Everybody all set?

Then I guess you can leave.

I still lay Surugawa and Nomura together.

I haven't settled the match, okay?

"Why don't you giv it already?

"That's what I wanted to say before the match!

Herculeous responds to Adele's advice.

No, it boggles.

You're not serious, are you?

"Ki, Mr. Keith!

"Because we're losing so much we can't fight back!


I'm pretty sure I'm laying down Surugawa and Nomura, but I haven't run out of them.

I just want to have some more fun.

I can't help it.

We also saw a place that looked like a port town, and that confirmation should be a priority.

"Sungawa, Nomura, are you okay?

"Doh, somehow."

"Please wait while we recover."

There is a clear difference between these two when it comes to fighting.

Surugawa has a good defense against joint moves.

But the only thing that is good is defense, and it would be different to say that you are good at joints.

It's strange that it's really unbalanced.

"Adele, I need you to compile the union application and put it out."


Adele jumped on Goldsheep's back.

Enjoyed enough?

For that matter, I hope to explore it after this.

'Mr. Keith, what's your policy?

"Flypass over the sky a few times to see how it goes"

"Reconnaissance first, right?

"Oh, there's a possibility of an already freed area portal."

Irina is also basic and will know how to behave.

You asked me on purpose to make sure. [M]

This is becoming routine as well.

"I'll throw you a party on the premise that it's going to be a battle."

"Oh, that's more likely."

Well, and.

Are you ready to leave?

If it's going to be an area portal liberation battle, is it in town?

It's like a port town, and maybe something's coming from the ocean?

In any case, it would be possible to deal with it.

These unions are all Summoner players.

The range of correspondence is wide.

I think this is what makes the Summoner system strong.

"Big, right?

"It's definitely bigger than Salinas!

This is definitely a port town.

And I couldn't use the menu on the area portal.

I can't even confirm the name on a wide area map.

Then I'd expect an area portal liberation battle, but I can't find a human soul!

At least in terms of results from above.

The possibility of remaining is in the building.

It is not uncommon because there have been many times before.

However, in such cases, there should be a building that would be marked.

Not here.

Maybe from the harbor?

"Do you want to go down to the ground and explore the building?

"Oh. You should split it."

"Roger, we're landing!

"Change the formation, too."

"I can't help it."

I think I just paused a little while ago.

I know how that feels.

Everyone here will feel the same way.

"Then ask for Surugawa and Nomura, around the harbour facility"

"" Answer!

"Adele and Irina go through the town fence. External alert, please."

"" Yes!

"Spring vegetables and these flowers are on the north side of town, Hyodor and Herculeous are on the west side of town"

"" Yes!

"" Roger!

"Zeta will come with me. Take charge of the south side of town"


Change the formation simultaneously in front of the barrier at the entrance to the town.

What about me?

Wolf, Modulus, Princess Kiyoshi, Stay for the Night, Chelate.

I think this would be fine if I were to explore indoors.

It's natural to use Creyavoyance, but I don't think we can find human souls without going indoors at all.

I could also think of the possibility of a sudden indoor war with a demon.

Let's go here carefully.

What about Zeta?

Great God, Whitefang, Medusa, Minervaour, Silver Moon Wolf.

It is still an exploration-conscious organization.

"Be sure to contact me when the time comes, even if it's fruitless."

"" "" Yes!

Copy that!

When I dropped off two people and four pairs of unions scattered away, Zeta and I were the only ones.

Working with him, because it's been a while?

"What do you think?

'It's too quiet. And there still seemed to be traces of life.'

"There seems to be another trick."

'Sure. It's unnatural.'

Zeta seemed to feel the same discomfort as me.

Yes, this town is past quiet.

It's not just because you don't see any residents.

While it is somewhere cluttered, there are also signs that people were there until recently.

Zeta was right. It was unnatural.

"I'll get ahead of you"

Copy that.

The Summoning Monsters are scattered around.

It's a form of escorting me and Zeta.

Next to me, Wolfe is following me.

If there seems to be any imminent danger, you will perceive it before I do.

