Arrive in the town of Sania.

Looks like the area is already crowded with a lot of players!

Is this outside of town?

There's a stall outside the walls, too chaotic!

"Mio, over here!

"Plug it in, I brought it! Finna, where's my sister?

"In town. We'll do the rations here."


Mr. Saki was waiting in front of the stall.

The usual members of the production profession are all mobilized.

What am I gonna do?

You should first figure out the full extent of the armies that attacked you.

"Do you want to go?


I don't need Irina to tell me.

Let's say we go.

Looking up above, I saw crystal dragons and bronze dragons swirling there.

I guess because Queen Sabine is still staying in the town of Sania.

After you say hello, you're on a reconnaissance line.

Accept the Union application and fly to the sky with Adele and the others.

The direction you're aiming for is natural, but north.

The weather is nice today.

"I'd like to accompany you."

"I don't have a choice, that's it."

The greeting with Crystal Dragon and Bronze Dragon was a greeting.


Probably, yeah.

It seems that here, near the town of Sania, it was originally an area without such powerful demons.

At all, it doesn't seem to be enough.

"May I have Her Majesty's patron, please?


Crystal dragons and bronze dragons point toward the town of Sania and go back.

Well, and.

What kind of people would they be?

There seems to be no doubt that it would be an army led by the Knight of Law.

It is the demon who should be vigilant.

And a demon god, too?

"Confirm writing with bulletin board information!

"Well, what's it like?

'It's kind of like a big golem!

View the virtual window you are sharing.

Apparently it was before dawn, and I can only confirm the silhouette yet, but for sure.

Sentinel golem.

It's a screenshot, so I don't know the whole story, but it looks like there's at least four of them.

"This, pretty small?

"Kingtroll-like, it feels a little big."

'Is it someone dangerous?

Maybe it's the Sentinel Golem.

'Could it be Mr. Keith, the arr you fought before?



Do I just need four sentinel golems?

I don't want it done.

Besides, I don't even think this is all I need.


Obsidian rings in my ear.

Warning, they don't mean that.

Something looming from the right-wing side?

"Union application, Hyodle?

Sure, Hyodle and the others.

Were you on the east side?

Hera Claios is here, but Zeta doesn't look like him.

What's the matter with you?

'There's movement to the east too, the Tenma Knight is coming!

"How many?

'You won't go down 100 rides in total. Earlier, we moved northwest.

"Hmm. Are you going to rendezvous with the army of law knights?

"It's Possible."

'Separately, there is also ground power. We're stopping the march. "

Various pieces of information intersect.

Apparently, there's an atmosphere that's going to be a real war.

I came with a buzz.

Sentinel golem?

What would happen if we fought at the moment?

I'm very interested!

Sentinel golem ceremony???

Sentinel golem ceremony????

Sentinel Golem Ceremony???

Sentinel golem wooden style????

"[Identification] done! It's still the Sentinel Golem!

Copy that!

'Something's coming up from the ground!

That looked like me, too.

Heavenly Horseman.

There is no no no no no no no no no if you are going to challenge me to battle.

I'm just going to intercept.

I'm borrowing the eyes of the pale moon, but the marker color is yellow.

Too bad!

Something's going on so far, it's still yellow!

The same goes for the Sentinel Golem.

Some of the sentinel golems are unknown.

The ceremony is the first type of guy you see, a sprigan-class giant.

That number is four.

The way you march at equal intervals is intimidating, even from above.

I also watched the ceremony once.

He looks like a centaur and he's a maneuverable type.

Is there two of them?

There are two types of unknown.

The Sentinel Golem Ceremony is considerably smaller than the Ceremony.

Still would have the size of a King Troll class.

The problem is that this type is armed.

It's common to possess, a shield like a rock plate, and a mace like a rock mass.

That extends to eight bodies.

The Sentinel Golem Woodwork ceremony is a pretty unique guy.

Huge griffon?

Such an opponent is raising the altitude toward us in a way that follows the Tenma Knight.

You can fly!

That number is three.

It would be quite a force of war.

"What do you want to do?

"I'd appreciate it if you were in a fight."

"Not at all, thank you!

Do you?

This one only has seven players, but they all have the right amount of fighting power in the Summoner system.

Aerial warfare, I think there is!

What about the aerial warfare I want?

There wasn't.

There were five Tenma knights, but they all showed how frightened they were, lowering altitude as they were.

Apparently, it's a facade that I've been with before.

Three sentinel golem wooden ceremonies were left.

It looked like we had law knights on each head but we couldn't decide on each other's attitudes.

