs Blocked

Hazard Sensing Vibration Sensing Aerial Mobile Self-Recovery [Medium]

Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Medium] Violent

Paralysis Resonance Resistance Sleep Resistance Immediate Death Toxicity Resistance

Auro Orihal Condor Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 106 ( 1)

Agility value 35

Intelligence value 63

Muscle strength value 63

Vitality 72 ( 1)

Mental Strength 37


Handax Hammer Bow Small Shield Avoid Receiving Woodworking Afforestation

Alchemy Precision Operation Night Climbing Excavation Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Large] Self Repair [Large] MP Recovery Increased [Medium]

MP Recovery [Medium] Tune Fire Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes

wood attribute solubility attribute

Plata Miss Lildor Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 96 ( 1)

Agility value 64

Intelligence value 71 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 43

Vitality 46

Mental strength 56


Sword Hammer Bow Small Shield Avoid Receiving Cooking Sewing

Livestock Glassworkers Pharmacists Precision Operation Equilibrium Collaboration

Night's Eye Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Medium] Self-Repair [Medium]

MP Recovery Increase [Large] MP Recovery [Large] Wind Attributes Soil Attributes

water attribute tree attribute

Silvera Blue Pudding Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 111 ( 1)

Agility value 55

Intelligence Value 32

Muscle strength value 32 ( 1)

Vitality 72

Mental Strength 37


Restraint ambush shape change per dissolved erode

Viscosity Change Surface Tension Offset Signs Block Self Recovery [Medium]

Physical Attack Disabled Magic Resistance [Large] Strengthened Elasticity [Large]

Water Attributes Fire Attributes Light Attributes Petrochemical Toxic Split Resistant

pseudo liquefaction osmotic pressure

Geche Clearwoods Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 99 ( 1)

Agility value 89 ( 1)

Intelligence value 34

Muscle strength value 21

Vitality 70

Mental Strength 24


Restraint ambush shape change per dissolved erode

Viscosity Change Surface Tension Offset Signs Block Self Recovery [Medium]

Physical Attack Disabled Magic Resistance [Large] Strengthened Elasticity [Large]

Ice Attributes Fire Attributes Dark Attributes Petrochemical Resistant Toxic Split

pseudo-frozen crystallization

Scoville Red Gel Lv63 Lv64 ( 1)

Dexterity value 76

Agility value 27

Intelligence value 26

Muscle strength value 103 ( 1)

Vitality 80 ( 1)

Mental Strength 27


Restraint ambush shape change per dissolved erode

Viscosity Change Surface Tension Offset Signs Block Self Recovery [Medium]

Physical Attack Disabled Magic Resistance [Large] Strengthened Elasticity [Large]

Fire Attribute Water Attribute Wind Attribute Petrochemical Toxic Split Resistant

pseudo hao flame carbide

Sixteen Nights Silver Moon Wolf Lv62 Lv63 ( 1)

Dexterity value 45

Agility value 72

Intelligence value 89 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 44

Vitality 45

Mental Strength 63 ( 1)


Small Sword Binding Cane Strike Kick Throw Technique

Arthroplasty avoidance biting disease climbing

Intimidation Response Targeting Tracking Meditation Night Co-operation

Smell-sensitive self-healing [Small] Physical resistance [Small]

Magic Resistance [Greater] MP Recovery Increase [Greater] Transformation

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute

soil attribute water attribute lightning attribute ice attribute soluble attribute

Wood Attributes Dark Resistant Silence Resistant

Your ship Medusa Lv62 Lv63 ( 1)

Dexterity value 39

Agility value 60 ( 1)

Intelligence value 95 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 39

Vitality 60

Mental Strength 76


Avoidance telescopic wide-area exploration with bow bite winding

Flying Night Eye Surveillance Meditation Smell Sensing Heat Sensing

echo positioning signs blocking equilibrium cover-up change

Self-healing [small] Physical resistance [small] Magic resistance [large]

MP Recovery Increased [Small] MP Absorption [Medium] Blood Sucking Curse

Curse Eye Spacetime Attribute Light Attribute Dark Attribute Wind Attribute

soil attribute water attribute wood attribute poison dark silence

It attracts petrochemical resistance, silence resistance, petrochemical resistance.

Senote Dolphin Sage Lv50 Lv51 ( 1)

Dexterity value 50

Agility value 83 ( 1)

Intelligence value 104 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 34

Vitality 35

Mental strength 51


biting avoidance underwater manoeuvre leap aquatic habitat

Night Curse Sound Resonance Wave Radio Frequency Vibration Sensing

Resonance Tracking Self Recovery [Medium] Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery Increased [Large] Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute wind attribute earth attribute water attribute

Ice, lightning, confusion, charm.

Caller Squid King Lv50 Lv51 ( 1)

Dexterity value 85 ( 1)

Agility value 85 ( 1)

Intelligence value 30

Muscle strength value 32

Vitality 84

Mental Strength 31


Bite-wound Strike Avoidance Underwater Mobile Aquatic Habitat

Travel Restraint Discolour Intimidation Ink Smoke Screen Arm Playback

Farsighted Night Surveillance Surprise Cover-up Magic Sensing

Magic Block Tracking Self Healing [Large] Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Medium] Spacetime Attributes Light Attributes Dark Attributes

Water Attribute Paralysis Dark Poison Disabled Dark Resistance

End of confirmation.

Was it a little much this time?

Next, then.

What shall we do with the portal guard of the Summoning Demon Forest?

If you are going to keep in mind the bottom up of your battle, I wish you could take off your low-level face and work out.

I still have plans for an exploratory line today.

If you want to do it, you should deploy facades that want to level up the opposite.

But, you know, there are lots of faces that I want to fix.

Eventually, I stayed to remove the demon and deploy the isocyanate.

"Mr. Keith, are you free?

"You can keep up the fight. I have other business to attend to."

"Uh, can I have this kid with me, then?

"Don't spoil me, okay?

"Of course!"

Spring vegetables are buried in the fur of a fire wheel.

Don't spoil it, I shouldn't have said.

Don't be sweet, I should have said.

That's both of them already.

I have nothing to complain about if you want me to take part in the match.

"Because I'm in the workplace"

"Copy that!"

For that reason, let's try to clean up the remaining challenges.

The Winged Claw of Nothingness Dragon?

It can be sized and weighed into shapes that only have to be machined to death size.

What kind of finish would this be?

I'm a little excited.

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