The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 73, First Arrival at Marienburg

PS. Something happened today, so I updated it in advance.

The five-day long journey was finally coming to the end. Standing at the end of the passenger ship, the splendid city clusters and towers in the distance appeared in front of Ryan's eyes.

"It is said that Marienburg is a paradise for opportunists and a hell for the incompetent. There is gold everywhere. As long as you are strong enough, you can get enough wealth." The captain said with a smile: "I have traveled this route many times. Well, I was lucky this time and didn’t encounter pirates.”

Countless ships were loaded with goods and heading to the largest trading center in the old world. In comparison, the passenger ship Ryan was on was like a toddler, constantly dodging the cargo ships. Ryan even saw someone from Dew in the port. The lizardfolk merchant ships of Scia and the high elven ocean-going ships from Ulthuan.

The towering city cluster is displayed before everyone's eyes, like a new world. Everything you see is brown towers and high-rise buildings. The scale of this city is so huge that the buildings are from this side of the coast. There is no desolation spread to the end of the sight. On both sides of the city, two wizard towers shining with arcane light, and groups of forts on both sides of the coast warn passing ships.

Don't mess around!

"Wow~ It's really spectacular. I'm thinking, it would be great if the headquarters of our Justice Church were set up here." Alfred looked straight at it.

"I don't think so. If your Justice Church sets its headquarters in this city, then the Ocean Church will definitely fight with you." Ryan complained. This is one of the two base camps of Poseidon Mannann, and Poseidon will definitely not Sit back and watch other churches come to your territory to steal faith.

Due to the agreement between the gods, faiths compete fairly, but Mannann will never sit back and watch other churches move their headquarters to Marienburg. This is called crossing the line.

"Ryan, have you seen those two wizard towers?" Teresa pointed to the two towers on the coastline: "Those are the masterpieces of the Wizards Alliance. The Wizards Alliance provided the Grand Duke of Marienburg with two legendary wizards to sit and serve. He answers questions about magic, and the gift from Marienburg is these two wizard towers and an annual commission."

"Knights long for glory, nobles care about prestige, churches praise piety, and everyone loves gold."

——"Savior" Ludwig

The Wizarding Alliance is one of the three major spellcasting organizations in mankind. Its history is much longer than that of the Gloria Council and the Imperial Royal Wizarding Academy. This is because before the Great Holy War, spellcasters were heretics and dangerous elements in the human kingdom. If it were not for the great power of the high elves, The Magister Teclis led the Elf Wizards to come to the aid of Ludwig. Perhaps spellcasters will continue to be regarded as dangerous to this day, so the Wizards Alliance emerged much earlier than the other two organizations. The current leader of the Wizards Alliance is Ai Rick Williams, the great wizard at the pinnacle of the Holy Realm, is also a part-time Berserker. During the Great Holy War, the Speaker of the Wizards Alliance wielded his sword while chanting spells and casting spells to challenge the Chaos Demon.

He is also the only known human to be able to cast spells and fight at the same time.

"I don't have my own wizard tower. I really hope that one day, I can have my own wizard tower." The sorceress looked at the arcane light shining on the top of the tall wizard tower with a very envious expression.

"Oh? Your family is so rich and you don't build a wizard tower for you?" Ryan joked. The behavior of the White Wolf Knight was quickly criticized: "The cost of the wizard tower is far beyond your imagination. I remember you." Got three god gold coins from Albert?”

"Exactly." Ryan did not deny this. For the sorceress, he did not need to lie.

"This money is only enough to build a lowest-level wizard tower, but not enough to fill it up." Theresa held Ryan's hand and let her plumpness rest on the man's arm: "So you have to work harder. ."

"???What does this have to do with me?" Ryan said he didn't quite understand.

"Hmph!" Seeing the confused expression on Ryan's face, Teresa snorted angrily, and then let go of Ryan's arm.

The lighthouse guided the flight to the dock. Everyone on the boat noticed that the dock was full of heavily guarded soldiers. The fleur-de-lis emblem on their bodies showed that they were the private army of the Duke of Marienburg. Hundreds of troops guarded the station. The Archduke of Marienburg in the middle.

"What is that? Is there any important person who has docked and needs to be personally received by the Duke?" People on the passenger ship whispered to each other, but only the sorceress guessed one thing: news here in Marienburg is really fast.

