The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 304, Hypocritical Little God (Second update!)

PS; The northern barbarians share four gods, and everyone only believes in one of the four gods of chaos. This does not mean that tribes that mainly believe in Khorne do not have wizards.

When Egil and dozens of Skarins's Chaos Warriors stepped into the ruined village, news came from the frontline scouts.

In the storm and cold wind, a marauder rider came galloping on a war horse. Behind his mount hung a series of human heads. The expressions on many of the heads still remained at the moment of extreme fear before death. The following is still there. Oozing blood.

"My King! Our fleet has surrounded this island. No living person will escape, and no one will send the letter here." The scout said to Egil.

"Where's the war?" Egil's voice was calm. The king's battle ax was thirsty for blood, but such a weak southerner really couldn't satisfy Egil.

"All the southerners on the island who are still resisting have retreated to a temple." The scout continued: "That is the Temple of the Lake Fairy on Landry Island."

"Temple of the Lake Fairy?" Egil asked doubtfully.

The king of Skarins had gone south to plunder many times, but he had always felt deep contempt for the inferior beliefs of the southerners, so he never tried to understand the beliefs here.

"Let me tell you, father." His adopted son, Chaos Wizard Chakoy, took over. He calmly said to Egil: "The Fairy of the Lake is considered a symbol and model of chivalry... About a thousand years ago, Arthur, a lord of Bastogne, received the blessing of this god when he was defeated..."

On the way, Chakoi explained the belief in the Lake Fairy in detail, but Egil only felt contempt and disgust. The Chosen Champion of Khorne said disdainfully: "Hypocritical little god, weak and depraved, favoring the loser, without any regard for the loser." A god who is not as enigmatic and wise and enterprising as the true gods of the north, but who is content with his own weak rule is doomed to destruction."

On the island, only the guards in the Lake Fairy Temple continued to resist. The marauders used simple siege pillars to hit the temple door. There was a cracking sound from the wooden door, and Egil could even hear it. There were helpless prayers and cries in the temple.

This made him hate these lowly Southerners even more.

Soon, the door of the temple was broken down, and hundreds of barbarian plunderers rushed into the temple and carried out a crazy massacre. No one was spared. A goddess of the lake worked hard to release the protective magic to protect the civilians, but An oncoming ax knocked her to the ground, and her white dress was stained red with blood.

Egil came to the Lady of the Lake surrounded by the Scarlet Guards. The King of Skarins looked at the Lady of the Lake who fell to the ground with disdain.

"You will be cursed! Disgusting barbarian!" the Lady of the Lake said in a vicious tone: "You destroyed the lady's holy place, you will be cursed by the lady, your head will be chopped off by the noble Holy Grail Knight, and you will become Lady’s booty.”

"Ha! Hahaha!" Egil laughed loudly. This laughter was indescribably cruel and bloody. He was not angry. On the contrary, the face of the chosen champion of Khorne was ferocious and playful. He signaled to his men not to stop. Kill the goddess of the lake and let her witness the horrors in the temple with her own eyes.

The originally clean and tidy temple was covered in blood. All the serfs and free people who hid in the Lake Fairy Temple were brutally slaughtered. The barbarian warriors laughed heartily, removed their heads from under their heads, and chopped down the guards. Seize refugees from their hiding places and tear them apart.

"Before you die, you have understood that your death is not meaningless. The great blood god will enjoy your blood and heart. Soon, the god's will will walk on your land of Britannia, Chaos The power of your power will sweep across the world, your proud legions will be slaughtered, and at the last moment, the great Khorne will chop down your Lady of the Lake with his brass axe, and her head will be with her pride. They fell to the ground together." Egil said slowly, his tall body blocked the sunlight, leaving only shadows: "Now, you know the truth."

After finishing speaking, the hell ax fell, and the dead head of the Lake Goddess rolled down the steps of the temple and landed next to the statue of the god in the temple.

A flood of barbarian warriors flooded the entire temple.

Aegir stepped on the head of the Lady of the Lake, and he looked up, gazing with satisfaction at his gift to Khorne - a feast of blood.

The Chosen Champion of Khorne immediately noticed something unpleasant, which was a statue in the center of the temple. This statue depicts a nymph in the lake weeping for the common people.

The statue seemed to have spirituality, and Egil seemed to feel a pair of cold eyes looking directly at him through the statue. The chosen champion of Khorne felt a sense of irritation for no reason. He was filled with anger, swinging his battle ax, and the fairy in the lake The statue of the god was cut into two pieces and smashed to the ground.

But the reality was just as Egil imagined, nothing happened.

This undoubtedly verified the superiority of the northern gods. Egil shouted loudly: "Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Skull sacrifice to the skull seat!"

"Blood sacrifice to the Blood God! Skull sacrifice to the Skull Throne!!!" In the endless smoke and ruins, all the barbarian troops roared loudly, with a roar that shook the sky, as if swearing the coming of the wrath of the north.

The Chaos Sorcerer Chakoy simply used magic to divine the woman destined to bear an heir to the Chosen Champion of Khorne.

The woman hid in a cave on a coastal cliff on Landry Island. Egil immediately ordered his powerful Chaos Champion Kovindev to lead his guards to the cave.

About an hour later, Kovindev brought back a young and beautiful woman with a beautiful appearance and charming temperament. The moment he saw this woman, Egil immediately realized that she was the Oracle of Khorne. The woman who was able to give birth to her son: "Who are you?"

