"What's the status of the other black spheres?

"So far, no change!

"Supposedly, if there's a change, it'll be after the seal is over."

"What happens, that's the problem"


'But if something doesn't happen, it's boring!

What I'm concerned about will be quite different from them.

I think even Adele and Irina make a difference.

But there is something in common.

Something happens in this game.

I wish I could simply enjoy that, it would run out there.

"Then we will go to the harbour town of Coolier to monitor!

"Right. Be careful."

"Take care of yourself, Mr. Keith."

No battle seems to have broken out anywhere in the alert zone yet.

Although a large number of demons have emerged from the black sphere approaching from the sea side that appear to be related to Greek mythology.

They're not rolling anything out right now.

Well, I guess the NPC dragons will just drive me out where I tried to appear.

In short, the fact that the dragons are in this situation is not good enough in itself!

To tell the truth, can't there be a demon attack on another base somewhere?

I'm the one who thinks so.

What are we gonna do?

"It depends on the progress of the seal, right? I will now greet Her Majesty the Queen."

"Maybe, is that you?

"Yeah, maybe."

There is a place where strict security is laid in Baobab Ent and Sentinel Golem.

Probably where Queen Sabine is coming from.

It's not like you're waiting quietly in the back.

If there is a Sentinel Golem, is that woman Pope Suzanne accompanied?

"What do you say we don't have it?

"You can swirl over it."

'That's not good either. I'll have to accompany you here quietly. "

Although baobabuent and sentinel golem arranged as if to lay the junction.

It is the Purple Crystal Dragons that also form a circle inside it.

Almost everyone is in place.

Elder Dragon elders and Huang Jinglong stood side by side in a way that came off the circle formation.

The reincarnated smoke crystalline dragon would still fit better next to it.

Regardless, Largo would be inconspicuous if he was with us.

"Then we'll descend, won't we?


Well, what's the progress on the sealing work?

I haven't been informed of anything specific.

I guess that's not good enough for me to know.

Excuse me, but there are no exceptions.

"Yeah, I'm fine"

Identification was carried out when entering the circle of Baobabuent and Sentinel Golem.

There is no problem.

The Dark Elves and Dragon Newts are checking for my dreaded gear.

A weapon substitute has already been stored in the Item Box and there should be no problem.

Still, I have a little trouble getting scared so far.

Anyway, I'm going to be under the illusion that I'm being treated like a criminal!

"Your Majesty is here, isn't she?

"Yeah, yeah. I'm asking you to confirm the seal."

"Even under Her Holiness Pope?

"Hi-ha, hi-ha!

Best of all, the frightened dark elf man doesn't seem to be able to stand properly.

Levels are also exceptionally low in this.

I'm not asking mean questions, either.

I'm only nearest you.

Dark Elves are also a long-lived species, and would be older than me and others in the setup.

"Calm down."

"Huh, huh!

No, you dark elf.

Maybe, but he wasn't blessed with the opportunity to interact with other races either.

I'm sorry.

I want to do something about it, but what can I do?

Oh, yeah.

There was a wand for a spiritual tree, but can it help?

It was given to the parent of the woodworker's elf.

"Calm down. You know what this is?

"Duh, how could you do that?

"To the elves, to the dark elves, because I do nothing. Don't be scared."

Looks good to keep the Spirit Tree wand inside the Item Box.

The look on the young dark elf changed.

He has an immediate expression of relief after showing great surprise.

I don't know.

If you're an escort, I want you to maintain some tension.

You're not allowed to relax, are you?

Only the Red Shield Car Bankle noir is beside me.

More precisely, though, there's a vampire Dutchess telomere in the shadows.

The pale moon, the largo, and the fire wheel are left with the reincarnated smoke crystal dragon at Elder Dragon's elder.

There are also Huang Jinglong, but you won't notice who the reincarnated smoke Jinglong is.

Even from here I could see playing with the fire wheel.

Looking up?

