Angry! Absolute anger! For many injured people and some people who like beautiful people, they don't care whether Qingcheng pill is poisonous or not. Even if it is poisonous, it can't kill people. The previous more than 10000 people who have used Qingcheng pill are the best proof. Now what is there without poison in this society? Everything is poisonous. As long as the poison doesn't die, what's to be afraid of? What is there to check?

After the news on the Internet came out, the world immediately understood what was going on. It turned out to be true. It was true, as the official website of Tianxin Hongyan group said, it was because some people wanted to be unfavorable to Tianxin Hongyan group, rather than what Qingcheng pills were poisonous and what company health could not meet the standards. All of them were deceptive. All of them were just lies Some people can't see Tianxin Hongyan group make money.

Dongcheng, which had been restored to normal, began to pour in more and more foreigners again, and this time more than the previous two times.

It seems that the government of Dongcheng is not stable, so it is easy for them to notice how the mood changes.

One day, just one day, according to incomplete statistics, there were more than 400000 people pouring into Dongcheng, including many foreigners, all of whom were supporters of qingchengwan.

On the other hand, a large number of opponents have been organized to blame Tianxin Hongyan group for its harm and ignorance.

The existence of the two groups of people made Dongcheng government nervous. After the meeting, they hoped to avoid the conflict between the two sides. However, no matter how hard Ren Dongcheng government tried, the two sides still had conflicts. At the gate of Tianxin Hongyan group, the two sides changed from the increasingly fierce language conflict to the physical conflict.

The police who were careful to watch out immediately pulled a high-pressure water gun to shoot water at the crowd, hoping that both sides could calm down.

The conflict lasted nearly two hours before it stopped, and some people were injured on both sides. However, since the number of opponents of Qingcheng pill was only a few hundred, it would have suffered more.

Xu Yuanhua happened to be on the scene when he rushed out. The scene in front of him made his scalp numb. After today, I'm afraid that he, the director of the Bureau, would have done his best. Such a serious fight in his own jurisdiction would have a bad impact.

Four hundred people were injured, more than a hundred of them were seriously injured, which is a very frightening number.

The scene of the fight not only made Xu Yuanhua's scalp numb, but also made the two leaders of Dongcheng miserable. Once the above blame comes down, I am afraid that the whole team will be led together, and no one can escape the responsibility and be punished.

Many of the injured are foreigners. This is another problem. If not handled properly, it will probably lead to a series of international disputes.

The fight was first reported by the world's news media and spread all over the world in a short time.

In the office of Dongcheng first brother, Wang Lin was so angry that he smashed the cup in his hand, which was what he didn't want to see.

Tianxin Hongyan group needs to bear the greatest responsibility for this matter. Wang Lin knows that if Tianxin Hongyan group didn't pretend to be pathetic and compassionate, especially if it wanted to destroy the second batch of Qingcheng pills, it would be the fuse that ignited people's anger.

However, Wang Lin had to admit that it was he who underestimated the charm of Qingcheng pills and did not expect the public to react so much in advance.

Because of Qingcheng pill and such a serious fight, Tianxin Hongyan group also issued an announcement on the official website for the first time, hoping that everyone can solve the matter calmly.

The first half of the announcement is very comfortable, but the last few sentences seem to have something else to say. It says that we hope you can calm down and the company will produce Qingcheng pills as soon as normal production is resumed to satisfy everyone. However, as the price of raw materials is getting higher and less, it is estimated that the output will be reduced for a long time.

The announcement of Tianxin Hongyan group company makes people realize the importance of this batch of Qingcheng pills. Let alone when Tianxin Hongyan group can resume normal production, now even when it can resume normal business is unknown.

After the fight, the supporters of qingchengwan turned their eyes to Chaoqun group and said they wanted to boycott any products of Chaoqun group. Some over emotional people even took out the products produced by Chaoqun group and smashed them on the spot to vent their anger!

In addition, the official website of a certain group will be automatically hacked.

In the morning of the same day, the stock price of Chaoqun group was also affected, once falling to a limit, which was unexpected.

In addition to the official website of Chaoqun group, the official websites of the health bureau and the industrial and commercial bureau of Dongcheng were also hacked, just like the Chaoqun group, they were replaced with that kind of film.

Ning family, Ning family father and son sit in the study to talk, outside things naturally can't hide them.

"Dad, what do you think of it?" Ning Yijun asked.

Ning Peng said with a smile: "I began to like that boy more and more."

Ning Yi Jun was said to be full of fog and looked at his father suspiciously.

"The boy began to know how to borrow. From the beginning, he deliberately put himself in the position of the weak."Ning Yi Jun suddenly understood, "that's right, you said so, I really found out."

