Night forest.

Are you scared?

That scares me.

When it's night on top of many blind spots, it's weirder not to be afraid.

How was the evening around the village of Leguias and around the woods of the town guard?

It is not uncommon for demons to flock.

That is why it is the lion roar and the input of terromer.

You mean you're scared. You're scared of us, too?

Demons, come!

If you can, it would be good if the experience tasted good.

Let's start with Cole Monster.

What do you think?

Absolutely, I'm not hooked.

I mean, there's an unknown guy.

Okay, then.

Let's move on.

What was the first demon you encountered?

You look surprised, though?

Ghost Warrior Lv.4

Monster Crusade Target Active

Combat Position: Ground Darkness Attribute

What, this.

Looks like a Kamakura or Muromachi warrior?

That's clearly not right.

The number is four.

I thought you were a fallen martial artist at first.

But it doesn't seem so.

I'm not equipped with a helmet.

That face is a ghost.

There are horns too.

It can be one corner or two, but it doesn't change being a ghost.

Is it characterized by a red glow in the back of your orbit?

Well, if it's a monster, it's natural.

What did you get for that?

Looks like a spear and a machete.

Two at a time.

I find it difficult to handle spears in the woods.

On the other hand, if it is successfully used, it is also troublesome.

You're in more trouble than that.

If you compare it in the current formation, doesn't this one look more demonic overwhelmingly?

Preemption is the flame unleashed by Terromea.

And the lion roar braces overlap.

The vision quickly became brighter as it exploded.

I think I can fight without noctvision.

"Real cheerful!

Do everything you can for the first person you see.

I also added martial arts.

The Ghost Warriors have stopped moving forward.

All of those HP bars are around 30%, though they seem to be down.

Let's go clean up one at a time, shall we?

The only thing I get is a left-handed blame tonfer.

Packing the distance from the spear holder, the spear was pressed against the tree trunk.

A ghost warrior who tries to move it somehow.

What about the power?

Somewhat more ghost warriors than me?

Fine, strong enemy hunch.

But the spear is too tight and filled with gaps.

I don't have a hand to miss.

Kick up the ghost warrior's hand and he stops close at once.

Shoot a ton of fur down your throat to disfigure yourself.

Pull out the pestle with your right hand.

He pressed his tip against his throat and unfolded the blade.

Was it burning magic that was setting it up?

The blade body had pierced his head at once.

First, one.

No, he's a monster, and he's one?

Well, either way.

Of the remaining three, two had been attacked by Tigris and a lion roar.

Besides, he's been pushed down to the ground.

I'll take care of it, okay?

The one remaining seems to have managed to outmaneuver Ninetail and Telomere, plus Florin's attacks.

Well, I'm eating some.

The move was quite brilliant.

But Florin attacked me from the rear and distracted me.

It eats and sinks the flames emitted by Terromea properly.

Is that it?

Maybe my prey isn't here anymore, is it?

What about the ghost warrior that was beneath Tigris' body?

How about that?

I'm almost out of HP bars.

It's bad to embezzle the prey now, and can we just keep doing this?

Who's with the lion roar?

I'm not there anymore.

So, what about my prey?

It was just the first one.

I don't know.

I don't know how strong it is, but it's over.

The bodies of the monsters disappear.

What was left there was a swing of a sword.


The appearance is different from that of the previous one.

It's lame.


I think he was glowing in the light of the flames back.

[Weapon Item: Knife] Curse Knife Quality C Rarity 3

AP +25 Destructive Power 1 + Weight 1 + Endurance Value?

Required Muscle Strength Value 25

A sword supposedly trained by ghosts in hell.

It contains the grievances of the deceased, and it is cursed.

Usually it just looks like a rusty knife.


This ability is pretty good.

But you're cursed!

Let's leave this alone.

It doesn't seem like something you can pick up and do something about.

More important than that is its performance.

Are you going to swing around like this?


No, it's a ghost.

I'll check the perimeter with Cole Monster.

Ghost warriors are monsters.

That's why I can't grasp the trend.

They disappear along the way.

It can suddenly appear.

Monsters are trouble because this is what they are.

Let's give up here and hurry up.

The next person I encountered was also a ghost warrior.

The number is two.

This is a good opportunity.

The effect of martial arts has already expired.

There are all enhancements to Enchant-based spells.

Let's see how far it works in this state.

What about the other one?

This is the feed for the Summoning Monsters.

Deal with them all you want!



What's so strong about that move?

Suitable for reason.

The power, the speed, and above all, the terrain seemed to keep me consciously fighting.

It was hard to pack the time without support.

Well, when I mowed and rolled my feet where I was going to scoop the knife, it was at this pace later.

Still, it was hard to contain it.

Well, what is it?

Is it close to the feeling of dealing with a Kendo position holder?

