"[Stick] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Stick] You have acquired a martial arts pass wall gun!
"[Axe] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Leap] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Duplicant] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Signal Detection] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"The Summoning Monster" Red Star "has been leveled in the current battle victory!
"Please add 1 point to any status value"
What time is it?
Looks like it's 10: 10am.
The center of the S2U3 map is still far away.
Travel speeds along the bamboo groves did fall.
What's more troubling than that is that we haven't been able to move south in the dark bamboo forest.
It's like the Magnetic Compass is driving me crazy.
Would there have been any more traps?
And know the difficulty of this spell, which shows the orientation exactly.
Totally, I didn't expect to set this trap!
So, how do I check the orientation?
Wide area maps, and black bulky cloud walls that would exist on both sides.
This cumulative cloud, but staying for a long time is damaging.
And there's no pain.
It's no trouble at all!
But only this black accumulated cloud is a signpost for me now.
I'm in real trouble.
How can you do this to add damage in exchange for not having to get lost?
It was vitality that was already rising with Red Star status values.
Let's specify a dexterity value for the other stat up.
Red Star Spector Road Lv55 Lv56 ( 1)
Dexterity value 54 ( 1)
Agility value 53
Intelligence value 54
Muscle strength value 54
Vitality 55 ( 1)
Mental strength 54
Swords, hands, sticks, sticks, little shields, heavy armor.
Received Evasion Night Eye Collaboration Cloud Spraying Removal Magic Block
Physical Resistance [Extreme] Magic Resistance Extreme] MP Absorption [Large]
Self Repair [Extreme] Spacetime Attributes Light Attributes Dark Attributes
fire attribute wind attribute earth attribute water attribute soluble attribute
Ice Attribute Evil Light Resistant
"The Summoning Monster Sirius has been leveled in the current battle victory!
"Please add 1 point to any status value"
Besides, it looks like the conditions are overlapping.
Gradually, but I can see that it would be divided into mountains.
A streak over a mountain valley?
Sometimes it's the end of a journey using a short jump.
It's a total pain in the ass!
It was the agility value that had already risen with the status value of Sirius.
Let's specify mental strength for the other stat up.
Sirius Whitefang Lv55 Lv56 ( 1)
Dexterity value 50
Agility value 96 ( 1)
Intelligence value 50
Muscle strength value 63
Vitality 63
Mental Strength 50 ( 1)
biting disease leap avoidance intimidation ear cover-up
Assault Balance Smell Sensing Hazard Sensing Tracking Night
Excavation Signs Blocked Predatory Absorption Self Recovery [Medium]
Physical Resistance [Large] Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery Increased [Medium]
Light Attributes Dark Attributes Ice Attributes Immediate Death Resistance Enchantment Dark Resistance
brace instant death
"The Summoning Monster" Gimball "has been leveled in the current battle victory!
"Please add 1 point to any status value"
In addition, it is Nahemoto's shadow that is troublesome.
I know the characteristics that make it undead, but this is terrible.
Almost every time, undead is activated.
Because the shadow of Nahemoto tends to be withheld from the rear guard.
I can make it easier if I pack it with grapenil first.
I'm sure of that, but what about that?
I don't want to run away.
I'll smash it all from the front!
Was it a mistake that you were moving on with that intent?
Half, I admit it was self-abandonment.
But I don't regret it.
No, I don't want to regret it, it would be more accurate to say.
It was the muscle strength values that had already risen with the Gimbal status values.
Let's specify a dexterity value for the other stat up.
Gimbal Schwarzlevé Lv55 Lv56 ( 1)
Dexterity value 64 ( 1)
Agility value 101
Intelligence value 33
Muscle strength value 71 ( 1)
Vitality 67
Mental strength 33
biting tear high avoidance disease drive endurance walk
Sneak Leap Danger Detection Night Eye Cover-up
Tracking Surveillance Signs Blocking Assassination Physical Resistance [Medium]
Self Healing [Medium] Magic Resistance [Small] MP Healing Increase [Small]
Assault Drilling Dark Attributes Fire Attributes Soil Attributes Solute Attributes
Dark Paralysis Poison Resistance Dark Poison Resistance
Is there a subtle increase in the number of fallen angels?
