"Is that it?"

Trying to get out of the castle, back again.

I've been standing in the front door, I don't have that operating avatar.

It was customary to tap the head lightly when passing through.

Where the hell are you wandering?

No, is this an omen?

It is possible that Kuzu is here.

So, where?

I was in the dining room again, eating.


That's a good enough story.

Let's go to the dining room before we go outside the castle.

What if I wasn't there?

Looking around doesn't suit you sexually, but why don't you go after him?

If it's possible that we can track the smell.

Though it seems to be invisible or invisible by people in the state of the operating avatar.

I think the same is true of Kuzu.

Basically, I think I can see it in my subpoena monster.

Seems to see Mr. Fina, too, but what would you think if you saw that guy from Kuju?

You must flatter your face.

Even I am.

You're instinctively angry at that lightness!

Fair enough.

If there's been any progress in the investigation, that's good news.

Although the contents are different.

What the hell's going on around me?

Besides, what's going on in real life?

I heard it reflected my own motion on the robot.

I have also heard quite a bit of kina smell from Mr. Fina.

What does all this mean?

I'm talking about pruning parallel worlds in the first place.

That credibility still bears a question mark.

I wish I had the means to prove something.

I can't think of it right now.

You're gonna resent yourself for not being so wise?

"Hey, I'm here."

"There you are. What are you doing here?

"I was watching the dragons until the other day. No, that's so powerful!

"You can see it whenever you want, if you run it."

'That's it. That's what I was hoping for, huh? I don't have any!

"What do you expect?

"Like you, for example, surrounded by goddesses and flirting."

"Do you want me to die?

Tea before a long stay, plus a small cake to figure out who made it.

How long have you been in the kitchen?

No, you don't have to take a guy like this seriously!

Well, that's it.

Sit face to face across the table.

Let me talk to you!

"Well, where do I start talking to you"

"Briefly, please. Time is a waste."

'You're in trouble. I like to talk to you, but you have a bad habit of derailing.'

"Correct it. Now, on this occasion."

'As usual, I say impotent. Well, fine. Oh, yeah! Want to watch first from the video?

"We need to talk."

The light grin of Kujuku stays on, it doesn't move.

When I showed it to you, it did.

Literally, freeze state.

What are you solidifying?

"I don't know what else to do. I'd like to talk to you as far as I know. Is there anything you want to ask me first?

"It's that old gentleman. You got something?

"There's also Almeida's cooperation, to some extent. But I can't tell you the details."

"It's enough to know the name."

"From there? His name is Benoit. Maybe, but the inhabitants of the parallel worlds, they've been playing in this world too."

I'm telling you what Kuzu is.

Finally, my gaze was also folding something.

Kue has prepared tea for me. [M]

The cake is likely to be four times as good as it is served for a long time.

The gaze is poured into the cake.

'Isn't that discrimination?

"Quick, you're out of line!

I don't know.

We're going to be listening for a long time.

"To what extent is that Benoit authority?

'Lately, I've figured it out. You don't seem to know only one golden doll. "


'It means there's another golden doll. The other day, I've never seen another individual before. "

You mean there's more than one operation?

"Benoit is working with another golden doll to do something. Difficult to deal with directly. '

That was troublesome.

What the hell are you trying to do to intervene in my actions?

You're welcome if you're just dropping in a strong enemy, but I don't think that's all.

Trying to get those goddesses to cage, you're gonna have to fight them, aren't you?

The next time they use the same hand, there is no guarantee that they will be able to stand it.

'They're right to combine different values and evaluate them multilaterally, aren't they?

"Whose findings?"

"Almeida. He's a hard worker, too, and he's still running east and west to get rid of his lack of resources."

"What causes that lack of resources?

Are you out of line?

Cheeks cake after derailment.


Simple shortcake, but not too sweet.

Suitable for tea.

"Isn't there a lot of lack of resources in the first place?

'I agree. I don't just feel like maintaining a high degree of virtual reality'

"What do you think?

'You don't get it. Almeida was a fool too. "

"What does it have to do with connecting parallel worlds?

'Maybe, but I think it's a lot. How it works, though, is black box.'

"On what grounds?

"Power consumption. Sometimes, but I use a hell of a lot of power '

"What is it used for?

"Come on? I can't figure it out anymore when the robot starts working."

"You must be the tenant who introduced the materials machine, right?

"Yes. That's all I can say. '

Kuzu also cheeks the rest of the cake.

Still. It's gone.

My gaze seems to be pouring into the cake in front of me, but we need to talk first!

"Let's get back to it. What's Benoit's purpose?

