"[Heavy Stick] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Ice Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dash] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Assassination] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"The summoning monster Taylor has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Is the ambush a natural success?

Samael's shadow, Gamquikoto's shadow, Togarini's shadow, and Mastima are the opponents.

This time, I used Boosted Power to deal with it when I finished assisting at the beginning.

I don't use limiter cuts.

The reason is simple, because we want to curb soma liquor consumption.

Support is at the disposal of the Summoning Monsters.

For that matter, emphasis is placed on hitting.

There's also a reason why you turned your possessions into Snake King's double pestles.

If the mastimator is the opponent, a highly destructive score is more advantageous.

I can actually push it off without using a limiter cut.

My liver only got cold when the first ice castle I built disappeared, but by then a lot of them were never there.

What's the problem?

You're missing the shadow of Gamquikoto and the shadow of Togarini.

The disadvantage of not being able to use a short jump seemed enormous.

For that matter, I got to run around, but that's good again.

There was a fair amount of prey.

Oh, it's abrupt, but I remember.

I remember one thing about Il Capitano.

You have to do an audition when you show up next time!

Yes, it's an audition.

It's not a sanction, is it?

It was vitality that was already rising with Taylor's status values.

Let's specify an agility value for another point's worth of stats up.

Taylor Jewel Cancer Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity Value 52

Agility value 64 ( 1)

Intelligence value 15

Muscle strength value 110

Vitality 92 ( 1)

Mental Strength 15


Steady evasion of drilling bubble bubble strike per strike body

Luminescence Cover-up Simulation Night Signs Block Self Recovery [Medium]

Physical Resistance [Large] Magical Resistance [Medium] Aquatic Dark Attributes Water Attributes

Fire Resistance Wind Resistance Soil Resistance

"The Summoning Monster 'Peptide' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

This battle is a big struggle, too.

However, it is certain that three fallen angels were resurrected, but the number of masticators seems to have been slightly lower.

The effectiveness of Boosted Power still continues for the second time.

Still, I think I spent a lot of time fighting.

I'm dying to get a little more rampant here.

It's not effective!

The time is 0: 50 PM.

I guess if we wait a little longer, Fallen Angels and Mastimas are back together again.

There's another hall where I'd like to fight.

I don't think I can patrol it all by the end of the day.

I don't think so, but let's just go ahead and confirm as much as we can.

Why don't we just stay up all night?

That seems worth it.

It was the muscle strength value that was already elevated with the status value of the peptide.

Specify Vitality for another point's Stat Up.

Peptide Holly Scorpion Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 80

Agility value 80

Intelligence value 25

Muscle strength value 66 ( 1)

Vitality 66 ( 1)

Mental Strength 25


Strike needle, stick around, dig, vibration-sensitive, signal blocking.

Magic Detection Covered Climbing Surprise Surveillance Self-Healing [Small]

Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Medium] Lethal Toxic Paralysis Darkness

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire resistance wind resistance soil resistance

Water Resistance Toxic Resistance Brace Resistance

"The Summoning Monster 'Rubel' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Well, now we should change the formation as well.

How do you see the risk of removing the obsidian?

The bundle has a mild status anomaly in the current battle.

It would be better if you could stay at Obsidian.

At the end of the battle, you can summon Obsidian or El Nido to use your blessings.

There are great benefits to being able to eliminate status anomalies even if they are mild during battle.

Let's keep the Obsidian going.

The depletion of the MP bar is progressing, but you can give it a mana potion.

It was the Intelligence value that was already up in the Rubel status value.

Let's specify mental strength for the other stat up.

Rubel Fairy Queen Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity Value 23

Agility value 92

Intelligence value 92 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 23

Vitality 23

Mental Strength 92 ( 1)


Flying Floating Firm Night's Eye Aerial Maneuver Meditation Magic Block

Magic Detection Magic Recovery Magic Resistance [Greater] MP Recovery Increase [Greater]

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute earth attribute

Water Attributes Ice Attributes Thunder Attributes Dust Attributes Solute Attributes Burning Attributes

Immediate death, petrochemical resistance, confusion resistance, resonance, spiritual summons.

Spirit Gate

"The summoning monster Cuanos has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

It bothers me when this happens.

Should there be more Summoning Monsters with Blessing Skills available?

I know it should be increased even if I wear it.

The number of subpoena monsters already exists.

And if you notice, it's time for more portal guard frames!

The troubles are deep.

Sooner or later, we'll be collecting all the Summoning Monsters, right?

