The sun is high

Chapter 349 Price

In this meeting, how many people want to purely solve Van En's problem, and how many people want to gain profits in the name of solving the problem?

This is a very interesting question, but difficult to fully understand.

But now, the proposal put forward by the naval representative of the Kingdom of Hain is really a bit open. For those principalities with limited strength and considerable hostility to the Kingdom of Hain, no matter how much power they expend in Hain It is absolutely unacceptable to establish outposts around the kingdom, or to accept Hain's "asylum" and "help" and establish a defense line near its own port.

Therefore, the speech in front of me quickly turned into a fierce debate.

With the participation of certain dwarf representatives, the nature of the debate further changed.

The dwarves have always been like this. They are like the most violent catalysts in all magic and alchemy experiments. As those completely unreasonable mouths begin to accuse and curse by name, no matter how polite and rational they are, People are inevitably dragged into the quagmire of chaos.

Similar situations can be said to be quite common in Van En's history.

The few scholars and mages who attended the meeting were still dumbfounded at the chaotic scene in front of them. Those experienced officials and politicians with rich experience took similar actions one after another - they temporarily left their seats and the venue, Prepare to go to the banquet hall next to the venue to take a rest, or simply go outside to smoke a pipe for a while.

Shuge opened the meeting outline again. He glanced at the next few topics and confirmed that they were not directly related to the Dawn Society, St. Steele, and the Black Sun Society. Then he made a mark to the left and right. gesture.

Soon, Shuge and Weilin followed other participants quietly outside the venue, while Richard and some other Dawn Society members chose to stay. Although the actual significance of these issues may be relatively limited, they He has the task of accumulating information and experience for the Dawn Society. Although the current scene is a bit confusing, it can also provide a lot of reference for the future of the Dawn Society.

Outside the venue, Wei Lin watched Xiuge take out a cigarette, but for the first time she did not stop him.

Looking at the white smoke floating in the sky, Wei Lin even had the urge to "get one" for the first time. However, there was an endless stream of people passing by nearby and saying hello and greetings to her. This made Wei Lin Lin not only lost the opportunity to make a "bold attempt", but she also didn't have much time to talk to Shuge normally.

After politely sending away a Delan official who came specifically to greet him, Shuge put out the cigarette in his hand. He smiled and mobilized his magic power to quickly disperse the surrounding smoke, and then joked: "Being The feeling of 'all the attention' is very annoying, right?"

"I think I would have enjoyed it if it had been academics instead of officials."

Weilin pursed her lips in a rare move: "Unfortunately, what they care about is not the motion we mentioned at the meeting, nor the academic committee that is about to be established, but something else... How ironic, no wonder Merlinle and Master You would say that ten academic presentations may not be comparable to one official’s speech.”

"Just be patient, after the committee is formally established, there will probably be no shortage of such 'opportunities.'"

Shuge smiled and shook his head at her: "If nothing else, in terms of image, you may indeed be more suitable to speak in public than most scholars in Van En..."

"Then I choose to pray to Goddess Mel to make such opportunities as rare as possible."

Wei Lin looked a little helpless and a little angry.

While they were talking, a figure hurried over from a distance. Xiuge and the two turned around to go, but found that the member who stayed outside the venue was responsible for secret communication with the Dawn Society station. At this time, he His expression looked quite serious and his face was a little nervous, so Xiuge took the initiative and asked: "What's going on?"

"Message came from the Dawn Goddess... Our station was attacked inside, and there were some casualties."

Hearing this, Xiuge's brows suddenly furrowed, and he quickly asked: "How are the professor and their situation?"

"Fortunately, only Mr. Daswell suffered some minor injuries."

Although he said "It's okay", the members of the Dawn Society looked very solemn. He added: "The attackers have retreated and the situation inside the station has been stabilized. However, according to the description provided by the station, These attackers are obviously...obviously not normal, I think you two should take a look."

As he spoke, a piece of paper with a strong smell of magic ink was handed to Xiuge and Weilin.

At the same time, some officials who were chatting outside the venue also received notifications from their countries, so the chatter outside the venue quickly died down, but the arguments inside the venue continued to be heard. .

A gloomy and depressing feeling spread outside the venue.

This emergency report sent by the Dawn Society briefly described the general course of the attack.

The cause of the matter was the warning issued by the Legal Committee today due to the black sun mutation.

Even within the Dawn Society, there are still a group of members who are extremely hostile to the Legal Committee. They may have been hurt by the Legal Committee in the past, or they simply do not trust the ability of the Legal Committee. .

Others are because they are young and energetic.

These young people have always been energetic. They are very sensitive to what is happening around them. Any slight disturbance will be captured by them and infinitely amplified by their strong enthusiasm.

This time is no exception.

Although compared with other organizations, Dawn Society is particularly strict in discipline, the effect of such restrictions and management is ultimately limited.

During the day that just passed, about twenty new members of the Dawn Society were gathered together because they looked up at the shadows in the sky for a long time or many times.

This matter was presided over by Daswell himself. Compared with Meyer and other core members of the Dawn Society, his approach has always been tougher. No matter how dissatisfied these young Dawn Society members were, he did not show it. Any hesitation.

Under his order, a large warehouse was quickly evacuated, and then these members of the Dawn Society who had "made trouble" were moved directly in. However, Dasweil was not just to confine them, so he also deliberately A group of healing doctors, mages and heavily armed soldiers were mobilized to comprehensively "monitor" the conditions of these Dawn Society members.

He even asked two mages to set up multiple layers of protection and warning rituals around the warehouse.

