The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 377, Ancient Race in the Tropical Rainforest

"Whether it is your appearance or your accomplishments, you cannot be from a commoner. Moreover, the golden double-headed eagle... is the symbol of the empire. You must be a descendant of some imperial noble, right?" Pirazzo asked cautiously: "Of doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. We all understand some things."

"Me? I am a descendant of the great nobles of the empire, right?" Fulgan thought about it in his mind, and decided to stop talking: "Do you know Lane? Count Lane Machado?"

"Ah! I know, the man who banished the Great Demon of Nurgle, the Puritor, and killed the Red Duke, who had brought trouble to the Knight Kingdom for hundreds of years, is a hero of mankind." Pirazzo said he knew.

"I am his brother, a real brother." Fulgan said this and shook his head: "That's all I can say."

"I understand." Pirazzo confirmed in his mind.

So that’s it.

Count Lion Malcador's reputation in the old world is not unpopular. There are many speculations about who his biological father is. Although Fulgen still said that no information about his biological father was revealed, at least Pirazzo ate it. A reassurance that this legion has backup in the old world!

This is very important. Regardless of whether this expeditionary force has a firm foothold, they still need support from the old world.

After dinner, Pirazzo resigned, leaving Fulgen alone. The regimental commander picked up a book "National Geography of the Old World" and continued reading.

The tallow candle flickered.

"The rulers are high above the temples, and the civilians work hard to support the army and protect themselves. It is a life that has not changed for thousands of years." The handsome man looked at the "National Geographic of the Old World" and sighed softly: "Everything has to start from scratch, father , my Legion, my children have fallen into the abyss, ten thousand years have passed, Son of the Emperor, have you saved anything else besides me?"

The golden double-headed eagle reflected light in the candlelight, leaving Fulgen with a silent answer.


A week later, the entire expeditionary force was ready to go.

This army of five thousand men was organized into twelve companies by Fulgen.

The first company was led by him personally and was composed of veterans of many battles. It was composed of great swordsmen and a small number of knights on foot.

The second and third companies were companies of halberdiers.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth companies were a mixture of pikemen and sword and shield soldiers.

The seventh, eighth, and ninth companies were composed of crossbowmen and archers.

The 10th Company consisted of musketeers.

The Eleventh Company was the artillery, and the expedition carried five mortars and three cannons.

The twelfth company is the reserve team.

Fulgan left three companies to guard home and led the remaining more than 3,000 people into the tropical rain forest.


The tropical rainforest of Lustria is completely different from the black forest of the old world. The black forest of the old world is difficult to pass, while the forest of Tyrell is full of birds and flowers, and is less threatened by beastmen.

The tropical rainforest of Lustria gave the expeditionary force a sense of simple lushness.

It's humid and hot, and the ground is covered with moss and algae. Grass, ferns, shrubs grow on the ground, and finally there are the big trees. The forest can accommodate the passage of troops, but it can't be so neat.

After several months of training, the Ashes Legion team was neat and marching neatly. The soldiers' morale was high under Fulgrim's reorganization. They marched cautiously in the forest, observing every move nearby.

Walking through the bushes, Pirazzo struggled to brush the long bush leaves away from his face. Even though it was December, Lustria was relatively cooler, with a temperature of 26 to 7 degrees. The mercenary leader's face and body were covered in sweat, and dew soaked his clothes: "Damn, it's still December, the weather is relatively cool. It's hard to imagine what we will face if it is midsummer."

Fulgrim was carrying the purple-gold power sword "Glory". The legion commander was wearing purple plate armor, and his silver hair was flying among the trees. He walked forward step by step in a very rhythmic manner: "I order everyone not to wear wet clothes for a long time. , you are not allowed to eat any wild fruits or vegetables, you are not allowed to drink raw water, you must avoid or cut off any thorns you encounter, stay in formation, and move forward slowly!"

"Yes!" A great swordsman responded immediately.

Under Fulgrim's exquisite command, the army always maintained morale. They carefully explored the tropical rainforest. Relying on Fulgrim's orders and prohibitions, the soldiers always remained calm even if they saw some treasures. They first carefully checked to see if there were any. Ambush, then collect the treasure.

Lustria's reputation as a land of gold is indeed well-deserved. After only three days of marching, the Ash Legion captured a lot of treasures. Some of the gems, silver, and gold were pocketed by greedy humans.

Three days later, the expeditionary force came to a lizard man ruins.

This is a long-abandoned lizardman city. Many of the tall pyramids have collapsed and are covered by branches, vines and thick trees. Huge stones pave the passages in the ruins. There are many ponds in the ruins. Swimming piranha.

