What items did you search for, find, and retrieve in the Item Box?

The Devil's Ring.

This is what I kept from the demon god of muscle idiots.

Quick, I'll put it in place.

I didn't think about which finger to use.

Make it a middle finger on your right hand that seemed easy to fit.

(Liza collection!)

Attempt resuscitation.

But no?

You can't do that?

Then here's the thing!

Removed from the small pocket of the shoulder belt was a vial.

I've never used it, and I don't even know if it works.

That's all I can think of anymore.


This is all I can think of anymore.

Sullar alcohol, of course, did not seem to work for individuals who were also judged dead in soma liquor.

"Sweet guy everywhere. I don't care who you were fighting for. '

"Sooner or later, this one will take down. With my hands."

"The one who obsesses. But know that even that thought will create a gap."

Hands the Kamikaze bird knife again.

There are traces of repeated slaughter in the area of the bamboo.

Yet the blade part is safe.

This is the result of repeated slashes on each other.

Grandpa was out of an iron coffin.


Even that suspicion is impure.

Erase it from your mind.

And weakness.

Back to basics.

The gaze sees the entire enemy with a sense of disconnect.

As if to grasp the whole forest.

Now, look at all parts of the body without leaking any movement.

Check the branch leaves of the tree.

Fundamentally, it is the combination of this contradiction, but also the consequence.

"But, Grandpa. You take it down now."

"Hmm? Sounds like we're still having fun."

Grandpa drank something out of the vial in his hand.

I don't even know what that is.

The marker showing the condition anomaly disappears and you can just see that the HP bar is healing a lot.

And the signs of Grandpa change.

It's not killing.

It's not crazy either.

Obviously delighted!

Signs of the beast seeped colorfully into that tranced look.



Once again, the monkey voice was staggering.


Even behind Grandpa, the two nebulae were staggered!

Are you dazzled?

The relative position sucked.

That should do it.

But I see wonder and my grandfather.

And in the monotonous landscape, Grandpa's movements were strangely dull.



I can't hear him any better than this.


Still, if I'm shaken by emotions, I react.

That's human!

Keith and the old man were clashing with great momentum.

Keith's knife was passing from the old man's left shoulder to his right flank.

And the old man's knife.

Both swords appear to have been broken along the way.

The slaughter we unleashed on each other just broke each other's swords?

No, you're not!

With a slight time difference, the upper body of both slips off.

Only the lower body was sitting on the battlefield.

I don't see the marker, but I get it.

This won't help!

"Start the space-time shift. We can intervene now."

"Can you help Keith?

"No, it's not. Maybe I can help you."


"I can offer you new options."

"Wait, I am!

"Sorry, I don't have time. Here we go!"

A doll touches my shoulder.

Vision dimmed, same effect as teleport spells.

Yet this is something different.

That's what my survey was whispering.


Was this result supposed to happen?

"No, that's why it's so important to keep observing."

But what should we do? The ability to point to indicators has been lost. "

"Exactly. But we do what we are given. That's all."

What do we do for the time being?

"This case is rare. I would like to make the revalidation a proposal. I don't know."

Let's Agree

"Sorting, and Return to Resource can only be withheld."

"The burden on us will be greater. What do we do?"

"There are other worlds waiting to be sorted. Temporarily short of resources but in time enough"

"You may proceed with sorting in advance."

"Then initiate the procedure. The lockdown's off. We're gonna disconnect them sequentially, right?

Copy that. Now let's move on with each task. "

"Let's proceed with the sorting. Our noble mission."

"Let's proceed with the sorting. Because that's why we exist."

"Let's proceed with the sorting. Until that day we shall be sorted."


Keith's body disappears.

At the same time, the rope that was binding my body disappears.

Grandpa's body disappears again.

The two broken swords also disappear.

Looking up at the sky, two nebulae were shining.

Staggered, passed as it were?

A black vortex has arisen so as to cover the sight.

Apparently, we have a pick-up.


Vibrating into space, this augurs well.

I guess this world is falling apart again.

"There you are!

"What happened?

"There was a battle. It's just that. '

That's right.

It would have been a matter of hatred to have been helplessly rolled over in the battle.

And sure, he should have died.

Without the Devil's Ring, he would never have been sent to prison.