Zeta-kun on the rear, Minervaour on its shoulder.

I also see the Great God, the White Fang, and the Silver Moon Wolf.

Modulus, Kiyohime, Waiting for Night, Chelate, and Zeta-kun's Medusa are invisible.

Some have disappeared, and some seem to be moving through the roof of the building.

Well, do you have a human soul?

I want you to have it.

And the atmosphere in this town is strange.

Did the devil set you up?

If so, it means a trap.

It's a trap.

I sure hope so.

I don't care what kind of trap it is.

The most troubling thing is that there is nothing.

"The fire is out."

"The fireplace, too, but I didn't know it stayed on fire."

Looks like you had a resident till morning.

Every house is the same.

I get the impression that only the inhabitants are suddenly disappearing, with traces of life left behind.

Laundry left in front of the pump.

Cooking left on the table.

Kitchen that I think was cooking.

There were stalls, but they were all closed.

Everything felt like it was thrown out on the way.

"There's no human soul here either."

"Oh. And apparently, it's the same situation everywhere."

"Do you want to put it back out? You can call for backup."

"No, I want to see how everyone's progressing once. I need your help."

"Copy that. I'll call Hyodor."

I'll use the telepath, too.

Let's start with Irina, we're tracking down the town fence, so we should be watching the whole thing.

I might be finding something to worry about.

"Right. Is there anything unusual?"

"Yes, the same goes for out of town"

"Copy that. Keep exploring."

"Mr. Keith, wait a minute! There's movement!


"There are many mist-based undead appearances! But I can't confirm the marker!

Look out the window.

Sure, there was some misty shadow.

It seems to be in the shape of a person but the outline is unclear.

There seems to be quite a few.

"I checked over here too! Don't make contact with the detours!


"Outside town, head to where you first came here! I'll rendezvous with you!

Copy that!

Turn off the telepath.

Zeta-kun is also in a telepath conversation with Hyodle?

Just look at the look on that face and you'll see.

Maybe there are mist-like figures appearing all over town.

"Zeta, tell her to jump on the teleport with Irina as her goal."

'Yes, what else?

"Contact Sungawa and Nomura when you're done. I will contact Spring Vegetables and this flower from now on"

When Zeta confirms to snort, I also use a telepath.

Apparently something is starting to happen.

What the hell?

We have to figure that out.

"Sorry, it's late!

"Surugawa and Nomura are here!

'Union application, I'll put it out!

"Get away from the gate! Something's overflowing, huh?

The gates provided for the harbour town barrier were only slightly open.

A misty shadow is slowly walking out of there.

This sight, like you saw somewhere?

Where was it?

Only one out of the shadows, a clear outline walked out.

I have a yellow marker overhead.

The appearance of a woman with a clear and quiet impression.

But powerful intimidation.

Then I can also feel the atmosphere that seems peaceful.

I knew this woman.


What do you see?


"Would you see a shadow? But this is the remnants of the people, and they're destined to disappear now."


"Go south more than here. You will see the tragedy of distortion '

"What the hell happened?

'I don't know the words that speak it. And know there are things you can't say in words. "

The goddess has a sad face.

How could you?

I don't know why.

There had been unusual changes.

The surroundings are getting dark.

Did anyone use the Dark Magic Spell, Pauler Knight?

"If I disappear, these men will come upon you."

"Because it is?

'Run now if you can! And warn them! This world is.'

The Goddess's words were inadvertently interrupted.

The surface changes its appearance at once.

It's like a mirror.

Yeah, like that u4 map!

The sky had darkened at once, but the light had fallen slightly.

Starry sky.

Isn't this the sight of the u4 map itself?

"It's gonna be a fight! Try everything you can!

"Ri, Roger!

"The other guy is undead?

"No, I'm sure he'll be a worse opponent! Irina, I use Swordhawk descent!

'Yes, yes!

"Just take over Tai Gong fishing! Organize what other [English Spirit Summons] can use!

"Copy that! I'll go Tai Gong fishing!

"Those who can use Extra Summoning add Greater Dragons!