Why do they know there are piranhas in the pond? Because some soldiers have paid the price with their lives.

The solid slate floor and the soft, moist soil formed a sharp contrast. The tall city walls of the past have collapsed. There is almost no good building in the entire ruins. The brightly colored patterns carved on the slate have long faded over the endless years.

"It's gold! Such big gold!"

"Oh my God! Such a huge piece of silver!"

"Enamel Stone!"

"This is jade!"

“We are rich!!!”

"Ms. Fortune on top!"

The soldiers of the expeditionary force screamed in disbelief. The ruins were like paradise! There were piles of gold and silver treasures everywhere, and many soldiers happily slapped their faces with their hands and exclaimed that it was incredible.

After several months of training and preparation by Fulgen, these soldiers were extremely disciplined. When they saw the wealth, they did not rush to grab it in excitement. The army structure and formation were always roughly intact. The soldiers just reported to Fulgan: "Legion Commander! We found a large amount of gold and silver treasure! Are the soldiers allowed to take it for themselves?"

"Divide into three teams! The third, fifth and ninth companies are allowed to move on their own. Each person can collect no more than fifteen kilograms of treasure. The rest are on guard and closely monitor the movements nearby!" Fulgen watched with vigilance! Around: "Maybe, something is watching us."

"Yes!" The army trained by the Primarch of the Emperor's Son issued an order and the soldiers of three companies began to use the prepared bags to collect treasures. The remaining troops remained alert and ready.

"Attention, give priority to collecting books, crafts, and artworks. Don't just focus on gold and jewelry." Fulgan then ordered.

"Yes!" The soldiers admired and worshiped the legion commander from the bottom of their hearts, and they carried out Fulgrim's orders seriously.

The human army began to carefully pack various gold and silver jewelry into bags. By the way, they also followed Fulgan's orders and remained alert. The human army carefully felt every move around them and did not give the enemy any chance.

Little did they know, it was the soldiers who were always vigilant, on the branches deep in the rainforest.

Several chameleons were lying on the branches observing every move of the expeditionary force.

This ruins is a trap. Several waves of humans have already stumbled here, turning into delicious meals in the belly of the lizard men, or being sacrificed alive to the snake god Sotek.

Human beings are always greedy. Seeing so much wealth, they can't walk away. Explorers often crazily fill their bags with various gems, gold and jade. When the ambush lizard people swarm up, many greedy people He was not even willing to give up his money and escape.

But this group of people is different now, they are very alert.

"Attack now?" Chameleon whispered.

Ambushing here is a legion of skinks, led by a lizard ancient blood warrior.

The Ancient Blood Warriors are the leaders of the Lizardmen. They obey the orders of the Skink Priests. Above the Skink Priests are the Toad Slann, but the Slann spend most of their time sleeping.

"Wait." The ancient blood warrior shook his head: "Come out and attack again."

Within the ruins, Fulgen looked at a huge stone slab. His hand brushed across the surface of the stone slab. Surrounded by ponds and green grass, the stone slab revealed its true appearance.

"The invasion of Chaos has been predicted for a long time." There are four pictures carved on the stone slab. The first picture shows the ancient saint's portal bursting, chaos descending, and countless demons coming from the subspace to the main material world.

"The loyal servants of the ancient saints rose up to resist." In the second picture, groups of lizard-men armies are fighting against Chaos Demons.

"The Maelstrom is not an invention of the elves. The elves just activated the device left by the ancient saints in Ulthuan." Fulgan continued to browse the third picture. The first-generation Phoenix King "Defender" Alario was fighting against four chaos giants at the same time. Not far away, the dragon tamer Caledor built a maelstrom.

Fulgan wanted to continue looking at the fourth picture, but found that the fourth picture was damaged and nothing could be seen clearly.

Is the future like this picture, where everything is swallowed up by chaos?

"There is hope," murmured the Primarch of the Emperor's Children. "There is always hope."

"The enemy is attacking!!!" At this time, Pirazzo suddenly shouted: "The enemy is attacking! Soldiers! Prepare to fight!"

"Fight or die!" Fulgrim shouted loudly: "Soldiers, the enemy is coming!"

"Understood!" The soldiers of the expeditionary force were stunned for a few seconds after hearing the enemy attack. They immediately reacted. They stopped their actions, put down their gold and silver treasures, and prepared for battle.

Groups of Skinks appeared in the forest. They were the Skink Legion ambushing the human army.