As a result, it is not strange that existence disappears.


Grandpa must have killed him.

Yet alive.

Whose work it was, the testimony was in the middle finger of his right hand.

The Devil's Ring.

Keith must have fitted it.

There were a few things in the conversation between Grandpa and Keith that I couldn't hear.

But there are things I can tell.

Sure, there was.

"This world will collapse! It's dangerous to stay!


"The mica dragon, and the amber dragon. Even if I know. But wait a minute."

What happens to Grandpa?

I don't know.

That grandfather seemed to show up again.

So, what about Keith?

I don't know.

But we'll see each other again.

Sure, it will.

I was sure.

Close your eyes and meditate.

Track down memories you couldn't let go of.

It's been a long time since I've had a big, emotional shake.


'I was saying goodbye. And prayers, too.'

"Was there someone here?

'Oh, there he is. My father and my son. "


My son was slaughtered by my father with his wife.

At least, that's the truth for me.

But he was alive.

Even if it is a different world, there is a world where my child lives.


That was enough.

I thought about the possibility.

There's still hope!

I think we've been fighting for a long time.

At first, it must have been a game.

It was undesirable that it was the game that took revenge in reality and saved it from becoming a shell out.

But at some point, I can't log out and I feel like I've been spending a lot of days fighting.

Perhaps what has become the demon god is affecting it.

But that's okay.

I was going to bury something in myself that turned into nothingness, and I kept fighting.

Past memories also continued to fight so much that they became obscure.

Still, I can't just let go of my family memories.

My wife, my kids.

And my father who took my wife.

Becoming a demon god, Sang, that's where I ran out of reasons not to use my weapons.

I'm not going to gain strength by sacrificing even this memory, even if they send me to a limbo prison.

'Not if you're laughing!

"Oh, you're right."

Are you laughing?

Right, were you laughing?

My father was probably a man who lived on a sword and went crazy on a sword.

Keith also seems to be one of a kind.

The battle gestures as if they embodied madness were very similar.

I think I'm one of them again.

If you come to think of it there, can't you just laugh anymore!

With the mica dragon and amber dragon rising to the vortex, I think about what's to come.

It's Keith.

You'll see.

And I'll do what you want.


It doesn't matter if you're a resident of another world.

If you can do something like a father, that's about it.


I'm sure I'll see you again.

But you can't.


Many times, kill.

The concern should be in cases such as this one.

It's obvious it's a prey takeover, isn't it?


"I have a message from a friend."

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Jericho!

Please check the status of Jericho.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Nias!

Please check the status of "Nias"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Couturier!

Please check the status of Couturier.

"Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Strand!

Please check the status of "Strand"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Guardian!

Please check the status of "Protector"

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Suraj!

Please check the status of "Suraj"

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Kue!

Please check the status of Kue.

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Tefra!

Please check the status of "Tefra"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployed Summoning Monster Rock Iron!

Please check the status of "Rock Iron."

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Tiger Spots!

Please check the status of Tiger Spots.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployed Summoning Monster Butterfly Maru!

Please check the status of Butterfly Maru.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster, Reticle Cost!

"Please check the status of" Reticle Cost ""

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployed Summoning Monster Spark!

Please check the status of Spark.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployed Summoning Monster Crack!

Please check the status of "Crack"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Rosso!

Please check the status of Rosso.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Snow White!

Please check the status of Snow White.

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Wet Feather!

Please check the status of "Wet Wings"

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Silvra!

Please check the status of Silvera.

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Ge Che!

Please check the status of "Ge Che"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster, Scoville!

Please check the status of "Scoville"

"Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Oriana!

Please check the status of Oriana.

You are logged in.

The time is 4: 20 AM, is it a little early?

In the end, Mr. Fina didn't come last night.

The message came from Mr. Fina.

The subject line alone tells me it's an apology.

Well, people have their own circumstances.

I also hear that it moves a lot in real life.

Even if you apologize politely, we'll be frightened!

