The Summoner

Vol 2 Chapter 276: . The Birth of a New Will

The world will of the Diablo world calls on the power of the world to control it into a set of majestic armor, and it also condenses a black sword and a dragon-scale black wildebeest.

Now, Diablo's world will destroys the world's will and emits amazing energy fluctuations, even Adrien is far inferior.


The world will of Diablo World roared, and the dragon-scale black wildebeest under the crotch rushed towards Adrien like a black lightning.

The world will of the Diablo world raised its own black sword, and chopped towards Adrien. The black sword continued to grow larger and longer in the process of hacking, until it could directly hurt. The distance to Adrien stopped.

Feeling the threat of death, Adrien immediately emerged from the state of thinking and comprehension, and launched his body shape to avoid the world will of the Diablo world.

The huge black giant sword fell on the original position of Adri, and directly tore out that piece of space into a hollow of a large space. Inside the hollow is a deep black space, and there is only endless Turbulent space and nothingness.

Seeing that his blow had not been evaded by Adrien, the world will of the Diablo world accelerated his speed again, and soon came to Adrien's side.

"Damn human hybrid, let me die!!"

Diablo destroys the world will of the **** world, and stabs the black sword in his hand directly to Adrien. The speed is so fast that even Adrien can't catch it.

"Damn, how did the world will in this Diablo world suddenly become stronger, and the speed became so much faster, but it’s a pity that the split spirit wants to completely transform into a brand new world will, it will take some time and can only continue Dragged on."

Adrien looked at the black long sword that was sprinting towards him quickly, knowing that relying on his body speed, he could not avoid this attack, so he quickly mobilized the surrounding natural energy and condensed a six-diamond circle Shield, blocking yourself.

The black sword wrapped in the air of destruction directly stabbed the green six-diamond round shield, making a crunching sound.

However, the green six-diamond round shield did not last long, and was directly punctured by the black sword of the world that would destroy the world of God.

However, the time that the Buckler insisted on was enough to allow Adrien to escape from the world will attack range of the Diablo world.

As soon as he was far away from the world will of the Diablo world, Adrien began to escape quickly. He knew that with his current strength, the world will of the Diablo world, which had been infinitely close to the world domination, was bound to be nothing. Odds.

This is no longer a question of whether to hone oneself, but a question of whether one can survive. Now Adrien is not an opponent of the world will of the Diablo world.

I am afraid that as long as Adrien dares to stop and fights against the world will of the Diablo world, there will be few moves, and Adrien will be directly killed by the world will of the Diablo world.

The world will of Diablo World and Adrien are mortal enemies. How could they be merciless to give Adrien a chance to survive and make a comeback.

And Adrien's desperate escape is also delaying time. It is really too precious for him now.

It takes time for Adrien’s soul-dividing body to transform into the will of the world, and it will take time to wait for the current state of the world will of the Diablo world to disappear, and it is impossible to use the power of the world.

And as long as there is any time for these two, Adrien can get rid of today's crisis, successfully master this big world, and become the world master of this world.

"Damn human hybrid, only know to escape!! Adrien, you are a coward!!! Coward who dare not fight me!!"

The world will of the Diablo world is very angry, no matter how he insults or laughs at Adrien, Adrien will not fight against himself, only knowing to escape blindly.

And every time he catches up with Adrien, there is no way to kill him with a single blow, and he will always lose most of his power by the energy shield formed by his natural energy, and the rest It can only leave a little wound on Adrien.

If such a small injury is struck by lightning, the world will of the Diablo world can actually kill Adrien, but this will undoubtedly require time to accumulate.

And lack of time, not only Adrien, but also the world will of the Diablo world.

"No, it can't be consumed with him like this. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid his world will be constructed successfully. My potion effect time is about to pass. I have to find a way to do it."

The world will of the Diablo world feels that its world power is getting weaker and weaker, and it starts to feel anxious. After all, without the power of the world, his strength is only slightly better than that of Adrien. There will be the oppressive power of today.

"By the way, his split soul should be practiced in the combination of the world stone and the soul stone. Then I will attack the combination of the world stone and the soul stone. I don’t believe that human hybrid. If you don’t go to the rescue, you don’t have to come to the rescue. Just destroying it will relieve my crisis."

Thinking about it this way, the world will of the Diablo world did not continue to chase Adrien, but turned to Adrien where he placed the combination of the world stone and the soul stone.

"No, the world will of the Diablo world is to directly destroy my hope of promoting the world's will, or to force me to play against him."

Seeing the world will of the Diablo world riding a dragon-scale black wildebeest and running towards the combination of the world stone and the soul stone, Adrien immediately guessed his intention.

"Forget it, just fight hard. If today's soul-dividing body cannot be promoted to the class of the world's will, then my level of understanding in this world will fall short, and we will fight against the water!!"

After thinking a little, Adrien decided to fight against the world will of the Diablo world. As long as Adrien perseveres, then Adrien has a great chance of successfully selling after the soul-dividing body becomes the world will. Out of the last hurdle, become the master of the world.

But if it fails, the only consequence is death! !

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