"Your elimination! It's settled!

"If it's an operation, all you have to do is delete your account. Didn't I?"

'If it's simply a game, you are. But this is also a place to compare and observe residents of each parallel world. "

"Why can't I delete my account?

"You've been designated a specific surveillance target for that. You need a clear reason to delete it."

"What if we were in a cage of goddesses?

'Suddenly there would have been a possibility of deletion. Hey. I think I had to take into account the circumstances and warn you.'

Kuzu's friendship breaks down.

Kue was adding tea for me.

And then the cake.


You don't have to go that far, do you?

No, let's change our minds.

Well, it's going to make me feel good and talk perky, okay?

It just hurts that the story might derail.

"Did you expect the same thing to happen again?

"Yeah, but there's something else I want to prioritize."

"The battle itself, huh? It's hard to understand."

"You don't have to. In short, do you think Benoit will be after my elimination in the future?

'Maybe by any means. I think that's why he did it. "

"You know what that is?

'It'll be hard. I'll try. I'm interested. "

Watching Kuju try the cake again, I'm stuck thinking about it.

I see.

Whatever the means, huh?

If I can, I want you to come with someone who's going to be a big struggle.

That being the case, it is a very welcome structure.

"Next, then. Seems like a lot of trouble in real life, but then what?

'As always, agents from all over the country are on the verge. It's just that you've been getting radical lately. "

"What's up?

The nukes have been dropped.


'Oh, for once, I'm fine over here. It's bad for a Japanese agent who's been wiped out. "

"Nucleus? What idiot did this to you! What the hell are you thinking?

"I think he dropped it because he thought he was going to get ahead of me by a Japanese agent, right?


"Now that place is a treasure trove of tech auto parts. What if Japan had a monopoly on technology like that?

"Hey. Then what's the purpose of dropping the nukes!

"I guess that's what this is about."

"Anazerlink Saga Online's base of operations has finally been destroyed?

'At least that's what you take if you're dropped, right? It's gonna be a real war.'


Too much sword swallowing for a tea drink!

Kuzu enjoys the cake happily.

It's like you're not even interested in losing your nucleus where you are.

Suddenly I was horrified.

Kuzu looks like a monster.

Mentally heterogeneous.

I don't understand.

"All over the world, you're making a fuss, aren't you?

"That's what surprises me, it's not even news"

"No way!"

'Something's going on in real life. I also said not to return it to the water basin. I don't know what's gonna happen now.'

"Looks like someone else."

'No way. I'm still worried about this.'

I'm telling you because you don't look that way!

That's what I wanted to scream, but now I'm patient.

Priority must be given to obtaining information from the permanent residence in front of you.

"You know what's going to happen?

"Come on. It's just that the robots' new gear is a swordswallowing substitute."

You mean there's a counterattack?

'I don't know if there's a definition of retaliation, but hey. I'm sure it's gonna be terrible, huh?


I think I should say something else now.

Is this what losing words means?

I also say I won't tell you two words.

I can't spin out the words I need to say.

I really can't.

"Oh, add some extra tea!

How about that?

He wants to beat up his longtime residence asexually!


Be patient!

But we should talk to someone about this, too, right?

That opponent has already been decided.

It's Mr. Fina.

Maybe you've already figured something out?

There is no way to pry into who it is.

Now I want information.

Even if that's just a break!

Kuzu left.

I want him to come here every day and get information.

I don't think I can do that.

But don't include telling them to come again.

Honestly, I don't know if I can believe it, but let's believe it.

The only reason I came here today is to base myself on it.

The operating avatar is standing in its original position at the entrance of the castle.

I didn't have to beat up Kuzu today.

But what about next?

I'm sure that attitude will remain the same.

Sooner or later, I have a feeling I'm going to punch you in the face!

But it's a noisy world.

Did they drop the nukes?

So both this game and where it is run is a horrible story.

Something seems to be going on in the game, and in real life.

I can't lose my mind.

But what can I do?

Let's not think about it there.

I'll do what I can.

That's fine now.

Okay, let's go to the arena.

I wonder what happened to the dragon leaders' consultation?

I want to hear the consequences.

"In the end, the smoke crystal dragon said no."

"Of course not! It would be the same for you to say no!

"Non is but an old, short dragon. I don't think it's too much of a role anymore."

"You're lying. It would simply be a hassle '

"Is that about you?

Today the elders are bogged down and reincarnated. Is the smoke crystalline dragon a scratch?

The position is sometimes reversed, but this is the kind of relationship they have now.

