"[Horse Spear] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Signs blocked] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Magic Detection] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Silent Chanting] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Magic Effect Expansion] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Magic Range Expansion] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"The Summoning Monster" Pyrin "has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

In a wide area map, it's the middle of the N1U4 map.

I saw a building in a mirrored world picturing the starry sky.

Sounds like a shrine, but what is this?

Not the size of a human being.

It's not the same as the castle that was optimized for Dragonut.

The size of the gate is like an orga or something!

Whatever you think is unusual.

Do you know where you're going?

"Yeah. Do you feel anything?

"The power is converging. But it's not a good trend."

"Sounds dangerous?

"Because it is distortion itself." Extraordinarily dangerous. "


Is that what area portals are for?

That's what I wanted to say, but be cool.

I don't think I can say for sure until I've gone through the area portal liberation battle.

It was the dexterity value that had already risen in the status value of the pyrine.

Please specify a muscle strength value for the other stat increase.

Pyrin Shirazawa Lv67 Lv68 ( 1)

Dexterity value 34 ( 1)

Agility value 84

Intelligence value 112

Muscle strength value 34 ( 1)

Vitality 66

Mental Strength 66


Persistent Avoidance Disease Driver Dash per Head Penetrator

Night Flight Aerial Maneuver Hazard Detection Magic Block

Magic Detection Magic Recovery Psychic Readiness Rider Recovery [Small]

Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Extreme] Magic Offset [Medium]

MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Elasticity Enhanced [Small] Blessings Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute earth attribute water attribute

Ice Attribute Thunder Attribute Wood Attribute Dust Attribute Solute Attribute Burning Attribute

Sleep Resistant Sleep Heat Resistant Holy Beast Weird

Hello. Is the area portal liberation in the company hall?

I have a feeling about that.

Then it would be unfavourable to take the dragon group to the challenge.

I do want to see the Il Lissat and their class change soon.

But you don't have to do it here.

"Well, what do you do here?

"Please wait. It may take a while, but I'll check it out."

There was no human soul in the garden.

It must still be one of several company halls.

It is certainly appreciated that the reincarnated smoke crystal dragon is accompanying us, but we cannot help it.

"Wait a minute."


I told you not to get in the way, didn't I?

The reincarnated smoke crystalline dragon changes and goes in front of me.

What are you gonna do?

Beacon Greater Dragon LV1

Dexterity value 40

Agility value 42

Intelligence value 51

Muscle strength value 44

Vitality 44

Mental Strength 50


biting tearing flying avoiding leaping disease night vision

Aquatic Aerial Mobility Self-Recovery [Small] Physical Resistance [Small]

Magic Resistance [Small] Increased MP Recovery [Small] Predatory Absorption Brace

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute

Soil Attributes Water Attributes Soluble Attributes Toxic Resistance Immediate Death

Whoa, whoa!

What are you going to do, get huge?

It's not good enough to explore the building at all, is it?

It will be difficult to participate in the battle, either way.

We can't make sure we're in position in the air, and we can't move!


'Wait. I made a little mistake!


What did you say I made a mistake?

Hi, this reincarnated smoke crystal dragon, isn't it too appropriate?

I'm sure it won't interfere with my company, but this makes me nervous.

Maybe you're not doing it deliberately!

Beacon Dragon Pappy LV1

Dexterity value 40

Agility value 42

Intelligence value 51

Muscle strength value 44

Vitality 44

Mental Strength 50


biting tearing flying avoiding leaping disease night vision

Aquatic Aerial Mobility Self-Recovery [Small] Physical Resistance [Small]

Magic Resistance [Small] Increased MP Recovery [Small] Predatory Absorption Brace

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute

Soil Attributes Water Attributes Soluble Attributes Toxic Resistance Immediate Death

The figure of the reincarnated smoke crystalline dragon has become smaller at once.

But this is terrible.

That figure is back in Dragon Pappy, but the status value hasn't changed.

Skills, too.

No, maybe they're both pointless.

Isn't it a mess to fake it?

'I'm sorry, but this looks pretty rough. Can it be done quickly?

"Well, let's try."

Shall I review the formation?

All of them, I sent them back.

Who summoned you?

Wolf, guardian, warrior, isocyanate, fire wheel.

The size of the company seems to be just the right size for a warrior, and this is fine.

