"Spring vegetables, this flower, it's lunch!


"That'll help."

I wish I had come to Holy Spirit Castle.

Except for the party you're exploring, the low interception power stands out.

Summoner system is for me Adele, Irina, Spring Vegetables, this flower.

Just Rick's party as marker, and Shelvi's party.

"What's the extra power?

"Seems a little hard right now"

"Seven in number of parties, you can't intercept here even if you want to form a union."

Holy Spirit Castle is large.

That's why it's absolutely impossible to defend yourself with this number of people.

If a tortoise breaks in somewhere, it's over.

Yes, Kim Qui. If only Guardian Slave could do something about it, it would be quick to talk.

Using lure or luminescence will only buy you time.

"I have a plan. I don't think that's a good number."


"Moving a little south to lure demons in. Separate air and ground forces and destroy each."

"It's reckless that you don't know what your opponent's power is."

Rick is also a figment face.

Well, that's gonna happen, isn't it?

"I'll talk to you about whether it's convenient at all. Can I have Keith's plan?

Rick is confirming his intentions to everyone.

There seems to be no difference.

Spring vegetables and this flower are snorting as they eat.

"Wait. Air warfare could be tough on us, right?

"No, I don't think you should worry about that."

I understand Shelvi's concerns.

She herself is a heavily armed wall actor and a tremendous force in interception.

On the other hand, when it comes to aerial warfare, it can only be fought in a different time than usual.

Even if you have acquired magic skills, the effects are limited and inefficient.

Okay, let's move on.

Summon Ardburg.

If it's on that back, there's nothing wrong with having two parties on board.

"We're moving south!

"Mr. Keith, could you possibly use Lumillina?

"No, I'm gonna use another hand."

Irina seems to have figured out what she's going to do with my answer.

If you do want to build an ice castle and make an interception, Shelvi has a great place to play as well.

But it's passive everywhere.

Taylor's luminescence can be used more aggressively.

"Copy that. What about role sharing?

"I'll talk to you on the move."

It's a waste of time now.

I want to set it up early in an exquisite place, not far from the Holy Spirit Castle.

What's the point where you landed Ardburg?

In the wide-area map, the southern side of the N2E28 map, the border with the N1E28 map, and the halfway point of the Holy Spirit Castle.

Griffon roads and hippo glyphs that demons would be riding while traveling could be captured.

But they're not showing a bareback attack.

I didn't use Cole Monster either.

I understand you're here for reconnaissance purposes.

I also wanted to use it to show our presence.

The real deal is quite different.

I didn't want to deal with the miscellaneous fish.

That can be all.

If there was a flying reindeer, we would have talked differently.

Santa, don't perish.

That's where I can't give in.

'The reinforcements are for one party, but they're coming. I'm sorry I didn't do much. "

"Copy that. Don't worry about it."

Rick just laughs bitterly too.

Originally, even the example harbour town is a distance away and there are other bases.

It's further away.

It would make sense that there are not many players who want to come.

"Then change the Summon Monster formation for me!

"'"' Yes!

I'm returning Ardburg, too.

And what about the formation you summoned?

Taylor, peptide, bundle, quark, amorphous.

There's no reason to do a proper anti-aircraft fight.

I will also use Fry's spell, but the real deal is ground warfare.

I have a plan.

What about Adele's formation?

Forest Eye, White Fox, 2 Greater Dragons, Gold Sheep.

What about the spring vegetable lineup?

Demon Fox, Aurora Wing, 2 Greater Dragons, Gold Sheep.

Adele and Spring Vegetables respond mainly to aerial warfare, the purpose of which is to be a guerrilla.

Attack participation is natural, but care is taken not to isolate it.

Are you all right?

Irina and I said this flower was fine, but I'm still anxious.

What about Irina's formation?

Mad Hydra, King Basilisk, Xuanbu, PyroHydra, Horai.

What about this flower formation?

Clearwoods, Blue Dragon, Red Dragon, White Dragon, Black Dragon.

The aim is consistent.

Water Magic Spells, Liquafaction.

Combining this with the Ice Magic Spell, Ice Field, is my strategy.

An enemy that becomes an iron coffin and encloses it in an ice coffin can't slap it down to the ground and fly it into the sky again.

