Look up into the sky.

Again, the two intersecting vortex nebulae, their appearance felt closer.

Why, is that you?

This was a very elongated building rooftop with a large dome installed at its end.

Does that look familiar to you?

I guess there's an astronomical telescope installed inside.


But if you're going to observe a vortex nebula, you're going to enjoy it enough visually.

The surroundings are forest.

No, a false divine tree branch equals no scaffolding.

Even if we intercept in a ground battle, the perimeter is very narrow.

I have no choice.

Let's say we try it in the air.

I've also decided on that formation with sensitivity.

Terromea is left, Wolfe, Scorch, stay up for the night, and Chelate are returning.

Who summoned you?

Be Heather, Ethereal Moon, Isotope, and Firewheel.

The only trump card to use is Boosted Monsters.

Perhaps metamorphosis doesn't turn up?

I might use the isotope for a subject, but I think it's unlikely.


A fire wheel sits over the head of the isotope.



Isotope is blonde!

And he looks afro!

No, I didn't mean to make this formation.

The aim was simply to add a blessed supporter.

I have no other intention.

That's why you shouldn't laugh.

Wow, don't laugh!

But no.

I write my body and kneel on the spot.

Gosh, it's painful!

I can't believe I'm getting bored so far!

What the hell is going on when you say it's going to be a fierce battle!

Look at the sun shining in the sky.

"See the stars in the darkness."

The flow of the world is endless.

"It's nothing but a change for God."

"People's lives, even shorter."

Spread out here.

Return to the world.

Souls split up and down in front of the observatory.

And the shadow that emerges.

Small on the top and big on the bottom.

I wonder what it is?

Well, I've decided what to do first.

"The hell with humans!" "Vajra!" "Enchanted Breaker!

"Limiter cut!" "Gods brace!

Look over the sky as you ascend the pale moon.

Terromea and Heather on both sides of the isotope and the fire wheel, it looks like they're already in a state of battle.

A number of dark discs had arisen around Thelomea.

And numerous spears of light around Heather as well.

A giant sphere of darkness over the head of the isotope.

There are countless spheres of light around.

Is this the work of an isotope or a fire wheel?

Well, either way.

I still have something to do!

Mikael's portrait????


Togarini's portrait????

Fallen Angel????????

(Boosted Monsters!)

Togarini's appearance like a great monkey should give rise to mouth all over his body.

It would be troublesome if I made you yell.

That damage is inevitable and will continue to be eaten!

(((((((six-man seal!

((((((((seven-star seal!

((((((Ten Kings Sealed!

(((((((Force Field!

(((((((Prism light!

(((((((Meetia Stream!


Classified procedure, but weird.

Are there any markers on the Togarini's sketch that indicate a state abnormality?

Did someone break the spell?

If there's a presence that comes to mind, Mikael's portrayal.

Wings are only a pair, over the head are angel rings, and in the hands are single-handed swords.

You look like you're wearing armor and weaving your coat.

Its body is small, even for human size, and its figure resembles Angel Knight.

He's young enough to think he's a boy or a girl!

Honestly, of all the angels with names to date, they look the weakest.

But it's Mikael.

Even I know Mikael!

The most famous angel, what are its properties?

(((((((((Meteo Crash!



(((((((Dark Matter!

(((((((Steam Explosion!

(((((((Micro Black Hole!


Direct hit, I think.

But the effect of the attack spell disappears in front of Mikael's sketch.

Totally, disappeared?



((((((((((((Magnetic Force!

(The Twelve will seal!


Continue to capture enemy combat power in your sight while laying a multi-faceted junction with the Orihalcon sphere.

Noteworthy is the sword that Mikael's portrait holds?

There had been visible and flashy changes.

The color is changing.

Immediately orange, and yellow.

Though it seems to gradually turn white.

I have a bad feeling.

Maybe that thing's warming up!

(Ice Age!)

(The Twelve will seal!



(((((((((((Meetia Stream!

((((((((((Force Field!


Radiation fever alone can tell.

This is dangerous.

Can a wide-area attack spell handle it?

You should try it.

((((((((Solar Wind!

((((((((Plasma blast!



(((((((Deadly Poison Mist!