I know it's possible at the moment, but can you manage it?

It's a good frame to deploy to the portal guard in the Summon Forest, but it's a problem if you're going outside.

You'll also need equipment.

I'm afraid I'll have more time to worry about the option of forming a formation than that.

It is the Intelligence value that has already risen with the status value of Cuanos.

Please specify a muscle strength value for the other stat increase.

Cuanos Horai Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 30

Agility value 85

Intelligence value 85 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 30 ( 1)

Vitality 30

Mental Strength 84


Flying Floating Avoidance Aquatic Nocturnal Change Assimilation Magic Detection

Physical Attack Transmission [Small] Magic Resistance [Large] MP Heal Increase [Large]

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute earth attribute

Water Attributes Wood Attributes Ice Attributes Fascinating Silence Fascinating

Immediate Death Resistant Resonance Spirit Change

So, you're on the move.

This is an underground cave, halfway between five and four levels.

Follow the circular cave to the next hall.

The opponents who would be there are the shadows of Satariel the Fallen Angel, and the Mastima.

You'll have to be prepared to have extras when it comes to fallen angels.

I want it to be so.

It has to be.

The formation is, naturally, a change.

Taylor, Peptide, Rubel and Cuanos are returning.

Summon Moslin, Hayflick, Tapetum, and Fenghua.

What else should we do to raise the bottom of the battle?

A skeleton group, and a full-time sea group?

Looks like we're gonna have to look at some new issues.

If you don't work out the sea-dedicated Summoning Monsters, you won't get them all!

It's going to be a big challenge in the future.

"[Heavy Stick] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Fire Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Precision Manipulation] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dash] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Assassination] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"The summoning monster Moslin has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

We have not yet reached the hall where Sataliel's shadow and mastima would be.

Almost there.

I can see my mood is only getting a little higher.

The score is passed by the Snake King's double-pestle, but I don't have to think deeply about it.

I'm tired of that.

I'm starting to want to fight a little differently.

But I don't want to lose my destructiveness.

Mace of the Snake King?

No, that's a weapon that wields as much as you want without even thinking about it.

It's not what I'm looking for right now.

So what shall we do?

As a fallen angel, I'd prefer a weapon that smashes the wings of the Mastima's entire offensive.

Troublesome time is fun too.

But it's not a good idea to waste it.

You should decide early.

It was mental strength that was already rising with Moslin status levels.

Let's specify an agility value for the other stat up.

Moslin Phantom Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 18

Agility value 62 ( 1)

Intelligence value 102

Muscle strength value 18

Vitality 18

Mental Strength 94 ( 1)


Flying shape changes, intimate shadow, slump through the walls, resentment.

Possession Curse Magic Sense Magic Block Physical Attack Transmission

Magic Resistance [Large] MP Absorption [Extreme] Spacetime Attributes Light Attributes

Dark Attribute Fire Attribute Soil Attribute Solubility Attribute Light Resistant

"The Summoning Monster Hayflick has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

A weapon that requires skill but is destructive.

Chosen is Cora the Broken Steel Bird.

But I don't just want to smash it, I want to be aware of slashing it.

Mistake is a knife, weight is a substitute like a bamboo, but the sensation is grasped.

Now let's put it through.

It was the dexterity value that was already up in the Hayflick status value.

Let's specify Vitality for the other stat up.

Hayflick Vampire Duke Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 55 ( 1)

Agility value 55

Intelligence value 55

Muscle strength value 54

Vitality 54 ( 1)

Mental Strength 55


Cane Sword Knife Small Shield Received Avoid Flying Aerial Maneuver

Change Collaboration Second Flow Signs Block Magic Block Miyagi Ritual

Assassination Physical Resistance [Greater] Magic Resistance [Greater] Self-Repair [Greater]

MP Absorption [Medium] Increased MP Recovery [Medium] Ambush Blood Vamption Spacetime Attributes

Light Attributes Dark Attributes Fire Attributes Wind Attributes Water Attributes Ice Attributes

Lethal poison mesmerizes real ancestry.

Is this the end of the info?

It bothers me when this happens.

There are two shifting frames.

Three skeleton pairs, Takagawa, Ishizu, and Sekido will be the faces that want to raise the bottom of the battle.

Do you want to take off the obsidian?

I'm pretty sure the MP bar is a little tough with 30% left at the moment.


We should make a decision here.

Return Obsidian, Moslin and Hayflick.

Summoned Sakawa, Ishizu and Sekido.

Well, what will fall angels be dealing with?

There must be three of them.

