For two days in a row, there was no activity at Linda's side. Ye wudian was not surprised. He believed that Linda's investigation must be based on the background of Qicheng, and he was afraid to start his work because of the background of his home.

On the third day, Linda came to her door, but she didn't see her for two or three days. Ye Wutian was surprised to find that Linda was quite thin. Fortunately, there was no thin in the place where she shouldn't be, otherwise ye Wutian would be distressed.

"Have you thought about it?" Ye Wutian asked lazily, "can you help me realize my wish?"

Linda sat down with a cold face: "his background is very strong."

"Nonsense, ordinary people, I still need your hand?"

"The price is too high."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. In my country, there's an old saying that business can't be done. It's benevolent. Miss Linda, no one will force you to do something you don't want to do."

Linda is very angry. Now he forces her to do something she doesn't like to do. Dare to say no?

"I know, you will think now that I force you to do something you don't like. In fact, why are you forcing me? I don't like helping you either. " Ye Wutian said.

Linda is speechless. She does not deny that ye Wutian's words are reasonable. Frankly speaking, both sides are a fair deal.

"It's OK to cooperate, but it's unfair to me. The goal is very background. I need more."

Ye Wutian raised his hand and interrupted Linda, "first of all, I want to remind you that we are not cooperating, but you are achieving my wish, understand? This is not cooperation. Secondly, I am still saying that. No one forces you. If you think it is unreasonable, we will not talk about it. "

Look at ye Wutian's languid manner, Linda wants to smash things in the past, bullying people too much.

Achieve your wish? Isn't the final meaning the same?

Linda is not stupid. Naturally, she knows ye Wutian's intention. This bastard just doesn't want to take any responsibility, and doesn't want to bring any trouble in the future.

Ye Wutian is a personal spirit!

In the future, once in the home to trace up, he also ye Wutian can be fair and aboveboard, Yu Qicheng has nothing to do with him.

Shameless and despicable, this is Linda's evaluation of Ye wudian.

"Ye, I don't care whether you cooperate or wish. If you want to achieve each other's goals together, you have to put down your mind and have a good talk."

"Yes, that's right. So, talk about it. What do you need?"

Linda secretly pleased, is ye wudian making concessions? So she said her conditions at the moment.

From the beginning to the end, ye wudian had no expression, until Linda finished, he did not make any expression.

Linda was a little nervous for some reason. She was afraid that ye Wutian would not agree.

"Ye, you should know that my conditions are not harsh."

Ye wudian said, "no, it's very reasonable."

"So you agreed?" Linda is more nervous, she found that in front of Ye Wutian, she seems unable to keep calm.

"Oh, don't be nervous. Calm down. Please keep calm." Ye Wutian said with a smile, "let me think about it."

How long does Linda need to be excited

Ye Wutian pretended to think seriously for a while: "it's hard to say."

Linda seemed to be drenched from her head with a bucket of cold water, which made all her joy disappear.

"Well, I'll tell you when I think about it. Is that ok? I hope you'll understand, Linda. It's a big deal, and I'm afraid to make any decision. "

Linda wants to swear and kill. Which day? When can he think about it? He can delay, her colleagues can't.

What to think about? Is it not for him to cooperate with the United States in the project of rebirth tea? Linda couldn't figure out what to think about.

"Ye, we don't have time to delay." Linda made it clear.

Ye Wutian was not moved: "that doesn't matter, you can't cooperate with me. You can cooperate with your friends."

"What do you mean?" Linda thinks ye Wutian has something else to say.

Ye wudian said with a smile, "that card."

Linda finally remembered that ye Wutian had seen the card. Did he call that number?

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I called that number."

Linda: "it's

If so, ye Wutian did call that number, asshole. "Ye, you are shameless."

"Thank you. Don't praise me. I'll be proud."

“……” Linda was too lazy to think about it. "Is it enough to give you an hour to think about it?"

"An hour is absolutely not enough."

"How long will it take you?" Linda is so furious that she wants to rush up and tear ye Wutian alive.

"Linda, who's your friend? He is very impolite, I call him, he always does not speak, that kind of person, you do not associate with him


When the other party connects the phone that doesn't speak, ye wudian has met him more than once, which can be said to be very familiar. Once, he called several times, but, will it be him? It's ridiculous to think about it. How could there be such a coincidence in the world?"It depends." Ye Wutian is another angry words, will be Linda straight jump feet, head smoke.