"'"' Yes!

"" "" Roger!

"You can also go to the Spirit Gate!

"Ooh! Go in full bloom!

View Port Town as you take the Orihalcon sphere out of the Item Box one after the other.

Shadows on the walls, too.

The shadows coming out of the gate overflowing are taking on some form.

I see.

Will it!

Adam Cadmon????





This is the one leading the way.

And how about there's more than one of these guys?

You want to make me so happy?

"The Divine Demonic Fight!" "Vajra!" "Enchanted Breaker!" "Limiter cut!

The shadows around him were showing their identity one after the other.

In a way, I'm convinced.

The Undead Army!


Skeleton Night????

Specter Road????

Skull Road????

Skull Assassin????

Skull Wizard????


Zombie Hero????

(((sancityfi undead!


((Holly Wright!

((Prism light!

((((six-man seal!

((((seven-star seal!

((((Ten Kings Sealed!

((Holly Prison!

((Gravity Prison!


((Embritlement Area!

((Solar Wind!

((Acid mist!


"Taigang Fishing!

"" Spirit Gate!

"" "." "" "Extra Summoning!

Greater Dragons add, and spirits expand around them!

But can we make it?

There is a black part in the starry sky over my head.

Something huge Sloan-class!

But if it's an angel sloan, my whole body will glow, so I can just see it.

Then I don't have that much on my mind.




Grigori reincarnator????

Fallen Angel????????

I knew it was this guy.

It looks like Grigori's reincarnators are illuminating it as a light source.

There's even a masticator, and would other fallen angels be an addition?

It makes me wonder what the mell cover is equipped with.



Build an ice castle backwards.

It will be a barrier to all Adele and the others along with the old man of the English Spirit.

(Physical Enchant Fire!)

(Physical Enchant Earth!)

(Physical Enchant Wind!)

(Physical Enchant Aqua!)

(Mental Enchant Wright!)

(Mental Enchant Dark!)

(Cross dominance!)

(Acrobatic Flight!)

(Gravity Mail!)

(Psycho Pod!)



(Boyd Sphere!)

(Dark Shield!

(Fire heels!

(Heat Body!)

(Resist Fire!

(The Twelve will seal!


I think it is strengthening.

We don't know what the Melcovers are equipped with, but the number of undead is a dangerous area!

After this, I'm going to summon all the swordsmen. Is that enough?

If I add too much, my prey will be reduced.

That's what bothers me.

"Irina! Can you go for the assassination ravages?

"Yes! Spring vegetables?

'Yeah! I can go!

"What about the Scarlet Flame Virgin?

'It's okay, Adele!


While giving instructions, I stepped forward with the Ice Castle on my back.

Wolfe has already taken the other Summoning Monsters around to play.

Both Modulus and Kiyohime will be supported from behind on the walls.

I'm not blind, but I'm sure you're lurking somewhere for dinner and chelates.

"Mr. Keith! It's dangerous! '

"Oh, I guess so"

(Swordsman descending!

I also use the [English Spirit Summon] spell, Swordsman Descent.

Maybe we won't get time for an audition this time.

The enemy power coming out of the harbour town is enormous!

"Crushing Ravage!

"Scarlet Flame Virgin!

One [English Spirit Summons] spell after another is added!

There's a lot of prey, but I'm not going to give it up either.

Adam Cadmon is the only thing I want to monopolize!



(((((((Magnetic Force!

(The Twelve will seal!


Laying a multi-faceted junction, while moving forward!

The English spirits who go past me like that!

Hey, man!

But I had other things to do.

Look at the Orihalcon sphere with your right hand as you mace the shape of the Levatein in your left hand.

Yes, I have this!

(Rail guns!


The Orihalcon sphere is sucked into the line of the undead through the English spirits.

You saw the battle of the undead formed, the English spirits penetrate!

Alexander the Great????

English Spirit in battle

Jeanne D'Arc????

English Spirit in battle

Enchanted Demon King????

English Spirit in battle

Alexander the Great is naturally but fast because he rides a tank.