Well, this isn't a Kendo game, and it's not a bamboo knife to use.

The other one was spear-headed, but he was quickly cleaned up.

The Summoning Monsters were watching this one.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

"[Light Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dark Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The Summoning Monster Ninetail has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Does Ninetail level up too?

Are the monsters experientially delicious there?

I don't know.

It's mental strength that's already rising with Ninetail status levels.

The other point specified the agility value.

Ninetail Silver Haired Fox Lv3 Lv4 ( 1)

Dexterity value 10

Agility value 25 ( 1)

Intelligence Value 24

Muscle strength value 10

Vitality 10

Mental Strength 25 ( 1)


Biting Avoidance Disease Hazard Predictive MP Recovery Increased [Small]

light attribute dark attribute

I still have about 70% of Ninetail's MP bars left.

You've got plenty of room.

I want you to stick around a little bit longer.

Who's next?

This guy is a bit of a troublemaker.


It's bigger than that Saskatch or Wendigo.

Bug Bear Lv.2

Demon Crusade Target Passive

Combat Position: Ground Darkness Attribute

Salvation is just something we haven't noticed yet.

Just one, because it bothers me.

What are we gonna do?

Whatever, let's go hunting here.

I guess eventually we'll have to fight each other.

Okay, then.

Do you want to ambush me?

There are many places to hide yourself.

The problem is the location and orientation of the demon.

What about the timing of the attack?

Either way, it would be ideal to strike from behind.

I also thought about using Pitfall, but rejected it.

This one has more attacks.

I will not forsake that interest.

So I made the first attack into this.

"Pulse laser burst!

The demon's hips are above my head.

I shot him in the hips from close range.

What do you say?

Demonic HP bars are suddenly down to about 60%.

40% less, should I think?

There are 60% left, should we think?



Looks like you just noticed.

The demon tries to swing his arm around trying to attack me with momentum.

Florin is faster.

I bit him in the neck.

The next moment I was distracted by that attack.

A lion roar and tigris strike.

At the same time, but also from the trees.

Though I knew I was light on weight splitting.

And you're so jumpy!

Florin was replaced by Tigris biting the demon's throat once she left.

The lion roar tries to bite his head lavishly.

So, what about me?

From close range, he launched an attack with his own pestle.

The demon is not pointing consciousness at me.

All attacks get shot in the foot decently.

It didn't take long to roll to the ground.

What happened up ahead from there?

It's terrible.

No, am I the one who's terrible?

Because I kept attacking the other leg, which was safe, and I couldn't use it.

Telomea is biting her shoulder and sipping blood.

The lion roar, to say the least, is chewing his right elbow off.


It's like a whole arm, but only the meat seems to be eaten and torn.

The lion roar shows how to chew when you keep your distance.

Are you eating?

You're eating, aren't you?

The demon fought hard, I think.

I'm pretty sure I stuck it just with my left hand, which is moving properly.

But I don't think the resistance lasted long either.

The demonic HP bar disappears like a splash.

All right.


But it doesn't seem to be over.

Florin rattled.


Perhaps, yes.

At the same time, Telomea is flying one flaming mass after another.

Ninetail was also flashly scattering lumps of light.

What the fuck?

3 bug bears, added.


This is this.

That's good.

The right hand with the pestle.

The left hand with the tonfer of blame.

Are you shaking?

Sure, it's not half as intimidating as the bug bear releases.

All you have to do is mount a thoughtless, merciless attack.

There are two of them.

Could this be a good opponent?




The voices roaring like monsters are echoing in the woods.

In that, I was obsessed and continued to attack Bugbear against him.

That said, the size difference cannot be filled.

Focused on the ankles and knees of the standing bug bear.


That's the only place I can get it.

Stacks damage while also changing attack spells.

There must be two left, but the Summoning Monsters will have to take care of it.

Well, the bug bear movement itself is dull.

For that matter, it seems destructive.

I've been destroying the forest since just now.

"Enemy Byrne!"

One was finished with this.

Two for the rest.

You're still alive, aren't you?


No, you should be there.

One of them had already run out of my wishes.

To see the status of that corpse, he must have eaten a scatter of special attacks on Terromea and Ninetail.

I was worn out.


What about the one left?

He was alive.

If you can describe this as survival, though.

Sure looks like he's still raging fine.

The problem lies behind it.

I have terromere and florin on my back.


Blood, are you sucking?

Exactly. You want to try to peel off the bug bear, too.

But both Lion Roar and Tigris continue to attack.

Ninetail kept shooting lumps of light in as he ran around the bug bear.


This bug bear's HP bar still has more than half of it left.

And yet desperate.

It's packed, right?

I'm in the war here, too.

Have both Telomea and Florin been filled with blood or go away from the bug bear?

No, Telomea beats him with a hammer and a cane in each hand.