Isocyanate can also be positioned on walls and ceilings.

You can also use a handkerchief.

The rear guard is at the mercy of the fire wheel, especially the presence of blessing skills is significant.

I feel safe.

Whatever, Wolfe, Guardian, and Warrior are the forces of stability in these area portal liberation wars.

This will be accompanied by a reincarnated smoke crystal dragon.

Area Portal Liberation Battle?

At the end of the green corridor at the root of deception, the equivalent of this is fought.

I know it's going to be an indoor fight, but it's not that uncomfortable when you think about fighting in the green corridor.

It's okay, I can do it.

I wonder how the presence of reincarnated smoke crystalline dragons affects it?

I'll know that as soon as I try.

He declares that he will not be disturbed.

Believe me, you're right.

This company is probably a hall of worship.

It's farsighted, but on the right, there was a garden and I could see the pouring rope.

But it is not the only shrine.

All the pillars that support the temple are thick and support high ceilings.

The surface was painted.

The painting of an angel is not like the shrine shrine!

Perhaps each of the angels suggests something, like a horn-blowing motif?

I don't know what that means.

"Hmm, funny"

"Do you know what it is?

"Warning, bye. At the same time it glorifies something and looks like it's even a blessing '

"So, what about me?

In the direction of my fingers, in the center of the temple, there is a human soul.

However, the gaze of the reincarnated smoke crystalline dragon will not be fixed.

Maybe you don't see it?

"Who is that? Do you see anything else?

"I have a soul."

'Really? Doesn't that look familiar to you?

I wonder what.

There has never been a challenge to area portal liberation in this way.

What shape will it take?

I can tell that right away, too.

I should probably check the trump card while I'm at it.

This place seems spacious and narrow.

It would be unlikely to use Rainforcements of Monsters.

Your destiny is [English Spirit Summons] or Boosted Monsters.

Could Extra Summoning or Metamorphose be used in combination?

To some extent, it is possible to respond on an ad hoc basis, but I really need to be prepared.

The Orihalcon sphere should not only be available in sizes for me, but also in spare parts for war ghosts.

"Are you nervous?


"Apparently, he's not a regular opponent, but he's still here. Don't forget that, okay?

That's what I'll say.

I think there can be moderate tension.

I shouldn't be too nervous.

It's best that everything is in order.

And now I am able to weaken in a way that is close to ideal.

But it's close to ideal, not ideal.

Still, you'll need to build up your training.

"The Seven Users will be activated!

"The first phase must be activated at coordinates N1U4 to confirm the title."

The key to the title is "The Middle-Piercer."

Confirm "Pass of Underworld Gate", "Destroyer of Heaven" and "Pass to Shura Road"

"Confirm Dragon Mentor, but apply to Phase II and beyond."

"Phase II requires the expansion of preliminary resources. To be reported in conjunction with battle evaluation

"Initiation of the cancellation sequence. It's impossible to stop."

"Settings shall correspond to specific monitoring targets. I will put in the established preliminary resources."

Confirm Battle Power Placement

Continuing battle force assessment for specific surveillance targets

WARNING! All preliminary resources will be temporarily unavailable!

End of Setup

We'll start the recording.

Alert your surroundings while listening to the info.

Come on, from where, what's coming?

No, before that.

Info is this pattern again!

"Is that it?"

The figure of the reincarnated smoke crystalline dragon is translucent!

At this time, what happened?

You undead it?

I'll reach out and touch it, but I don't feel it.

It's completely transparent!

But you can't seem to afford to worry about this phenomenon, can you?

There's something behind the pillars!


Event Monster Angel Crusade Target

Active Combat Position: Air, Ground???

Angel Knight????

Event Monster Angel Crusade Target

Active Combat Position: Air, Ground???

Is that it?

It's not what I imagined it would be.

I'm not the person I want to be at the point where I'm seeing things?

I guess both Archangel and Angel Knight have higher levels.

There are many of them.

But no.

This is the opponent in the area portal liberation battle, no!

You're dying from a pack of wide-area attack spells, or you're gonna sink if you suck?

By my perception, yes.

Except for Bianca and Bayonet.

They are my subpoena monsters and become a force for stability.

Not crusaded in the first place.


Event Monster????????????

The masterpiece of the Lord God in heaven???

Event Monster????

Higashi Shinobu's portrait???

