"What do you want to do now?

"Let's confirm the withdrawal of the enemy forces, we'll regroup!

The opponent will need time to retreat, even if the army is large.

And I still can't believe it.

Really, stupid, would you honestly withdraw?

There is no certainty.

I'm glad we're back where we're all gathered, but there's something wrong with some throwing gaze.

There's an atmosphere where you're scared of something.

Did I do something?

Was the duel a little short?

The beginning is still good, but the end may have been one-sided and there was nowhere to look.

This is also bad for all the law knights Ruggero.

The next time I see you, you'll be sanctioned!

"Hey, it's time, okay?


'Also, a little more! Please!'

You can bet.

If you're a duel for Adele and Spring Vegetables, I don't think you've seen it at all.

I'm sure it is.

"Oh, Keith. Sounds like we're done, huh?

"Unfortunately, it looks like the duel is over. Looks like we got some cleanup to do."

Mr. Malgrid didn't see the duel either, did he?

Looks like there were a few others.

The furry power of the fire wheel, don't be afraid.

And it seems that the fire wheel is also because I like it, or half asleep.

Next to me is Juna.

The legal knight Stoke is with me, but he doesn't try to keep an eye on me.


I don't like that attitude.

In my hands is a code of order returned by the Tenma Knight.

You want me to slap him on the cheek with this?

"Look, Keith! Come with me!

"Oh, yes."

Now I want to tell Mr. Juna.

It's what I want you to stop being called for properly.

I can't say that, I'm a cautious guy.

Well, that's it.

We also have to take the fire wheel!

Adele and spring vegetables are still obsessed with fire wheels.

Could this be good, tough?

"We're moving, get down! I'm gonna send you back, okay?

"'Wow, I get it!

Adele and Spring Vegetables work hard to summon the Gold Sheep in front of themselves.

I think it will all fit in circles.

No, I really do.

"Well, it looks like we've won properly."


Granny Guerta must be complimenting me.

I tried it on me and it feels the same and heavy pressure.

And you're inspiring me, even though I'm getting my ass slapped once again!

"Are you hurt?

"Ma, somehow."

After all, is Queen Sabine the only one who's worried about me?

Is the Crystal Dragon also Bronze Dragon Drinking Down, Upbeat?

It never looks like I'm worried.

"I thought you'd be okay when I brought out the Sentinel Golem."

"Dear Juna, although it looked like the Law Knight had integrated with the Sentinel Golem. What the hell is that?

"Trump card for the Knight of Law. Isn't it?

It was against Stoke that Mr. Juna's question was directed.

No response.

That was the answer.

"Surely the safest part is in the Sentinel Golem."

"You seem to be at risk, too."

"Looks like you'd rather repeat a direct attack than a brace."

At the end of Crystal Dragon's gaze is an army led by the Knight of Law.

Oh, I know what you're thinking.

Are you delusional?

I must be paranoid.

I suppose you're thinking about that or something with your eyes closed.

But too bad.

It's not like we're still in a state of war.

"When will Olennew be back?

"Tomorrow. By the way, Master Juna, this is about Silvio."

"Guerta, too, do you care?

Mr. Juna is laughing.

Lady Guerta, too, is laughing.

Nice smile!

No, these people.

I'm sure you're up to something.

I don't care what you think.

I don't know how a man named Silvio became a court magician.

I don't even know what I was doing before that.

Originally, I just know that he is Mr. Juna's apprentice and is at the same gate as his master.

There's an atmosphere that seems to have some cause, but how am I supposed to take this reaction?

Both Ms Juna and Mrs Guerta are showing how they can't stop laughing.

Silvio's figure is still in Juna's shadow.

What fate awaits.

I want you to become a Buddha.

"Because Her Majesty will wait here, too?

"Because I don't believe I'll keep my word. I'll stay here so I can move anytime."

"Copy that. I'll stay here and see what happens."

There is still hope.

What would happen if Ruggero, the knight of the fainted law, regained consciousness and went upside down?

I think you can count on it.

However, there is no art just waiting here.

I knew I had a thermal gaze on me.

The Dragon Knight Primura.

"Okay? Isn't that nice?

"Yeah. Then take this."

Remove the wooden sword from the Item Box.