Jericho Golem of Liquid Metal Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 72 ( 1)

Agility value 65

Intelligence Value 17

Muscle strength value 118

Vitality 143 ( 1)

Mental Strength 16


Strike Kick Throw Arthrop Physical Resistance [Large]

Magic Resistance [Greater] Self-Repair [Greater] Elasticity Enhancement [Greater]

Rigid reinforced [large] avoid receiving adhesive liquefaction

Shape Change Surface Tension Offset Weaponization Protective Equipment

Surface Curing Erosion Restraint Surprise Night

Nias Orkeanis Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity Value 89

Agility value 89 ( 1)

Intelligence value 88

Muscle strength value 41

Vitality 42

Mental Strength 88 ( 1)


Double Pistol Avoidance Cooking Underwater Mobile Aquatic Heaven

Psychic Change Night Eye Curse Curse Meditation Collaboration

Precision Operation Self-Recovery [Small] Physical Resistance [Small]

Magic Resistance [Extreme] MP Recovery Increase [Large] Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute water attribute earth attribute wood attribute

Blessings, Immediate Death, Confusion, Resonance.

Couturier Divine Demon Bee Queen Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 100

Agility value 124 ( 1)

Intelligence value 67

Muscle strength value 32

Vitality 78 ( 1)

Mental strength 33


Flying Avoidance with Needle Strike Bite Collection Beekeeping

Architecture Wide Area Exploration Night Assault Hazard Detection Magic Detection

Aerial manoeuvre tracking induced self-healing [large] physical resistance [medium]

Magic Resistance [Large] Increased MP Recovery [Medium] Fatal Toxic Paralysis

Darkness attracts petrochemical resistance, confusion resistance, slavery.

Strand Blue Dragon Lv92 Lv93 ( 1)

Dexterity value 47 ( 1)

Agility value 89 ( 1)

Intelligence value 45

Muscle strength value 89

Vitality 113

Mental Strength 45


Chewed winding receptacle avoidance aerial manoeuvre underwater manoeuvre

Aquatic Flying Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Large]

Self Recovery [Large] MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Psychic Thermal Sensing

Signs Blocked Magic Blocked Violent Spacetime Attributes Light Attributes

Dark Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes Wood Attributes Immediate Death Resistance

Poison void, ghost dragon weird.

Guardian Clone Servant [Male Model] Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 123 ( 1)

Agility value 48

Intelligence value 97 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 49

Vitality 51

Mental Strength 50


Handax Hammer Bow Strong Bow Small Shield Received Avoidance Woodworking

Masonry Farming Afforestation Livestock Tutorial Brewing Night

Surveillance Palace Ritual Collaboration Precision Operating Physical Resistance [Greater]

Magic Resistance [Large] Self Repair [Large] MP Recovery Increased [Medium]

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute

soil attribute water attribute soluble attribute wood attribute

Suraj Clone Servant [Female] Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 119 ( 1)

Agility value 79

Intelligence value 90 ( 1)

Muscle Strength 33

Vitality 34

Mental strength 62


Handax Hammer Bow Small Shield Received Avoidance Cooking Woodworking

Masonry Livestock Farming Tutorial Sewing Night Surveillance

Miyagi Ritual Precision Operation Dash Physical Resistance [Large]

Magic Resistance [Large] Self Repair [Medium] MP Heal Increase [Large]

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute

water attribute soil attribute soluble attribute wood attribute burning attribute

Kue Deus Ex Makina Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 126 ( 1)

Agility value 62

Intelligence value 72

Muscle strength value 40

Vitality 41

Mental Strength 57 ( 1)


Sword Two Pistol Hammer Handaxe Bow Small Shield Dodge Received

culinary masonry afforestation woodworking farming carpentry night

Precision Operating Physical Resistance [Extreme] Magic Resistance [Extreme]

Self Repair [Extreme] MP Recovery Increase [Medium] Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute earth attribute water attribute wood attribute

Teflastone Colossus Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 54

Agility value 56

Intelligence Value 19

Muscle strength value 132 ( 1)

Vitality 163 ( 1)

Mental Strength 20


Strike, kick, grab, throw, throw, throw.

Rigid Physical Resistance per Continuous Investment Distant Projector [Extremely Large]

Magic Resistance [Extreme] Self Repair [Greater] Adherence

walling restraint soil attribute space-time resistance fire resistance

Wind Resistant Water Resistant Dust Resistant Soluble Resistant

Iwate Talos Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 45 ( 1)

Agility value 76

Intelligence Value 16

Muscle strength value 160

Vitality 130 ( 1)

Mental Strength 15


Stick hits, kicks, grabs, jumps per body.