When the passenger ship docked, the answer was revealed.

The Grand Duke of Marienburg "The Moneylender" Van der Cooper-Schulz laughed and walked toward the passenger ship surrounded by his guards: "Look, look! Which great hero has come to my city?" Which warrior won the championship showdown and brought new glory to this city?”

"Ugh~" Old Ryan's face was a little red. He hurriedly walked off the side of the ship in embarrassment and saluted the Grand Duke of Marienburg: "Hello, Your Excellency Schultz! It's an honor for you to come here to greet me."

"Hahahahaha~ Hello! Warriors who fight against the barbarians, from the first moment I saw you, I knew we would become friends." The Grand Duke of Marienburg looks like he is in his thirties and has a good figure. A slightly stout middle-aged man, he has shiny black hair and a beard. He is very simple all over. He wears a magic ring on his hand made by the High Elf Archmage Teclis himself, a set of standard imperial weapons. The aristocratic silk clothes bear the family emblem of fleur-de-lis. The Grand Duke walks with a graceful pace and possesses a terrifying power. At least, Ryan has only experienced this kind of power from the King of Nord.

Although Schulz is over fifty years old, he looks younger than the previous Count Albert. This proves that the Duke is very powerful. Compared with the arrogance in Velarde's words, the Grand Duke of Marienburg On the contrary, he is more humble and approachable.

In fact, this is the case. Nobles are also divided into different levels. Contrary to what normal people imagine, nobles with higher titles are often more humble, approachable and polite. The real nobles who are arrogant and bullying are often small nobles.

"I dare not take it seriously~" Ryan showed a little modesty: "I just did what I should do."

"As long as you eliminate the barbarians and deal with those damn pirates, you will be good." The Grand Duke of Marienburg stood out in front of everyone and stretched out his hand towards Ryan: "Welcome to Marienburg."

"Thank you." Ryan also stretched out his hand and shook Schultz's.

The moment their palms came into contact, both Ryan and Schultz opened their eyes wide. The Grand Duke of Marienburg and the Primarch looked at each other in surprise, and both of them were stunned.

The Grand Duke of Marienburg saw the red and white patterns on Ryan's shoulder armor, a sharp sword passing through a book and the pattern of a silver skull.

Ryan saw a capital letter I on the Duke and a pattern of a skull wrapped in a circle in the middle of the letter.

The atmosphere suddenly became loyal.

The scene was very embarrassing for a time. The troops on the dock and the people who got off the passenger ship didn't know what was going on. They could only watch the two people holding hands without saying a word.

Until His Excellency the Duke burst into laughter several times, laughing until tears came out: "Hahahaha! Let me just say, Ryan, from the first moment I saw you, I knew we would become friends!"

"Hahahaha~ Yes, I firmly believe this, Lord Duke, I think we are already friends." Ryan also laughed.

"Not much else, Ryan, this is the key to No. 53 Amber Avenue. Please accept this gift. I will arrange a grand banquet tomorrow to welcome this brave man from Nord!" Marin Archduke Schultz said loudly.

"Wow!" Everyone around was marveling at the grand duke's generosity. Amber Avenue is the core area of ​​the wealthy area of ​​Marienburg. Every inch of land there is very expensive. A simple house is worth thousands of gold coins, and there is no place to buy it. .

The rich and nobles on Amber Avenue also enjoy the only precious thing that is lacking in this city - tranquility.

"Then I'm welcome." Ryan took the key from Schultz without hesitation.

"It's been a long journey. Our hero needs a rest, Muller? Go and lead my friend the way." Schulz didn't say much. He gestured to the courtier standing beside him, and then took out a bottle from his waist. The small bag was handed to Ryan: "Here are two hundred gold marks. Consider it a meeting gift from me. Muller will take my friend to find his place, and we will not disturb our hero's rest."

After saying that, Schultz left with his guards, leaving his courtiers to lead the way for Lane: "Mr. Lane? This way please."


Ryan and Teresa left with Mueller. Lops had nothing to do with Ryan. The wandering knight felt that he was not qualified to follow Ryan. He went directly to the city to find a hotel to stay, while Alfred went to the Justice Church branch in Marienburg. Ministry of Finance reports that Estelle also has somewhere to go. As a half-elf, he can find a place to live in Ifitao, the only enclave of high-elf civilization in the old world. The Elf Embassy is also located in this enclave.