Let's kill time while we play a match.

As far as I'm concerned, I suppose I could have a fight with Juna.

The Juna said that Lady Guerta is holding her forehead together and discussing something.

Put that smile on.

What kind of interrogation would that be?

It could be torture.

No, there's a chance it's just persuasion.

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure I'll just convince him.

Will Mr. Juna do something terrible to his former apprentice?

I'd like to think that's not there.

"The [Little Sword] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Sword] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Duplicant] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

I didn't have to just spend it against Dragon Knight Primura.

There were people who wanted more battle than crystal dragons.

Queen Sabine.

Well, I'm in a position, and I can't possibly get a chance to work out in action.

Looks like we're having a match, but that's because if we change our position, they'll have different contents.

Such circumstances appear clear to me.

I've tried the game for a long time, but it's uncomfortable.

Skills have not changed.

I don't think it has changed in terms of toughness.

Blunt is a battle.

I dared to deal with it harshly.

I'll give it back to you in a duplicitous style with a wooden sword, that's all.

Like stuffing chess, I can see ahead of me.

Being an honest sword muscle is no different.

Well, that's it.

There's a title for a royal sword guide, and is it my duty to train Her Majesty?

It may be tough, but it alternates with Dragon Knight Primura.

Not yet, I think.

It's a long way from a push archery.

"Okay, next!


The sword of the Dragon Knight Primura had seen a slight change coming.

Originally, sword strikes are powerful because of their good stature.

There was something there that I could rely on, but it's disappearing.

It looked good and had fewer gaps.

There has been no change in foot payment or use per body, but it is not forceful.

I feel more sophisticated.

A little more, let's keep going.

Looks like the army of law knights is starting to retreat with the Sentinel Golem at its rear.

On the other hand, there are problems.

Mercenaries, plus people who seem to be adventurers, don't see a controlled move, they're moving apart.

If you'd put it all together and jumped on the teleport, there wouldn't be any trouble.

I know it's not that easy to get around just being a big army.

Gradually the disappointment grows stronger.

It's not going to be a war like this either.

I have a feeling about that.

"How's it going?

'It's virtually impossible to track everything. I think you should leave for the town of Sania.'

"Is it going to be possible to chase just the regular army?

"Once, in pursuit. I'll be in touch if there's a change in movement."

Turn off the telepath with Mr. Fina.

You seem to have avoided spreading your power to match your opponent.

The main pursuit seems to continue, but many players are withdrawing to the town of Sania.

The time was already 11: 10 AM.

There will be lunch available, and many players who want to log out and pause small.

You shouldn't be forced.

I want to go hunting somewhere over lunch, too.

"Master Keith?

"Whoa, excuse me. Shall we stop this any longer?"

The next opponent will be Queen Sabine's turn.

But Queen Sabine is looking pretty tired and breathing on her shoulders.

The same applies to Dragon Knight Pripra.

No more, I'm showing signs that I'm going to be harmful if I keep going.

Too much power.

I hope I can do some weakness while I'm fighting.

It's not like I'm extremist.

There is no shortcut to wearing this.

There is a regular way.

You need to work out tirelessly so that you can't help yourself.

Tell me. It's not the kind of substitute you can do something about.

Gently wave the wooden sword in your right hand.

You don't have to look. I know where that tip is.

The wooden sword in your left hand is light.

It's a small sword size, so naturally.

Weight imbalances have occurred on the left and right, but still do not allow the body to brace its axis.

I can't even think about this and adjust it in time.

I just have to remember it with my body.

This is the limit.

I can see that I am too tired and my temperament is broken.

I'd like to stay here a little longer and see how it goes.

Do you need someone else to be right?

Mr. Juna is still secretly in talks with Hisohiso and Lady Guerta.

You may summon a saddle horse.

The figure of the Lawman Stoke, who looks frightened, enters his sight.

There he is.

There was this funny guy!

What about the power of this man?

Sounds more like an underground than a law knight, Ruggero, but still good now.

Even parents can use those who stand.

In a sense, it is also called sacrifice.

There is an incomplete burning part somewhere in my mind.

Should I make up for my brother's shortage?

Even if we are brothers and hate each other, we want the aftermath of our flesh parents to be done.