There were three of them in the beginning.
I have 5 opponents now.
Besides, the fallen angels are undead and attacking us.
Mastimas were also initially all they had to do was zombie and skeletonize, but in today's battle they even misted.
What's going on?
We should still devise an idea for the formation.
Let Red Star, Sirius and Gimbal return here.
Summoned Sakawa, Ishizu and Sekido.
We're undead and united, but are you okay?
No, that's fine.
I can't say it's in the interest of the land, but it's also advantageous.
Let the undead fight within the realm of the Kando Necromancer.
To a certain extent, it's convenient because I can leave it to you.
I'm a guerrilla, and I want to focus on driving away.
By the way, what's a martial arts wall gun?
Let's try it in the coming battle.
I wish I could use martial arts, can I hope?
"[Stick] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Axe] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Precision Manipulation] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Light Industry] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"The [Endurance Walk] has been leveled with the current battle victory!
"[Cover-up] has been leveled up in the current battle victory!
"The summoning monster Moslin has been leveled in the current battle victory!
"Please add 1 point to any status value"
The time is 0: 10 PM.
Oh, shit!
Still, the center of the S2U3 map is far away!
It's already lunchtime, so let's take a little break here.
I want to cool my head a little.
Besides, you should repair your gear.
He has plunged into the walls of a black cloud many times.
I haven't noticed, but I think there's quite a bit of wear and tear in the gear, too.
Mobile meals are fine for lunch.
There's no more time to spare.
Any psychological leeway?
You should change your mind there.
I hope it's done by the end of the day, until the S2U3 map area portal liberation battle.
Just for a little while, do you feel better?
It was the Intelligence value that was already up in the Moslin status value.
Let's specify an agility value for the other stat up.
Moslin Phantom Lv55 Lv56 ( 1)
Dexterity value 20
Agility value 70 ( 1)
Intelligence value 105 ( 1)
Muscle strength value 19
Vitality 19
Mental Strength 95
Flying shape changes, intimate shadow, slump through the walls, resentment.
Possession Curse Magic Sense Magic Block Physical Attack Transmission
Magic Resistance [Extreme] MP Absorption [Extreme] Spacetime Attributes
light attribute dark attribute fire attribute wind attribute earth attribute
soluble attribute light resistance
"The Summoning Monster Hayflick has been leveled in the current battle!
"Please add 1 point to any status value"
There has been no change in the terrain so far.
As always, it's a streak over the mountain valley.
If there's a change, I'm a fallen angel.
Six at the same time, they started attacking me.
I am dying to use grapenil more and more.
In a way, it feels like losing when I use it.
When this happens, it's mean.
I'll break through here without ever using it!
It was the dexterity value that was already up in the Hayflick status value.
Let's specify an agility value for the other stat up.
Hayflick Vampire Duke Lv55 Lv56 ( 1)
Dexterity value 58 ( 1)
Agility value 58 ( 1)
Intelligence value 57
Muscle strength value 57
Vitality 57
Mental Strength 57
Cane Sword Spike Sword Knife Small Shield Received Avoid Flying
Aerial manoeuvre, cardiac change, cooperating, duplicity, blocking signs.
Magic Block Miyagi Ritual Assassination Physical Resistance [Greater]
Magic Resistance [Large] Self-Repair [Large] MP Absorption [Medium]
MP Recovery Increased [Greater] Surprise Blood Vamption Spacetime Attribute Light Attribute
Dark Attributes Fire Attributes Wind Attributes Water Attributes Ice Attributes
Lethal poison mesmerizes real ancestry.
(Instant Portal!)
Don't rush.
You should be satisfied with that because you are still able to beat fallen angels and masticators.
In a way, we're not the ones who are annoying.
How many fallen angels and masticators have you slaughtered?
I have no sympathy, though.
But if we don't keep slaughtering, we can't even free the area portal on the S2U3 map.
There is no forgiveness if I disturb you.
By the way, [Stick] What about martial arts wall guns?
It was a martial art that penetrated the damage to the back, regardless of the thickness of the target being hit.
I guess you can think of it as an enhanced version of a shotgun.
It's pretty effective against masticators, but I'm only dissatisfied with one thing.
No one will be able to respond.
It's not funny.