Something comes up out of the false tree of God.

That body is huge!

Astral Dragon????

Universal Dragon????

void dragon????

It's these guys!

Three each, nine in total, is a lot of fighting power!

Can you fight it with an isotope that's fortified with Boosted Power?

I can only hope to support the fire wheel.




Grigori reincarnator????

The bombing began at the same time that the pursuit power appeared!

Telomea throws the dark disc as it is, and at the same time the dark belt is shot into several strips and goes.

Heather fired all the spears of light floating around her, adding a band of light to this to go.

The sphere of darkness floating over the head of the isotope contracted and burst with the sphere of ambient light!

From it came heavy rain, but rain of light and arrows of darkness!


Togarini's portrait is roaring!

Check the marker, there's still damage in the HP bar.

I know you can't stay above.

Now we should split this Togarini portrait from Mikael's!

But Mikael's figure is increasing altitude.

Does it work now?

(((((((Gravity Prison!

(((((((Holly Prison!

(((((((Rainbow Chain!

(((((((Blackbelt wrapping!


((((((((Ice Coffin!


There is no Mikael portrait between the Ethereal Moon and the Togarini portrait on which I ride.

Is that why there are overlapping markers showing state abnormalities!

I see.

Should I think that Mikael's portrayal basically doesn't make any sense to the spell?

What are the remaining methods of attack?

What I have now is Orihal Conlance.

I guess this should be skewered.

I thought we should have just gnarled for a second, but now we can't be lost, can we?


Aoi Moon is bathing Kelvim with thunderbolt spears and ice spears due to time difference!

Yes, there are other enemies.

It seems relatively small in number, but that means it is more likely to be stronger as an individual.

That's what previous rules of thumb whispered.

(((((((six-man seal!

((((((((seven-star seal!

((((((Ten Kings Sealed!

(((((((Force Field!

(((((((Prism light!

(((((((Meetia Stream!


Avoid Mikael's portrayal and use a spell pack toward an army in another direction.

Check the marker, it looks fine.

I can't leave Mikael's portrait behind forever.

Sooner or later, Togarini will be resurrected.

And the sword that Mikael's portrait had was beginning to glow blue.

What do you associate with that?

The color of the stars!

Blue should have been the highest level at the surface temperature of the star.

I don't remember that number, but I think it was a non-sprinkling temperature.

Against that sword-wielding angel, assault?

I have a feeling I'm going to die just eating a blow.

Mikael's body in the first place is small and unsuitable for assault.

Besides, this angel, he's pretty fast!

But I didn't feel like exchanging money.


That's why?

High hurdles to challenge, it makes sense to challenge there.


Can you not enjoy this!


He should clean up before then.

It's Togarini's portrait!

Slowly rising as you roar. Did that body slack?

Part of my body disappears, and Heather is sticking in there!

I could see Terromea spinning around on the back of Togarini's portrait and biting it due to time differences.

Heather keeps shooting spears of light in as she leaves, re-assaulting!

Seraphim and Kelvim will intercept there.

But the isotope was also fast.

Surge down to the angels who built the temporary walls and break them with wings!

That's amazing!

But that was all they were observing.

Mikael's portrait approaches me.

Universal dragons and void dragons were located on both wings.

Apparently, me and Aoi have to fight too.

Wherever I want!

Look at the sun shining in the sky.

"See the stars in the darkness."

The flow of the world is endless.

But you can't know it by yourself.

Everything is for nothing.

"All you have to do is become part of the world without knowing anything."

I hope I won.

I only manage to avoid direct strikes by the sword of Mikael's incarnation.

But you've eaten it many times around you.

How about every time the effects of spells and martial arts get cloudy?

It was helpful because we managed to combat it with speed and manoeuvre.

This would be a feat of the Ethereal Moon.

What if I was using a fly spell in front of myself?

Must have been more hassle.

I would have had wings that used fried spells every time I ate a body hit.

Even slaughtering a demon dragon at the end of the day, but it's still different if you're a big opponent of your body.

Even if we storm, it's as if the difficulty is different!

Well, it's obvious.

It's like someone who can't pass the spell.

Can't we fight again?

I'm confident I can do a little better next time!