"Here you go."


"Opponents. We can do this, right?

Stoke was holding the wood sword he was given, and it had hardened.

You think you got a weapon, you can run, okay?

Just chase it.

"Holla, stand up."

"Huh? Huh?

Stoke is plain clothes and is not wearing protective equipment.

Let's go with the inch stop.

As much as you can, inch by inch.

I know what a wooden sword feels like, and I think I can do it.

Do you ever think you might touch it?

Let's try to add and subtract there.

"Also, the limit already!

"If we can talk, we'll be fine!


This is the real deal, isn't it?

And you still have the skill of Stoke.

It's not even far to Queen Sabine.

The sword muscle is honest, but that's all.

Is it a good place not to have weird habits?

It's going to hit me even if I come down with a wooden sword.

Fine, it was a carefree match.

I keep it just for poking to hit.

Still, a few times, I use dark heels.

In a nutshell?


It is an odd development, that it is difficult to shape it somehow.

Could it have looked like the only joke from the side?

Also called Shigoki.

But, you know, I think that's what archaeology is all about.

Stoke with a wooden sword.

Oh, no. This.

I feel like I can shoot in anywhere.

My hips are pulling, and my sword tips are trembling.

Your gaze is gone.

However, the power to hold a wooden sword would be missing in a good way.

This is where it matters.

I want you to understand.


But it looks like he was losing too much power.

When the wooden swords hit each other, the wooden swords flew out of Stoke's hand.

Apparently, it's really the limit.

What floats in those vain eyes is the color of relief.

You're an idiot.

I can do it, I can do it!


Is that how you named the Knight of the Law?

Would it cheer you up a little if I scolded you?

You're a ghost to do that.

Let's stop it.

"Can you pick it up?

There is no answer.

Instead, I get a slightly angry look.

Stoke, who fell to the ground, tried to get up, but you can't.

My knee is laughing.

Breathing is rough, too.

Doesn't it seem like we can have a decent conversation?

But I liked what you were trying to get up!

I think it's a good trend.

But there's no reward for this!

Reward, that's the Code of Order.

Would you like to see the Sentinel Golem against each other or something?

I want to see it.

It would be a flashy brotherly fight.

Or my opponent?


But if it's like fighting like my brother, it's sanctions!

"Shall we go back to the town of Sania? Apparently, they're not coming in."

"I guess that would be good"

"It's not funny."

Crystal dragons don't try to hide their grievances.

He wants to break out somehow.

I agree.

I'd like to go against it if it's the right size for me.

Exactly impossible.

"What about Keith?

"There are places I'd like to go."

It's time to make the Summoning Monsters work.

Shall I leave the vigilance in the town of Sania and around here to you?

Let's go hunting on another map.

I don't think there's a big change here!

Arrive at Castle of Fantasy Dreams, an area portal on the E1D3 map.

The formation is changed here.

Obsidian, Heather, Isotope, Alyosha, and Firewheel ended up not fighting.

I want to make everyone active if I can.

But if you want to earn distance on the ever-darkness map, you'd better ride.

Alyosha will return and summon Panar.

Going south from here, we're going for the S1E1d3 map.

Why go for the S1E1d3 map?

Area portal liberation battles for N1E1d3 maps, N1W1d3 maps and S1W1d3 maps are on my mind.

Each was unusual.

In terms of location, the area portal liberation battle on the S1E1d3 map is also unlikely to be normal.

I'd like to make sure.

"[Spear Throwing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Collaboration] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Magic Detection] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The Summoning Monster" Obsidian "has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

The time is 2: 10 PM.

The combination of [Spell Fusion] is 28 in a row.

Reviews are underway from frequently used combinations, but not all.

27 I don't think it's going to greatly dictate the war situation even as it stays in unison, but let's do it.

And at the same time, I'm reflecting now.

I've made a combination of streets, and in the end I even have things I haven't used.

Let's keep it organized.

It was the agility value that had already risen with Obsidian status values.

Please specify a muscle strength value for the other stat increase.