It's a very effective means of attack, but it's not funny.
I want to try not to use it as much as I can.
No, it's time to change your fighting style.
We have to avoid the battle becoming like a task.
"Previous Behavioral Experience has Level Up [Alchemy]!
Again, fine, I was eating.
We are returning Moslin and restoring it to the minutes of Red Star, Bianca and Bayonet.
I also have quite a few pieces of my own equipment.
The most dangerous would have been Sakawa.
I'm glad I did.
In the case of red stars, they often don't care because they have cloud spraying.
I can leave the undead to some extent.
On the other hand, I'm overlooking something.
Just because it's undead doesn't mean you can leave it alone.
From here, then, I'd like to take advantage of the reflections and move on.
What about the formation?
Sakagawa, Ishizu and Sekido stay this way, keep going.
Terromea, and we summon Florin.
You can be lost.
Any of them can break through this corridor.
There must be an end to everything.
"The [Knife] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Axe] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Hydromagic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Wood Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Collaboration] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Dash] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Signal Detection] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[Magic Detection] has leveled up in the current battle victory!
"[BODY ENHANCEMENT] has been leveled in the current battle victory!
"[Spiritual Enhancement] has been leveled in the current battle victory!
"Summoning monster Sagawa has been leveled in the current battle victory!
"Please add 1 point to any status value"
The time is 4: 20 PM.
Finally, we've reached a place that looks like an area portal!
There are no bamboo groves there.
There's just cratered ground.
And I can see it in the distance.
At the bottom of the tundra, there is the only light.
I guess it's a human soul.
I'll wait.
All the depression you've built up so far, it beats you up!
There is no mercy there.
I guess they are angels and apostles anyway.
I already know.
All of it, I'll drive you out.
But how?
That's what's bothering me.
It was a dexterity value that had already risen with the status value of Sakagawa.
Let's specify an agility value for another point's worth of stats up.
Sakagawa Skull Road Lv55 Lv56 ( 1)
Dexterity value 58 ( 1)
Agility value 58 ( 1)
Intelligence Value 32
Muscle strength value 86
Vitality 86
Mental strength 32
Sword Two Hands Sword Hammer Heavy Hammer Two Pistol Paul Weapon
Small shield. Heavy shield. Heavy armor.
Surveillance Magic Sense Magic Block Grasp Physical Resistance [Large]
Magic Resistance [Large] Self Repair [Extremely Large] MP Recovery Increase [Small]
MP Absorption [Small] Dark Attributes Fire Attributes Soil Attributes Solute Attributes
Light Resistant
"The summoning monster Ishizu has been leveled in the current battle victory!
"Please add 1 point to any status value"
But you should be calm now.
You should repair your gear again.
Besides, what are we gonna do with the formation?
Riding battles are also an option if this terrain.
If you look overhead again, it looks like the black clouds are blocking it.
Sometimes, thunder lights are making me look disastrous.
Until the sky is quite low, I can see that there is an impending cloud.
I feel the battlefield is too small for the angels to show up, okay?
The Apostle who will be the General is sure to be on horseback.
That could be a better threat.
It was a muscle strength value that had already risen with the status value of Ishizu.
Specify Vitality for another point's Stat Up.
Ishizu Skull Assassin Lv55 Lv56 ( 1)
Dexterity value 91
Agility value 91
Intelligence value 42
Muscle strength value 43 ( 1)
Vitality 43 ( 1)
Mental Strength 42
Bow sword, hand axe, both pistols, small shield thrown, dodged.
Climbing equilibrium leap dash cover-up night monitoring
Curse Magic Sense Magic Block Assault Collaborate Precision Operation
Jump Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Medium] Self-Repair [Medium]
MP Recovery Increase [Medium] MP Absorption [Small] Light Attributes Dark Attributes
wind attribute soil attribute water attribute wood attribute light resistant
"Summoning monster Sekido has been leveled in the current battle victory!
"Please add 1 point to any status value"
Usually, it's a place to add a steady Wolf, a ghost guardian, and a war ghost.
Just three frames, I'd say empty.
But this terrain makes me think it's a good idea to ride Panar and fight.
What are we gonna do?
Let's finish what we need to do before then.
It was a muscle strength value that had already risen with the status value of Kando.