Event Monster????

Divine Nest Higashi God's Capture????

Event Monster????

Is the question in this line?

The angel Seraphim has a human size, I'm already used to the look of it.

He has also fought many times with the incarnation of the Lord God in Heaven, the incarnation of the High Mistress Nest Japanese God, and the incarnation of the Divine Nest Japanese God.

But you know what?

It's not an incarnation, is it?

A portrait!

"The Divine Demonic Fight!" "Vajra!" "Enchanted Breaker!

"Limiter cut!" "Gods brace!

The Incarnation of the Great God of Heaven

Event Monster English Spiritual God

Moon Reading Life Incarnation????

Event Monster English Spiritual God

The Incarnation of Susa's Male Life

Event Monster English Spiritual God

My gaze is already nailed to Susa's incarnation of man life at this point!

But this shouldn't happen.

No, is it really preferable?

What are the characteristics of the incarnation of the Lord God in Heaven, the incarnation of the Hiroyuki Nippon God, and the incarnation of the Hiroyuki Nippon God?

As long as the MP bar continues, keep playing the English Spiritual God.

That trait should have been taken over even if it had been portrayed!

(((((((six-man seal!

((((((((seven-star seal!

((((((Ten Kings Sealed!

(((((((Force Field!

(((((((Prism light!

(((((((Dark Fall!

(The Twelve will seal!


Use the support spell assortment that you have reviewed.

I worried slightly about the [English Spirit Summon] Taiko fishing spell, but this way.

Lots of extra fighting power.

I want to make a mistake at the beginning!

((((((((Meetia Stream!



(((((((Dark Matter!

(((((((Solar Wind!



How's Archangel and Angel Knight?

Half is dying, the other half is sinking!

Is this a pattern you shouldn't expect?

But I don't think they're capable of forming, being caught off guard.

What are we gonna do?

You want to use the trump card?

rough soul????

Event Monster God

Japanese Soul????

Event Monster God

Happy Soul????

Event Monster God

Odd Soul????

Event Monster God

You're in trouble!

When this happens, it takes a lot of trouble.

The Desolate Soul is a plain opponent!

(((((((((Meteo Crash!

((((((((Meetia Stream!


(((((((Dark Matter!


(((((((Micro Black Hole!


Shoot into the vicinity where you are in the Lord God of Heaven, Hiroyoshi Hiroyoshi, and Hiroyoshi Hiroyoshi!

Is the micro black hole valid?

It worked for the incarnation, but I can't help it!

The effects of the micro black hole disappeared in front of the Lord God in Heaven?

Construct the incarnation of the god of thunder???

Event Monster English Spiritual God

The Incarnation of Heavenly Manual God????

Event Monster English Spiritual God

Tianyu is the incarnation of destiny

Event Monster English Spiritual God

Jade Joe's Incarnation

Event Monster English Spiritual God

Ish Ritual Incarnation of Life

Event Monster English Spiritual God

Cloth knife jade life incarnation

Event Monster English Spiritual God

Heavenly House Life Incarnation????

Event Monster English Spiritual God

Otomotsu sees the incarnation of God?

Event Monster English Spiritual God

This organization?

No surprise, but the question is, is it obedience?

Yamatsumi, you're adding lots of wasps!

But what size company hall doesn't it feel narrow to have this many?

I've been thinking about something that doesn't matter.

Yeah, I don't care.

Now what you do with your next hand, that's what matters!

(Swordsman descending!

I should still use it.

And touch the war ghost.

The enemy is not unseen, but he should fight with the intent of an unseen opponent.

This is an occasion where you can't spare your trump card!


Picture the fighter.

Higher points of view made it easier to understand the full power of the opponent!

You're in the shadow of a pillar, aren't you?

But it will be later to confirm.

Hit the hand you can hit first, hit it!



((((((((((((Magnetic Force!

(The Twelve will seal!


Use multi-faceted junctions as well.

What's happening to the English spiritual faces of the Swordhawk?

I think the Enchanted Demon King is sure to be there, but I care about the others.

There were more elderly English spirits in Taigang fishing.

Maybe even this swordsman descent feels like more.

It's not too late after the war has settled.

It should be!


Event Monster Angel Crusade Target

Active Combat Position: Air, Ground???


Event Monster Angel Crusade Target



Event Monster Angel Crusade Target


Event Monster Angel????