Look forward to seeing what two additional bodies are besides Sataliel's shadow there as well.

"The [machete] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Evasion] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Received] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Soil Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Melting Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dash] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Assassination] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"The summoning monster Tapetum has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

There were certainly three fallen angels.

The shadow of Satariel, the shadow of Taumiel, the shadow of Togarini.

And, naturally, there seemed to be plenty of masticators.

I'd like to think Cora's choice of broken steel bird was the right one.

I used Boosted Power, but I am able to fight without using limiter cuts.

I hope you missed the lava bath at the beginning.

'Cause there were too many masticators!

You're not clueless, are you?

Still, shall we continue like this?

Thank you. I think it might take a few days just to go through the hall with the fallen angels.

You can stay up all night.

On top of that, there are four caves stretching from the lowest level to the next.

The section with the hall where the Fallen Angel is located does not appear to have changed in appearance.

But every opponent that emerges is powerful.

I'm never tired of it.

It's plentiful, and I enjoy it above all.

It's a shame to interrupt.

I'm sorry about the sea.

That battle bottom up could be postponed.

It was the muscle strength value that was already rising with the status value of tapetum.

Let's specify an agility value for another point's worth of stats up.

Tapetum Lion God Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity Value 32

Agility value 63 ( 1)

Intelligence Value 32

Muscle strength value 91 ( 1)

Vitality 108

Mental strength 32


Disease leap avoidance per biting torn body

Reception, agitation, high pursuit, fissures, danger detection, night vision.

Endurance Walk Covered Assault Predatory Absorption Self Recovery [Large]

Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery Increase [Small]

Immediate death, paralysis, charm.

"Summoning monster Fenghua has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

The time is just 4pm.

Is it because you're putting your center of gravity on the attack, the tread seems to be going well?

But there are still 10 halls with fallen angels and masticators.

This is still the second place here.

It's a place I've already seen, but it's more fun to be reborn.

Be fully indulgent.

It was the intelligence value that had already risen with the status value of the wind flower.

Specify your mental strength for another point's Stat Up.

Fenghua Zonnetiger Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 43

Agility value 64

Intelligence value 68 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 55

Vitality 55

Mental Strength 68 ( 1)


biting tear avoidance climbing tear meditation

Hazard Detection Cover-up Surveillance Night Smell Sensing Collaboration

Precision Operating Signs Blocking Signs Sensing Self-Recovery [Medium]

Physical Resistance [Small] Magic Resistance [Small] MP Recovery Increase [Large]

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute wind attribute water attribute

Ice Attribute Confusion Resistant

Tapetum and Fenghua are returning, then.

Aim to reduce combat time.

I summoned a ghost guardian and a war ghost.

The aim is simple, I want to go for level 50.

It should be Kaigidiel's shadow and mastimat in the hall we're headed to next.

Two fallen angels too, supposedly added.

I don't expect to make it by dinner, but I'd like to try and clear 4 places by the end of the day.

If there's a problem, can I sustain my own concentration?

Plus, the face of the portal guard will accompany the battle for a long time.

Puppet sets, golem sets, and bee sets also have morning routines.

You should take it into account.

"The [machete] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Wind Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dust Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dash] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Assassination] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Summoning monster Sagawa has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

The time is 8: 20 PM.

Dinner was finished with a portable meal while I was moving.

Thank you because it's delicious.

And the battle is delicious again.

I'm also indulging in this.

Well, it's time for Kaigidiel's shadow and the hall with the mastima.

And let's use it now.

Do what?

A rail gun!

And a fight!

I got envious watching the war ghosts go wild.

They're running out of fighting ingredients.

And it's not bad to use a rail gun.

You will be able to drastically reduce combat time.

I'd like to try to aim.

It was a vital force that had already risen due to the status value of Sakagawa.

Please specify a muscle strength value for another point's Stat Up.

Sakagawa Skull Road Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 56

Agility value 56

Intelligence value 30

Muscle strength value 82 ( 1)

Vitality 82 ( 1)

Mental Strength 30


Sword Two Hands Sword Hammer Heavy Hammer Two Pistol Paul Weapon

Small shield. Heavy shield. Heavy armor.

Surveillance Magic Sense Magic Block Grasp Physical Resistance [Large]

Magic Resistance [Large] Self Repair [Large] MP Heal Increase [Small]

MP Absorption [micro] Dark Attributes Fire Attributes Soil Attributes Solute Attributes

Light Resistant

"The summoning monster Ishizu has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Apparently, the skeletons are all leveled up?