The scaffolding is built on ice based on liquefaction and dropping into the swamp.

This is the basics at the beginning.

What about ground power?

Kim Qui Guardian Slave would have no problem.

There's a difference between sea and land, but we do pirate warfare!

Hit the Quark and ride away to do as much as you can with the killing.

Sounds like fun just imagining it!

"We've got reinforcements!


Surely there was only one party.

What's the problem?

Not everyone was in production.

The face of it was the problem.

Finna, Saki, Mio, Yuka, Raina, Marguerite!

"Do you want backup?

'Cause I've done most of it, and I've taken over.'

That's what I say!

It's like the male/female ratio collapsed all at once.

Well, basically, I can't change my tactics, and I don't think I need to.

"It's quick, but I'll start. At the beginning, the air force is your opponent, but with the intention of a ground battle!

"" "." "" Roger!

Okay, so now we have eight parties?

Seems pretty scarce if you look at it as an interception force, but if you can use the time difference, you can do something about it.

I think so.

I can't help it because I don't know the full extent of the opponent's fighting power in the first place.

If you're anxious, it's my trump card.

We need a little more time before [English Spirit Summons] can be used.

[English Spirit Summons] That's the trump card for Adele and the others.

Let's not think deeply about it.

I'm sure we can work something out.

No, let me show you somehow!

"[Heavy Stick] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Summoning Magic] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Hydromagic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dark Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Ice Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Thunder Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [No Curse] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Identification] has been leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Cold Resistance] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Heat Resistance] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Climbing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Tracking] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[BODY ENHANCEMENT] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Spiritual Enhancement] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Spell Fusion] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Limit Breached] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Your current battle victory has increased your level of occupation!

"The race level has been increased with the current battle victory! Please add 1 point to any 2 status values."

"Do you still have air power? Check it out!

Copy that! We'll keep exploring the area!

"The tortoise is showing up! I have 5 just so I can confirm!

"What's the distance?

"One is pretty close! I thought we'd be picking up the enemy within five minutes."

Mmm, that's close!

But there's a quark over here.

Using junction generation, it is also possible to disappear and move.

I can even log out.

I keep my distance from Holy Spirit Castle so I can afford it.

Then there will be no rush.

Foundation Status

Dexterity value 76 (-30)

Agility value 76 (-30)

Intelligence value 120 (-48)

Muscle Strength Value 76 ( 1) (-30)

Vitality 76 ( 1) (-30)

Mental Strength 120 (-48)

"Bonus points will be added by 2 points. That brings us to 73 points."

"The Summoning Monster returns, rendezvous over the Kohlo!


I'm pretty sure I was anxious to leave Adele and Spring Vegetables to play.

Turns out Irina and this flower were right, though.

He drove a riding gold sheep and kept his distance unattached.

I have to admit that the handiwork that kept flirting with my enemies was brilliant.

Honestly, it was sman.

Their ratings should be reviewed.

"The summoning monster Taylor has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

"Fly, and use a short jump to move! Hurry! '

Copy that!

'I'll do something, it's okay!

Mr. Fina, Rick and Shelvi's parties each continued to fight on ice.

However, under the ice, it is very dirty because it was turned into mud by Liquafaction.

That's the same for me.

Gentlemen, time is also time and you will want to take a short pause here.

I want to pause in a different way.

I want to wash you off the mud!

What was already up in Taylor's status value was the agility value.

Let's specify a dexterity value for another point's worth of stats up.

Taylor Jewel Cancer Lv69 Lv70 ( 1)

Dexterity value 57 ( 1)

Agility value 71 ( 1)

Intelligence Value 16

Muscle strength value 122

Vitality 110

Mental Strength 16


Steady evasion of drilling bubble waves per strike body

Foam emission, light concealment, simulation, night vision, signs blocked.

Self Healing [Medium] Physical Resistance [Extreme] Magic Resistance [Large] (NEW!

Aquatic Light Attributes Dark Attributes Water Attributes Fire Resistance

Wind Resistant Soil Resistant Confusion Resistant (NEW!

"The Summoning Monster 'Peptide' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Is the time 9: 30 AM?

It is tough to continue like this without a small pause.

Everyone is retreating toward over Quark's armor.

I also need to rush the status manipulation of the Summoning Monsters!