The angels should have had Archangel and Angel Knight at first, and Seraphim.

And what do you mean, there are other angels?

Plus, the giant angels are human sized!

I already know who did it.

It is the masterpiece of the Lord God in Heaven, the masterpiece of the Higashi Nest, and the masterpiece of the Higashi Nest.

There was a clear reason why it had not yet expired.

Attack spells are hard to get through!

It's not the same as the incarnation!

Micro black holes seem to be able to stop the movement, but that's all.

Thank you. I guess you have some countermeasures.

Quasar is supposed to do damage as well, but it's inconceivable.

Because it's only a few!

The same goes for rail guns.

The masterpiece of the Great God

Event Monster English Spiritual God

Moon reading life portrait????

Event Monster English Spiritual God

Susa's masculine portrait

Event Monster English Spiritual God

Build the image of the god of thunder

Event Monster English Spiritual God

It looks the same and it's not the same!

The incarnation is in the form!

Oh, shit!

I guess it's really something to be happy about!

It would be hard to get rid of an angel!

But the MP bar of God's Nest Day God's Capture was broken.

Its appearance, which was like a spherical nebula by white balls, collapses at once and is scattered across the floor.

This is followed by the collapse of the Takamiya Nest Hiji-jin image.

After all, the jade scatters on the floor, and this will also slow down the pace at which it plays.

All that remains is the Lord God in Heaven incarnation?

Something like sand gold is like a vortex nebula, and that MP bar has 30% left.

If we can maintain the current pace, it will collapse sooner or later.

But what can't be done before then?

Honestly, it would be troublesome if even the desolate soul was playing!


Look around you as you pull out with your black arms wrapped around you rolling out of that desolate soul.

You'll be able to look a little more like a warrior.

There was something I wanted to check before I could afford it.

Who are you, the English spirit of the swordsmith?

El Sid?????

English Spirit in battle

Enchanted Demon King????

English Spirit in battle

Don van De Austria????

English Spirit in battle

Read Amity????

English Spirit in battle

Alessandro Farnese????

English Spirit in battle

A ghost glance?

English Spirit in battle

Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba????

English Spirit in battle

Sekiguchi Softness????

English Spirit in battle

Ambrogio Spinola????

English Spirit in battle

I don't care how you look at it, the English spirits dressed like knights are crossed!

What's your name come to mind?

Just Don Fan.

Wasn't this synonymous with Playboy?

If you take your helmet off, I'm sure you're a good man.

There is no mistake.

Can't we sign up for a match?

Though I'm sure the intention to kill will sprout.

Maybe there's no room for that.

The playback pace will drop, but the number of remaining enemies is high.

But not too much, huh?

There are other spirits out there, but the pillars are in the way!

Rough souls, Japanese souls, Happy Souls, and Odd Souls are not all opponents I think are strong.

But it's a hassle to stop.

Especially the rough soul, it's you!

(((((((((Meteo Crash!

((((((((Meetia Stream!


(((((((Dark Matter!


(((((((Micro Black Hole!


Aim for Seraphim, a goal separate from the incarnation of the Lord God in Heaven.

Detonation is ineffective, but I can't help it.

There are only a few [Spell Fusion] combinations available in shortcuts!

What's your aim?

Let's take all the angels off.

The company hall here is big and the ceiling is high, but not enough for the angels to fight in the air.

That's why I can say that the threat is less than halved.

You're only a good prey to the isocyanates who keep fighting on the ceiling!

However, Seraphim alone is dangerous without [sealing] support.

So let's reduce it now.

And Seraphim alone has not been able to regenerate the image of the Lord God in heaven.

Then it's natural to aim!

The rest of the metamorphosis isn't that long either.

The effect of the [English Spirit Summon] spell will also cease at approximately the same time as the interruption.

That's where the production comes from.

What's your aim?

Suzano's masculine life, Tianjin's masculine life, Jiankou's thunder, that's the place.

It seems indispensable to your fight opponent, but how about fulfilling it?

It will depend on the work of the English spirits of the Swordhawk and what seems to be the Western Swordhawk that is being added.

Please, leave the prey behind.

This could be a real problem!

"The Seven Users, their foretaste has been destroyed!

The first phase of the Seven Users is over, and the second phase begins to be built.