From the air.

This has nothing but sympathy for the bug bear.

MP restored quote, I didn't know it would even be chased.

You're doing great!

Well, he's a monster.

Why don't you just sink in?

Please, I want you to leave me a good item.

"The [wand] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Burning Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [Endurance Walk] has been leveled with the current battle victory!

Well, I guess it's a satisfactory result.

The magic skill set on the sole pestle is now switched from burning magic to dust magic.

Come on, what's gonna peel it off?



Unexpectedly, two demonic stones and one yellow crystal were peeled.


Sure enough, this guy doesn't even look like a big goblin.


I can't solve it.

Proceed further south.

However, the speed of movement did not go up inside.

Demonic raids continued.

Indeed, the night forest seems troublesome.

It was the same everywhere.

A ghost warrior who is a monster.

They don't know where they're suddenly coming from.

They attack with at least two, if more, six.

At all, all I can say is that I'm in the way.

Items are cursed, so it's awkward.

And a bug bear.

This guy is rather easy to give, so he's welcome in a way.

I saw legality as I fought several times.

I'm with Ibir Ant.

This guy's calling his people, right?

Additional reinforcements often come.

The items you get are subtle.

Complete the process.

Is this why you can't see the players around you on the hunt here at night?

Sure, could this be tight?

Well, I think there's a reward for the tightness.

"The Summoning Monster Florin has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

It must have been yesterday that Florin leveled up.

That is the level up at this time.

Sure, I was planning to earn Florin's experience, but I didn't expect it to be this early.

The Ghost Warrior and the Bug Bear are quite strong, and it may be appropriate.

Whoa, let's just keep the status screen running.

What's already up in Florin's status is the Intelligence value.

Keep the other point alive.

Florin Bat Lv4 Lv5 ( 1)

Dexterity value 17

Agility value 20

Intelligence value 11 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 9

Vitality 10 ( 1)

Mental Strength 10


Chewed Flying Echo Positioning Avoid Surprise Blood Vaccination

Is the time 9: 30 PM?

Do you want me to separate it here for once?

Ninetail has also lost its MP bar to about 20%.

Let me take turns.

Return Ninetail and Florin.

Summoning is the Phantom Moon and Naruto.

It may appear to have declined as an overall battle force.

But I still have about half my own MP bar left.

Until you log out, you are in possession that you intend to use as much as possible to defeat.

The aerial position is close to the rock if there is telomere.

Even if it's an exploratory ability, it's certainly falling, but if it's a bug bear, it's always welcome.

Ghost warriors are monsters and opponents you have to give up encountering where you tried to be vigilant.

Now, there's no problem.


Wrong formation?

I ran into a new demon.

He's like this.

Float head lv.2

Demon Crusade Target Active

Combat Position: Airwind Attribute Soil Attribute Thunder Attribute

He's alive.

My neck was floating.

That number, two.

There are telomeres and phantom moons in the air position.

I wonder if I can handle it?

The problem is the size of the neck.

Isn't it bigger than me?

What if you had two hands and two legs, and a torso, just like a human on that neck?

I'm a complete giant.

If it was just height, it would approach the mammoth.


This demon seemed as if it was not in the eyes of terromers and phantom moons in the air.

They're after us on the ground.

No, that's not accurate either.

They're after me.



He raises an unintelligible voice and raids two of them side by side.

My ear hurts!

"Ice Wall!

Build an ice wall in front of you.

You can't come this way with a demon that's going in decent.


He's here!

I'm crushing the ice walls and sticking them in!

Even though the HP bar is nearly halfway down!

You're halfway there, you guys!

But the demon that ran into the wall seemed to have lost sight of me.

I'm glad he came in, but he passed beside me with great momentum.

I was around Tigris.

Looks like he was dodging it properly.

Instead, he was blading the wind and chopping up demons, wasn't he?

Awesome, dude!

The demon closed his eyes as he stood still in the air.

What the fuck?

The next moment I opened my eyes.

Thunder strike rain pours.

Wide range.

It is not an attack that can be avoided.

Me and Tigris, who were on the ground, were supposed to eat properly.


I can't move my body.


As my body thinks, I won't.

Feels like you've weighed a few times more rapidly.

How about that?

Another life is approaching.

Terromea and the lion roar unleash an attack at the same time.

A flame runs and burns his neck.

Brace hit him directly in the neck so he could cross.

The head, which had already been devastated, sank in front of me.


But not yet.

One more, it's left.

He thundered us.

See you later.

Also, I meditate on my eyes.

This time the attack over here concentrated first.

Tigris releases a blade of wind.

The phantom moon shoots a belt of darkness, a mass of light, into a sphere of flame.

Telomea continued to beat him with a hammer and a cane as he scattered flames from over his neck.

Unbroken, his neck crashes to the ground.