In the end, the yellow marker never turns red, and it's retreating.

I'm bored.

You guys are really boring them!

Why won't you attack me?

"The march of ground power has stopped!

"Copy that. Let's get off the ground."

Let's land in front of the people who were marching for the town of Sania.

As close as I can, I like it.

Why would you do that?

Of course, it's provocation.

The isotope under my command is only intimidating because of its presence.

Each of Adele and the others has a Greater Dragon under their command.

Each is a drop in size compared to crystalline dragons and bronze dragons, but it would be enough if there were seven.

'Mr. Keith, can we keep this up?

"Wouldn't that be nice?

Extraordinary positions can be made in a conspicuous way in the meadows.

Zeta-kun, Nomura was also joining Sungawa.

Each has a plan to intimidate his subordinate Summoning Monster by adding Greater Dragon.

Several other Summoner-based players have been added, and the offensive groups have continued to gather.

The Dragon Knights alone are going to be able to form some formations.

Both aerial and ground forces are matched.

Much inferior in numbers, but motivated?

That might be a little different.

It's clear that Seta-kun's concerns mean something else.

The circumference of the fire wheel is amazing.

Player faces are also in a push and race bun for a moffy feel!

The special seats on the back of such a fire wheel are occupied by Obsidian, Adele and Spring Vegetables.

The look on your face is that.

Haven State?

Whenever we're on the battlefield here, it's not weird.

A testament to the state of battle is the union being formed by everyone here.

I've checked the trump cards that I can use, but I think I might have forgotten.

"Were there demons in the night?

'You don't see it. I think yesterday was the last time'

Zeta, and Red Lotus and the others seem to have continued their reconnaissance ahead of time.

The result is also inconceivable.

There are no demons, no demons, and no warriors to follow.

I still want you to attack the forces in front of me.

Don't you have any good means?

"On the side, and shouldn't the rear be blocked?

"There's a huge difference in power and little place to hide yourself. You can keep doing this."

The force in front of you is an army led by the Knight of Law, but the Knight of Law itself does not seem to be so much.

Half of them look like regular soldiers, and this is easy to understand because the equipment is unified.

The other half is a mercenary, otherwise an adventurer?

I don't have a sense of unity, and the organization is moving apart.

Some of them seem to be Summoner counterparts.

Summoning monsters are crossing.

Many of them are below the fourth stage, but some seem to have a fifth.

Stonegolem, plus I see Talos.

Naturally, the marker still remains yellow.

"You want to know your opponent's strength."

"The Nines are behind that power. Contact them to confirm as you move. '

Red Lotus will use the telepath to contact you, but will I move too?

Take only Heather and Alyosha and walk over to the army of the Knights of Law.

This is provocation.

You can get ahead of me.

But let me multiply it and fight back!

"Um, Mr. Keith?

'What are you going to do!

"Hey, it's looking good."

'If you come any closer, you will receive a bow and arrow!

"Oh. So, that's okay"

How about that?

How about that!

Still, don't laugh.

Will you do what I'm supposed to do?

I want it to be so.

I seriously think so.

What time is it?

It's 8: 40 a.m.

Look at the rear and see how the players turned into temporary positions.

Because I am already used to this situation, I also use the instant portal to take turns and take a short pause.

At the earliest possible moment, it looks like an amusement mountain.

View front.

There is no change except that the Tenma Knight's battle power merged several rides, additionally.

I was sitting on the ground, speaking, reviewing the [spell fusion] combination in a virtual window.

Some of them have been added on the premise of dealing with the forces in front of them.

How do we counter ground power, air power and both?

Sentinel, what do we do about golem control?

Demon Man, and what if the army of demons intervenes?

The troubles are deep.

No, I have a strong desire for that to happen.

On the other hand, there are doubts.

That's why we're stopping the march.

I don't think so.

This is not a regular soldier.

I'm not a mercenary hired by the Belgic family.

Only that he is an adventurer and that his guild of adventurers is funded by the Belgic family.

Is that it?

That's no big difference from a mercenary.

Besides, I have a substitute for a royal sword guide in my title.

It can be difficult to insist that it has nothing to do with it.

It's not funny that the situation hasn't changed like this.

There was a shadow near me where I thought so.

It's Mr. Fina.

And Hannes to Dongyun and Shinohara to Helga?

That's one party.

"You're still impotent."


'Is there any sign that you might be able to get on with the provocation?

"Not at the moment."

Mr. Fina has a frightened face and the masterpiece is amusing.

Each reacted differently, but it seemed true that I was worried.

