The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 463: People eat people

After two rounds of shelling, a white flag was raised inside the stronghold.

The knights cheered for victory. These knights from the Principality of Gisoleaux formed a team and proudly wanted to enter the village to show off their power. They wanted to warn the serfs through their actions that betrayal would eventually face the most terrible consequences. punish.

However, when they actually entered the castle, the sight in front of them made the knights open their mouths.

There were corpses everywhere in the cottage, the corpses of serfs, and the dead bodies of the rebellious serfs were placed randomly on the ground inside the cottage. Those who died in battle, starved to death, and froze to death can be seen everywhere.

There are about a hundred serfs who are struggling to survive in the thatched huts in the village. They are all so hungry that their faces are yellow and skinny, and everyone has sunken eye sockets. No matter they are old people, women or children, they can only squeeze in. Together, they used body heat to keep each other warm. The room exuded a foul odor, and urine and feces were everywhere. Thatch, a few torn blankets, and a few single clothes were the only things these more than a hundred serfs had to keep out the cold.

Seeing the knights rushing in, the expressions of these serfs were numb, deeply numb. Many of them had an indifferent expression on their faces, as if the knights' trials were all indifferent matters.

Sir Coulson was full of anger when he entered the village. He originally wanted to ask the serfs why they rioted? Why the rebellion? Why did these serfs actually choose to betray when the knights were desperately resisting the undead invasion on the front line, and why when the knights exchanged their lives for victory? ?

What qualifications do they have to do this? !

But now, the knights are a little confused. More than twenty knights-errant from the Principality of Gisoleaux are walking forward numbly. The stench and rotten smell from the corpses permeates the entire village. When they see the knights appear, These serfs staggered and struggled towards the army. Many serfs had deformed feet and their bodies were as frozen as the living dead. Some serfs were thinner than bamboo poles.

The serfs were a little frightened when they saw the knights, and then they begged. Several serfs, who were already so hungry that they were not human-like, knelt in front of the knights and begged for forgiveness. More serfs were indifferent. They retreated blankly, but they didn't Knowing what to do, it was obvious that the knights were here to put down the rebellion, and their end was almost certain.

Kalad walked among the piles of corpses. There were serfs dying of starvation everywhere. The expedition knight opened his mouth and really didn't know what to say.

Is this chivalry?

What are we protecting?

"Where is your leader?" Bertrand sighed softly. He found one of the serfs and asked, "Where is your leader?"

"On the tower, there was an explosion, Sir." A serf who looked to be in his forties was so hungry that his eyes were black. He knelt in front of Bertrand and couldn't help crying.

"Why did it become like this?! Why?" The angry Raymond rushed over and grabbed the serf's unlined clothes, yelling crazily: "How can you watch your compatriots starve to death?"

"There is no way, there is nothing to eat. It's winter, and all the food we brought out has been eaten up. We can only eat rats and gnaw tree bark. The last remaining food has been given to healthy men because they need to bear the burden of defense. , there are bandits, beastmen, and greenskins in the mountains. This is our last stronghold. We can only wait here and wait to starve to death."

"You can surrender to the knight lords!" Raymond then shouted.

"Rebellion is a capital crime, hanging, and sitting in groups, Mr. Sergeant." The serf even responded to Raymond with a smile: "No matter what, it is death, my Mr. Sergeant, no matter what, it is death."

After saying that, the serf couldn't help covering his face and crying. He even couldn't cry anymore: "That's it, knights, I will execute you as you please."

"...Madam, please." Kalad whispered: "We have to help them, I mean...these serfs need help."

"We need to distribute food, boil water, and find a way to go to nearby towns to get more food...and blankets! Go quickly!" Belegar's face was ugly, and the dwarf king suddenly felt that he had ordered the cannon fire. Deep regret: "Go quickly!"

"I want to tell the Duke what happened here!" Sir Coulson only felt that something was broken. He was a little embarrassed and a little remorseful, and anxiously walked back and forth in the cottage: "Damn, damn! Why did it become so?"

Throughout the camp, all the escaped slaves were brought out. The soldiers tried to open some wooden houses, but there were only piles of dead bodies inside. The knights leaned together numbly, silent.