From here I can't see the head of Baobabuent and Sentinel Golem.

My neck is gonna hurt!

When I turned my eyes further, I saw the purple crystalline dragons.

I'm putting my tail out and in circles.

There is no problem because it is possible to discern by the colour of the body surface.

"Come here, then"

Pass between the Golden Red Dragon and the Platinum Dragon according to Birdman's lead, who will be the guide.

Are the dragon heads meditating on each other?

Everyone, keep your eyes closed and quiet.

I've watched it many times.

Because reincarnated smoke crystalline dragons often stand like this.

I was still in the middle of the circle.

Queen Sabine, Queen Szanne.

Lawknights to the Dragon Knights, who would serve as escorts to each of them.

And to Juna, it's Guild Chief Legrand.

You can see the black sphere from between the emerald dragon and the crystal dragon.

I guess we're assembling here because it's a high ground.

And that's fine, isn't it close?

"Keith, over here!

"Guys. What about the master?

"Orenew is going to make a seal. There you go."

"So is Gerta!

Are you on the ground?

I know it's dangerous.

But neither Master nor Lady Guerta is the power of the line.

I still feel like I haven't seen its true strength.

"How do you seal that?

"Use evil crystals. They swallow everything, so to speak, in nothing."

"Covering everything with nothingness will be the reality of the seal."

"Evil crystals are a substitute for distortion, so to speak. Use the characteristics you know."

"Use, is it"

"Mm-hmm. Alchemy secrets are used to invert the accumulated force."

"What happens?

"Generate concoction between nothingness. We will lose each other's strength."

"It sounds dangerous, though."

"Sure. That's why it's also highly effective. It's hard to control, so it took me a while to prepare."

It's beyond my comprehension!

There was still something I could tell.

Sounds like a risk-based effect, doesn't it?

The question is, if the seal succeeds, how does the demon god move?

I don't know where it is.

If you seem to know it, I know it.

"Do you have any information on the Devil's side?

"Oh. The princesses, right? I'm not moving on."

"Unconscious, are you?"

"Yeah, I'm still losing myself."

"Why don't you try shocking me with something?

"I can't recommend it. Your symptoms could get worse, right?

"But we won't make any progress, will we?

"And it depends on what they do. You have to be moderate to shock me."

Shock, is it?

Well, I know what they were going to be happy about when they were about to become demons.


The only person who would be happy would be the flesh. The consciousness would be different.

As far as I'm concerned, I had no other choice but to reward you.

Yes, I didn't mean to.

I was just giving the honey to the summoning monsters.

Is that okay with me?

You should do anything that works.

Yes, it's a different matter of what that looks like around us.

"Where are the princesses? I have a few hands I'd like to try."

"Keith, is that you?

He said, "Are you there?

Mr. Juna's gaze falls to the ground.

It's the shadows there.

I see.

You mean you're always captured in the shadows?

"Try what?

"You're not gonna do anything terrible, are you?


Yeah, I can tell if you're watching.

That shouldn't be terrible.

Because when it comes to what I do, I just give the honey to the summoning monster.

Whoa, who better to give you that reward?

It may be a noir, but it should be a memorable face for the princesses.

Absolutely, okay.

Terromea and Noir will return here.

What do you summon?

It's time for Ninetail and the Lifeguard!

"Oh, you seem to be working out inside."


Are you happy to be praised by Mr. Juna, Ninetail and the tail of a life woman shake.

The number of tails seems to be increasing all at once, but this is from time to time.

That number doubled even more, huh?

I'm sure it's because I removed honey from the Item Box.

And then he jumps on my shoulders!

Not yet!

There's someone else for you to be sweet with.

A shadow emerges from Mr. Juna's shadow.

Princess Henriette and Princess Louise.

Are you wearing a white Negrije?

Even though it looks clear, I can imagine the line of my body and the opposite is erotic.

In fact, my chest is especially horny that I didn't know when I was wearing armor.