We should move on to the next stage of the battle.

Level 50. Good aim, though.

You can put it back in the classic formation here.

Let's put Wolf in.

I'd expect a lot from working with a ghost guardian, a war ghost.

And the partisan role will be strengthened.

I plan to use metamorphosis to look like a warrior.

Being a fireman would be a good choice to step up your play.

It was a dexterity value that had already risen in the status value of Ishizu.

Specify Vitality for another point's Stat Up.

Ishizu Skull Assassin Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 87 ( 1)

Agility value 86

Intelligence value 41

Muscle strength value 40

Vitality 41 ( 1)

Mental Strength 41


Bow sword, hand axe, both pistols, small shield thrown, dodged.

Climbing Balance Covered Night Eye Surveillance Curse Magic Sensing

Magic Block Assault Collaboration Precision Operation Leap Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Medium] Self Repair [Medium] MP Recovery Increased [Medium]

MP Absorption [micro] Dark Attributes Wind Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes

wood attribute light resistance

"Summoning monster Sekido has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

After all, the skeleton group seems to have all leveled up.

So, you're ready for a ravage.



What are you gonna do without ravaging Metamorphoses and Railguns in a row?

Target is 10 minutes.

I know it's tough, but let's just say I try.

It was the intelligence value that had already risen with the status value of Sekido.

Let's specify a dexterity value for another point's worth of stats up.

Kando Skull Wizard Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 45 ( 1)

Agility value 45

Intelligence value 99 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 32

Vitality 32

Mental Strength 83


Wand, knife, shield, evasion, night vision, grudge, magic sensation.

Magic Block Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Large] Self-Repair [Medium]

MP Recovery Increase [Large] MP Absorption [Medium] Space-time Attribute Light Attribute

Dark Attributes Fire Attributes Wind Attributes Land Attributes Water Attributes Ice Attributes

Burning Attribute Light Resistance

Come on, shall we review the formation then?

Sakawa, Ishizu and Sekido are returning.

It's Wolf, Rig, and Nias who summon them.

I want the rig to act as a living armor.

Especially a warrior.

No, is that a war ghost protective gear?

In any case, I want you to support me in my proximity battle with the avant-garde.

The rig is compatible with the Mastima.

I'm only talking about defense, though.

It would also lead to suppressing the occurrence of status anomalies.

Much to be expected.

"[Strike] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Kick] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Hydromagic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Wood Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Precision Manipulation] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Throw] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dash] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Assassination] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

What's the battle time?

Too bad!

Over 10 minutes, it took me!

But I'm pretty satisfied.

Three fallen angels, the shadow of Kaigidiel, the shadow of Nahemoto, and the shadow of Gorab, all because I did it.

I think Mastima was able to ravage it in a good way.

I'm turning it into bullets for throwing, not fights, one way or another.

The combination of metamorphoses and rail guns is intense.

It is the Orihalcon sphere that supports its backbone.

I made it, it's really good.

If it was just an iron ball, I would have had more trouble.

Still no level up for Summon Monsters while keeping all this fighting?

Ma, I didn't expect you to level up just this one fight.

It's tomorrow morning that we should be prepared.

It's a portal guard facade, but I think I'm earning a fair amount of experience.

It's still okay because it's a facade where you don't care so much about the MP bar wear out, but are you sure you're okay?

I am afraid of severe status anomalies.

I have soda, but I'm still scared.

And back to death, naturally, I'm scared.

Still, it's already learniness to move on.

Let's do another hall attack before we cross the date.

You can separate them there.

The time is almost 8: 40 PM.

I used the trump card metamorphosis, but I still have [English Spirit Summoning].

There are also Extra Summoning and Boosted Monsters.

You can confidently move on.

"[Knife] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [wand] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Summoning Magic] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Light Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Burning Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Throw] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dash] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Assassination] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Your current battle victory has increased your level of occupation!

"The race level has been increased with the current battle victory! Please add 1 point to any 2 status values."

This is the last battle I've decided to fight.

There are three fallen angels, the shadow of Halab Serap, the shadow of Gamquikoto, and the shadow of Taumiel.

Naturally, Mastima, that number was on a scale that seemed to be the highest ever.

So I used it.

Extra Summoning, and Boosted Monsters.

I used the limiter cut because it was the last time, but I didn't know I was going to use Boosted Power!

It was so strong.

But I'm satisfied.

Whatever you say, you're winning.

It was Terromea who summoned the extra in Extra Summoning.

On top of that, I used Boosted Monsters to enhance it, and at once I thought the war situation would be advantageous.