"Formation!!!" Fulgan stood alone in front of the military formation. He raised the power sword "Glory" in his hand.

The legion commander's training for the soldiers was engraved into the souls and their instincts. As the large groups of Skink battle groups and Skink skirmishers gradually approached, the human army was already ready for battle based on the terrain.

A large group of spearmen and halberdiers were at the front. They inserted their shields into the ground, and the dense forest of spears was pointed directly at the incoming Skink Legion. Large groups of Skink were constantly pouring out of the forest. Most of the human soldiers were I have never seen such weird creatures. They have a cute face, round eyes, fins on their heads, bright colors on their bodies, wearing simple leather armor, using wooden sticks and shields, and heading towards the army's formation. An array of spears rushed in like a forest.

"Fire!!!" Pirazzo's roar dissipated the hesitation in the hearts of the soldiers. After hearing the order of the deputy commander behind them, a large group of crossbowmen, archers and musketeers raised their long-range weapons and headed towards the soul. The Lizard Legion attacked.

Almost at the same time, all the crossbowmen, archers, and musketeers fired at the same time. Hundreds of feather arrows, crossbow bolts, and musket bullets caused huge casualties to the Skink soldiers. These Lizardmen fell down after being shot by arrows.

Many human soldiers breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. These ancient creatures are not invincible.

The expeditionary force began to feel confident. Even in the distant forest, there were still large groups of skink troops joining the battlefield.

Leaving behind dozens of corpses, the Skink skirmishers approached the spear formation.

"Javelin! Pay attention to avoid! Turtle shell formation!" Fulgan keenly discovered the strangeness in the Skink Legion. Groups of Skink Lizards raised their javelins and threw poisonous wooden javelins towards the human position.

"Turtle shell formation!" After hearing Fulgrim's order, the human army moved.

The long-range troops withdrew into the formation in an orderly manner. The pikemen and halberdiers approached the front line again. They drew their shields and raised them in the air. Behind them, the sword and shield soldiers were carefully arranged in several rows, pointing towards the air. Together they raised their shields.

The human position was instantly covered by large shields and kite shields, and most of the dense wave of javelins hit the shields.

"Ding ding ding~" There was a sound of sharp weapons hitting shields, but no one was injured.

The Skink skirmishers had few javelins, and after three volleys they were exhausted.

At this time, a large group of skinks had approached the human army line.

"Form a phalanx of spears!" Fulgrim then ordered.

The soldiers immediately obeyed the order. The first group of pikemen and halberdiers squatted down, and the second row of soldiers stood. A pike phalanx was formed. The dense forest of pikes directly faced the impact of the Skink infantry.

A large group of skink infantry found themselves trapped in the siege of countless spear points. The short sticks in their hands could not break through such a strong spear phalanx. The skinks in front rushed forward, and the skinks behind were pushing forward again. Under Gen's order, the crossbowmen and archers took the opportunity to shoot the skinks in the distance, while the musketeers lined up in three groups and took turns shooting at the nearby skinks from the gaps in the gun array.

"Go to hell! Bastard!" The spearmen and halberdiers pierced back and forth rhythmically, the sharp spear points piercing the bodies of the skink soldiers, spurting out red blood.

Strong discipline and solid formations constitute the magic weapon for human victory. As the great swordsmen led the sword and shield soldiers to join the battlefield from the side, the outcome gradually became clear. After more than ten minutes of fierce fighting, the Skink Legion dropped hundreds of soldiers. The ambush troops of the Lizardmen who suffered heavy losses were forced to retreat.

The expeditionary force suffered very little losses, with only a dozen people killed in the battle. The remaining humans cheered loudly for victory.

"Don't be too happy, my soldiers, this is just a probing attack by the enemy." Fulgan warned his soldiers: "Don't be dazzled by victory. If these ancient races in the forest only have this strength, How did those human expeditionary forces disappear? Why didn’t those barbarians who believed in chaos enter the forest to plunder?”

"I understand, Legion Commander, we will not take this lightly!" The soldiers who were convinced by Commander Fulgen's command responded one after another.

"Pack up your things as soon as possible. We will camp here today." Fulgan then gave the order: "Send people to guard in the distance and be prepared. There will be a fierce battle."

"Yes!" The entire army is like a precision-operated machine, each performing its own duties.

In the rain forest not far away, the lizard-human ancient blood warrior was discussing with his subordinates.

"This group of humans is very powerful, and the weak Skink Legion cannot defeat them."

"Report to war leader Kuga immediately! Request reinforcements!"

"We need the support of Lord Kuga's Holy Legion!"

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