We sit on each other's towers, stretching our necks and saying to each other,

It would be a good sight with medium force if you didn't even care what the conversation was about.

When the giant body that rises in the darkness slowly swells, even with a slight addition or subtraction of light, everything glows.

Both reincarnated smoke dragons and elders look like Elder Dragons.

A dragon of plain colour during the day, but at night, there were places like this.

But you know what?

A conversation that reaches your ears is ruining everything!

I watch both of those things without saying anything about Golden Red Dragon, Cuiyu Dragon, or even Huang Jinglong.

Each was sitting on a tower listening to conversations between reincarnated smoke crystal dragons and elders.

They say the other chiefs are back in each nest, and they're not here.

Initially, I was supposed to explain to both of them what happened to my discussions.

The story stays out of line, I'm not going back.

Because we're both criticizing each other for refusing to go underground!

I can only say one thing I've heard so far.

"Keith, in short, Mr. Smoke Crystal Dragon. He wants to act freely."

"Oh, I know that. I guess so."

"The elders can't let such a smoke crystal dragon go."

"Oh, that sounds like it"

'Um, I understand. Yeah, we're talking, but we're good friends.'

"'No, no!

Mr. Golden Red Dragon, Mr. Golden Red Dragon.

Isn't it too late to realize that?

"So who do we have in the basement?

We're sending Elder Dragons from every nest.

"Quickly, but I'm digging a new cave than the bottom of that vertical hole."

"Not suitable for training young dragons, but be a workout for young dragons"

"The undead bounce can be definitely suppressed. Besides, there seems to be no shortage of demons."

"I also went to see how things were going a little bit, but it was a really preferred place."


Will the Elder Dragon be stationed in an underground cave?

I have no choice.

I alone can't sweep the undead of a vast underground cave in time.

Unfortunately, with the help of the dragons, it's a reasonable choice.

We have a mutual interest, so we have to compromise.

"Keith, I've decided to hear the wise man's opinion on this matter."

"Uh, are you talking about Mr. Juna?

"And your master, too. When we slaughter the undead, we decide to crush the evil crystal."

'Until now I thought that would be enough of a measure, but it doesn't seem to be a root cause'

"Distortion is making strange moves yesterday. It's too soon for that power to concentrate."

"Therefore, we have adopted a strategy to collect evil crystals like the wise men."

"It is inefficient to collect and seal evil crystals separately. Together, we'll propose management."

"The Golden Red Dragon will be its focal point. So, Keith, could you come with me?


A little surprised by the words of the last Cuiyu dragon.

Well, that's fine.

It's convenient because I had some business to attend to.

"Can I finish my breakfast?

'Whatever. I'll suit your convenience. "

That's where the conversation stopped.

What the fuck?

The reincarnated smoke crystalline dragon and the elder had also stopped talking.

"You sound like a visitor."


"That's it? Keith, I'll wait here. You don't mind taking your time, do you?


Golden Red Dragon says so, though.

There he is, that's just the pressure.

We need to get this done fast!

The first step is to review the portal guards we are deploying in the Summon Forest.

And just a few, so I want to play a match with the bottom up of the battle.

Visitors, that would always be the face of being here.

Some of them, I'm sure, are Mr. Fina.

Earlier, you should share the information you received from Kuzu.

"Mr. Fina isn't logged in?

"Yeah, I got word today that I'm in a hurry and I'm not going to be able to participate in the game."


Is Rick doing what he usually does?

Aren't you uncomfortable with me?

With that in mind, I'm reviewing the portal guard in the audience.

Taylor, peptide, modulus, princess, isocyanate.

Plus Murata, patio, sixteen nights, I removed your ship.

What did you deploy in turnover?

Tigris, Occasional Demon, Polar Night, Thunder Wen, Sirius, Gimbal.

As a fire wheel, a pyrine, an ezilio...

Let's check it out.

What happened to the portal guard we deployed in the Summon Forest?

Jericho, Rig, Tigris, Couturier, Lion Roar, Evil Encounter, Polar Night.

Thunder Wen, Guardian, Sirius, Suraj, Kue, Tefra, Rock Iron, Gimbal.

Tiger spots, butterfly circles, reticles, sparks, cracks, auro, plata, fire wheels.

Liquor boats, colesacs, shkabras, silfras, geche, scoville.

And it's demitas, white magnetism, malachite, pyrine, ezilio.

Honestly, it's a big place, but are you okay?

If I were to assume a leading role in this, I would be Tigris.

We've done this many times already, and you're gonna be okay, right?

And the dragons are stationed.