Looks like the prospects were sweet.

Is the time 11: 40 PM?

We managed to confirm the fourth hall before crossing the date.

No, it's really critical.

Let's say we separate it here today.

Foundation Status

Dexterity value 58 ( 1) (-35)

Agility value 58 ( 1) (-35)

Intelligence value 90 (-54)

Muscle Strength Value 57 (-34)

Vitality 57 (-34)

Mental Strength 90 (-54)

"Bonus points will be added by 2 points. That brings us to 17 points."

The effect of Boosted Power is already gone.

I'd like to jump right into the Summon Forest, but there's a follow-up to Info.

Who is it?

"The Summoning Monster Rig has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

It was a rig.

In other words, we keep Wolf, the Guardian, and the Warrior Level Up.

It's going to be fun after tomorrow.

I think it turned out to be the right thing to do with Wolf.

Wolfe's mobility, enhanced by the Boosted Monsters, was amazing.

Because he wasn't just playing, he was even following the guard.

I couldn't tell which one was the main body because it was rolling out!

And the true value of the possession remains unknown.

Let's see what we can find out.

It was the agility value that was already up in the status value of the rig.

Let's specify a dexterity value for the other stat up.

Rig Yellow Jam Lv48 Lv49 ( 1)

Dexterity value 81 ( 1) (-49)

Agility value 81 ( 1) (-49)

Intelligence value 24 (-14)

Muscle Strength Value 24 (-14)

Vitality 71 (-43)

Mental Strength 24 (-14)


Restraint ambush shape change per dissolved erode

Viscosity Change Surface Tension Offset Signs Block Self Recovery [Medium]

Physical Attack Disabled Magic Resistance [Medium] Strengthened Elasticity [Medium]

Lightning Attribute Fire Attribute Water Attribute Petrochemical Toxic Split Resistant

pseudolysis curing

"The summoning monster Nias has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Did Nias make it to the next level?

I don't mind that.

What was fortified at Boosted Monsters?

Wolf, the Ghost, the Warrior, Rig, Nias, plus I'm not here right now, but it's Telomea.

What bothered me was Nias' style of combat.

It's not avant-garde, is it?

Why were you in front of me with the spear in your hand?

I was skewering and throwing the mastimat far above me with my physique, is that okay?

I'm not fine now because I have a status abnormality due to sequelae.

In a way, it sounds like my subpoena monster. That's it.

How did this happen?

Does that Nias have a good smile because he's done his job?

More than usual.

Did you sweat well?

It feels that way.

It was the dexterity value that was already up in the Nias status value.

Specify your mental strength for another point's Stat Up.

Nias Orkeanis Lv48 Lv49 ( 1)

Dexterity value 72 ( 1) (-43)

Agility value 71 (-43)

Intelligence value 71 (-43)

Muscle Strength Value 31 (-19)

Vitality 31 (-19)

Mental Strength 71 ( 1) (-43)


Double Pistol Avoidance Cooking Underwater Mobile Aquatic Heaven

Psychic Change Night Eye Curse Curse Meditation Collaboration

Precision Operation Self-Recovery [Small] Physical Resistance [Small]

Magic Resistance [Large] MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute water attribute earth attribute wood attribute

Confusion Resistant Resonance

Now let's go back to the Forest of Callers.

Plus, there should be more portal guard deployment frames at the current level.

Who should I add?

Let's keep it a demon.

What about adding a new Summon Monster?

Let's stop it.

Now we should focus on confirming this enhanced underground cave.

Still, I had plenty to do today.

It's hard going through fulfillment, though!

There's still something I'd like to confirm.

Let's do our best tomorrow.

"There is operational information. Confirm?

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Jericho!

Please check the status of Jericho.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Couturier!

Please check the status of Couturier.

"The Portal Guard has levelled the deployed Summoning Monster" Lion Roar "!

Please check the status of "Lion Roar."

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployed Summoning Monster Polar Night!

Check the status of Polar Night.

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Thunder Wen!

Please check the status of "Thunder Text"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Bundle!

Please check the status of the bundle.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster, Scorch!

Please check the status of "Scorch."

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Guardian!

Please check the status of "Protector"

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Sirius!

Please check the status of Sirius.

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Suraj!

Please check the status of "Suraj"

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Kue!

Please check the status of Kue.

"The portal guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Tefra!

Please check the status of "Tefra"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployed Summoning Monster Rock Iron!

Please check the status of "Rock Iron."

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster, Gimball!