I think I'm staring!

But when this happens, it's pathetic.

We are both Tianma knights, but we do not belong to a country anymore.

Even that world is now in crisis of transformation.

It was them who set it up.

I don't know.

Was it so fascinating to turn into a demon god?

I can't hear that either as it is now.

Indeed, the princesses in front of us are self-defeated.

I can see my eyes staying half open and void.

Are you a watchman, there was a vampire duchess behind each of them.

If I accidentally saluted him, he smiled back and I feel like I got a little!

Let's keep this a screenshot!

Careless, but it's a good painting to be alongside the princess.

Really, it's horny!

"What isn't that?

"It's normal honey"

"What the hell are you doing?

"Well, if you look, you'll see."

The guild leader had a slightly disturbing look.

Rest assured.

Because I'm just going to reward Ninetail and the Lady of Life!


"Are you awake?

Princess Louise was quick to regain consciousness.

The first place I drooled honey over the princesses' bodies was between my toes.

I was confused with Mozo Mozo, but that was all I had, so I changed my policy.

Next is the ear.

But this seems to have been a disapproval to Ninetail and the Lifeguard.

Because the vampire duchesses seemed to lick it rarely!

Do you also like honey even though it's undead?

It's not a living blood.

But the way the vampire duchesses licking honey intertwined with the princesses was a really good picture.


The look on the princesses' faces was exhilarating.

You can't stop getting more screenshots, can you?


"Oh, there! Da, dame!

"I'm sorry. Wrong amount"

It's a lie.

Drop a little honey nod for the vampire duchesses.

Next is a dent around the neck and clavicle.

I've made the quantity multi-eyed.

Because the princess moves her body glossy, it drips further down.

Right down there.

The princess deserves a beautiful, exhilarating swell of honey!

Regardless, the clothes become honey-coated as well.

Don't miss Ninetail there either.

He was beginning to lick away the dripping honey!

"Ah, there!

"Honey drips, doesn't it? Can you hold still, please?

"Damn! Just be patient there!

Ninetail was starting to lick honey from the top of his clothes without a problem.

Honey and saliva make my clothes wet and my skin is rising.


And the pinnacle of chest swelling is becoming obvious!

Vampire Dutchess, who was behind Princess Louise, laughs glossy.

When those hands eagle their breasts, they are pulling up to prevent honey from dripping off.


Nice assist!

Ninetail also buries his face between his breasts.

That number of tails sure looks more than nine!

What a remnant!

"Ko, what's this?

"Oh, have you regained consciousness"

"Oh, that, stop! Damn!"

The vampire Dutchess who was behind Princess Henriette clearly seems to like to blame her.

When I hold it up while rubbing my breasts, I'm putting plenty of honey on its top!

Naturally, that's where the lifeguard is going.

"Oh, no, stop! Forgive me already!

"This is Keith. I don't know if this is a good idea.

"No. I'm just rewarding you with honey,"

"Keith said," Livestock!

No, Mr. Juna's opinion is strange.

I just dripped honey for you.

I assume it's the vampire duchesses under Mr. Juna who imitate the animals, right?

But you've regained consciousness.

"Sure it is!

"Well, this is it."

The princesses were losing their strength from their bodies.

No, my body is reacting pimply as if I enjoy the aftertaste.

And he's lost his mind.

The tranced look seems pleasant no matter how you look at it.

For the princesses, too, a reward?

Maybe that's the place.

Aside from what they think, the body seems greatly satisfied.


I don't think so in this case.

"Oh, you know. Master Keith?"

"This is Her Majesty the Queen."

"It must be good to be able to regain consciousness, but the way we do it is a little bit."

"Hey, what is it?

That's unusual.

Her Majesty the Queen was also a dragon knight and often behaved with indifference.

I've never seen you lose your word as shy as you are now.

Weird, you're horny, aren't you?

Let's make this a screenshot, too.

"Master Keith."