The high elves almost only trade with the empire in Marienburg. The main reason is that only Marienburg can berth the high elves' ocean-going ships, and for the pretentious high elves, since they can obtain the goods in Marienburg With all the resources they wanted, they were too lazy to open other routes.

By the way, the high elves also trade indirectly with the dwarves in Marienburg. Due to natural hostility and indifference, the high elves and the dwarf kingdoms do not establish diplomatic relations, so the trade between the high elves and the dwarves must go through humans as intermediaries.

On the way back, the Grand Duke of Marienburg asked the man in black robe behind him: "Elliot? What is the strength of this young man?"

Elliot, a member of the Wizards Alliance, a legendary high-level wizard, is one of the two legendary wizards stationed in Marienburg by the Wizards Alliance.

"Very strong, very strong. I'm not sure I can take him down. I can feel that he has extremely strong magic resistance. His eyes are full of confidence and glory. I think this is related to the countless battles he has experienced. I think he is qualified to become another guardian of this city, my Duke." The man in black robe said solemnly.

"Very well, and Elliot, you need to know that he is my friend, my closest friend." Schultz confessed very seriously.

"Yes, Duke."


Although he was prepared in his heart, the magnificence of Amber Avenue still exceeded Ryan's imagination.

The decoration here is a bit close to the neighborhoods where Ryan lived in his previous life. The clean and tidy streets are paved with whole blocks of marble. There is a magic street light every twenty or thirty steps. The streets are composed of single-family houses. Almost every house has its own small courtyard and fence. Most of the houses are composed of white, brown, and red masonry with wooden structures. They have triangular gables, high roofs, protruding eaves, and axle-shaped or fan-shaped bucket arches. There are stylish turrets and balconies with porticoes.

The only regret is that the walls of each house are built high, usually about two meters, which makes it difficult for Ryan to see what is going on in the courtyard.

"Mr. Lane, No. 53 Amber Avenue is here." Mueller took Lane to a house. This is a three-story house with a mansard sloping roof. It has a classic shape, high windows and many Patterned, the roof is a Gothic spire, the entrance to the house is a heavy wooden door, and it has its own garden courtyard.

"It looks really good." Ryan nodded. It was an unexpected surprise that Marienburg Grand Guild arranged such a residence for him, and it was reasonable.

The unexpected surprise is that Ryan really didn't expect that he would be treated so favorably.

It makes sense because when he saw the pattern on Schultz's body, both of them realized a serious problem.

Don't shoot your own people.

"Yes, Mr. Lane, No. 53 Amber Avenue was originally the property of Count Eduardo of Brittany, but the Brittany nobleman was unable to repay the Duke's debt, so he handed over the property. "Muller nodded. The courtier's expression was neither arrogant nor humble: "All the furniture is available in the house. We will send someone to clean it right away, and you can move in at night."

"Are there many people in Britannia who owe the Duke money?" Ryan asked casually.

"I couldn't answer this question originally, but considering that Mr. Lane is a friend of the Duke, I can tell you privately." Mueller whispered in Lane's ear: "More, a lot, more than the entire kingdom's annual tax revenue." It’s much more.”

"Oh~" Ryan said meaningfully.

Let me emphasize again that the debts in this world are often treated with justice by the Church of Justice and the Church of Wealth, and no one can deny them.

Opening the door, the interior of the house is unexpectedly very tidy. All the furniture is made of exquisite sandalwood. The first floor is the living room, bathroom, dining room and maid's room. The second floor is two bedrooms and study room. The third floor is the top floor. There is a balcony, a large multi-functional room, and a cellar downstairs, with a total area of ​​about 350 square meters.

Teresa was in high spirits, and she took Ryan to visit the entire house.

"Mr. Lane can take a walk around the city first. If you have anything to do, you can take care of it first. Here is a map of the city. Wait until about five o'clock in the afternoon, and we will do a good job of cleaning, and then you can take this lady to move in." Mueller nodded. : "Or you can supervise our work here."

"What are you going to do? Teresa?" Ryan didn't care. He decided to ask the sorceress for her opinion.

"Go to our Galan stronghold in Marienburg." Teresa shook her head. The woman's face was full of sullenness and reluctance. It was obvious that she had just received the news.

"Veronica can't wait."

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