Night Physical Resistance [Greater] Magic Resistance [Greater]

Self-repair [large] stiffness reinforced [medium] adherence

Night Surveillance Fire Attributes Wind Resistance Soil Resistance

Water Resistance Dust Resistance Lightning Resistance Solubility Ice Resistance

Burning Resistance

Tiger Spot Man Eater Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 75

Agility value 73

Intelligence value 26

Muscle strength value 108 ( 1)

Vitality 134 ( 1)

Mental Strength 20


Hammer Heavy Hammer Rolled Strike Kick Received Robust Masonry

Afforestation Change Signs Block Signs Detect Magic Block

Magic Detection Night Eye Surveillance Cover-up Accident Precision Operation

Climbing Dash Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Large]

Self Repair [Large] MP Absorption [Large] Screaming Water Absorption Parasitic Root

Root Generation Vegetation Junction Dark Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes

wood attribute fire resistance

Butterfly Round Cyber Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 116

Agility value 70 ( 1)

Intelligence value 107 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 34

Vitality 35

Mental Strength 80


Small Sword Bow Received Avoidance Cooking Livestock Tutorial Brewing

Night's Watch Collaboration Precision Operation Balance Miyagi Ritual

Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Large] Self-Repair [Medium]

MP Recovery Increased [Large] Space-Time Attributes Light Attributes Dark Attributes

fire attribute wind attribute earth attribute water attribute wood attribute dust attribute

Reticle Raver Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 103

Agility value 57

Intelligence value 41

Muscle strength value 117 ( 1)

Vitality 85 ( 1)

Mental Strength 37


Handax Hammer Bow Small Shield Received Avoidance Steadfast

equilibrium climbing leap woodworking afforestation farming masonry

Night Collaboration Precision Operation Dash Physical Resistance [Extremely Large]

Magic Resistance [Medium] Self Repair [Large] MP Heal Increase [Small]

soil attribute water attribute wood attribute lightning resistance

Spark Divine Demon Bee Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 75

Agility value 147 ( 1)

Intelligence value 26

Muscle strength value 95 ( 1)

Vitality 76

Mental Strength 25


Flying With Needle Strike Bite Avoiding Steadfast Drilling

Wide Area Exploration Night Surveillance Collaboration Precision Operation

Collection Surprise Tracking Special Attack Signs Blocked

Hazard Sensing Vibration Sensing Aerial Mobile Self-Recovery [Medium]

Physical Resistance [Extreme] Magic Resistance [Medium] Violent

Paralysis, resonance, darkness, paralysis, charm.

Toxic resistance

Crack Divine Demon Bee Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 82 ( 1)

Agility value 139

Intelligence value 27

Muscle strength value 87

Vitality 82 ( 1)

Mental Strength 27


Flying With Needle Strike Bite Avoiding Steadfast Drilling

Wide Area Exploration Night Surveillance Collaboration Precision Operation

Collection Surprise Tracking Special Attack Signs Blocked

Hazard Sensing Vibration Sensing Aerial Mobile Self-Recovery [Medium]

Physical Resistance [Extreme] Magic Resistance [Medium] Violent

Paralysis, resonance, sleep, confusion, instant death.

Toxic resistance

Rosso Red Dragon Lv92 Lv93 ( 1)

Dexterity value 37

Agility value 88

Intelligence value 37

Muscle strength value 124 ( 1)

Vitality 106 ( 1)

Mental Strength 37


Chewed winding receptacle avoidance underwater manoeuvre aquatic habitat

Flying Assault Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Medium]

Self Healing [Large] MP Healing Increase [Large] Psychic Psychic Psychic Strike

Heat Sensing Signs Block Violent Braces Light Attributes

fire attribute wind attribute earth attribute water attribute soluble attribute

Toxic Resistance Brace Disabled Ghost Dragon Weird

Snow White Dragon Lv92 Lv93 ( 1)

Dexterity value 58

Agility 126 ( 1)

Intelligence value 33

Muscle strength value 89 ( 1)

Vitality 87

Mental strength 33


Chewed winding receptacle avoidance underwater manoeuvre aerial manoeuvre

Aquatic Flying Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Large]