Obsidian Forest Eye Lv55 Lv56 ( 1)

Dexterity value 45

Agility value 97 ( 1)

Intelligence value 69

Muscle strength value 44 ( 1)

Vitality 44

Mental Strength 68


Mouth Shooting Claw Shooting Silent Flying Avoiding Telescopic Wide Area Exploration

Night Echo Positioning Surprise Hazard Detection Signal Blocked

Magic Detection Magic Block Aerial Maneuver Heavenly Ear Self-Healing [Small]

Physical Resistance [Small] Magic Resistance [Large] MP Recovery Increase [Large]

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute

Water Attributes Ice Attributes Curse Eye Immediate Death Blessing Immediate Death

"The summoning monster Isotope has been leveled in the current battle victory!

Please add 2 points to any status value

Here, the opponent of the E1D3 map is not warm.

Or so, I don't feel too harsh.

I leveled up, so it wouldn't be.

Obsidian, the generous support of the fire wheel also affects.

But it was the isotope that affected me the most.

I've been waiting for you. It's a big mess!

Looks like Crystal Dragon wasn't the only one who wanted to ram and was wuss.

It was the muscle strength value that was already rising with the status value of the isotope.

Specify Agility and Vitality for the other 2 Stat Up points.

Isotope Uranos Dragon Lv20 Lv21 ( 1)

Dexterity value 38

Agility value 83 ( 1)

Intelligence value 38

Muscle strength value 68 ( 1)

Vitality 68 ( 1)

Mental Strength 38


biting tearing head poking flying avoiding leaps

Disease Nocturnal Aquatic Manoeuvre Assault Underwater Manoeuvre

Self-healing [Medium] Physical resistance [Medium] Magic resistance [Medium]

MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Predatory Absorption Brace Immediate Death

space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute

Water attributes Dust attributes Toxic resistance Immediate death

Well, I can already see the S1E1d3 map in front of me.

Doesn't feel good.

The woods.

Of course the plains at night, Panar does not suffer in the wasteland or in the sand.

I don't care if you use Ice Field even in the swamps.

It is in this forest that the problem arises.

Moreover, here again, it is likely to be an everlasting dark map.

It is also possible that Cole Monster or Sense Magic will not work.

We'll have to change the formation.

And the temporal distance to the center of the map went away at once.

The terrain alone is troublesome, but whatever comes out makes it more difficult.

Can we end the area portal liberation battle before we cross the date?

Even if you use Forest Walk for travel, it can be tough.

I'd like to go as far as separating them if I can.

Okay, here's a change of formation.

Leave Heather behind, all of you, and let us return.

Summoned Moslin, Rosso, Snow White and Wet Wings.

Well, what happens to the area portal liberation battle on the S1E1d3 map?

I'm anticipating it, but it might come off.

We have to make sure there's nothing to see about who we're dealing with before we do.

Let's make my mark a tomfer of Divine Tree Stone.

I think they will use it separately.

Indrajit incarnation????




Lark Chassis????

Goddess Crusade Target???

Apparently he's an unknown opponent, isn't he?

New developments are welcome!

Indrajit's incarnation would be comparable to that of a big man, and his tall saddle horse.

He is skinny, has long limbs, and what he has in his hand is a bow.

He's the right hunter to carry an arrow barrel, but it's different.

Blue and black skin, beastly red copper eyes and teeth stretching out of your mouth glow.

The guy with the costume in a few places all over his body, all connected to his skull like a few beads!

I associate cannibalism with it.

Naga is, in short, a snake.

Toxic polar colour, much thinner in terms of thickness than the shkabra of a bass snake.

But, you know, I see bad signs.

I can see something gathering around me.

Lizards, mustaches, spiders and sawdust on ultra-colored moths?

You should think it has characteristics close to Aga.

Lark Chassis is, at first glance, beautiful women.

Like Apsaras, he has a variety of gains.

The fact that it is thin is also common, but things are not right.

Like Indrajit, he wears his skull like a ornament.

Blue and black skin looks wet in sweat and is really glossy.

Honestly, it's horny.

Thin clothes are also wet, so they are full of charm that seems tempting.

When I see the look on your face, I just have to shake it.

It's a carnivore grin.

Terromea may have a similar look, so I understand.

This guy is dangerous!

What about the general?

I can see that it is the incarnation of Indrajit.

Only this guy is single, and that intimidation is extraordinarily different.

But the feeling disappears.