"Hangst..." The woman calmly walked to Egil among countless Chaos Warriors: "I also received the oracle, and the gods asked us to meet."

"Hangst? This is not your original name. You have golden hair and blue eyes. You were once a noble of this kingdom." Egil said calmly: "Tell me your original name."

"My original name was...Elizabeth, but that doesn't matter anymore. I'm just a down-and-out person now." The woman trembled at Egil's tall body and terrifying power, but she still managed to stay calm: "You You need me, right?"

"I don't need you, but I need a son."


Britannia, South, Earl of Glamorgan.

In the early hours of the morning, the sky was dark. On the big bed in the bedroom of the Earl's castle, Ryan was sleeping soundly with the dark elf in his arms. Olica's face was flushed. She hugged Ryan's neck and leaned on his chest.

"Lian~Lian~Wake up~" A soft call resounded in the mind of the Lake Fairy Goddess Champion.

Ryan woke up from his dream. He felt a little uncomfortable being woken up in the early morning, but the Earl quickly got up: "My lady?"

"Ryan, come on, come to my tower. Something happened in the north." The voice of the fairy in the lake was a little urgent.

"I'll be right away!" Ryan got up and put on his clothes. Olica rubbed her eyes drowsily: "Master? What's wrong?"

"There is an oracle, please rest first, Orika." Ryan kissed the dark elf lovingly on the lips.

"Yes." The dark elf and Ryan kissed gently, and then continued to rest. Ryan changed his clothes and hurried towards the Lake Fairy Tower.

When Ryan arrived at the Lake Fairy Tower, the Lake Fairy Lilith and the Lake God Witch Morgiana were both there. Seeing Ryan coming, Morgiana glanced at Ryan with some worry. She was obviously the same as Ryan. I had just been pulled up from the bed by the Lake Fairy.

"What's wrong, my lady?" Ryan strode to the side of the Lake Fairy and asked doubtfully.

The fairy in the lake was wearing a long dress with roses, black gauze and carved ink. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Ryan coming: "Lian, something happened. The Scarins tribe from the north went south. They captured Landry Island and massacred it." Killed the residents there and destroyed my temple!"

A huge map was spread on the big table in the room, and the green-white jade finger of the Lake Fairy pointed at an archipelago in the northwest of the Principality of Lyonnais.

"Barbarian, Scarins..." Ryan narrowed his eyes.

He was once a knight of the Kingdom of Nord, so he was naturally no stranger to these northern barbarians, but the timing was strange. The barbarians usually set out to plunder in the autumn and winter, and stopped plundering and returned when spring began in February or March. Northern wasteland.

Although it is known as the northern wasteland, this place is still warm for one to one and a half months every year. This is the only opportunity for the northern barbarians to farm and replenish their livestock.

And now it's April. It's actually a very strange thing for the barbarians to go south during this season.

"Leonasse is very weak now. The serfs have occupied the Balimont Castle in the north. The limited troops in the principality are stationed everywhere to counter the rebellion. And here is the problem. Leonese once captured a large amount of territory from Mousilon. Land, this principality has the longest coastline among all the principalities in Britannia, and it also faces the cursed city of Mousilon in the south. Dalheide has to face the situation that its own troops are stretched thin. Now the barbarians are invading from the north. We Madam, we must unite a sufficient number of knights to defeat the berserkers of Scarins." Ryan said to the Fairy of the Lake.

"I know that I have entrusted a dream to the Holy Grail Knight Commander Jules, asking him to lead a group of Holy Grail Knights and at the same time call for reinforcements to support Lyonnais, and urge Dalheide to organize an army to deal with Skarins' tribe." In the lake. The fairy nodded and pointed to Curona, the capital of the Knight Kingdom, where the Holy Grail Knight Commander Jules was stationed.

Curona is indeed much closer to the Principality of Lyonnais. Ryan has no objection to this. In fact, he lacks an excuse to intervene in this matter. If the north goes to war, it is the Duke of Lyonnais's business. If the king does not order it, or Lane couldn't intervene in the matter without Dalhyde asking for help.

"Ryan, the matter in the north does not require you to take action for the time being." The fairy in the lake thought for a while, but still shook her head.

Ryan is her chosen champion, and the Lady of the Lake cannot rely on him for everything.

"I see."

"But be prepared to mobilize your territory, my champion, I have a hunch." The fairy in the lake suddenly said with uncertainty: "Maybe... this invasion doesn't look normal, Yule Si is the Holy Grail Knight Commander and a strong man whose swordsmanship is comparable to that of Imperial Flag Officer Ludwig, so he should be able to solve the problem."

"But if Ules can't solve the problem, my champion, I will need you at that time." The Lake Fairy turned to Morgiana and said: "Morgiana, send a message to Anara and ask her to follow Ules. Let’s act together.”

"Yes!" Morgiana took the Lake Fairy towards the third floor, while Ryan remained on the fourth floor looking at the map.

The Lady of the Lake follows Morgiana downstairs.

As they were descending the stairs, the Lake Fairy said casually: "You seem to be having a very pleasant time, Morgiana."

There was an indescribable strange flavor in the tone of the Lake Fairy.

At the same time, she stared directly at Morgiana's belly.

Morgiana blushed and couldn't raise her head: " lady..."

"A lot's going to happen today, let Ryan go."

"Yes Yes."

The Lake God Witch's red face was almost buried in her plump chest.


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