There is almost no anxiety.

It also means that there is little left.

When will the operation come, set me up?

Anxiety cannot be dispelled.

You can't even look me in the eye if you set me up in my absence, can you?

"Match, right?

"Oh. But what about Rick?

"The other guys were working on it, and I really had something to do with Mr. Fina."

"Wouldn't it be funny just to watch the game? Why don't you join us?"

"Eh. You mean to put Keith at his party?

"Oh, you can do it, right?

"Wait a minute! Depends on what they're going to be!

"It's okay, I can do it."

I kinda miss just Rick in the audience.

Then you should let him take part in the match.

What, Rick's working out pretty good, and he's fine!

"Po, is this the only part of the portal guard?

"I think less is better for Rick, too, right? Experience."

"That's in exchange for risk, right?

Indeed, as Rick pointed out, participation from the portal guard is low.

The golem group helped the earth spirits because of their ongoing work.

Puppet sets and bee sets have morning routine business.

But Auro and Plata, who left a message last night, are in.

Plus reincarnated smoke crystal dragons, elders, and yellow crystal dragons.

Nor can the elders miss the opportunity to train the Huang Jinglong.

Are you worried about the lack of a wall role by the golem group in Rick's position?

Let's shape someone in the slime set to Rick.

I don't think I can dispel the anxiety, but it's better than not to put it on.

Well, what about the party formation?

Florin, stay up late, chelate, quark.

The arena is huge and even the Quark has the scale to compete.

But it's also true that the arena feels narrow.

I may not get used to it at first, but it's okay!

The same feeling as normal hunting is fine.

The concern would be the anomaly specification that Rick would also participate.

The Rick is an Orthodox avant-garde and will take risks accordingly.

But there it is.

Support is easy.

"It looks like there are no other users of the arena. It's a streak."

"Oh, I wish you gentle hands."

"Oh. Right."

It's a lie.

He was walking away to Obelisk in the arena to keep Rick from reading his expression.

In my hand, Slurr.

Yes, it's a slur.

The main person who emerges will be Vritra's portrayal.

But still less difficult than soma liquor.


You're adding and subtracting, aren't you?

My specialty is the soul of Cloth Du.

The natural armor of Vritra's incarnation would be more of an image of slapping and cracking than slashing.

There are also a variety of followers, and this makes it easy to handle.

I will naturally support Rick with the spell, but if you fight beside him, the risk of losing sight is lower.

Yes, this time I'm going to fight as a decent avant-garde, not a guerrilla!

It's not impossible.

It's not reckless.

There's a moving fortress called Quark, and there's a giant avant-garde called a liquor ship.

With these two axes, we can fight without walls by golem groups.

That's all I had confidence in.

So, shall we begin?

It's bad for Rick, but you're still adding and subtracting this, right?

Even he knows what kind of man I am.

What, you're gonna be okay!

A little when you're done, you must forgive me if I follow you like you labor.

"[Sword] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [two-handed sword] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Thunder Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Grasp] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Leap] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Equilibrium] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Cover-up] has been leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[BODY ENHANCEMENT] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Spiritual Enhancement] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Sleep Resistance] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Paralysis Resistance] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Stun Resistance] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Silence Resistant] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Immediate Death Resistance] has been leveled with the current battle victory!

"The Summoning Monster Florin has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

"Hey, Keith. You weren't relieved at all of that, were you?

"What is it?

"The organization looked the same and the strength was remarkably different!

"Hmm? Was I?

It's a lie.

I just mistook the item I gave for soma sake.

No matter, intentionally.

'Cause there's no choice!

Dragon Cuiyu, who was watching the game on the tower, offered to participate, and he couldn't refuse me.

The difficulty of the items dedicated to Obelisk in the arena increased, and there was no other option.

I want you to forgive me.

It was vitality that was already rising with Florin status values.

Please specify a muscle strength value for the other stat increase.

Florin Golden Bat Lv92 Lv93 ( 1)

Dexterity Value 89

Agility value 113

Intelligence value 44

Muscle strength value 69 ( 1)

Vitality 69 ( 1)

Mental Strength 44


biting flying echo positioning hyperopia avoidance ambush

Covered tracking, surveillance, signs blocked, magic blocked.

Self-healing [Medium] Physical resistance [Medium] Magic resistance [Medium]

Blood sucking, poisoning, darkness, chaos, paralysis, silence, petrification.

Forgotten Hypnosis High Frequency Resonance Wave Low Frequency Poison Disabled

Paralysis, confusion, death, darkness.

"The Summoning Monster" Waiting for Night "has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

"Keith, you have no mercy."