Specify Vitality for another point's Stat Up.
Kando Skull Wizard Lv55 Lv56 ( 1)
Dexterity value 47
Agility value 47
Intelligence value 104
Muscle strength value 33 ( 1)
Vitality 33 ( 1)
Mental Strength 88
Wand, knife, shield, evasion, night vision, grudge, magic sensation.
Magic Block Physical Resistance [Medium] Magic Resistance [Extreme] Self-Repair [Medium]
MP Recovery Increase [Large] MP Absorption [Medium] Space-time Attributes Light Attributes Dark Attributes
Fire Attributes Wind Attributes Soil Attributes Water Attributes Ice Attributes Burning Attributes
Necromancer junction light resistance
(Instant Portal!)
Now, let's fix our gear while we bother.
Want to try in a classic formation?
Are we gonna make it a ride-on?
Telomea and Florin stay, how about a trump card?
They are all usable.
That's why there are so many options.
But it's something you have to decide eventually.
Come on, what do we do?
You finished restoring all your gear, right?
I'll take a look around the current formation.
It's heather, telomere, florin, panar, fire wheel.
How did this happen?
Don't tell me that it is simply a formation that also raises the bottom of battle power.
I don't care if there's some trick.
I guess it's not decent anyway.
We have all the trump cards over here.
Not a substitute for putting all of that in at once, but more than one is possible.
If I don't even make the wrong decision, I can win.
I think so.
That's right.
If I make a mistake, it's going to be terrible.
I know it would be unfavourable if the angels secured overhead in a riding battle.
There are clouds standing low in the sky and it remains as dark as night.
Until I thought this would be a good night's ride.
It is preferable that the rail gun can be used if the disadvantage is to be managed.
That's for sure, too.
And grapenil on my shoulder.
The General is going to enjoy the last time and pack it first.
Is this gonna work?
What about that?
I just have to try and then judge.
Let's try touching people's souls when the spell is enhanced.
I'm ready.
Must be a terrible fight.
The second seal will proceed to the unsealing sequence.
Emergency stop signal is unidentified, threat assessment has already been obtained.
Apply Existing Settings
WARNING! Specifically monitored!
Resource Verification Confirmed, Starting Eliminating Targets
"Grants special abilities to combat units and certifies intervention in battlefields."
"No change in winning condition settings"
End of Setup
We'll start the recording.
This again.
I already know this is the second seal and the mess.
No, that's enough to figure it out.
You can listen to the other wording.
More than that, it's an enemy.
There's some trick, isn't there?
It is so decided!
The soul disappears.
And what emerged there?
White ground, you say?
It gradually looks as if it's going to spread towards the edge of the cove.
No, there's something on that white ground.
It was predictable what it was.
These guys!
Event Monster Angel????
Event Monster Angel Crusade Target
Event Monster Angel Crusade Target
But it's weird.
No sign of Sloan?
No, I don't seem to have a place when the terrain is like this.
There's no sign of Sloan coming even looking over.
The ground, which looked white, was gradually approaching under my feet riding on Panar.
On a good note, feathers?
In an instant, I knew what was happening.
"The hell with humans!" "Vajra!" "Enchanted Breaker!" "Limiter cut!
Oh, shit!
Sloane was there from the beginning!
No, the first angel I saw was Sloan!
The spreading white ground, this is Sloan!
Event Monster Apostle????
((((((six-man seal!
((((((seven-star seal!
(((((Ten Kings Sealed!
((((((Prism light!
(((((Meetia Stream!
There are also apostles behind the angels.
How's that going?
I just saw it early, but apparently muscularly sturdy.
My hair is bossy, my torso is naked and reminiscent of that muscular idiot demon somewhere.
What you're holding is a wide range of swords.
Riding horses is bright red!
Max has my hopes for a really fierce look!
You want me to pack it first?
Enjoy the ride first?
No, should we get rid of the angels before then?
Something strange is happening.
No angel tries to fly into the sky.
Oh, my God, the wing itself deforms and goes!
The shape and texture looked familiar.
It's the same as a masticator.
Strong wings of the whole offensive.
But some angels have bigger bodies than masticators.
This is pretty tough, huh?
(Assassination ravages!