"[Horse Spear] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Sealing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Light Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Wind Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Soil Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Hydromagic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Fire Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dark Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Ice Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [No Curse] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Nursing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Grasp] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Equestrian] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Heat Resistance] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[BODY ENHANCEMENT] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Spiritual Enhancement] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Chant Discard] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Martial Arts Enhancement] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Darkness Resistant] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The summoning monster Heather has been leveled in the current battle!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Togarini's portrayal was generally an enhanced presence of Togarini's shadow, as anticipated in advance.

Sure, it was a hassle, but I'm not surprised I just knew.

Again, the problem is don't be Mikael's portrayal.

Angel Knight at first glance.

But if you appreciate the power of the war, it's definitely more than Seraphim.

Maybe the most powerful named angel you've ever encountered?

Even minus the fact that none of the spells make sense, the offense is staggering.

There are no direct hits.

But it's just plundered and it's devastating!

You can assure me.

Array, if you hit him directly, he dies.

It is very suspicious if even the Orihalcon protective equipment can be fulfilled without dying.

As far as I'm concerned, I appreciate that.

It was the agility value that had already risen with Heather's status value.

Let's specify a dexterity value for the other stat up.

Heather Odinguard Lv77 Lv78 ( 1)

Dexterity value 51 ( 1) (-36)

Agility 83 ( 1) (-58)

Intelligence value 82 (-57)

Muscle Strength Value 50 (-35)

Vitality 50 (-35)

Mental Strength 82 (-57)


Sword, horse, gun, bow, shield, heavy armor.

Flying Mind Eye Descending Psychic Flying Aerial Maneuvering

Assault Split Self-Healing [Medium] Physical Resistance [Large]

Magic Resistance [Large] MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute wind attribute earth attribute water attribute

Thunder Attributes Ice Attributes Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance

"The summoning monster Terromere has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Besides, he was also a strong follower.

Were you fortunate to have had a low number of demon dragons?

Maybe that's what you should think.

But it seems like you could have had one or three more.

I may have strained the isotope, but as far as I'm concerned, it wasn't enough.

No, I'm serious about wanting to rematch Mikael's portrayal more than that.

Isn't there a hunting ground somewhere we can fight?

I'm in the mood to ask you to run it.

It was mental power that was already rising in the Terromea status level.

Let's specify an agility value for the other stat up.

Terromea Vampire Dutchess Lv77 Lv78 ( 1)

Dexterity value 48 (-34)

Agility 82 ( 1) (-57)

Intelligence value 81 (-57)

Muscle Strength Value 48 (-34)

Vitality 48 (-34)

Mental Strength 81 ( 1) (-57)


Cane Hammer Small Shield Received Avoid Flying Aerial Manoeuvre

Heart and eye changes, signs of blocking, magic blocking, rituals in the palace.

Physical Resistance [Extreme] Magic Resistance [Large] Self-Repair [Large]

MP Absorption [Large] Increased MP Recovery [Medium] Surprise Blood Suction

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute

soil attribute water attribute dust attribute soluble attribute fascinating paralysis

Necromancer Operation Curse Ancestry

"The Summoning Monster 'Aemon' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

The time is 7: 20 PM.

I haven't had dinner yet.

Let's make it dinner here and finish processing after the war.

Naturally, it's going to be a portable meal.

In this case, there is no choice.

View the wide area map.

This is the place of beauty.

But I don't think it's going to end here.


Because we have not yet fought Nahemoto's shadow superior, Nahemoto's portrayal.

Maybe he's somewhere.

Naturally, but I still think there's an angel with a name.

It was the intellect value that was already rising with the status value of the Ethereal Moon.

Let's specify mental strength for the other stat up.

Aoyagi Kirin Lv78 Lv79 ( 1)

Dexterity value 54 (-38)

Agility value 108 (-76)

Intelligence value 65 ( 1) (-46)

Muscle Strength Value 54 (-38)

Vitality 54 (-38)

Mental Strength 54 ( 1) (-38)


Disease per biting head pedal body

Endurance Running Horse Ravaging Flying Kicking Up Farsighted

Wide area exploration night raid heavenly aerial manoeuvre

Kamikaze Psychic Psychic Tracking Rider Recovery [Medium]

Self-healing [micro] physical resistance [medium] magic resistance [large]

MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Space-time Attributes Light Attributes Dark Attributes

Wind Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes Thunder Attributes Wood Attributes

Holy Beast Weird

"The Summoning Monster Firewheel has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"


The fire wheel is ringing powerless over the head of the isotope.