"I don't think it's provocative when the numbers increase,"

"I guess that's why I'm here."

'I thought you'd be free. Wouldn't be funny just sitting around, would it?

Stick out your fist as the masterpiece nibbles.

Oh, you know what?

That could also be a good provocation.

"You guys, no way!

"Fair enough"

"Wouldn't it be nice to kill time in a match?"

"Martial arts, and no spells. Then it won't drain much."

For that reason, it's a match.

It would be a combination of leisure time and provocation.

And thanks.

I haven't had a fight since this morning!

You've already been whacking me, haven't you?

Don't tell me you wanted to attack the big army in front of you from this side.

No, I might have perceived the danger around the masterpiece.

"So, who do we do it from?

'It's fine from the guy who said it out. Let me watch the game. "

"Well, don't hesitate,"

The masterpiece puts a few steps away when you hand over the axe you had in your hand to Dongyun.

When I stood up, I also deposited with Heather a tomfer of divine stones that I had put on a horse's seat.


Even if you don't say anything, your intentions are clear.

I can see that in the expression on the face of the masterpiece.

I want to move my body, and I can't help but want to ramble it!

That's your face!

I'm sure I look similar.

This situation is not favorable to each other.

Then this is the only way to dissipate each other!

"The [Endurance Walk] has been leveled with the current battle victory!

Hannes taps to end the match.

If this hanness is also vegan, then power and toughness are above me.

I guess I have to lose somehow because I am conscious of being close.

Fighting is the only thing that keeps us going with the rest of our wins.

I've lost one to Yoshimoto and Dongyun, but I've won all the others, and I've played quite a few games.

The only first participants were me and Ginseng, Dongyun and Hannes.

There is one additional participant from the gallery.

I'm gonna be the next guy, is that a little hard to do?

Various Administrative Races LV.108 Human Women

Grapplemaster lv.46

Standby Combat Position: Ground

If it looks familiar.

It's harder to forget!

Its gear is pink, it's unremarkable!

A player who was a red dot on a squad team.

Yes, I'm a woman, but you're an orthodox fighter.

Apparently, Grapplemaster is the top grappler, grapplesoldier.

Apparently, there's another stage, though, up there.

I've won one fight so far, but I won't be alarmed.

It is obvious that the masterpiece is based on judo, and the style of combining and fighting is fundamental.

It takes the form of using a blow or kick in the sense of compensating for it.

Dongyun likes to fight everywhere as a next good measure, and basics like to fight in combination.

I can't help it because I have a short kick in the ass.

I can feel like a wrestler competing with strength moves everywhere.

Hannes has a similar physique to me and is the most intermittent in a fight.

Striking and combining sounds good, but Hannes isn't really building his martial arts-related skills.

That's all I'm sorry for.

But not in front of you.

Definitely Muay Thai style.

Place your hands on the uprights, kicking dominates in the distance, and use your elbows and knees more often in the near future.

There is also a danger that when organized in a neck sumo, the right of initiative may be taken away.

I guess I should just not deal with him with a standing move, roll him over and aim for the ankle joint.

I'm afraid of accidents.

How did this happen?

"Okay, please."

"Oh, wow."

My voice goes crazy, too.

I beat my elbow extremely hard in the first fight and won with a single feather strangle.

Should we change the way we fight?

All in all, a blow fight is likely to be more fun.

It's a little troubling.



All of a sudden you're standing up and kicking your knees!

Each affair is slightly taller than mine, and my hands and legs are longer.

There's an intermission, and the stepping in is sharp, so a decent blow fight is unfavourable.

It's hard to just take a middle kick that spins the axis of your body all you want and twists your legs in.

Still, take it directly from the front and stand.

I'll let you slap the meat.

But I'm gonna put a blow through the bone, right?



Turn the kick and overtake it, and go straight ahead.

Like walking, forward.

The essence of it is not to brace the axis of the body.

It's no different to take it, to kick it, to hit it, to do anything.

That's all I'm learning.

It's easy if you just put it into words.

But can you do that in action?

Far from ideal.

The stronger they are, the less they think.

"[Articulation] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Throw moves] have been leveled in the current battle victory!

It's been a series of fights.

And something terrible was happening.

There is a gradual increase in galleries.

That's not just for players.

The people joining the gallery were beginning to emerge from the army led by the Knight of Law.

Not a regular soldier.

A mercenary or an adventurer, I guess.

Are you interested?

There's no way we're going to have an uninteresting fight in front of such a far-winded gallery.

But you know what?