Even Master Jeanne d 'Arc is fast because he's riding a horse.

But why are you so fast when you're just running like a magic king?

A mystery.

I draw a line with the other swordsmen!

"Mr. Keith, you can still do it on top of each other!

"On hold! I'll tell him that when I deem it necessary!

'Yes, yes!

What happens if I add any more [English Spirit Summons]?

I am certain that my prey will be reduced more than necessary.

Then you should look at the situation a little bit.

I don't intend to defeat it, naturally, but I don't intend to make the Great Struggle a mortal battle.

This place is so subtle!




I stopped using a multi-faceted junction along the way.

I'm not tired of anything.

Inspired by the English Spirit of the Swordhawk, is correct.

I'm reshaping Leviataine into a machete and stroking the undead!

Difficult to use a blade on a skeleton system?

Sure, you're right, but it seems as though it has nothing to do with you swordsmen.

What would I do?

You think so, you want to try it!

Medicine pills and Chen???

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Higashigo heavy????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

There are always these people next to me.

Why not?

I wonder why?

It must be you.

I guess the blood of the Satsuma is calling.

You're in trouble!

A ghost glance?

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Takeshi Tsukahara????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Matsumoto makeshi????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

One Master Oka????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Four swordsmen dance a short distance away.

That's what I'd like to describe, a great move!

Waste has been shredded. The movement will be natural and beautiful, he said.

I'm witnessing that!

But I don't have time to watch the game!

Uehizumi Nobuna????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Jingtian Takeshi

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Goddess Queen Soji????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Round Eyed Collector????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Yoo Seong Seong Seong Seong????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

In another direction, there is a gate with a shady stream.

This one's brilliant again!

Well, more than half of these swordsmen are like warlords.

I'm convinced you're used to fighting a lot of people.

Haruzo Taoi????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Masakuro Saito????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Chiba circumference????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????


English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Shinyo Boy Valley????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Is this the final set?

Makes me want to audition with everyone!

Everyone would say Orthodox.

But if you turn your gaze, there are kina stinkers!

Jingku Ito????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Musashi Miyamoto????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Asakumen Yamada????

English Spirit in battle

Combat Position: Ground????

Is that it?

There are 20 of you swordsmen in total, right?

If it's my hypothesis, I thought the sum of the race level and the [English Spirit Summon] level was 1 per 10.

You have to have 21, 20?

Maybe it's a cap.

"What's the status of the war?

'I'm pushing! But the mel cover above is alive and well!

"Looks like that mell cover is descending?

"Copy that! Keep your guard up!

"What about the addition of [English Spirit Summoning]?

"You can keep this up!

The effectiveness of the trump card I put in at the beginning will be interrupted after a little while.

I know that, but it's honestly a hassle to deal with Melcover while we fight on the ground.

I really need a series of rail guns.

To a certain extent, it would be more convenient if the distance were reduced!

(((((((Solar Wind!


(((((((Meetia Stream!

(((((((Embritlement Area!

(((((((Acid mist!

(((((Deadly Poison Mist!


Support should be provided.

Plus, I want to watch out for the guards.



Shall we rebuild the Ice Castle as well?

It's going to be a long fight, apparently.

"It's Zeta! Join Sungawa and Nomura on a guerrilla exit!

"I'll take care of it! Take a detour and siege it half!


I'm pushing it now.

Then the number of enemies is still high, so don't loosen your hands on the attack.

Zeta-kun is right!

"Reinforcements from town have been interrupted!

"Check the full extent of enemy power! Adam, put the number of cadmons first!


The voice of this flower is also quite nervous.

I can't help it.

Between the walls of the town and the ice castle, a state of turmoil would make it difficult to grasp the state of the war.

On top of that, the ground is a mirror!

"The Summoning Mons of the guerrilla retreats! Some of the enemy's power stands out!


Come on, come on!

The English Spirit of the Swordhawk was unfolding around me.

The English Spirit of the tank and the English Spirit of the Virgin are driving me off the edge of the battlefield.

There's no escape where you've tried to protrude, is there?

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