The situation is the situation.

I couldn't afford to care less about my dirty outfit!

It was the intellect value that was already up in the status value of the peptide.

Specify your mental strength for another point's Stat Up.

Peptide Holly Scorpion Lv69 Lv70 ( 1)

Dexterity value 90

Agility value 90

Intelligence value 27 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 76

Vitality 76

Mental Strength 27 ( 1)


Strike Needle Strike Steady Avoid Excavation Vibration Sensing

Signal Blocking Magic Detection Covered Climbing Surprise

Surveillance Self-Recovery [Medium] (NEW!) Physical Resistance [Extremely]

Magic Resistance [Large] (NEW!) Lethal Toxic Paralysis Dark

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire resistance wind resistance

Soil Resistant Water Resistant Toxic Resistant Brace Resistant Awakening

"The Summoning Monster 'Bundle' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

I'm the furthest from where Quark is.

Reflection can be done later.

Now hurry!

It was the intelligence value that was already up in the status value of the bundle.

Specify your mental strength for another point's Stat Up.

Bundle Pyrohydra Lv69 Lv70 ( 1)

Dexterity value 63

Agility value 70

Intelligence value 35 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 70

Vitality 102

Mental Strength 35 ( 1)


Steadfast Avoidance Aquatic Smell Sensing with Chewed Roll

Heat sensing, magic sensing, signs blocking, intimidation, surprise attack.

Self Recovery [Extreme] Physical Resistance [Large] (NEW!

Magic Resistance [Medium] (NEW!) Braces Toxic Strong Acid

Fire Attributes Water Attributes Sleep Resistant Immediate Death Toxic Resistant

"The Summoning Monster Quark has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

(Short jump!

Jump over Quark's head at once.

I don't know if I can do this slowly.

If the impending Kim Qui Guardian Slave captures you, it's bad.

If we don't lay down the junction soon, we're in danger!

It was vitality that was already rising with the status value of Quark.

Please specify a muscle strength value for the other stat increase.

Quark Beast Imperial Turtle Lv69 Lv70 ( 1)

Dexterity value 38

Agility value 38

Intelligence value 45

Muscle strength value 99 ( 1)

Vitality 121 ( 1)

Mental strength 56


Tail Strike Strong per Bited Stepper Body

excavation aquatic vibration sensing intense high rigidity night vision

Self-healing [Extremely large] (NEW!) Physical resistance [large]

Magic Resistance [Large] MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Soil Attributes

Water Attribute Wood Attribute Brace Immediate Death Resistance Confusion Resistance

Darkness Resistant (NEW!) Seismic wave junction generation

"The Summoning Monster Amorphas has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

That's the last of the info.

Everyone but the Summoning Monster has finished assembling over the Kohlo.

Looks like Adele and the others have all returned.

"Mr. Keith!

"I know, let me use junction generation!

Beat Quark's head gently to signal.

What's the connection?

It should be deployed.

A menu as a portal is deployed in a virtual window.

Now you'll be relieved.

It was the agility value that was already up in the Amorphas status value.

Let's specify a dexterity value for the other stat up.

Vacant skills are 4 choices: attribute, basic light, darkness, fire and wind.

Shall we make this a dark attribute?

It would look good because it has an evil vibe.

Amorphas Mad Hydra Lv69 Lv70 ( 1)

Dexterity value 52 ( 1)

Agility value 68 ( 1)

Intelligence value 34

Muscle strength value 84

Vitality 106

Mental Strength 34


Steadfast Avoidance Aquatic Smell Sensing with Chewed Roll

Heat sensing, magic sensing, signs blocking, threats, surprise attacks, cover-ups.

Self-healing [large] physical resistance [medium] magic resistance [medium]

MP Recovery Increased [Medium] (NEW!) Brace Toxic Dark Attribute (NEW!

Soil Attributes Water Attributes Wood Attributes Silence Resistant (NEW!

Immediate death, paralysis, toxicity.

"Keep moving. Give me a little break!

'Copy that! I'll be in a hurry to log out!

"This one too!

'I'll be back as soon as I can!

After all, gentlemen, I seem to have been in a hurry.

When I set up the tent, I log out one after the other and go.

What am I gonna do?

It is only natural that Quark cannot return.