Left weak, sleeping sloppily.

I guess it's because we're in a status anomaly under the influence of the Boosted Monsters.

Well, I get it.

I know, but you're going to be weak this way!

The position of beauty here is good for handling the relay portal.

If you're attacked as it stands, you're doomed, right?

It was the agility value that had already risen with the status value of the fire wheel.

Let's specify an intellect value for the other stat up.

Firewheel Gold Sheep Lv77 Lv78 ( 1)

Dexterity value 35 (-25)

Agility value 93 ( 1) (-65)

Intelligence value 93 ( 1) (-65)

Muscle Strength Value 35 (-25)

Vitality 68 (-48)

Mental Strength 67 (-47)


Avoidance Disease Driver Dash Per Head Punch

Night Flight Aerial Maneuver Hazard Detection Magic Detection

Psychic Spirit Strike Rider Recovery [Small] Physical Resistance [Small]

Magic Resistance [Extreme] Magic Offset [Medium] MP Recovery Increased [Medium]

Elasticity Enhancement [Large] Demolition Blessings Spacetime Attributes Light Attributes

Dark Attributes Yellow Way Changes White Way Changes Confusion Sleep Confusion Resistance

Sleep resistant

But what is it?

It's still good that my race level doesn't go up.

Isotope, too.

I didn't surprise you because that's all I struggled with in class change.

My head aches when I think about letting you hang out with all that EXP earning for a dragon group.

This is tough, huh?

Because it has been greatly enhanced after a class change, but this is considerate ahead.

I guess I'll just have to grow up temperamental.

Eat your meal.

Let's get your gear repaired first.

There still seems to be a route to follow.

I'm half sure!

"Previous Behavioral Experience has Level Up [Alchemy]!

I noticed it when I finished restoring my gear.

It looks like a hole is being worn from around the side of the observatory.

No, on the false tree of the Divine Tree, a corridor seems to be up in a woodlike corner.

Is there still a way forward?

And I can't seem to afford the time.

Is the time now 7: 40 PM?

From now on, it is likely to cross the date.

Besides, say it in good time, and there aren't many trump cards available.

It's just metamorphosis at the moment.

What are we gonna do?

Well, that's it.

Let's see how it goes.

After that, you can become another hunting ground and a fishing ground, and you can fight in the arena and kill your time.

What about the formation?

Tigris, let us be demons, Sirius, Gimball, and lifers.

It's been a pretty moffy formation, but it's my fault.

From the feel of the entrance to the corridor, there is an atmosphere close to the green corridor.

If there seems to be an inconvenience in this formation, you just need to change it, and let's move on first.

I want you to have a strong line of enemies.

But that's all I'm sure, it'll come true.

Think of the difficulty of the route to this point.

No doubt it will be my favorite development!

However, I have an order.

Can't you fight?

I don't say luxury.

Just a few, please keep them!

"The [wand] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Strike] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Kick] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Wood Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Melting Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Climbing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Darkness Resistant] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The summoning monster Tigris has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

That's good.

The corridor here is good!

We have a guaranteed opponent for fighting!

Subtracting that point would be highly appreciated.

There are mushrooms, reukee incarnations, and maneaters here.

But so far, no flower sperm has come out!

That alone is weird to say that it's highly regarded, but I can't help it.

Perverted flower sperm is so much of an opponent to avoid.

You can put a heavy psychological strain on me, of course!

It was the dexterity value that was already up in the Tigris status value.

Let's specify an intellect value for the other stat up.

Tigris White Tiger Lv76 Lv77 ( 1)

Dexterity value 40 ( 1)

Agility value 115

Intelligence value 39 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 85

Vitality 85

Mental Strength 39


biting tear avoidance disease leap tracking

Ripped Psychic Enlightenment Assault Covered Night Eye Signs Blocked

Magic Block Self-Healing [Medium] Physical Resistance [Large]

Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Wind Attribute

Resonance wave, radio frequency, confusion resistance, petrochemical resistance, immediate death.