"Yes, what is it?

"Come to me if you want to confess. Makes you feel better, doesn't it?


Pope Szanne suggests penance, but I'm not guilty.

No, I don't think you've committed any sins like a saint prince!

I don't mean to insist.

Whatever the means, the princesses regained consciousness.

Now I'm just losing my mind due to another factor.

I think you'll wake up normally.

"Sire, come here!

"Looks like the seal has begun!

I guess I didn't even respond to that voice, but the eyes of the purple crystalline dragons that had turned into silent statues were wide open.

I feel comfortable too.

Come on, what happens?

I wish it was a battle.

However, I don't like the way the dragons here take their prey.

You can't have enough nervousness, can you?

"Master Juna, because sealing is a success with that?

"Yeah, it's a great success," he said.

What happened to the black sphere?

It's gone now.

A larger black sphere has arisen in the sky, the next moment.

It was down on the ground, fused with a black sphere, and had disappeared.

If it's over, it's really embarrassing!

"How are things everywhere?

There's no change in the black sphere to the north.

"The South as well"

"Looks like the eastern seas stopped moving."

"Hmm. Then fly to each base! Raise the power of your families and find traces of the demons!

"" "" "" "" "" "Ha!

"Golden Red Dragon, and Crystal Dragon Protect the Queen."


Leaving the Golden Red Dragon and the Crystal Dragon on this occasion, the Dragon Chiefs fly.

What are we gonna start with?

"There you are, little friend."

"Guys. Um, what are you starting?

"Let's see if we can trace more demon trails than the space we would have sealed."

"Because you can do that?

'I don't know. But it would be worth a try.'

Neither the Golden Red Dragon nor the Crystal Dragon has interrupted the tension.

Still, something happens.

No, I'm just trying to be able to handle whatever happens.

"It's a telepath from a friend subscriber! You can have a conversation."

Who is it?

No, anyone.

You want something going on?

Come on, what happened!

"It's Keith. What's happening?

"It's Irina! It's weird in the harbor town of Coolier, a giant god has emerged!


'There are many others, currently retreating!

"Copy that, we'll rush that way! Don't get caught up in the fight, okay? Can you do that?"

'Something. I'll call for other reinforcements!

"Do that."

Turn off the telepath.

I can't stay like this.

Sooner or later, NPC dragons will be put in as reinforcements.

Until then, it's a battle!

"Keith, what's wrong?

"Excuse me. I'll be on perimeter alert too."

"I'm laughing at you with a weird face. Did something good happen to you?

Oh, come on.

Has Juna seen anything strange?

No, it's not just Mr. Juna.

The guild leader, Mr. Legrand, flaunts his face, and Queen Sabine has a surprised look at something too!

Mr. Szanne is obviously pulling me off!

That's not good.

You're not in good mood control, are you?

"Is it a good idea to say hello to your master?

"Yeah. Because I want to hurry now. Excuse me here."

"I'm in a hurry."

I resign when I manage to take care of my physical condition.

We have to hurry.

The giant god is your opponent?

I don't have any complaints.

Wherever possible, slaughter me!

"Mr. Keith!

"Are you all right?

"Yeah, somehow."

"How's the reinforcements?

'Now it's just Mr. Keith!

"Spring vegetables and this flower will be here soon!

"All right. The two of them are reinforcement markers as they are. Stay out of combat airspace for the moment."

"Uh, what about Mr. Keith?

"It's settled. I'll stop you!

How about that?

He's about to leak a laugh out loud!

It is certainly the giant gods who are under the eye, and the situation is more chaos!


Giant god


Giant god


Giant god


Giant god

"Through the Union! Later, please!

"'Ha, yes!

Are they the giant gods you're familiar with?

Not a shadow, but I've fought opponents of this name before.

Must be strong.

No, I can't forgive you if you're not strong!


Giant god

Yormungand's portrait????


Teuporn's portrait????


Ruthless Humbaba????