Have you been using this English spirit for a long time?
The number of tanks is 8.
Quickly, they are rubbing arc angels and angel nights that emerge from the white ground!
(Short jump!
I'm the only one who leaves Panar to jump.
The jumping ahead is naturally behind the Apostle.
Grapenil in my hand.
I'm sorry, but let me secure it, okay?
War training should be utilized.
And at the end of the day, I want to look forward to fighting this apostle.
You're too late to notice!
Laughter is likely to leak when I have finished packing with grapenil only two times around my upper body.
You idiot!
And I won't miss it anymore.
You're my prey.
However, I plan to get the last one.
I won't give you a choice!
(Short jump!
Jump with the apostle who stopped moving.
On the white ground, on Sloan's deck.
We need to tie it up a little more carefully.
And the way the red riding horse went mad jumped into my sight.
Are you furious?
It's like a flame is blowing up from all over your body.
No, it's actually blowing up!
((((((Eight seals!
((((((Sealed on the ninth day!
(((((ibil ai!
(((((Ice Coffin!
((((((Dark Fall!
When you're done packing, it's a ride-along, right?
That should do it.
Don't let all the chariot English spirits entertain you!
The only thing left on the ground is the Knight Spear of the Double Horned Raptor God.
How about that?
Don't laugh yet!
First of all, the iron coffin in front of you is the problem.
There's a flame blowing up from the crack!
This should not over-expect the effects of Dark Fall either.
(Short jump!
Jump on Panar's saddle.
The red horse in front of you is dangerous, even though you want to finish first from the Dominion!
That's what my instincts whisper.
It will surely be a pleasant battle.
And it's definitely gonna be a terrible fight!
This is the world I wanted.
Whatever happens, you should enjoy it!
"Storm Attack!
I don't have much chance of riding Panar and using this martial art.
But it's not like there isn't.
It's been a long time, so it took me a few times to remember my senses, but that's all.
The basics are assault threesome.
Already, I'm indulging!
We don't have time for martial arts!
But the assault that remains vegan is also great again!
That's who I'm dealing with. This place is full!
((((((((Dark Matter!
((((((((Solar Furnis!
((((((((DiClay Heat!
(((((((Thermal Neutron!
I'm not unhappy.
I'm aiming to penetrate the Dominion's torso in an assault, but I haven't been able to achieve it yet!
No spear martial arts, no maximum charge.
If it's a thick leg, it's almost there.
Assuming you can't penetrate it, you're bashing in an attack spell, but this is a conundrum measure.
I don't mean it.
I think Panar would say that if we could have a conversation.
You've been daunted ever since the battle began!
I know why.
It's that red horse.
It's individually unidentifiable, but it bounced around Panal's body!
All the horse outfits I wear only look like poor ministers.
In contrast, Panar's gear is heavily armed with the Orihalcon system.
Your pride will be greatly scratched.
I get it.
It's with the muscular idiot demon god for me.
Then you can fight!
(Acrobatic Flight!)
Dancing from Panar's saddletop to the sky.
That red horse is Panar's prey.
I'll turn to backup.
No, we're going to tail the Dominion!
Then all the elephant angels around you die!
(((((((Solar Wind!
(((((Meetia Stream!
((((((Volcanic Bomb!
((((((Steam Explosion!
You don't have to worry about usurping the English spiritual prey of a tank.
We're layering attack spells, but now we don't need an angel to sink.
In fact, the English spirits of the chariots don't give a glimpse at the lower angels.
It's a runaway, isn't it?
But now this looks right.
The person you can ravage should be mercilessly ravaged.
"The Divine Demonic Fight!
I don't have the art of just flying in the air either.
Let me use my martial arts to storm!
We need to reduce it while we have the chariot Englishman.
Sloan's marker has not been confirmed, but there is an unpleasant atmosphere.
There was a black accumulated cloud looming over my head.
Can't you just keep floating like this?
I'm sure the prediction of that becoming a reality won't come off.
As it is, there is no point in packing and securing the Apostle!
We also have to attack Sloane.
But before we do, we need to get rid of the disturbing angels!
Will there be enough time?
That's going to be the problem.
Sloane finally stopped surfacing.
Now he's starting to fall!