Let's return the others once they've returned.

I'd love to fight if I could, but the tent is in the way in the open area of Kohlo.

I have no choice.

Let's play the game in the woods above the armor.

I think that makes for a good workout.

The problem is with them.

It's in the woods, but I can't take the saddle horse off.

What happens if you add a local Summoning Monster to this in the woods?

Through the struggle, the great struggle is imperative.

That's a nice thing too!

Who's your opponent?

Wolf, Modulus, Princess Kiyoshi, Saddle Horse.

Naturally, I don't use martial arts or spells.

I don't even have the money.

The Summoning Monsters have restrictions again, though.

Whatever you think, it's against me.

That's good.

That's fine.

If I can enjoy it, that's fine.

It's pointless to just win a comic match.

But you won't have to worry.

Whatever the victory or defeat, it's not just going to be a war.

"[Strike] has been leveled in the current battle!

"[Leap] has leveled up in the current battle!

"[Climbing] has leveled up in the current battle!

"The summoning monster Saddle Horse has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

I didn't think it would be easy to win, though.

You can't win at all!

One of the reasons for this is Modulus' new skills.

Thread slashing.

That seems to be a skill to blade some of the yarn that I roll out from time to time.

I do not use Modulus directly to me.

I used it against a tree.

One trunk after another will be severed, and only my actions will be greatly constrained!

Can you win a match while overcoming this easily?

Normally, I can't!

I can't!

In the future, you should ban yarn slashing in matches with my opponents.

It was vitality that was already rising with the status value of the saddle horse.

Please specify a muscle strength value for the other stat increase.

Saddle Horse God Lv69 Lv70 ( 1)

Dexterity value 65

Agility value 65

Intelligence value 35

Muscle strength value 97 ( 1)

Vitality 97 ( 1)

Mental Strength 35


sword, two hands, sword, sword, machete, two pistols, Paul Weapon.

Stick Strike Kick Throw Arthrop Small Shield Heavy Shield

Heavy Armor Received Dodge Covered Night's Eye Leap Angry Phase

Greater Self Recovery (NEW!) Physical Resistance [Large] Magical Resistance [Large] (NEW!

MP Recovery Increase [Small] Space-time Attributes Light Attributes Dark Attributes

fire attribute soil attribute

Modulus slash yarn, huh?

Let's see how it goes a little more.

If you don't use it directly on me, I'm starting to feel like an ant, too, right?

If we are going to play against each other in the woods, the same thing has happened before.

Like Raja Ashipatra, some of them are approaching while slashing trees.

Let's stop making it evil.

You just have to think you've become a more reliable opponent.

I'd love to keep up the fight a little bit more though.

Hi. I don't think I'm going to.

"Keith, do you have a minute?

"Uh, okay"

"I'd like to hear a little more about it. I wonder what happened on the N2E28 map?


That's a pretty hard question for me to ask!

But is it Mr. Fina?

This should be considered as something that cannot be escaped.

Besides, I can't help but have my doubts in me.

What happened to the Anazersky Online players?

That's the best part, I care.

"That, Sister Fina, you were already logged in?

"Yeah, it was almost a dragonfly."

Mio's gaze at me seemed slightly suspicious.

It must be my fault.

It must be obvious to her that I'm out of trouble.

Whatever I do, I give an explanation, and Mr. Fina is very attentive to his audience.

I have barely heard her views.

That was a huge burden for me.

There were occasions when I explained it repeatedly.

Mr. Fina seems to be constantly fixing her expression and can't read her intentions.

Well, I suppose I can ask your opinion again.

Let's hope it moves a lot based on the information I get from you.

There are other things that bother me.

What happened to those princesses?

He's not gone, is he?

"Everybody back?

"Irina is the only one who hasn't!

The Irina was also seen coming out of the tent.

This is what makes us all.

I looked around and saw Kim Qui Guardian Slave at a terrible close range.

Oh, no more!

I can confirm Santa's appearance.

Or I'm afraid my body is going to move naturally!

Not yet.

It's too early to attack!

We haven't got all the unions together, and we haven't reviewed the fusion yet!

'I'm sorry I'm late!

"Never mind, it's no rush."

Looks like you made it to the ambush.

That was my honest feelings.

Why do you get a slightly painful gaze?