The bandit-suppressing army camped outside the mountain stronghold, boiling water and cooking porridge. The scene was chaotic, and the hungry and crazy serfs were robbing each other. They thought this was their last supper.

With a pair of eyes that were blood red from hunger, and an arm that was shaking in the cold wind, Sir Coulson, who was responsible for suppressing the bandits, was heartbroken. He just muttered silently: "I want to tell the Duke, I want to tell Duke..."

"Don't let them eat too much at one time! If they are hungry for too long, they will die if they eat too much at one time!" Bertrand loudly ordered his soldiers, looking at the tragic scene in the stronghold, the rebel serfs hugging themselves The corpses of their loved ones cried bitterly, and Jazz had mixed feelings in his heart. After he finished speaking, he let out a long sigh and wiped away his tears: "Hey~ hurry up, we must focus on burying the corpses and praying, otherwise they will become undead!"

"Sir, I think you need a towel." A hand holding a towel stretched out from the side. Expedition Knight Calard's face turned dark, and he forced a smile on his lips. He sat down next to Bertrand: "Before I thought this was going to be a banditry trip and now it looks like we're a workhouse team."

"Mortals have to face far more than you knights imagined, Lord Calard." Bertrand looked at the bonfire in front of him and said mockingly: "Just like why the famous serfs don't eat cakes, Many knights do not understand the hard work of the serfs."

"The serfs don't have bread to eat? Then they can eat cake!"

——Mary "Beauty", the queen of the previous knight king "tyrant" John II

"Under the jurisdiction of the knights, the serfs have to face heavy taxes, but at least they can ask the knights to protect themselves. In the case of this rebellion, the serfs must arm themselves to protect themselves. There are too many enemies in the mountains. , green skins, beastmen, bandits and robbers, and some undead. Anything that you feel is vulnerable in your eyes is the enemy of the serfs' survival." Bertrand said to Kalad: "In winter, the serfs lack Eat, so do the beasts and greenskins, as well as the bandits and robbers. In normal times, they can go into the mountains and forests to try their luck, but in this winter, they can only hide in the village and wait to starve to death. You guys You know, we also met a wyvern that came out to look for food on the way."

"I now understand why the count asked us to bring more food when we set off." Raymond had obviously cried. The captain of the Halberd Company wiped his tears: "Is this the fate of serfs? God knows if I hadn't brought my mother with me I escaped from Lyonnaise with my brother, will I be hanged or starve to death?"

Not far away, carloads of corpses of serfs were transported out of the village. The dwarves dug a pit and prepared to cremate the serfs collectively. According to preliminary calculations, there should be two to three hundred dead serfs, and the number of dead serfs in the village was There are more than a hundred people left alive, and now these surviving serfs are huddled in the corner of the stronghold in panic, waiting for their judgment.

"What's so strange about this?" Ivan, the tall Ugor leader, was holding a bowl of pork soup. His low Gothic was not very standard, but fortunately he could still understand him: "You know the north of Kislev , what’s the situation north of the Linsk River?”

Before Kalad and the others could answer, Ivan continued speaking on his own: "The eternal war. North of the Linsk River, there are hundreds of Ugor tribes. We graze and hunt in the wilderness. The only way we can The cultivated land can only grow a small amount of food with the help of the magic of ice witches. Every year, we have to fight with the barbarian tribes from the northern wasteland, every year! Winning victory is not something to be happy about. Because we all know that the barbarian predators will come back next year, and if we fail, our end will be destruction. The barbarians have no mercy at all. They will kill all of us, the elderly, women, and children, and take them away. Our cattle and sheep, burn our houses, drink up our vodka.”

Speaking of drinking vodka, Ivan had an expression of extreme hatred on his face. His face turned red and he was cursing something in the Ugor language.

"According to what these serfs said, there is a cottage over this mountain, and there are more people there. There are five or six such cottages near here." Sir Bertrand muttered silently: "We may not be that good. More food, I hope Duke Hagen can help us."

"Survival is the only prize we can win in the face of darkness." Kalad muttered silently, and the expeditionary knight suddenly felt that he had caught something, which was the glory of chivalry. He continued: "But we cannot be shaken by this, knight. They are the last line of defense against helpless civilians and endless evil."