In my case, it could be like a story.

The masterpiece is sturdy, and Dongyun looks good with a muscular dwarf.

In the case of each business, there is China.

I'm so proud of you.

Me and Hannes aren't as conspicuous as that.

We just have to show it in battle.

'Pay attention! Somebody's coming!

View the gallery while hearing Mr. Fina's warnings.

The guys who were far-winded split into two parts, and who's coming closer from there?

He's a legal knight.

But only one?

The one accompanying you is not a knight of the law.

Hi. It's not like you're here to wage war.

Is it the Heavenly Horse Knight that accompanies you?

Monopegasus is with us.

I think I've seen it before.

Where was it?

Law Knight Ruggero Lv.9

Holly Night on alert.

Tenma Knight Anton Lv.18

Pegasus Night on alert

You don't have to be vigilant.

Join the match here?

What, I might just strangle you a little bit, but I'll be nice, okay?

"The spectacle that doesn't go down is about to end! Get out of the way!


It's Ruggero, the knight of the law.

Sounds good and the impression sucks.

Pretty pretty man, the kind that makes me want to lick the back of my leg.

And I don't know what you're talking about.

Nothing. I'm just enjoying the game here. Anything?

"Is that all you need?

"You're disrespectful!

Heavenly Horse Knight Anton controls where Law Knight Ruggero is about to erupt.

Don't do anything unnecessary!

Even if he beats me, I'll cut the lid off the battle, even though it's a good excuse!

"There will be Belgians in the town of Sania, won't there? I want to talk through it."

"What's that about?

"The town of Sania is the territory of the Royal Conti, and the actions of the Belgic family amount to aggression. It would be natural to give it back."


There is no disturbance in the look on the face of the Tenma Knight Anton.

Remaining silent, he holds on to Ruggero, the law knight who tries to come forward.

So, get out of the way!

"Let's ask for a message. I want you to send a messenger here."

"Message, is it"

"Otherwise, keep pushing through!

Yes, yes!

That's all right!

That's good!

But, you know, everyone's listening to this conversation.

Is there a Mr. Fina who was in the audience?

"What do you want to do?

"Shall I return to Sania? I have a handover."

"Can I ask for it"

'Yeah. Can I take care of this place?

"Yes, please leave a message"

I can't move here.

No, I don't want to move.

It's good to go to the town of Sania, but in the meantime, if the end of the war opens up, I can't even see it.

I'll leave it to Mr. Fina.

Look around where the fire wheel would be.

Only one of those corners looks like you haven't even noticed the exchange over here.

Well, well.


We were all obsessed with Moffmoff.

You wouldn't even be watching the match.

Miss Fina teleports with Rick and Red Lotus to see her jump off.

Well, what do we do while we wait?

It's a match.

There is no reason to move here.

"Do you still go on with those spectacles?

"Sort of. Whatever it is, I can deal with you."

Heavenly Horse Knight to the Law Knight who falls back for some reason.

But monopegasus doesn't work.

Oh, this one's promising, isn't it?

"I think the messenger is coming, so pick it up here."


I don't think you're feeling well.

Law knight Ruggero leaves, with an attitude that openly overlooks him.

Tenma Knight Anton is still better, but he leaves silently without a thank you.

Fifty hundred steps.

Let's remember.

'So a little more, kill time in the match?


Essential for the opponent.

A little more, I feel like I could enjoy it.

'Okay, I'll go!


What I'm holding in my hand right now is a sandalwood knife.

The opponent in front of you is Zeta.

The same thing you're holding, a sandalwood wooden knife.

However, he also has a shield on his left hand.

Sometimes the fighting ingredients can be replenished enough, but the opponent is temporarily lacking.

All the writers are using a small pause and an instant portal to log out.

I thought you might summon the saddle horses to a match.

The opponents who offered to fight stayed right.

Has it been a long time since you fought Zeta in person?

I've seen Zeta-kun fight demon opponents many times in the arena.

That skill is definitely up considerably.

It's also a good impression that it's not a skill-dependent move.

That's a little, I don't think it's enough.

I can still see no use in movement.

I didn't even care about that before, but why?

Is it because I am also moving on to the next stage through my archery with the Protective Demon King?

Maybe it has something to do with it.

Maybe it doesn't matter.

Well, either way.

There is no doubt that it will be enjoyable.

Zeta-kun holds a sandalwood wooden knife with one hand and stands halfway forward to the right.

If you think about it normally, it will be the norm to put your shield in front of you.

But that would be slight, but it would block sight.

I know you hate it.