Self Healing [Medium] Increased MP Healing [Large] Assault Psychic

Farsighted Night's Eye Wide Area Exploration Thermal Sensing Vibration Sensing

Signs Blocked Toxic Wind Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes

Ice Attribute Toxic Tolerance Immediate Death Resistance Resonance Wave Radio Frequency

Ghost Dragon Weird

Wet Wings Black Dragon Lv92 Lv93 ( 1)

Dexterity value 37

Agility value 80

Intelligence value 37

Muscle strength value 103 ( 1)

Vitality 129 ( 1)

Mental Strength 37


Chewed winding receptacle avoidance underwater manoeuvre adherence

Smell sensing, heat sensing, vibration sensing, sign blocking.

Digging Aquatic Flying Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Large]

Self Recovery [Large] MP Recovery Increased [Large] Psychic Mind Eye

Night vision, poison, darkness, petrification, paralysis, chaos, immediate death.

light attribute dark attribute earth attribute water attribute wood attribute

Poison Resistant Ghost Dragon Weird

Silvera Blue Pudding Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 131 ( 1)

Agility value 69

Intelligence value 33

Muscle Strength 33

Vitality 90 ( 1)

Mental Strength 43


Restraint ambush shape change per dissolved erode

Viscosity Change Surface Tension Offset Signs Block Self Recovery [Medium]

Physical Attack Disabled Magic Resistance [Greater] Elasticity Enhanced [Greater]

Water Attributes Fire Attributes Light Attributes Petrochemical Toxic Split Resistant

pseudo liquefaction osmotic pressure

Geche Clearwoods Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 116

Agility value 110

Intelligence value 40

Muscle strength value 26 ( 1)

Vitality 80 ( 1)

Mental Strength 25


Restraint ambush shape change per dissolved erode

Viscosity Change Surface Tension Offset Signs Block Self Recovery [Medium]

Physical Attack Disabled Magic Resistance [Extreme] Strengthened Elasticity [Large]

Ice Attributes Fire Attributes Dark Attributes Petrochemical Resistant Toxic Split

pseudo-frozen crystallization

Scoville Red Gel Lv93 Lv94 ( 1)

Dexterity value 87

Agility value 30

Intelligence value 30 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 123

Vitality 100 ( 1)

Mental Strength 29


Restraint ambush shape change per dissolved erode

Viscosity Change Surface Tension Offset Signs Block Self Recovery [Medium]

Physical Attack Disabled Magic Resistance [Greater] Elasticity Enhanced [Greater]

Fire Attribute Water Attribute Wind Attribute Petrochemical Toxic Split Resistant

pseudo hao flame carbide

Oriana Yellow Dragon Lv52 Lv53 ( 1)

Dexterity value 55

Agility value 98 ( 1)

Intelligence value 36

Muscle strength value 86

Vitality 99 ( 1)

Mental Strength 37


Chewed winding receptacle avoidance sturdy smell sensing heat sensing

Underwater Manoeuvre Aerial Manoeuvre Aquatic Flight Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Large] Self Heal [Medium] MP Heal Increase [Medium]

Assault Collaboration Psychic Spiritual Strike Blessing Regeneration Night Eye Heat Sensing

Vibration sensing, signs blocking, magic blocking, poisoning, dark petrification.

Paralysis Confusion Spacetime Attributes Light Attributes Dark Attributes Fire Attributes

Wind Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes Ice Attributes Thunder Attributes Wood Attributes

Immediate Death Toxic Resistance Brace Resistance Seismic Wave Resonance Wave Radio Frequency

Ghost Dragon Weird

Confirmation is over.

The forest of summoners from outside the bedroom is dark.

But I feel uncomfortable.

Was I in bed with my gear on?

Moreover, there were obvious signs of damage in all parts of the protective equipment.

I don't know.

Did you log out without finishing what you had to do?

I think it's happened several times before, but it doesn't stay equipped.

It may remain equipped when logging out using the tent, but it should have been nothing else.

Now you can't enjoy the feel of a bed in the corner!

Damn, I'm crazy, too.

Are you getting old and scared?

No, I think you're young for that.

Did you even take some serious damage to your head in the fight last night?

You should worry about that one.

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