King Troll????


"The hell with humans!" "Vajra!" "Enchanted Breaker!

"Limiter cut!" "Gods brace!

There are other giant opponents with Zorro!

I shouldn't do this.

Can the NPC dragon be wiped out by the time it gets here?

Seems I have to worry about that.

Silly Mother Turf Goddess Intro

Giant god

A Night Zhi ancient mud portrait

Giant god

Heaven's Standing God's Body

Giant god


Giant god

Dadou is the embodiment of the gods

Giant god

UMO Zhias is slower than ancient god's writing???

Giant god

Another giant god is emerging as if to destroy the harbour town of Coolier!

It bothers me which one to prioritize when this happens!


It's a luxury concern!

Please, some of me don't think reinforcements have to come.

Honestly, it's weird though I don't feel like I'm going to survive without a trump card, right?

(Physical Enchant Fire!)

(Physical Boost Fire!)

(Physical Enchant Earth!)

(Physical Boost Earth!)

(Physical Enchant Wind!)

(Physical Boost Wind!)

(Physical Enchant Aqua!)

(Physical Boost Aqua!)

(Mental Enchant Wright!)

(Mental Boost Light!)

(Mental Enchant Dark!)

(Mental Boost Dark!)

(Cross dominance!)

(Acrobatic Flight!)

(Gravity Mail!)

(Psycho Pod!)



(Boyd Sphere!)

(Dark Shield!

(Fire heels!

(Enchanted Ice Cream!)

(Resist Fire!

(The Twelve will seal!


What's the current formation?

Ninetail, Ethereal Moon, Largo, Lifeguard, Firewheel.

Don't forget to fortify it with spells!

And reincarnated smoke, crystalline dragons, right?

"It's Keith, by the way!


'You seem to be laughing ahead of that number, but are you okay?

"Of course, it's okay! I'm laughing because it's fun!


Devil Bird????????





(((((((six-man seal!

((((((((seven-star seal!

((((((Ten Kings Sealed!

(((((((Force Field!

(((((((Prism light!

(((((((Dark Fall!

(The Twelve will seal!


If you try to lower altitude all at once and stop him, an interceptor?

No, the aerial power you've been waiting for!

Somehow [Fusion of Spells] seemed to have made it first and never ate the attack.

Don't tell me you were just a little surprised!


((((((((Ice Age!

(((((((Greenhouse Effect!

(((((((Solar Wind!

(((((((Dark Fall!

(((((((instant tectonics!

(The Twelve will seal!


I haven't used the combination yet, but let's use it.

The purpose is to stop the ground forces.

But they still have extra power, don't they?

Astral Dragon????

void dragon????

Universal Dragon????


I can't laugh anymore!

Even if the NPC dragon takes away its prey, it seems like it can hold many of them back.

Let's just say it seems like a compromise.

You have to finish more with my hands!

Lay down a multi-faceted junction with the Orihalcon sphere!

This is gonna be a long fight, okay?

"The dragons will be coming, too!

I mean, right now, right?

The reincarnated smoke crystalline dragon whines like that, while Largo hits the universal dragon!

Apparently, it was switched on?

Largo is accompanied by a life woman and a fire wheel.

The support will also be generous, so it will be fine.


Ninetail rings over the head of the pale moon.

And the landscape around me distorts.

I use a skill pneumonia.

If it is a brawl, it will be a highly effective support.

It's the beginning!

It's the beginning that counts!

Before reinforcements get here, if we're gonna do everything we can, we're not gonna have a choice of means, are we?

(((((((((Meteo Crash!

((((((((Meetia Stream!


(((((((Dark Matter!

(((((((Solar Wind!

(((((((Micro Black Hole!


Staggering with a bunch of demon dragons, he unleashes an attack spell.

Now the surroundings are full of enemies, you just have to lay your attacks on them without worrying.

Hurry up!

It will probably be a short time before reinforcements arrive!

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