"Ha ha, how about that? Is that boy more and more likely to be a traitor Ning Peng said happily.

"More than treachery and Commerce? It's shameless. "

Ning Peng was a burst of laughter: "that's right, but that's how people can be invincible in society."

"I'm afraid it will not end well with the government." Ning Yijun said.

"Hum! Those people just eat and support, and still use this kind of trick? Short sighted. " Ning Peng disdains the way.

"Wang Lin is just a puppet. He can't help it."

"That can only blame him for his bad life. He can only blame the wrong people, not others." Ning Peng said: "Qingcheng pill has already alarmed the high-level, this time still dare to do so, it is simply looking for death."

Ning Yijun thought about it and asked, "do you want to do something?"

"Not for the time being." After a pause, Ning Peng said, "what is Siqi doing this time?"

"Stay in the army."

Ning Peng said: "let her spare time to go to the boy on behalf of our Ning family and greet him."

"Why let Siqi go?" The old man's words make Ning Yi Jun's heart startled. Does the old man really want to promote Siqi and that boy?

"Don't think about it. It's just that young people talk."

Ning Yijun nods again and again. Although he nods on the surface, he still doesn't feel normal in his heart. He wants to care about ye Wutian. Whether he goes or he goes, the weight is much heavier than Siqi's girl. In this case, the old man let Siqi go?

Siqi has a fiance!

After the fight, some of them were arrested, but only a very small part. So many people could not be arrested. Even if all the detention centers in Dongcheng were used, it was far from enough.

Under the arrangement of human beings, the supporters of Qingcheng pill were divided into three groups. One group went to the Health Bureau, the other group went to the industrial and commercial bureau, and the third group continued to sit in protest. Each group had at least tens of thousands of people. The scene was magnificent.

In the Bureau of industry and commerce, Chen Gongwen was sitting in his office when he suddenly received a report from his subordinates that a large number of people had come from outside and surrounded the whole Bureau of industry and commerce.

Chen Gongwen was startled and looked down through the window. Sure enough, he saw a lot of people outside. There were so many people around. The number of people was frightening.

What do these people want? Do you want to rush in and make trouble?

The more Chen Gongwen thought about it, the more frightened he was. If those people really rushed in to make trouble, he would definitely be beaten.

He took out his mobile phone in a hurry and found Xu Yuanhua's phone. He told him what happened here and hoped that he could send someone to deal with it as soon as possible.

In fact, there are already police below, but the number of police is negligible compared with the number of protestors.

Chen Gongwen did not know, and he was not far away from the Health Bureau was also surrounded, the same is surrounded, surrounded by water.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that Shi Fangqiao also called Xu Yuanhua at the first time, hoping that they would deal with the past as soon as possible.

After informing Xu Yuanhua, Shi Fangqiao and Wang Lin respectively.

Wang Lin, who received the call, was shocked. He asked Xu Yuanhua to take action immediately and send police to support him. In any case, the protestors could not rush in.

Xu Yuanhua used the fastest speed to transfer 300 police officers and some public security assistants respectively. After the arrangement, he found out ye Wutian's number and dialed it in the car. To clear the bell, Xu Yuanhua knew that ye Wutian had to help him to solve the problem thoroughly.

After calling one after another, ye Wutian on the other side of the phone didn't answer, which made Xu Yuanhua very angry and almost didn't drop the phone.

"Xiao Mei, call him." Xu Yuanhua depressed way, in the heart hate teeth itching, he is sure ye Wutian must be next to the phone, just do not answer his phone.

Chang Xiaomei took out the phone and dialed it in the past. Soon, the phone rang, but the result was still the same. She didn't answer the phone.

"He won't take it." Chang Xiaomei said.

"That boy, it must have been intentional." Xu Yuanhua was very angry and scolded. "No matter, go first."

When they went to the industrial and commercial bureau, a police officer was shouting with a loudspeaker, indicating that they should be calm and so on.

The people didn't move, looking from side to side from time to time, as if they were waiting for something.

"There's something wrong with Xu Ju." Chang Xiao Mei said in a low voice.

Xu Yuanhua had seen it for a long time. He took up the loudspeaker from the policeman's hand and said in a loud voice: "I'm Xu Yuanhua, director of Dongcheng public security. Everyone, I know you're in a bad mood, but anger and impulse can't solve the problem. Therefore, I hope you can go back first and solve things slowly."

"Director Xu, what do you think I look like?" A man with a badly burned face walked out: "do you still look like a human being? Do you think a person like me is despised in the society outside? Will you be looked down upon? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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