'What do you think would have happened if I wasn't here? No, shouldn't we have joined the war?

"Well, what do you say?"

Honestly, if Tsui Yulong hadn't joined us, it would have been quite dangerous.

Even if Rick had a biological armor called a rig, it did a lot of damage.

Vritra's figure was only a giant body, and his obedience came from behind!

Its following forces are Sugrieva, Hanuman, and Apsaras.

For not being a giant, I really don't have the means to avoid surprise attacks.

Sense Magic's spell is interrupted by Vritra's portrayal and he can't sense it.

You can handle it using the Creyavoyance spell, but it's far-fetched to switch your sights and fight.

In fact, there's no room for that.

Every opponent is a mighty foe, a great struggle!

That doesn't change whether Cuiyudragon is in it or not.

It was the muscle strength value that was already rising with the status value of the overnight stay.

Let's specify Vitality for the other stat up.

Overnight Replicant Lv92 Lv93 ( 1)

Dexterity value 65

Agility value 85

Intelligence value 98

Muscle strength value 39 ( 1)

Vitality 39 ( 1)

Mental Strength 98


Martial Arts General Night Leap Light Signs Block Magic Block

Echo Positioning Collaboration Precision Operation Self-Recovery [Medium] Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Large] MP Recovery Increased [Medium] MP Recovery [Large] Tonal

resonance complete clone space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute

Fire Attributes Wind Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes Thunder Attributes Ice Attributes

Solution Attribute Burning Attribute Full Resistance

"Summoning Monster 'Chelate' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

"But, Keith, it seems like another good place to train."

"Will you join us? You can take turns with me."

"Though I think it would be good for both you and me to take part."

No, no, no!

If I even join the Golden Red Dragon, that's what I'm offering. I also need to rethink the items!

That's the pinnacle of the danger, the star crystal, right?

Moreover, the opponent is not alarmed because the Alliance of the English Spirits, is not a giant body.

Especially Lord Yuan Dynasty and Dragon Killer Sigurd.

Lord Yue Dynasty's arrows even dragon's natural armor will pierce.

The Dragon Killer Sigurd will disable the Dragon's brace attack.

If you're on my side, thank you for your support, but if you turn to your enemies, it's no trouble!

You can give Golden Red Dragon and Cuiyu Dragon a hard time, too bad!

Mio is coming to the audience.

Apparently it's breakfast time.

It was the agility value that was already rising at the status value of the chelate.

Let's specify a dexterity value for another point's worth of stats up.

Chelate Invisible Stalker Lv92 Lv93 ( 1)

Dexterity value 73 ( 1)

Agility value 99 ( 1)

Intelligence value 81

Muscle strength value 44

Vitality 44

Mental strength 81


Martial Arts General Night Surveillance Signs Blocked Magic Blocked

Echo Positioning Collaboration Precision Operating Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Large] MP Recovery Increased [Medium] MP Recovery [Large]

Tonal Transparency Covered Shadow Habitat Surprise Climb Leap

equilibrium light industry breakthrough assassination spatiotemporal attribute optical attribute

Dark Attributes Fire Attributes Wind Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes

Dust Attribute Ice Attribute Soluble Attribute Tree Attribute Full Resistance

"The Summoning Monster Quark has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

"Mr. Rick, what's wrong?

"Also, no more! I'm dying!"

What is Rick saying?

Well, I knew you were struggling.

In the end, I was protected by a live armor rig, and I fought side by side.

I don't think there was enough support.

You're showing some breath, but you're not gonna fool me, are you?

If you can still afford it.

He said he could do it!

It's breakfast time, just interrupt!

It was the agility value that had already risen with the status value of Quark.

Let's specify a dexterity value for the other stat up.

Quark Beast Imperial Turtle Lv91 Lv92 ( 1)

Dexterity value 41 ( 1)

Agility value 41 ( 1)

Intelligence value 50

Muscle strength value 116

Vitality 134

Mental Strength 59


Tail Strike Strong per Bited Stepper Body

excavation aquatic vibration sensing intense high rigidity night vision

Self Healing [Extreme] Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Large]

MP Recovery Increase [Medium] Soil Attributes Water Attributes Tree Attributes

Brace Immediate Death Resistant Confusion Resistant Dark Seismic Waves

[]/(n) junction generation/

No, after breakfast, I had a place to go with the Golden Red Dragon.

If you can do that, I'd like to review the portal guards we have deployed on Sea Devil's Island.

Shallow water specification.

Quark's battle bottom line is up, though.

One more push, you should.

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