Kamikaze Kamikaze Weird

"The Summoning Monster" Enchanted Demon "has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

There's a lot more.

Ancient Babylonians, for example, are good opponents.

Regardless of the Greek mythology, it's impeccable.

Plus there were the Nordic Mythology, Japanese Mythology, Indian Mythology, Ancient China, Ancient Egypt, and Buddha Statue series.

In short, almost every face of the various worlds we've encountered has been dealt with!

Exceptions are the flower fairies to the monsters wearing masks.

And I haven't even run into the undead.

Well, that's good.

The point is, every time you fight, it's fun!

None of the same organizations.

You can have a few more, but I guess it's a luxury to ask for that.

It was vitality that was already rising with the Demon status level.

Please specify a muscle strength value for the other stat increase.

Evil Wolf Lv 76 Lv 77 ( 1)

Dexterity Value 52

Agility value 108

Intelligence value 70

Muscle strength value 52 ( 1)

Vitality 53 ( 1)

Mental Strength 52


Strike Kick Avoidance Receiving Throw Arthrop

Chewed Disease Climbing Leap Light Industry Rift

Curse Echo Positioning Cover-up Tracking Night Eye Precision Operation

Signs Blocked Magic Blocked Self Healing [Large] Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Large] MP Recovery Increase [Large] Transformed Spacetime Attribute

light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute earth attribute

Water Attributes Thunder Attributes Solubility Attributes Darkness Silence Resistance to Darkness

My troubles got deeper here.

I was going to move when I was properly hunting and seeing how things were going.

It's not a bad idea to keep going.

Anyway, I was passionate about it and I was treading quite a distance!

No more, don't get lost.

Let's keep going.

No problem as long as it's up until before you cross the date.

If you're enjoying it, no problem.

I'm sure it's no problem.

It's a problem if you broke through the corridor before that.

I'm sure you'll want to touch people's souls.

In that case, can I try without a trump card?

It's just metamorphosis at the moment.

What about Rainforcements of Monsters, Extra Summoning?

I can't do it until after midnight.

That's the same with [English Spirit Summoning].

They should all be ready for use in the morning.

To say it sticks that much is once again an all-night course.

I want to avoid all night in a row if I can.

It wouldn't be pointless to check the terrain, assuming you're treading down the corridor.

That's right, you should keep it there.

There's nothing if you don't touch it even if you have a human soul.

If there's a problem, can you resist the temptation to touch it?

Are you all right?

I'm not sure.

I'm not sure, but let it look enduring!

I also feel like I'm faking myself.

If you can calmly determine the situation, you can also withdraw.

Yes, you can.

Then change the formation.

Let Tigris and the demon return.

It is Moslin and Edilio who summon.

Bottom-up of the force should be done.

And as it is, I wish I could enjoy the fight.

I'm sure it will!

"[Sword] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Articulation] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Throw moves] have been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Dust Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Burning Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Climbing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Tracking] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Spell Fusion] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The Summoning Monster Sirius has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

The time is almost 11: 40 PM.

The end of the corridor is still going on.

This place looks longer than I thought.

Now is the only time to retreat.

It would be rewarding just to get a glimpse of the corridor here.

Fighting opponents are fun to organize and have a long way to go.

That's enough, right?

That's what happens when you think calmly.


Let's retreat.

It was mental strength that was already rising at the Sirius status level.

Let's specify a dexterity value for the other stat up.

Sirius Whitefang Lv76 Lv77 ( 1)

Dexterity value 58 ( 1)

Agility value 103

Intelligence value 57

Muscle strength value 69

Vitality 69

Mental Strength 58 ( 1)


biting disease leap avoidance intimidation ear cover-up

Assault Balance Smell Sensing Hazard Sensing Tracking Night

Excavation Signs Blocked Predatory Absorption Self Recovery [Medium]

Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Large] MP Recovery Increased [Medium]

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute ice attribute instant death resistance

Charm, darkness, braces, instant death.

"The Summoning Monster" Gimball "has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Calm down.

I'm probably cool.