Please check the status of "Gimball."

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Tiger Spots!

Please check the status of Tiger Spots.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployed Summoning Monster Butterfly Maru!

Please check the status of Butterfly Maru.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster, Reticle Cost!

"Please check the status of" Reticle Cost ""

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployed Summoning Monster Spark!

Please check the status of Spark.

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployed Summoning Monster Crack!

Please check the status of "Crack"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Auro!

Please check the status of "Auro"

"The Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's Summoning Monster Plata!

Please check the status of "Plata."

"Portal Guard has leveled the deployment's summoning monster Isocyanate!

Please check the status of "Isocyanate"

You are logged in.

The time is 5: 10 AM.

I was ready, but that's a lot!

Once and for all, the bottom line of battle has progressed.

Besides, there's even operational info, or what?

This seems to be the usual statistical data.

It's behind you.

No, can I forget?

Jericho Golem of Liquid Metal Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 54 ( 1)

Agility value 58

Intelligence value 15

Muscle strength value 90

Vitality 109 ( 1)

Mental Strength 14


Strike Kick Throw Arthrop Physical Resistance [Large]

Magic Resistance [Large] Self Repair [Large] Elasticity Enhancement [Medium]

Rigid Reinforced [Small] Avoidance Received Liquidation Shape Change

Surface Tension Offset Weaponized Protective Surface Hardening

Erosion Surprise Night

Couturier Divine Demon Bee Queen Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 75 ( 1)

Agility value 102

Intelligence value 52

Muscle strength value 28

Vitality 55 ( 1)

Mental Strength 30


Flying Avoidance Collection Beekeeping Architecture with Needle Strike Bite

Wide Area Exploration Night Assault Hazard Detection Aerial Maneuver

Tracking Seduces Self Healing [Small] Physical Resistance [Small]

Magic Resistance [Large] Increased MP Recovery [Small] Fatal Toxic Paralysis

Darkness attracts petrochemical resistance, confusion resistance, slavery.

Lion Roar Dark Chimera Lv74 Lv75 ( 1)

Dexterity value 34 ( 1)

Agility value 90

Intelligence value 33

Muscle strength value 73

Vitality 75 ( 1)

Mental strength 33


biting flying aerial manoeuvre avoidance tear smell sensing

Heat Sensing Night Eye Signs Blocking Predatory Fusion Predatory Absorption

Self-healing [Medium] Physical resistance [Medium] Magic resistance [Small]

MP Recovery Increase [Small] Poison Darkness Brace Spacetime Attributes

Light Attributes Dark Attributes Fire Attributes Soluble Attributes Petrification Resistant Dark

Polar Night Cerberus Lv74 Lv75 ( 1)

Dexterity Value 32

Agility value 103

Intelligence value 31

Muscle strength value 69 ( 1)

Vitality 68 ( 1)

Mental Strength 31


Disease leap high per bite avoidance receptor

Night's Day Ear Hazard Detection Tracking Cover-up Collaborative Predatory Fusion

Predatory Absorption Self-Healing [Medium] Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Medium]

MP Recovery Increase [micro] Brace Fire Attribute Wind Attribute Dark Attribute

Toxic Resistance Darkness Resistance

Thunder Tiger Beast 40314; Lv74 Lv75 ( 1)

Dexterity value 34

Agility value 90 ( 1)

Intelligence value 34

Muscle strength value 73

Vitality 71 ( 1)

Mental strength 33


Biting Avoidance Threat Flying Aerial Mobility Hazard Detection

Smell Sensing Heat Sensing Tracking Night Eye Signs Blocking Predatory Fusion

Predatory Absorption Violent Thunder Attribute Self Recovery [Medium] Physical Resistance [Large]

Magic Resistance [Small] Increased MP Recovery [Medium] Disassembly Stun Resistance

Bundle Pyrohydra Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 53

Agility value 65 ( 1)

Intelligence value 30

Muscle strength value 65 ( 1)

Vitality 87

Mental Strength 30


Steadfast Avoidance Aquatic Smell Sensing with Chewed Roll

Heat Sensing Signs Block Threat Surprise Self Recovery [Extreme]

Physical Resistance [Small] Magic Resistance [Small] Brace Violent

Fire Attributes Water Attributes Sleep Resistant Immediate Death Toxic Resistant

Scorch Minervaour Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 42

Agility value 96 ( 1)

Intelligence value 57

Muscle strength value 58 ( 1)