I've eaten the overlay between contact type attack spells and overall attack spells many times, but it looks like I've managed to tailor them.
I was able to check the marker through Florin's eyes.
Looks like it did sink.
That was dangerous.
With a few meters left, he was about to force himself into a black cloud.
What if it was breaking in?
You wouldn't have won.
There are no more chariot spirits.
The bodies of angels that were on Sloane's deck are also disappearing one after the other.
The apostle's red horseback riding watched Panar terminate with a series of collisions from the front, head thrusts.
The condition was slightly abnormal, but the fire wheel is using blessings to resolve it.
Sloan's body, which is a scaffold, but now he's slowly lowering it with a levitation spell.
The only remaining opponent is the Apostle himself.
It is packed in grapenil and easy if you want to keep it in place.
I know in my head that's what I should do.
So, that's it?
Not good.
My body was hurting.
((((((Dark Heels!
This guy must have eaten a bunch of whole attack spells too many times.
That was dangerous.
The HP bar had 20% left.
But the MP bar hasn't decreased at all.
You shouldn't waste it.
Let me use it.
What am I gonna do with the money?
The opponent seems to use a wide range of swords.
If you see it from me, it's a sword!
Then so am I.
Remove the Cloth Du Soul from the Item Box.
Come on, it's from here.
This is the real deal!
Unwrap the grapenil and deposit it with Heather.
Keep your cloth du soul pointed at the apostle, and keep your distance.
Apostolic gaze glimpses his own sword.
'Cause you don't have to worry!
I'll give you the chance, okay?
"Stand up! And pick up the sword!
Did you get my voice through?
The Apostle's face becomes red tide and anger is added to his gaze.
And madness.
Yes, fight!
To clear up the humiliation, you should.
If it were me, I would.
The Apostle, who picked up the sword and looked back at us, was in a state of change.
I should have finished it while I was packing.
So much pressure as it seems.
It's dangerous if we don't just slaughter them!
That's what my body feels.
Conflicting thoughts were staggered.
Hey, don't laugh yet!
It's not like we can afford that.
This is a place of death.
And there is joy in having more opponents who seem to enjoy it for a long time.
I really can't help it!
Beastly voices intersect.
The opponents are almost naked, so they can't be called each other's battles.
Still, one-on-one, do it.
It's polite to do that!
Somehow I see why the Apostle is naked.
Probably because I don't feel the need to wear protective equipment.
Many times the meat has been broken, the bones have been crushed, and the slaughter, which is not strange, has been struck directly.
Normally, it's not weird to pierce it. It's also a direct hit.
They all seem to have just damaged a piece of skin on the body surface!
How does it work?
Humans away!
No, I'm an apostle, and it's not weird if I'm not human.
But the Apostle in front of us is the most likeable compared to the rest of us so far.
In the sense of the Great Swordsman, is he comparable to Gilgamesho, King of the Underworld, the incarnation of Jian Yu Thunder God?
The style is quite different from that of the hero King Lugarbanda, but the power can be said to be shoulder to shoulder.
While they all have common denominators, they are not.
The Apostle in front of you is above all full of madness.
It's also like carrying pity, like being able to tighten your chest, madness.
That's why it's preferable.
I don't even care if the shooting is cluttered.
There is not enough skill compared to power to compensate for the imbalance!
Slightly, but I can see that the sword muscle is blurred.
There was a gradual increase in the chances of shooting down a sword strike at the mercy of power.
Then he jumps up the tip of his sword and shoots the patterned head of the Apostle's great sword.
Was it because you tried to regain your sword, the Great Sword bounces off the hands of the Apostle.
Then, leaving the momentum to chase, the soul of Budu was ripping the Apostle's shoulder.
An unprecedented response.
I didn't rip a piece of skin.
The meat was slashed.
Suddenly, why?
Keep your cloth du soul at a distance.
The Apostle is looking somewhere painful.
The HP bar was still extra 80% or more.
Even the MP bar is not used.
Why did all of a sudden the attack go through?
Something comes to mind, but not now.
We can still fight, can't we?
"Pick it up. And go on!
No mercy.
If it was anything, I would have recovered it.
Fight for me.
Let me try.
And messenger, challenge me.
Show me a crazier world!
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