So many giant bodies disappeared into the woods, huh?

"True demon fighting!" "Enchanted Breaker!" "Limiter cut!

"Meditate!" "Brace!" "Intelligence Attack!

This configuration is reminiscent of something.

Lark Chassis resembles Apsaras.

Naga will also be an element common to Ananta's identity, Shasha's identity, and Aga's.

Indrajit has a few incarnations and it seems difficult to grasp the characteristics.

Besides, I don't know where you are now!

You even use Invisible Blinds?

It's a classic to fight with sense magic to capture, but whether it works here or not.

Honestly, I can't say enough that the interests of the land are this way.


(((((Mays Forest!

(((((Forest Bus!

(((((((Deadly Poison Mist!

(((((((Giant Ivy!


The pre-emptive strike hasn't come yet.

Then I have a bad feeling.

Even if we can win, I have a feeling this is going to be a time thief.

There will be advantages to having faces like Rosso, Snow White and Wet Wings.

Is that all you can feel safe about?

Considering the difficulty of the other maps, it's pretty dangerous!

((((((six-man seal!

((((((seven-star seal!

(((((Ten Kings Sealed!

((((((Prism light!

(((((Meetia Stream!


The forest goes deeper with the spell of the jungle.

Something flew through it, pierced several tree trunks, and passed beside me!

What is it now?

Rail guns?

No way!

Sweat seeps through my back.

That's probably an arrow now.

You should think that's a rail gun equivalent attack too.

Why 'd you come off?

Coincidence, or else it would be the effect of the spell I used.

Apparently, it's gonna be fun.

Besides, it's death danger and back-to-back!

This is what I've been waiting for!

Indulge in what wasn't buried in a duel with the legal knight Ruggero.

There's an area portal on this map, right?

It can be a time thief development.

I'm definitely going to go secure it!

Kubera incarnation????





Goddess Crusade Target???

One thunder crystal from the incarnation of Indrajit.

I haven't stripped anything from Naga, but dark crystals from Lark Chassis.

Well, if you think it's a reward for a fierce war, you're under attack!

The next general, no doubt, is the incarnation of Kubera.

Tall height would not be different from Indrajit's incarnation.

But the horizontal width is like different.

The exact opposite of the incarnation of Indrajit, who was skinny.


No, he's pretty fat.

meat futon, which should perhaps be described as, but looks strange and even-handed.

It's obviously not the right place to travel in the woods.

What do you got?


No, what you have in your hand is a flower?

The grin on that face is exactly Ebisu's face.

I can't hate you anywhere.

Naga is the opponent who fought until the last minute and will have the same characteristics.

It's poisonous, but you don't have to worry about it while Forest Bus is active.

Is the problem Lakshasa?

He wears blue-black skin, red copper eyes and thin clothes to make his skull look like a decoration.

It would be like a male version of Lark Chassis.

It bothers me that I don't have the money.

My physique is definitely better than mine, but I think I can fight!

I'd expect this.

Is this a good hunting ground, too?

That's what I've been thinking at this point.

But it's a shame that I want to travel.

I guess the only way to enjoy it over time is to put it behind us.

"The [Little Sword] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Strike] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Kick] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Light Industry] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Duplicant] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Cover-up] has been leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The summoning monster Heather has been leveled in the current battle!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

While going south, a few fights have revealed a number of different characteristics.

I was uncomfortable with Lakshasa coming in for a bite attack.

These guys are powered by eating Naga's body!

The same goes for Lark Chassis.

On the other hand, he doesn't like Kubera's incarnation either.

The flower in my hand is a kind of magic item and the spell of sealing is not working.

The Ninth Sunday seal, the Ten Kings seal works, but that time is small.

The effect of this is to disable the enchant.

Plus, it's an overall attack of light attributes!

In the dark woods, suddenly it takes a lot of time to illuminate intense light or recover vision!

On top of that, this guy also seems to be using Carzd Shadow.

I also use it, but is this what happens when the position is reversed? [M]

Dangerous opponent.

But I like that.

The countermeasures are simple, and the surrounding area can be avoided by hiding itself in the deep forest.

But just hiding doesn't make it a fight.

That would be the troubling part.

It was the Intelligence value that was already up in Heather's status value.