Vitality 57

Mental Strength 42


Mouth Shooting Silent Flying Avoiding Farsighted Wide Area Exploration Night

fluoroscopic echo positioning aerial manoeuvre surveillance breakthrough assault

Covered Tracking Signs Blocked Hazard Prediction Genius Sleep

Confusion Self-healing [Small] Physical resistance [Small] Magic resistance [Medium]

Increased MP Recovery [Small] Confusion Resistant Immediate Death Resistant Attractive Sleep Resistant

Guardian Clone Servant [Male Model] Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 98

Agility value 40

Intelligence value 65 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 42 ( 1)

Vitality 40

Mental Strength 41


Handax Hammer Bow Strong Bow Small Shield Received Avoidance Woodworking

Masonry Farming Afforestation Livestock Tutorial Brewing Night

Surveillance Palace Ritual Collaborative Physical Resistance [Greater] Magic Resistance [Medium]

Self Repair [Medium] MP Recovery Increase [Medium] Light Attributes Dark Attributes

fire attribute soil attribute water attribute soluble attribute wood attribute

Sirius Whitefang Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 48 ( 1)

Agility value 91 ( 1)

Intelligence value 48

Muscle strength value 61

Vitality 60

Mental Strength 48


biting disease leap avoidance intimidation ear cover-up

Assault Hazard Detection Tracking Night Digging Signs Blocked

Predatory Absorption Self-Healing [Medium] Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Medium]

MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Light Attributes Dark Attributes Ice Attributes Immediate Death Resistance

Charm resistant brace instant death

Suraj Clone Servant [Female] Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 93 ( 1)

Agility value 57 ( 1)

Intelligence value 67

Muscle strength value 30

Vitality 31

Mental Strength 47


Handax Hammer Bow Small Shield Received Avoidance Cooking Woodworking

Masonry Livestock Farming Tutorial Sewing Night Surveillance

Miyagi Ritual Precision Operating Physical Resistance [Medium] Magical Resistance [Medium]

Self Repair [Medium] MP Recovery Increase [Large] Space-Time Attribute Optical Attribute

Dark Attributes Fire Attributes Wind Attributes Water Attributes Land Attributes Wood Attributes

Kue Deus Ex Makina Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 96

Agility value 46

Intelligence value 51 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 34 ( 1)

Vitality 35

Mental Strength 44


Sword Two Pistol Hammer Handaxe Bow Small Shield Dodge Received

culinary masonry afforestation woodworking farming carpentry night

Precision Operating Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Extremely Large]

self-repair [large] space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute

soil attribute water attribute wood attribute

Teflastone Colossus Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 44 ( 1)

Agility value 53

Intelligence Value 14

Muscle strength value 100 ( 1)

Vitality 127

Mental Strength 14


Strike, kick, grab, throw, throw, throw, throw.

Physical Resistance per Body [Extreme] Magic Resistance [Medium]

Self Restoration [Large] Consistent Defensive Walled Restraint Soil Attributes

Space-time Resistance Fire Resistance Wind Resistance Water Resistance Soluble Resistance

Iwate Talos Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 42

Agility value 61

Intelligence Value 12

Muscle strength value 122 ( 1)

Vitality 101 ( 1)

Mental Strength 12


Stick Strike Kick Grab Body Hit Leap Physical Resistance [Large]

Magic resistance [large] self-repair [medium] stiffness reinforced [micro] adherence

Night Surveillance Fire Attributes Wind Resistance Soil Resistance Water Resistance Dust Resistance

Lightning Resistance Soluble Resistance Ice Resistance Burning Resistance

Gimbal Schwarzlevé Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 59 ( 1)

Agility value 96

Intelligence value 33

Muscle Strength 67

Vitality 65 ( 1)

Mental strength 33


biting tear severely high avoidance disease drive sneak feet

Leap Hazard Detection Night's Eye Long Cover-up Tracking Monitoring

Sign Blocking Assassination Physical Resistance [Small] Self-Healing [Small]

Magic Resistance [Small] MP Heal Increase [Small] Assault Dark Attributes

Fire Attributes Soil Attributes Solubility Attributes Dark Paralysis Poison Darkness Resistance

Toxic resistance

Tiger Spot Man Eater Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 62

Agility value 61

Intelligence value 18

Muscle strength value 85 ( 1)

Vitality 101 ( 1)

Mental Strength 17


Hammer Heavy Hammer Rolled Strike Kick Received Robust Masonry

Afforestation Change Signs Block Signs Detect Magic Block

Magic Detection Night Eye Surveillance Cover-up Accident Precision Operation

Climbing Dash Physical Resistance [Small] Magic Resistance [Medium]