"Ye, do you mean to drag me Linda said coldly, "all my colleagues are dead, so there is no need for our cooperation to continue. What good will it do to you there?"

"Well, you have a point."

"An hour?"

"It depends."

Linda feels that she can't communicate with this guy, and confirms that ye Wutian is deliberately delaying time.

Knowing that he was procrastinating, Linda couldn't take advantage of him. She had no choice but to take the initiative.

"Linda, can you tell me, why don't you work with your friends?"

Linda was angry and said curiously, "how do you know he wants to cooperate with me?"


Linda is dumbfounded. What kind of bullshit is that?

"Ye, shall we talk about business?"

"Talk, haven't I been talking to you all the time? Did you just ignore it? "

"It depends?"

"Well, it depends." Ye Wutian confirmed.

"Ye Wutian, you have no sincerity. This is not the way of wise people."

"So you mean I'm going to work with you right now, that's the smart guy?"

Linda was silent. His silence was an answer.

Ye Wutian picked up the ringing mobile phone and said to the mobile phone shortly after connecting: "OK, I'll go there right away."

"Sorry! I have something to leave, and you're going to stay? "

Linda is in a hurry. Ye Wutian doesn't agree. How can she not? Now is to put all hope on ye Wutian, ye Wutian does not help, her dozens of colleagues are likely to be fully reimbursed.

At this time, the phone in Linda's pocket also rings. She takes it out and turns on her mobile phone. The next moment, Linda's face changes a few times. The message is from the headquarters, telling her to add three new cases to let her act as soon as possible.

Over the past ten days, there have been more than 30 people, but the situation has not improved. Now there are three new cases. What should we do?

Put away the mobile phone, Linda walked quickly and stopped ye Wutian. "Ye, I'm very sincere, so please show your sincerity, OK? So that we can have a better time and, if you want, we can always go to the last hotel. "

Ye wudian dark sweat, Linda can say such a word, it proves that she is forced to rush, has no way out.

Looking at Linda's eager and expectant eyes, ye Wutian stretched out three fingers, thought for a moment, and then extended two more. Finally, the goods seemed unsatisfied, so he simply withdrew his hand. "To be fair, if I help you save one person, you have to promise me a condition."

Linda's face is white, and her good-looking eyes stare at the boss, thinking that she heard wrong, ye Wutian's request is too much.

"Well, I know you won't agree casually. Well, you can think about it. I'm really busy now. I'm sorry!"

"What's the matter? Is it convenient for me to go with you? " Linda asked.

Ye Wutian stopped: "when you do that with other men, will you welcome others to watch the war?"

Linda was asked, naturally unable to answer this question, and in the end, she could only watch ye wudian leave, a little angry and a little shy.

An hour later, ye Wutian appeared at situ's house. In the living room, besides seeing master situ, there was a man about thirty years old beside him. He was very familiar. Ye wudian had never seen each other.

From the moment he appeared, the other side was looking at him, and ye Wutian was also very curious about this person.

"Little day is coming, sit down and say." With a smile on his face, the old man seemed in a good mood.

"Master, what's the matter with me in such a hurry?" After the servant served the tea, ye wudian asked. He guessed that he should have something to do with the stranger.

"Xiaotian, I came to you today to let you know each other. His name is situ Jingsi." The master pointed to the other party and introduced ye Wutian. Finally, he pointed to ye Wutian and said to situ Jingsi: "Jingsi, who is he? I think you should know."

"Hello, Mr. Ye. Please give me some advice." Situ Jingsi stands up and reaches for ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian stood up, did not hold big, the old man will never introduce each other to him for no reason.

"I dare not." After shaking hands with the other party, ye Wu Tian looks at the old man and speculates that situ Jingsi may be the person selected by the situ family to take charge of the deceptive tiger gang.

"Xiaotian, since you don't want to manage the Decepticons, I can only find someone out." The old man explained.

If so, this is to take over the Decepticons.

"Master, I will hand over the Decepticons to Jingsi as soon as possible." At this moment, any unnecessary explanation is in vain. Since the situ family has found out the candidates, they are ready.

"I'd like to ask Mr. Ye to give me more advice. I hope Mr. Ye can point out what I don't understand in the future. Jingsi is very grateful." Situ Jingsi clasped his hands and asked for advice.The impression of situ Jingsi is neither good nor bad. According to his experience, this situ Jingsi is not very suitable. Of course, this is the man who was promoted by the old man. He knows whether it is suitable or not.

The old man waved to situ Jingsi to go out first, and then he had something to talk to ye Wutian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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