There are some human-type opponents in battle in the arena, but I see these opponents have this structure.

He knew to use the shield not only in defense, but also in attack.

Zeta-kun is basic and clever.

Many places seem to be ex-PKK jobs.

Sometimes they attack unexpectedly.

The shield is also used as a prop for this purpose.

But I don't mind.

It doesn't change the way you fight.

Place the wooden knife back on your body with your left foot down, plain and square.

I stand with both hands, but I feel like a short knife.

Come on, Zeta.

You don't have to forgive me.

Show me such a battle!

"The [Knife] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Knife] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Duplicant] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

It's been a series of wars with Zeta.

So far, it's all won, though.

I was seeing strays.

That's why we're playing against each other while switching the setup in a duplicitous style from the middle.

For once, it's meant to be a sample.

Thanks. Seems like you want to fight while using your shield, but your consciousness was dispersed and the basics were broken.

It breaks the axis of the body easily.

Continuous attacks at the corner also seem to have collapsed from the foot, making little sense.

Besides, in the current match, the delay in dealing with the wooden knife since it was skipped was fatal.

"Excuse me, this won't be Mr. Keith's workout."

"I don't mind. You can try that one more than that."


"It's a ton of fur. It works, doesn't it?

Tonfer can sneak behind Zeta-kun's shield.

In the current match, I failed to take it out and it didn't turn up.

I have seen it used several times in the arena.

[Wand] tends to level up fast when it's a wizard profession.

Using it as a subwepon is a lot of ants.

I also use it.

I somehow know where Zeta-kun got lost.

I think we should let him change his mind now.

There's no getting lost.

Naturally, that's fine.

"Okay, now."

"Oh, that's fine"

Then the match continues.

There are galleries around, but things are changing.

Other matches are starting.

And in some cases, places like Summoner Exchanges are being created.

The fire wheel is still popular.

On its back Adele and spring vegetables remain havenly.

The obsidian also narrowed his eyes, is it Haven state?

Are you asleep?

Hey, maybe you're sleeping?

Is surveillance good?

Well, okay.

There are also summoning monsters around who are seriously on guard.

The same goes for isotopes.

Heather is sitting over its head monitoring the orientation of the army led by the Knight of Law.

Where's Alyosha?

He sits on the ground like a statue of Sphinx and keeps watching my game.

I almost get it somewhere!

There is nowhere in the atmosphere that is not strange when the battle begins.

Is that it?

How did this happen?

"The [Knife] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [wand] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Duplicant] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

The masterpieces are back and fighting, but the ratio against Zeta-kun is higher.

Sometimes even I get it.

I rarely have that chance to use Tonfer to defend myself.

The battle against Zeta is unfolding somewhere like a handyman.

This is interesting now.

Zeta-kun is also an anomaly duplicitous of tomfers and wooden knives, the same style as I am.

You can see how your hips sit and your center of gravity is stable.

The shooting is stable too, looks as if there's an axis in the center of your body, but not yet?

When you are struck by a moment of motion, your balance breaks all at once.

Besides, it seems like your body is overpowered all the time.

There is also a tendency to be powerless at the heart.

I think there are more stretching costs.

The rest is to gain experience.

There is certainly an area where you can't just push the demon opponent with force.

It must be difficult to get to know each other.

But there is a way to get there.

So much for the match, apparently?

Looks like the sun suddenly went down for a reason.

Look up and there's the crystal dragon and the bronze dragon!

I mean, Queen Sabine's here, too?

Then I guess there will be Mr. Juna.

It is possible that even the master is here.

I don't see a rock bird, though.

A dragon ridden by Queen Sabine between a descended crystal dragon and a bronze dragon.

Mr. Juna is with us.

That, no master?

But it doesn't seem to worry me.

It is Lady Guerta who is riding the dragon rider Primla, the dragon knight.

In a way, he's more intense than his master!

"Oh, Keith! You're doing something fun, right?


"Me too, do it!

Well, what about this?

I think Queen Sabine came here to negotiate.

Looks like Juna wants to play against me.

Is that okay?

"I'm fine, go ahead."


Looks like Zeta distracted you.

Hey, man!

Isn't this the flow we have to play against?

"You can use that, can't you?

"Well, then I'm sorry."

Let's not use the gain.

And it's a dangerous atmosphere, isn't it?

Mr. Juna has martial arts skills that don't suit his appearance.

Few players should know that.

No, it's more likely he's not here!

Maybe it won't tell the player watching the game?

Misunderstood, but you should take it here.

Anyway, I'm afraid of later.

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