Self Repair [Large] MP Absorption [Small] Screaming Water Absorption Parasitic Root

Root Generation Dark Attribute Land Attribute Water Attribute Wood Attribute

fire resistance

Butterfly Round Cyber Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 93

Agility value 55

Intelligence value 82 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 30

Vitality 32

Mental Strength 58 ( 1)


Small Sword Bow Received Avoidance Cooking Livestock Tutorial Brewing

Night Surveillance Collaboration Precision Operating Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Medium] Self Repair [Medium]] MP Recovery Increased [Medium]

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute earth attribute

water attribute tree attribute

Reticle Raver Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 84

Agility value 50

Intelligence value 40

Muscle strength value 82 ( 1)

Vitality 59 ( 1)

Mental strength 33


Handax Hammer Bow Small Shield Received Avoidance Balance Climb

Leap Woodworking Afforestation Agricultural Masonry Night Collaboration

Precision Operating Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Medium] Self-Repair [Medium]

MP Recovery Increase [Small] Soil Attributes Water Attributes Tree Attributes

Spark Divine Demon Bee Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 63

Agility value 113 ( 1)

Intelligence Value 23

Muscle strength value 69 ( 1)

Vitality 62

Mental Strength 22


Flying With Needle Strike Bite Avoiding Steadfast Drilling

Wide Area Exploration Night Surveillance Collaboration Precision Operation

Collection Surprise Tracking Special Attack Signs Blocked

Hazard Sensing Vibration Sensing Aerial Mobile Self-Recovery [Small]

Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Small] Violent

Paralysis Resistance Paralysis Resistance Attraction Toxicity Resistance

Crack Divine Demon Bee Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 67

Agility value 111 ( 1)

Intelligence value 21

Muscle strength value 67 ( 1)

Vitality 65

Mental Strength 21


Flying With Needle Strike Bite Avoiding Steadfast Drilling

Wide Area Exploration Night Surveillance Collaboration Precision Operation

Collection Surprise Tracking Special Attack Signs Blocked

Hazard Sensing Vibration Sensing Aerial Mobile Self-Recovery [Small]

Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Small] Violent

Paralysis Sleep Resistance Immediate Death Toxicity Resistance

Auro Orihal Condor Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 97

Agility value 35

Intelligence value 57 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 56 ( 1)

Vitality 63

Mental Strength 36


Handax Hammer Bow Small Shield Avoid Receiving Woodworking Afforestation

Alchemy Precision Operation Night Climbing Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Large] Self Repair [Large] MP Heal Increase [Small]

MP Recovery [Small] Tune Fire Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes

Wood Attributes

Plata Miss Lildor Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 86

Agility value 59 ( 1)

Intelligence value 61 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 43

Vitality 44

Mental strength 51


Sword Hammer Bow Small Shield Avoid Receiving Cooking Sewing

Livestock Glassworkers Pharmacists Precision Operation Equilibrium Collaboration

Night's Eye Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Medium] Self-Repair [Medium]

MP Recovery Increase [Medium] MP Recovery [Medium] Soil Attributes Water Attributes

Wood Attributes

Isocyanate Spider God Lv47 Lv48 ( 1)

Dexterity value 80 ( 1)

Agility value 74 ( 1)

Intelligence value 29

Muscle strength value 71

Vitality 64

Mental Strength 28


Biting Nail Strike Leap Avoid Climbing Digging Surprise

Cover-up Hazard Sensing Vibration Sensing Magic Sensing Signs Blocked

Surveillance Night Out Yarn Trap Creation Cocoon Creation Self-Recovery [Medium]

Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery Increase [Small]

Dark Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes Toxic Paralysis Dark


Confirmation's done!

Then, as usual, if you ask for breakfast, it's a fight in the arena.

You just have to have a full day today.


"Dessert, look forward to it!

There are Adele, Irina, Mio and Yuka in the kitchen.

I couldn't tell what the menu was because of the smell of drifting.

I'm pretty sure I'm simmering something in a big pot.

No, I didn't.

There is no one else in the dining room.

Aside from the cooks Mio and Yuka, it seems that other production jobs have come.

I'm cooking in a pretty big pot.

It's too much to make in bulk because I'm here!

"What about everyone else?

"It's an arena. I've been here quite a few days."

Hmm, right.

I'm sure he's enjoying the match a lot.

Whatever item you dedicate, you should be able to fight your opponent.

In a way, it's delicious.

It's dangerous to overdo it, but I think it's possible to counter it if we have a union in place.

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