"The first phase has been applied to the middle penetrator."

Confirm "Pass of Underworld Gate", "Destroyer of Heaven" and "Pass to Shura Road"

"Confirm Dragon Mentor, but apply to Phase II and beyond."

"Expansion of preliminary resources approved. Please start parallel processing."

"Configuration is proceeding with specific monitoring target support. Please scrutinize preliminary resources in advance."

"No problem with operational resources"

"Save specific monitored combat logs"

"There is no provisional processing. We will continue to operate normally."

End of Report

"Continue operations management"

Info flows.

More than half, I didn't ask!

When I untied the triangle, the body of the Heavenly Hand Masculine Sketch disappeared quickly.


That's isocyanate to be thankful for!

He was holding me captive for this heavenly hand-powered masculine figure!

I did enjoy Jian-Yu Thunder God's portrayal, but I used too much energy drain because of my mistake.

It's not a strangulation technique, it doesn't make sense that you passed out because of the depletion of the MP bar.

In that regard, the Heavenly Hand Masculine Sketch enjoyed fighting in a near perfect way!

But I don't even think I can fight for a long time when I think I'm keeping the reincarnated smoke crystal dragon waiting.

It was unfortunate, but I didn't indulge in shaving up to the bones.

I'm sorry to hear that there, but it's not bad.

Enjoying yourself enough, huh?

"We have secured an area portal for N1U4!

"The [machete] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Sealing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dark Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Thunder Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [No Curse] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Nursing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Throw] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[BODY ENHANCEMENT] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Spiritual Enhancement] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Silent Chanting] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Darkness Resistant] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Beast Demonization] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The Summoning Monster Ghost Guardian has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

You've been helped by a ghost guard.

The number of wretched souls will exceed twice mine.

And when Metamorphose unraveled it and went back from being a warrior, he also borrowed his fortune.

It's a throat knife.

Besides, Susa's man, he's smashing his life's portrait against him!

But don't worry.

There are plenty of spares.

But there aren't that many processed diamonds.

Retrieve it.

It was the dexterity value that was already rising with the status value of the Ghost Protector.

Let's specify an agility value for the other stat up.

Ghost Throat Lv80 Lv81 ( 1)

Dexterity value 88 ( 1)

Agility value 88 ( 1)

Intelligence value 50

Muscle strength value 72

Vitality 72

Mental Strength 50


Bow, axe, sword, stick, knife, shield, dodge.

Covered Surprise Change Divine Prestige Meditation Night Eye Light Industry

Collaborative Precision Operation Leap Balance Signal Blocked

Signs perceived self-healing [medium] physical resistance [medium]

Magic Resistance [Large] MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute fire attribute earth attribute soluble attribute

Fluid phase

"The Summoning Monster 'Ghost of War' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Take a new Throat Knife out of the Item Box and give it to the Ghost.

I also recovered the diamonds that were rolling on the floor, but the Metropolitan Eye doesn't work.

It was because I ran out of magic, or it was shattered.

But I can still afford the total eye.

It's no surprise.

Keep the new Metropolitan Eye embedded in the Throat Knife.

There are also hands that use star crystals to increase the power of the Throat Knife, but all of this is unbearable!

The number of star crystals is low.

I want to keep a spare to dedicate to Obelisk in the arena.

As long as I can secure the extra luxury, I'm quick to talk.

The reality is that the odds of being able to strip are not that high.

It was the agility value that was already rising with the status value of the Warrior Ghost.

Let's specify a dexterity value for the other stat up.

War Ghost Augalord Lv80 Lv81 ( 1)

Dexterity value 65 ( 1)

Agility value 83 ( 1)

Intelligence value 18

Muscle Strength 117

Vitality 117

Mental strength 18


Strike, kick, bite, throw, avoid.

Per Climbing Equilibrium Throwing Arthropod

Severe High Rigidity Night Eye Grab Dash

Leap Balance Light Industry Collaborative Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Medium] Self-Healing [Extreme] Petrification Resistance

Immediate death, paralysis, charm, darkness, poison.


"The summoning monster Isocyanate has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

There are changes in the surrounding landscape.

There's something under the knot, isn't there?

But it's a reincarnated smoke crystal dragon!

Soon after I touched my soul, I became translucent like a mist and disappeared.

They were seeing it again because the battle was over.

It looks rounded on the floor.

