Ye Wutian brows a tight, puzzled looking at Mrs. Wang, the United States? Coincidence?

"Little brother, can you help me with this?"

"I've been refused entry, old lady. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about it."

"You don't have to worry about that. You only need to help me with this, and I'll take care of the rest."

Ye Wutian didn't agree immediately. Who is Mrs. Wang's friend? It's not the CIA, is it?

Too coincidental, let ye Wutian have to doubt.

"I may not be able to help." Ye Wutian doesn't want to help, especially now that the cooperation with Wang family is interrupted, ye Wutian doesn't want to help.

Remember, as long as you can't help Lao She

Ye Wutian sneers at him. He doesn't care about the Wang family's bullshit at all. Today, different from the past, it's just the so-called Dao dif ference that doesn't conspire with each other.

"Before I answer you, old lady, I want to find out why the cooperation between us suddenly stops?"

Mrs. Wang: "what's the matter?"

Don't stare at each other.

"This question is very important to you, little brother?"

"It's important." Ye wudian nods. He doesn't understand. There's no reason why the Wangs can't see that rebirth tea is a cash cow. In this case, he needs to find out the reason.

Mrs. Wang was silent, as if in meditation. Ye Wutian didn't disturb her. Soon, the other side asked, "I don't answer this question, but you don't intend to help, do you?"

Ye Wu God color as usual, did not say yes, also did not say no, attitude ambiguous.

How can she not see ye Wutian's intention? She believed that the boy would not agree to help if he did not answer the question.

"There's only one reason. Rose wants to get married." For a long time, Mrs. Wang spoke.

So it is!

It seems that after a balance between the Wangs and the horses, they still think that the Li family is more suitable.

Wang Rousi has long said that he wants to pursue ye Wutian. It is estimated that this is the point that Wang family has to interrupt the cooperation with ye Wutian.

"It makes sense." Ye Wutian doesn't care whether Wang Rousi marries or not, it doesn't matter to him? "One more question. Did you send someone to smash those shops?"

Mrs. Wang's wrinkled face showed a helpless bitter smile: "it seems that you have suspected our head, yes, I let people smash the shop."

Ye Wutian doesn't know what to say. If you terminate the cooperation, you'll end the cooperation. What's wrong with smashing the store?

"In order to let that girl of rose die." Mrs. Wang explained.

Ye Wutian has to admit that the other party's move is very damaging, but it is better than practical, smashing the store, which can really make Wang Rousi die.

"I know, smash the shop, brother, you must be very angry, but please believe me, do this, you have to."

She raised her hand and interrupted Mrs. Wang: "how do you do it? It's your business. It has nothing to do with me. It's just that if you want to terminate the cooperation, there are many ways to do it. Do you have to use this? I understand that you are just worried about me when you do this. Wang Rou Si goes out and threatens to pursue me. That's why you are worried, aren't you? I'm worried that rice cooked with Wang Rousi and I will bring obstacles to you. Old lady, you really don't have to. You will think I'm a flower. I don't refute this. But, I want to tell you, even if I have a flower heart, not all the objects are suitable for me, and I have to see the opposite. "

The meaning of Ye Wutian's words is to understand again, but Wang Rousi doesn't enter into his eyes.

This sentence is enough damage, ye Wutian said with hatred.

"It seems that I was wrong." Mrs. Wang sighed.

Ye Wutian laughs coldly. On the surface, the old woman admits her mistake, but ye Wutian still feels her anger. No matter how, Wang Rousi is also Wang's family, and she is so beautiful that she can be regarded as the phoenix of human beings. Now she is trampled on by Ye Wutian, and she takes the initiative to throw herself in his arms, but she can't get into his eyes? That's irritating.

He didn't want to hold Wang's thigh.

"Little brother, this is the Wang family's fault. In this way, if you suffer losses because of this, you can open your mouth and we will compensate you for the loss caused to you."

"No, you can't afford what I want."

"Ha ha, I'll answer both questions, but I don't know you."

Ye wudian answered in a wrong way: "old lady, you shouldn't point out your family affairs, but there is a sentence that I really don't care about. In terms of vision, you are not as good as your granddaughter."

Old lady Wang's face sank, "what do you mean, little brother?"

"Let alone Wang Rousi, who doesn't want to marry outside the Li family, the project of rebirth tea is a cash cow. You should know that you will cooperate with Wang Rousi. She has helped me completely. Otherwise, I will never cooperate with her." Ye Wutian ignored the other party's anger, some words he did not spit out: "you smash, I owe her also pay off, this is why I claim compensation from you, also, you Wang family will think owe Ma Jia, Wang Rousi made a fake medicine to Ma Laozi to eat, but I can tell you, even without those fake drugs, the old man also can't support for long, his Yang life has been exhausted."Ye Wutian doesn't believe each other. He goes on to say, "you certainly don't believe it. You think I'm cheating you, old lady. I don't need to cheat you. Cheating on you doesn't do me any good. If it wasn't for taking fake medicine, Mr. Ma would have taken half a year at most."