Daswell's preparations were not in vain.

Just over forty minutes ago, a riot suddenly broke out inside the warehouse where these Dawn Society members were detained, as described in the document.

"A ferocious beast that had never been seen before quietly sneaked into the warehouse. The number may vary from five to seven. The moment the attack started, it triggered almost all pre-set protective rituals, but the means used for warning did not Any changes and reactions.”

"These beasts, or 'magical creatures' as they are called, should be of the same species and possess amazing intelligence - their attack targets are very clear, and they are all members who have stared at the black sun for a long time."

"We mages and soldiers tried to rescue and launched an attack on these beasts, but when faced with attacks from magic and firearms, they were able to quickly disappear out of thin air... Under everyone's gaze, they disappeared out of thin air. The shadows merged and soon emerged from other corners of the room to launch new attacks."

Wei Lin was relatively calm when she first started reading, but when she read the descriptions of these attackers, her eyes drifted to Shuge involuntarily.

She always felt that this so-called "beast" seemed a little bit... familiar?

"There were a total of twenty-one people imprisoned in the warehouse. Only four people were intact during the attack, and three others were seriously injured. All the remaining people were killed on the spot...their bodies were bitten and torn, or their blood was sucked dry. "

Xiuge silently calculated the losses of Dawn Society in his mind: "There were also some soldiers who were attacked who actually looked directly at the sun but did not report to the superiors. The cause of death was basically the same. They were all attacked without any precautions. To kill."

"In addition, the soldiers responsible for monitoring and protecting the warehouse also suffered considerable injuries... Those strange black beasts can even rush out of the blind corners of the stacked ammunition boxes and kill the soldiers' bodies. Bite."

When he saw these contents, Xiuge already had a basic judgment in his mind.

These so-called beasts, even if they are not palace hounds, must be some kind of existence similar to them, and the attack that occurred this night may be a precursor to the "big hunt" mentioned by Theseus before.

"Because I stared directly at the black sun connected to the Dark Abyss Palace for a long time, I was marked by the hounds of the Dark Abyss Palace... Even if the big hunt has not yet begun, the individual hounds who are the 'forwards' of the Dark Abyss Palace have already been able to Beginning to infiltrate Vann.”

Xiuge raised his head and nodded gently to Wei Lin who was looking at him, thus answering the doubts and speculations in her heart.

After receiving Xiuge's clear answer, Wei Lin's expression became more solemn. She quickly glanced around and saw that the officials who had obviously received similar notifications had different expressions, and some of them expressed Extremely...


After discovering this situation, Wei Lin immediately pulled Xiuge with her hand, but before she could speak, Xiuge had already turned his attention to the surroundings with vigilance.

At this moment, the metal disc in his spiritual world has begun to speed up quietly, and the Dark Abyss creatures who were "warned" by Shuge and Theseus before are now very consciously on alert. .

Especially the hound, which had been on the verge of extinction before, was extremely active at the moment. When the metal disk began to rotate at a faster speed, it had already ended its lying posture and stood up in the floating black mist.

"Be careful yourself..."

Xiuge reminded in a low voice, Weilin nodded quickly, and then held the magic book she carried with her in her hand.

Seeing that Wei Lin was ready, Xiuge reached out and grabbed the Dawn Club member who was about to leave. The member turned around in confusion, only to find Xiuge's eyes standing under the crystal street lamp. There are already black shadows flickering in it, and even the surface of the body is beginning to vibrate with mist.

There was a buzzing sound.

That was the sound made when the magic ritual set up outside the venue was affected and interfered with.

At this time, there was no need for Xiuge to issue a warning. The two nearby magic loudspeakers had already begun to make a loud and piercing sound, but the sound only lasted for less than two seconds before something flashed out of the darkness. However, only a crisp sound was heard, and the loudspeaker made of metal and inlaid with magic crystals was destroyed on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, a thick fog that Xiuge was extremely familiar with burst out near the venue. Its spread speed was extremely alarming. In the blink of an eye, those bright crystal lamps were extinguished one after another. The whole process made no sound and was extremely smooth. It was as if a huge black pocket had swallowed up the light.

Seeing this scene, Xiuge raised his eyebrows quickly. He knew very well that ordinary palace hounds alone would never have this ability. The only ones who could really mobilize this kind of dark abyss and mist were those who were closely related to the palace hounds. , and is known as the "Waiter of the Dark Abyss"!

Under the cover of the rich night, the running rat, which had been "on vacation" for an unknown amount of time, appeared next to Shuge. Its three tails twitched hard on the ground, and its sharp eyes began to scan the darkness in the sky. , and on the other side, a figure almost identical in appearance to Xiuge slowly walked out.

Faced with this situation, the Messenger in the Mirror clearly gave his judgment. In this area, its "similar kind" appeared.

On the periphery of the venue, those who had stared at the black shadow for a long time intentionally or unintentionally paid a heavy price for their previous actions at this moment.

In the billowing black fog, a Delan official who was trying to escape back to the venue stumbled on the steps. He quickly climbed up, only to see an extremely long and strange shadow at right angles to the steps in front of him. After getting out, many dense scarlet pupils opened in the darkness, and they actually had a real "intimate contact" with him.

No screams, no struggles.

The thick fog rolled up due to the opening and closing of the ferocious mouth. In the blink of an eye, the figure who fell on the stairs was half wrapped in the fog. A guard's reaction was quite timely. He raised his The crystal gun pulled the trigger towards the darkness.

The fog lifted with the deafening sound of gunfire.

However, the body that was still struggling and trembling before has completely lost its upper half...

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