Looks like you're closing your eyes to that.

Could it be that you were asleep?

It was the dexterity value that had already risen in the status value of the isocyanate.

Let's specify Vitality for the other stat up.

Isocyanate Spider God Lv77 Lv78 ( 1)

Dexterity value 95 ( 1)

Agility value 84

Intelligence value 33

Muscle strength value 84

Vitality 77 ( 1)

Mental strength 33


Chewed Nail Strike Leap Avoid Climbing Excavation

Surprise Concealment Hazard Detection Vibration Sensing Magic Detection

Signs blocked, magic blocked, surveillance, night out yarn.

Trap Creation Cocoon Creation Mesh Yarn Junction Yarn Extension

Self-healing [large] Physical resistance [large] Magic resistance [medium]

MP Recovery Increase [Small] Dark Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes

Toxic paralysis, dark chaos, charm.

"The Summoning Monster Firewheel has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

"Apparently, it's over."

"Is that it? Were you awake?

"I don't just see it with my eyes."

That's convenient!

The skills of the reincarnated smoke crystal dragon were abundant.

I guess you don't deserve to be surprised if you have any means.

But it's not easy to see where you're fighting. That's a shame. "


'Sounds like you struggled pretty hard. Well, you're gonna survive, and that's fine. "

The reincarnated smoke crystal dragon goes under the knot and out of the company hall.

He's a dragon pappy now, but is something weird?

I see something like a crack all over my body.

This, no way!

I'm seeing the same phenomenon as this!

It was the Intelligence value that was already up in the Firewheel status value.

Let's specify an agility value for the other stat up.

Firewheel Gold Sheep Lv78 Lv79 ( 1)

Dexterity value 35

Agility value 94 ( 1)

Intelligence value 94 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 35

Vitality 68

Mental Strength 67


Avoidance Disease Driver Dash Per Head Punch

Night Flight Aerial Maneuver Hazard Detection Magic Detection

Psychic Spirit Strike Rider Recovery [Small] Physical Resistance [Small]

Magic Resistance [Extreme] Magic Offset [Medium] MP Recovery Increased [Medium]

Elasticity Enhancement [Large] Demolition Blessings Spacetime Attributes Light Attributes

Dark Attributes Yellow Way Changes White Way Changes Confusion Sleep Confusion Resistance

Sleep resistant

"My body!

'Don't panic.' Cause it's just a little cramped in here. '

Outside the company hall, the reincarnated smoke crystalline dragon's body has become huge at once!

What's that look like?

Impressions are close to the Tied Spirit of the Smoky Crystal Dragon.

The size is just slightly thinner than the Greater Dragon class.

If you look closely, the scales feel translucent, like coffee.

Translucency, even so, is quite low.

In some places, the addition or subtraction of light does not appear to be at all translucent.


It seems similar to the purple crystalline dragon, the yellow crystalline dragon, and the crystalline dragon, but the impression is different.

Then it was certainly felt that it was the same series.

But change never stops.

Is that it?

Greater, you're turning into a dragon, right?

Beacon Greater Dragon LV1

Dexterity value 40

Agility value 42

Intelligence value 51

Muscle strength value 44

Vitality 44

Mental Strength 50


biting tearing flying avoiding leaping disease night vision

Aquatic Aerial Mobility Self-Recovery [Small] Physical Resistance [Small]

Magic Resistance [Small] Increased MP Recovery [Small] Predatory Absorption Brace

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute

Soil Attributes Water Attributes Soluble Attributes Toxic Resistance Immediate Death

I rushed to [identify] it, but it seemed too late.

Apparently it's already disguised.

"Hmm. Looks like the flow of power has changed."

"Have you changed?

"It seems to be converging and diffusing. But there's no doubt it's distorted."


'Keep in mind. This could be a vicious sign, right?

Is it a bad omen?

You're welcome to fight even more vicious opponents.

I would ask you to be more specific if you could.

But, you know, I didn't want to end up relying on reincarnated smoke crystal dragons.

This would also be another contradiction.

By the way, this is a good area portal for the N1U4 map, right?

I'll check on the wide area map.

The Palace of the Thief, though.

I can barely read it as "Mojo".

But I had forgotten what it meant.

What was that?

Well, I guess it's not important that you forget.

Now there's something else to do.

Let's prioritize that one.

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