How's your body?

For once, he's calming me down.


If the expansion so far had not been a fight, we might have kept moving forward.

Besides, the corridor would have been like a cliff everywhere.

And we should thank the British Spirit God for the demons, the faces that accompanied us in the fighting.

It's refreshing!

It was the muscle strength values that had already risen with the Gimbal status values.

Let's specify Vitality for the other stat up.

Gimbal Schwarzlevé Lv76 Lv77 ( 1)

Dexterity value 72

Agility value 111

Intelligence value 34

Muscle strength value 80 ( 1)

Vitality 80 ( 1)

Mental Strength 34


biting tear high avoidance disease drive endurance walk

Sneak Leap Danger Detection Night Eye Cover-up

Tracking Surveillance Signs Blocking Assassination Physical Resistance [Medium]

Self Healing [Medium] Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Healing Increase [Small]

Assault Drilling Dark Attributes Fire Attributes Soil Attributes Solute Attributes

Dark Paralysis, Violent, Dark Toxic Disabled.

"The Summoning Monster 'Life Lady' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Besides, it's delicious here, item by item.

That's also what's causing me to not earn travel distance.

Makes me want to stay longer.

But it's not convenient now.

Tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, there will be fighting competitions.

It makes sense to refill the fighting ingredients before watching the game.

But there's something different about continuing the fight just to watch the game.

You should weigh yourself.

It was mental power that was already rising with the status value of a life woman.

Let's specify an agility value for the other stat up.

Life Demon Fox Lv76 Lv77 ( 1)

Dexterity value 38

Agility value 88 ( 1)

Intelligence value 116

Muscle strength value 38

Vitality 38

Mental Strength 88 ( 1)


biting avoidance heavenly drive aerial manoeuvre heavenly enlightenment psychic energy

Spirit Strike Magic Detection Signs Block Magic Block Night Eye

MP Recovery Increased [Large] Magic Resistance [Large] Physical Resistance [Large]

self-healing [large] space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute

fire attribute wind attribute water attribute earth attribute wood attribute

Silence, charm, darkness, fox fire.

"The summoning monster Ezilio has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Edilio's leveling is visibly slowing down.

I don't find it difficult to level up as extreme as a dragon set.

Seems different from Thunder Chiefs and Ardburg as well.

Still, there is no shortage at the moment by letting them fight on the front lines.

Regardless, as a supporter.

Trouble is, this Ezilio tends to want to come forward.

There seems to be less tendency for the guards to come forward lately.

It's as if my initial troubles relapsed when I came here to start the game.

That's crazy.

Someone's conspiracy?

I don't think so either.

It should be corrected early so that it does not come across as painful as possible.

It may already be too late, but it's pointless to tell you.

It was the Intelligence value that was already up in Edilio's status value.

Let's specify an agility value for the other stat up.

Edilio Amarteia Lv64 Lv65 ( 1)

Dexterity value 35

Agility value 83 ( 1)

Intelligence value 83 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 70

Vitality 59

Mental Strength 59


Head Penetration Stepping Body Hit Kick Up Receipt

Avoidance Climbing Disease Driving Endurance Walking Dash Night

Surprise Flight Aerial Maneuver Hazard Prediction Magic Detection

Psychic Spiritual Strike Farming Livestock Tutorial Breastfeeding Enrichment

Rider Recovery [Small] Physical Resistance [Small] Magic Resistance [Extremely Large]

Magic Offset [Medium] MP Recovery Increased [Small] Elasticity Enhanced [Small]

Blessings space-time attributes light attributes dark attributes soil attributes

Water Attributes Tree Attributes Confusion Sleep Resistance Sleep Junction Generation

"Previous Behavioral Experience has Level Up [Appraisal]!

"Previous Behavioral Experience has Level Up [Dismantling]!

Oh, my God, Leviataine's peeling!

I was expecting more Nordic mythological English spiritual deities in the current battle, though.

At the end of the day, he has peeled off the clairvoyant hammer and a thousand treasures, as well as demonic crystals.

It's still a good hunting ground.

But bear with it!

If we start a streak here, we're not gonna stop, are we?

Tomorrow there will be a martial arts competition.

Don't miss it!

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