"Can you take Zengshou pills?" Mrs. Wang asked after a moment's meditation.

"No use." Ye Wutian shook his head: "the old man has been seriously injured. You must know that the injury had a great impact on him, and Zengshou pills are useless."

Old lady Wang is silent again!

"Well, I have already said what should be said. I hope the old lady won't be angry. I don't want to say that just now." Ye wudian felt more relaxed: "I can promise to help your friend once, but I have a word in advance, except for the CIA."

Old lady Wang's mouth twitched slightly, and she had the idea of falling into a trap. She answered ye Wutian's question. The boy suddenly came up with such a sentence, blocking everything she wanted to say.

"Little brother, he once saved my life. He is kind to my Wang family."

Ye Wutian has no choice, but Mrs. Wang doesn't deny it. It seems that he guessed it right. That person is really Linda's.


What savior? What's wrong with Wang's family? Ye Wutian doesn't believe that Mrs. Wang's coming today must have been invited by some people to be a lobbyist, and there must be some exchange of interests behind her.

"Old lady, I said that I would not be able to do anything about the CIA. I'm sorry!" Ye wudian once again refused the other party, sorry, I have a meeting to open, excuse me. "

Looking at ye Wutian's departure, old lady Wang looks complicated. Is she wrong? No one could answer her question.

Linda has been in Dongcheng for three days, but what she has to wait for doesn't show up. There is also news that she has failed.

Standing in front of the French window, Linda holds her hands in front of her chest. Ye Wutian doesn't eat hard and soft. She really has nothing to do. She doesn't know what to do next.

The ringing of the doorbell interrupted Linda's thinking. After a slight daze, she trotted to open the door. She didn't notice that when she ran to open the door, she was still barefoot.

Open the door, Linda a burst of disappointment, the visitor is not ye Wutian, but a stranger he does not know.

"Who are you looking for?" Linda asked, looking warily at each other.

"For you, Miss Linda. Let's talk." Said the man outside.

Linda is shocked. Few people know that she is here. The other party not only knows that she lives here, but also knows her name. So, does the other party know her identity?

"Who are you?" Linda is more alert.

Mori people outside the door, it's not comfortable.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that we have a common enemy."

Linda couldn't understand. "I'm sorry, I don't think we have much to talk about." Then Linda wanted to close the door.

The other side sneered: "people who don't want to save you?"

Linda stopped and opened the half closed door. "Do you have a way?"

"Why don't we always stand like this? I'm a disabled person. It's impolite to keep me standing. " The other side said, "I mean no harm."

Linda knew that it was dangerous to let her in, but the other party caught her dead end. Knowing that there was danger, she had to try, and there was no other choice.

The other party crutches in and sits on the sofa, while Linda sits opposite, looking at each other.

I'm sure Linda hasn't met each other. Who is this guy?

"Who are you?" Linda asked again.

"You can call me Mr. F. as I said, it doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that we have a common enemy."

Linda doesn't like that kind of answer. It's kind of being teased, Mr. f? What kind of name is that?

"Miss Linda, do you hate ye Wutian?"

"Do you have a way to deal with him?" Linda didn't answer the question.

Mr. f laughs: "I have a way. I'm afraid you are not willing to cooperate."

"Talk about it."

"The best way to deal with the enemy is to ruin the enemy's reputation and make him more miserable to live than to die."

Next, Mr. f gave a general account of his plan.

Linda vetoed, "sorry, I can't do it." According to Mr. F, if you want to get rid of Ye Wutian, the United States must be the muzzle of a gun, while Mr. f is just hiding behind his back and giving advice.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse." Mr. f is not in a hurry. "If you promise to cooperate, I can guarantee that dozens of your subordinates will be OK."

"Do you have an antidote?"

Mr. f said, "if I dare to come, I'm sure. Miss Linda, I can't come out. You want to find a chance to get rid of Ye Wutian. In this case, what's the matter if I don't show up?"

Linda thought for a moment, "I can't make it."

Mr. f stood up. "It's OK. I can wait." Then he took out a business card with only a number on it and nothing else.

He gently put the business card on the tea table and left. When he came to the door, Mr. f turned back: "Oh, by the way, in order to show my sincerity, as long as you agree to cooperate, I can give you ten antidotes."Linda didn't dare to decide on such an important issue. As soon as the other party left, she would report the situation immediately. The other party was too mysterious.

Just after the call, the doorbell rings again. Linda turns to look. Who is it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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