With both hands clasping Durandal, Kalad suddenly felt that he understood something. He raised the sword and put the hilt against his forehead: "You think so too, right, Jules?"

What was left to Kalad was the cry of the dwarf: "Enemy attack! A green-skinned tribe appeared in the distance! It's the green-skinned war pig rider!"

"There are about one hundred and fifty enemies!"

"Ready to fight! Prepare to fight!"

Everyone immediately stood up and prepared to fight, but a cold smile appeared on Kalad's face. He motioned for everyone to sit down, "You don't have to go, give me twenty minutes, and I'll be back as soon as I go."

The Expeditionary Knight got on his horse, roared angrily, and rushed out of the stronghold one by one. Under the surprised eyes of the dwarves, the Expeditionary Knight killed five or six green-skinned war pig boys in a row, and rushed towards the middle of the group of greenskins.

"Ahhhhh! Accept the wrath of the lady! Green bastard!"

Fifteen minutes later.

Kalad came back carrying the heads of a green-skinned warlord and several big green-skinned men. The bloody green-skinned warlord's head in his hand still had a look of fear on his face: "Problem solved."

"The problem is not solved." Belegar appeared from the side. The dwarf frowned and asked Sir Coulson rudely: "Is this the promise your master, Duke Hagen, made to the dwarves? A group of people half-starved to death. Serfs? God knows how many people we can save?"

"This...I didn't know things would turn out like this. King Belegar, we have sent a messenger to contact Duke Hagen, and the Duke will give you a satisfactory answer." Sir Coulson was very embarrassed. This matter was not his. He couldn't make the final decision, and he didn't even expect that this would happen.

"Greenskins eat people, beastmen eat people, chaos eats people, and people also eat people. God of Nature, Tal, may you guide us, and humans should stop fighting among themselves because of such boring things. "Bertrand closed his eyes in pain. He picked up the holy symbol of Tal, the god of nature, and prayed silently: "My scimitar and bow and arrow exist to defend and serve the count."


It took two weeks, and the bandit-suppressing army swept through several settlements of rebel serfs near the Blackstone stronghold. Now the human and dwarf coalition no longer delayed, and immediately demanded surrender when they arrived near the stronghold. The rebels who refused to surrender The serfs will be bombarded with dwarven artillery until the defenders are forced to surrender.

After that, two thousand rebel serfs were gathered together and surrounded by a large number of troops. Hagen, Duke of Gisoleaux, came to the scene and sat on the side with a pale face, while Belega, the king of the Eight Peaks Mountain, had a pale face. Expression, sitting on the other side.

"Oh! My God! The final moment is coming!"

"Hanging, definitely hanging!"

"We are meant to be!"

Most of the serfs cried in despair, waiting for their own judgment. In the imagination of many serfs, today was their end.

But unlike what he imagined, a young halberdier came to the crowd: "Ladies and gentlemen, I have some bad news to tell you."

"Before I tell you the bad news, let me introduce myself first. My name is Raymond, from Lyonnaise!"

"Unfortunately, I have to tell you one thing, that is, the Duke believes that all rebellious serfs must be punished by hanging, and they must be executed immediately!" Raymond announced Duke Hagen's decision loudly and cruelly. This noble nobleman The Holy Grail Knight nodded in front of everyone: "Under any circumstances, the betrayal of the serfs is not allowed by the laws of Britannia! Hanging! Hanging of all, no doubt."

The audience suddenly burst into tears, the serfs yelled and roared crazily, and many serfs hugged their relatives and burst into tears.

"But..." After saying this, the livid face of Duke Hagen showed a hint of unwillingness: "Unfortunately, you traitors, your trial may have to be postponed or even temporarily canceled."

"???" The rebel serfs were stunned, and their crying and cursing stopped.

"I have made an appointment with King Belegar. This respected dwarf friend needs people to help him plant the land and harvest food. In exchange, he will provide protection for these people." Duke Hagen said "seriously": "This makes me very embarrassed, because I have no manpower to arrange for King Belegar!"

Belega pretended to raise the hammer in his hand: "Yes, Duke, you have to fulfill our agreement!"

"So I have no choice!" Duke Hagen looked painful on his face, but he was thinking about other things in his heart.

My acting skills should be passable, right?

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