Mr. Fina looks like she has a headache, and Adele and the others don't try to hide their frightened expressions.

Rick is the only one laughing.

"Is this what you usually do?

"By and large, yes."

Shelvi seems to be laughing just a little too, but I guess half of them are frightened.

What are you confirming with this flower!

It's normal, isn't it?

"I'll change the formation. Please wait."

'I knew you'd bump into a turtle with a turtle, wouldn't you?

"That's right. Put it together with an emphasis on blow power. Can King Troll go?


Irina and this flower have been confirmed to be working out King Troll.

Let him work with Quark. You'll expect a pretty good effect.

It should also be preferable in terms of travel speed.

"Adele, Spring Vegetables is a constant guerrilla. Be aware of the separation of enemy forces."

'In short, harassment?

"Can I just call it a backup attack?

Is that harassment?

Is that support?

There's no big difference between me.

It's the same in the sense that your allies can fight in their favor.

If you can, I hope you don't express yourself badly!


Let's check the formation.

Quark is naturally a continuation.

Logit, Sirius, Gimball and El Nido added to this.

I'm getting on top of my opponent's armor, so that's it.

What about Adele and her spring vegetable lineup?

Looks exactly the same as before the little pause, but the demon fox and the white fox are another individual.

What about Irina's formation?

Stone Colossus, Blue Pudding, Fairy Queen, Xuanbu, King Troll.

What about this flower formation?

King Troll, Talos, Clearwoods, Fairy Queen, Auga Road.

The slime system isn't just used to make him defend himself as a living armor.

In some cases, it is also assumed that it will be sent into the body of Kim Qui Guardian Slave.

He's a dull opponent, but he's got multiple enemies.

If you are about to be gathered, you will not be able to choose the means.

All possibilities have to be considered.

And that's kind of oppressive!

The boundaries laid by Quark should be commensurate with their breadth, but I feel narrow with King Troll.

Well, that will soon dissolve, too.

"End of Spell Enhancement!

'Anytime, Mr. Keith!

"Countdown, please!

"Roger! Ten, Nine, Eight..."

Quark is already in a position to strike the side of Kimquay Guardian Slave.

The distance is close, and any attack will hit.

You call this zero range shooting, too?

I think something's different though.


At the same time, gently tap Quark's head to send a signal.

The junction is broken, and Quark goes in with a slow but gradual acceleration!

I've already experienced clashes between giant bodies, but I can't afford this power!

I'm already excited!

"The Divine Demonic Fight!" "Vajra!" "Enchanted Breaker!" "Limiter cut!

(((((((Gravity Prison!

(((((((Holly Prison!

(((((((Rainbow Chain!

(((((((Blackbelt wrapping!




Use a bundle of spells with a foothold.

At last, it will also work against the enemies on the Kohlo.

It's easy to imagine what happens in a clash.

There's gonna be a lot of enemy power rolling down from the top of the armor!

'I'll make contact!

"Go away!

((((((six-man seal!

((((((seven-star seal!

((((((Ten Kings Sealed!

(((((((Force Field!

(((((((Prism light!

(((((Meetia Stream!


Prepare for impact while providing additional assistance.

Will the members who get on board hold of the trees on Quark's back?


A collision blows my body forward!

No, Quark stopped suddenly in this case.

My body was riding on the armor of the enemy tortoise!

I wasn't after you.

That's a coincidence!


It was Santa who was in front of me.

Tell him to say hello.

He shot his left elbow in the side of his head, kicked up his groin and shot his right fist into his throat!

Grab the Orihalcon sphere unfolding in a multi-faceted junction.

Here's what's next!

(Rail guns!


Released from close range, what are the consequences?

I can't confirm Santa's marker.

He's just left his wrist and ankle and gone!


Santa, don't perish.

But what do you mean there's still Santa on top of the methyl?

That's a lot, right?

(((((((Solar Wind!


(((((((Meetia Stream!

(((((((Embritlement Area!

(((((((Acid mist!

(((((Deadly Poison Mist!


I don't need miscellaneous fish.

Now, die!

No, use order hypocrisy before you die!

Maybe it's too late!

Union formation now, this one has a smaller number.

I'm sorry, but I'm gonna let you keep attacking me with very bad specs, okay?

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