Woo ————

The long whistle is a sound that anyone who has ever been on a train will not mistakenly recognize.

However, the train that appeared in front of Conan and the others directly shattered the three views they had formed over the years.

The quaint, steaming locomotive, turning the wheels, led the seven carriages to move quickly, and under the wheels of the train, no tracks were laid, and the whole train went out of thin air.

"This ...... What is this?".

Conan swallowed silently, thinking in horror.

He discovers that the whole world has changed since he met the Black Coat.

I thought that it was shocking enough for me to take the poison developed by the organization, causing the body to unscientifically change back to childhood, but now there is a train that can run in the sky, is this still the world he knows?

Or has the technology of this world soared to this point when he didn't know it?

"Little ...... Xiaolan, do you think we should run away?"

Suzuki Sonoko stared blankly at the train in the sky, and said in a trembling voice.

As the eldest lady of the Suzuki Foundation, Suzuki Sonoko's knowledge is naturally not ordinary, but no matter how powerful she is, she is still in the world of normal people, like today, if she hadn't pinched her leg just now, she would definitely think that everything in front of her was her dream.

No one answered Suzuki's question, because Mao Lilan's heart was no less shocked than she was at this time.

It was Maori Kogoro, whose face was solemn in front of the three, which surprised Conan, who noticed this scene, but he didn't expect Uncle Maori to have such a reliable side.

Soon, the roaring train fell from the sky, and after taxiing on the ground for some distance, it just stopped in front of Conan and the others.

After a complete stop, the door of the train car opened, and the blinding light made it impossible for everyone to see the situation in the car.

Soon, there was a sound of footsteps.

Hearing this footstep, Conan was ready to fight back immediately if the person who appeared in front of them, or an alien, did something wrong.

Under the vigilance of everyone, a short figure stepped out of the glowing car door.

"Welcome, guests from this world".

A white unknown creature wearing a green flight attendant suit, a flight attendant hat, and red shoes looked at the Conan Four with a smile, and the wide flight attendant costume was put on each other, matching the smiling faces of the other party, which was able to eliminate the hostility of the others to a large extent.

However, the absence of hostility does not mean that there will be no fear.


Suzuki Sonoko, who is usually very arrogant, saw the flight attendant who appeared in front of everyone, and directly screamed and hugged Mao Lilan next to him.

And Mao Lilan, who has extraordinary strength, seems to have forgotten his strength at this time, and hides behind his father like a weak girl.

"You...... What the hell are you? Are you here to invade the ground // ball?".

As the only adult present, Mori Kogoro naturally stood in front of everyone.

But even so, it can be judged from Maori Kogoro's unconfident words that he is also panicked at this time.

"Aha, this is really ......", the flight attendant looked at the frightened foursome and scratched his smooth head helplessly, "Didn't you come here after receiving a ticket from our company?


The flight attendant's words made Conan instantly recall the contents of the letter, and he had always thought that this was a special event puzzle, so he memorized the contents of the letter backwards.

And now it seems ......

The so-called opening up of the world where you are, taking them to experience different scenery and see different worlds, these co-authorships are literal!

"Can we not go?".

Maolilan plucked up his courage, but his voice was still weak.

"Eh, yes, but then your world will be eliminated from the route, after all, if there are no guests, there is no point in the train coming."

"In terms of the level of development of the world in which you live, if you miss this opportunity, I am afraid that you will never have the opportunity to touch a wider world."

The conductor's face was full of bewilderment, as if he didn't understand why someone would refuse to board their extradimensional exchange company's train.

You know, not everyone is eligible to get a ticket for a super-dimensional train and have the opportunity to board the train.

In addition, there is no charge at all for boarding the train for the first time.

The flight attendant's words made Maori Kogoro not know how to answer for a while, and in his heart, he was afraid of the unknown in front of him, but in his heart, there was a voice telling him that he must not miss this opportunity.

"Hey, what the hell is Super Dimensional Communication, and why did we receive the tickets?"

Conan has the same feeling as Mori Kogoro, but Conan is younger and more energetic than Mori Kogoro.

In the face of danger, such an impulse may harm him, but in the face of unknown opportunities, perhaps this kind of impulse can bring him more opportunities.

Hearing Conan's question, the flight attendant had a solemn expression on his face.

"The Extradimensional Communication Company is a company founded by a great being, whose main job is to search for different worlds, and then connect different worlds, so that there is communication between worlds, so that the world can be improved."

"It's like right now, the company has successfully searched your world, so this voyage has issued tickets to you."

"As for why you are the ones who got the tickets."

"I can only say that in this world, you have an unusual position, like the protagonist of a comic."

"And such people are often the key people who can make a huge difference in the world."

Hearing the flight attendant's explanation, everyone present was a little confused, not to mention the front first, just to say that the back, they have an unusual status in this world, and what are the key people in the world who have made great changes?

They are so awesome, how come they themselves don't know?

Looking at the blank expression of the foursome, the flight attendant didn't explain much, the super-dimensional communication company connects countless worlds, such a situation is the norm, but it is really rare to say that those who can correctly position themselves in their own world.

"Okay, the explanation has been explained, so are you still going to refuse to board the train?"

Hearing the flight attendant's words, Mori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko did not speak, they set their eyes on Mori Kogoro and waited for his decision.

Conan, on the other hand, felt a little strange in his heart.

And at this moment, a deep voice sounded in Conan's ears, instantly making his face change greatly.

"Get out of the way!".

There was nothing unusual about this sound, which made Conan's hair stand on end, because it was all too familiar to him.

Conan turned his head, and sure enough, two black figures were slowly walking towards them.

Those two figures are the culprits who made him change from Kudo Shinichi to Edogawa Conan, gin and vodka!

Gin and vodka came to the four of Maoriran in an awe-inspiring manner, and Maori Kogoro saw this and immediately beckoned his daughter to get out of the way.

He has been a criminal policeman for many years, and he felt a strong sense of crisis from these two men, especially the silver-haired man who walked in front.

Ignoring the four people around him, Gin took out the ticket he had received earlier from his pocket and displayed it in front of the flight attendant.

"You can get on the bus with this, right?"

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