We must not miss this place.

Hold the sole pestle in your right hand and expand the blade.

Stack the attack.

Lion Roar and Nara also attack their necks on both sides of me.

This guy sank me in no time either.

Oh, my God.

There was a troublemaker left, right?

I accidentally sat up.

Even so, yes.

Two giant raw heads rolling on the ground.

It's surreal.

A lion roar, by the way.

Is that delicious?

I raised my hips and tried to protrude the peeling knife.

All I got was one gem.


Would it be a reward commensurate with the damage consumed?


Although there seems to be a little more distance to the boundary between the S3 and S4 maps on the wide area map.

Once we're here, we'll stop moving on.

Let's run a little wild on the nearby demon opponent.

I can't help but pay back a little because I've eaten quite a bit of damage.

Especially the neck.


A float head.

Just watch, okay?

I'll convert you to XP.

There are ghost warriors.

Calling, annihilation.

I have a bug bear.

Calling, annihilation.

I have a float head.

Of course, annihilation.

The main prey is the float head.

Resist Thunder hung on everyone to strengthen before coming to the fight.

It doesn't mean the damage will go away.

I think they proceeded with the hunt quite advantageously.

That's the pattern of behavior of the head.

Similar to float eyes.

The longer I've been meditating on my eyes, the more powerful a special attack seems to be unleashed.

And it's not just lightning strikes.

Spread a mass of dirt over a wide area.

The same goes for wind blades.

They are free to attack both overall and stand-alone.

But there are holes.

He can't seem to unleash a special attack until he meditates on his eyes and stops moving.

I'd rather say he'd be more comfortable flying me around the sky, he's a weird guy.

Plus, they're targeting someone on the ground to launch a focused attack.

You can use him the other way.

Interception can also be streamlined for easy movement to read.

Wall spells are natural but highly effective.

If I meditate my eyes and stop moving, I leave it to Terromea and the phantom moon.

Now I can go.

I don't care if you drop it on the ground.

The problem is the item.

I was happy with the gems, but I haven't been able to pick them up since Opal.

Drop it.

No, come here!

I can't deny that my neck was meant to be, as long as I'm not the one to be held hostage without any damage.

I'm obsessed.

"The Summoning Monster Mirage Moon has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"


If I was hunting my neck because I was obsessed, would I level up?

This is where the moon takes turns.

The MP bar had already cut 20%.

Terromea, on the other hand, looks fine.

I was breathing blood along the way.

It is mental strength that is already rising with the status value of the phantom moon.

Let's keep the other point for muscle strength.

Phantom Moon Imp Lv5 Lv6 ( 1)

Dexterity value 5

Agility value 21

Intelligence value 21

Muscle strength value 5 ( 1)

Vitality 5

Mental Strength 23 ( 1)


Flying Floating Echo Positioning Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery Increased [Small]

light attribute dark attribute fire attribute

Okay, then.

Good luck!

Let the phantom moon return.

Summon Obsidian.

You can't take off the power to fly around the air.

Is the time still 11 pm?

Wouldn't Nara level up, too?

"[Dust Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The Summoning Monster" Naruto "has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

When I cleaned up the next three raw heads, Nara also leveled right up.


It was vitality that was already rising with the status value of Nara.

The other stat up specifies the intelligence value.

Nara Skeleton Lv4 Lv5 ( 1)

Dexterity Value 16

Agility value 15

Intelligence value 11 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 11

Vitality 12 ( 1)

Mental Strength 11


Sword Small Shield Received Physical Resistance [Micro] Self-Repair [Medium] Dark Attributes


Is the time 11: 10 PM?

Can we go on for a little longer?


I didn't get any gems again.

Yeah, well, let's let Nara take turns here.

Summon Heather.

My MP bar broke in half, but it's almost 40% left.

A little more, let's stick.


Give me the jewels!

I don't think it fits the split.

"The summoning monster Tigris has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

The time is 00: 40 AM across dates.

Tigris was leveling up, too.


What's that?

It was the muscle strength values that were already rising with Tigris status values.

The other point specifies the agility value.

Tigris Sturm Teager Lv3 Lv4 ( 1)

Dexterity value 11

Agility value 23 ( 1)

Intelligence value 11

Muscle strength value 24 ( 1)

Vitality 23

Mental Strength 11


Biting Threat Hazard Detection Night Eye Signs Blocking Wind Attributes

What shall we do?

Shall we continue until we get the gems?

But there's a raw head I can call you at Cole Monster, but there seems to be a distance.

There are fewer of them.

Let's give up here.

I think I've been leveling things up.

But this sense of defeat is one thing.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow!

No, it's already today at the time in the game.

You just have to keep hunting positively.

Expand and log out of the Instant Portal.

The next time I hunt here at night, I'll watch.

I'll definitely peel the jewels off!

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