Please specify a muscle strength value for the other stat increase.

Heather Odinguard Lv55 Lv56 ( 1)

Dexterity value 44

Agility value 74

Intelligence value 75 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 43 ( 1)

Vitality 43

Mental Strength 75


Sword, horse, gun, bow, shield, heavy armor.

Flying Mind Eye Descending Psychic Flying Aerial Maneuvering

Assault Self-Healing [Medium] Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Large]

MP Recovery Increased [Medium] Space-time Attributes Light Attributes Dark Attributes

Wind Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes Thunder Attributes Ice Attributes

Paralysis resistance Confusion resistance

"The summoning monster Moslin has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

For Moslin, this incarnation of Kubera had become a natural enemy.

Even the HP bar was down to 20% max.

Thank you. I think Kubera's incarnation would be better if I took over and sealed the attack myself.

But, you know, he's in trouble even in the melee.

Whether you hit him or kick him, it makes it look like he's fighting the futon.

I have no choice, so I'm after the steeple, but it's still going to be quite a hassle.

Should I use grapenil?

Then I think you'll enjoy the fight with Lakshasa.

Well, moving is a priority now.

Let's just say we leave you some fun.

It was the agility value that was already rising with the Moslin status value.

Let's specify a dexterity value for the other stat up.

Moslin Phantom Lv54 Lv55 ( 1)

Dexterity value 20 ( 1)

Agility value 69 ( 1)

Intelligence value 104

Muscle strength value 19

Vitality 19

Mental Strength 95


Flying shape changes, intimate shadow, slump through the walls, resentment.

Possession Curse Magic Sense Magic Block Physical Attack Transmission

Magic Resistance [Extreme] MP Absorption [Extreme] Spacetime Attributes

light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute earth attribute

soluble attribute light resistance

So Heather and Moslin are returning here.

Funaoka, let me summon Hayflick.

Thank you. If you get attacked where Naga's body was left, it's dangerous.

And nice.

If it is to be premised on a great struggle, it should be welcomed.

But, you know, I can't go on offense with just the extended battle.

Priority should now be given to securing the area portal.

Don't make a mistake.

Dark crystals are peeled from Lakshasa and light crystals are peeled from Kubera's incarnation.

So far, no items have been stripped from Naga.

I guess when I think about safety, I should do a stripping job and get rid of all the bodies.

That time is a waste now.

Let's leave it and let's just say we're in a hurry.

"The [Little Sword] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [wand] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Capture Art] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Sealing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Leap] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Duplicant] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The [Endurance Walk] has been leveled with the current battle victory!

"The Summoning Monster Hayflick has been leveled in the current battle!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

The time is 5: 40 PM.

What's the travel distance you earned?

To the center of the S1E1d3 map, half is past.

We can also deal with the people who appear.

Still, I want room.

Dinner is served with a portable meal, and we have to hurry!

It was the Intelligence value that was already up in Hayflick's status value.

Let's specify mental strength for the other stat up.

Hayflick Vampire Duke Lv54 Lv55 ( 1)

Dexterity value 57

Agility value 57

Intelligence value 57 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 57

Vitality 57

Mental Strength 57 ( 1)


Cane Sword Spike Sword Knife Small Shield Received Avoid Flying

Aerial manoeuvre, cardiac change, cooperating, duplicity, blocking signs.

Magic Block Miyagi Ritual Assassination Physical Resistance [Greater]

Magic Resistance [Large] Self-Repair [Large] MP Absorption [Medium]

MP Recovery Increased [Greater] Surprise Blood Vamption Spacetime Attribute Light Attribute

Dark Attributes Fire Attributes Wind Attributes Water Attributes Ice Attributes

Lethal poison mesmerizes real ancestry.

There is no pause.

Let's keep going south.

Hayflick is returning here.

It was Terromea who summoned him.

I figured out the characteristics of the opponent that emerge on this map.

Except for Kubera's incarnation, he's just a good match for the undead!

If Kubera's incarnation is the problem, I should go pack it first.

Let's go with this.

Terromea laughs.

I'm not scared yet.

I'm not scared, but I'm sure I'll see some horrible sights later.

That's a bloody smile, more spectacular than Lark Chassis.

I was sure it would happen.

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