I don't know how long, ye Wutian slowly woke up, head pain, shaking vigorously, so that he became more sober.

Just wanted to rub his forehead with his hand, but felt his arm was pulled by something, so he could not knead his forehead.

He turned his head and looked at it. Suddenly, ye wudian was frightened by the scene in front of him, because he was actually tied. His hands and legs were tightly tied on a cross. What's going on?

Found that he was bound, let ye Wutian startle three souls disappeared seven spirits, who is the other side? Why do you want him here?

In a flash, ye Wutian thought a lot of questions. Since the other party wanted to save him, why did he come here now? Where is this?

Where has Ouyang Xingyue been caught by them?

Fortunately, she is more worried about the safety of Ouyang, but she knows how to deal with Wu Tian? What if he didn't want to cry? Ouyang Xingyue is his woman. How can he be touched by others?

"Is there anyone? Come out. " Looking at the basement where I don't know, ye Wutian shouts.

"Come on, get the hell out of here." The deep fear in his heart made ye wudian very afraid, afraid that Ouyang Xingyue would suffer losses.

He is a master of medicine, but today he capsized in the gutter and was plotted by others.

Of course, ye Wutian also knows that he is not to blame for this, but to blame the other party for his high martial arts.

"Is there anyone?"

"I will be angry if I don't come out."

"Don't you have the face to see people? It's not your fault to be ugly, but it's your fault that you dare not see people. "

No one bird him, ye Wutian can only continue to curse, in addition, he has no way.

At the same time, ye wudian feels that there seems to be some familiarity here, and the more you look at it, the more familiar you are, but you can't remember where you have seen it.

All of a sudden, ye Wutian uttered a scream and his face was livid. He thought where this was and why he knew why he was familiar with this place.

This is the east city. He was brought back to the east city. In a coma, he got from the capital to the east city.

Isn't this basement the place he used to close and ban Xueying?

With toes to guess also know, must be blood cherry back, finished, fell in her hand, I'm afraid most of the bad luck, who is that woman? Killer, a cold-blooded killing machine, people like her, can talk about feelings? And he didn't do much to her at the beginning.

In addition to a bitter smile or a bitter smile, ye Wutian does not know whether this is retribution. He just thinks that such retribution comes too fast. Fortunately, the lucky thing is that Xueying didn't kill him immediately, otherwise he would really want to cry without tears.

There is hope to live, although the battle in front of him tells him, I'm afraid some hardships can't be avoided. He doesn't know how Xueying will deal with him next.

In fact, he felt familiar here and wanted to have been to this basement. However, he thought that he was in the capital, so he quickly rejected this suspicion.

"Xueying, I know it's you. Come out." After knowing who the opponent is, ye Wutian calms down.

Ye Wutian's voice has just fallen, and suddenly there is a trace of fluctuation in the air, followed by the blood cherry's body from light to thick in front of Ye Wutian.

It was her!

See blood cherry completely appear before and after his face, leaf Wu Tian already did not know what to say good, this woman is come back to revenge? I have to say that I have a strong sense of revenge. If I run away, why do I come back?

The appearance of Xueying makes Wu Tian's classmate's eyes brighten. The woman is still so cold and charming. She is so beautiful. Every time I see her, she always feels amazing. Until now, ye wudian feels a pity. Such a beautiful woman, however, runs to be a ninja with a face covered all day and a killer.

Of course, a lot of things are not her choice, perhaps she did not have the right to choose when she was a child.

"Ye Jun, we meet again." Xueying opened her mouth, her tone was cold and stiff. Her Chinese level was not so good, but ye Wutian was very surprised. Could she speak Chinese?

"Hehe, Xueying, you are more and more beautiful." Ye Wutian smiles, but his smile is how to see how abnormal, skin smile flesh does not smile.

There is a murderous air in the beautiful eyes of blood cherry.

"Ye Jun, I said, I will come back."

Ye Wutian is about to cry. Until now, there are still some words left by Xueying on the wall. From that sentence, he can feel the anger.

"Thank you for saving me." Ye Wutian tries to change the topic.

"Save you, because you can only die in my hands."

As expected, ye Wunai is about to cry. He can't imagine what the result will be in the hands of this woman.

Death? It's necessary. What's different is how to die, how miserable it will be, how long will he be tortured by this hateful woman. If he can, if he has to die, then I hope Xueying can kill him quickly, die early and surpass life!

"I'm wrong, Xueying. I know I was wrong before. I apologize to you." People under the eaves, no day students have to bow."Ye Jun, I will remember you all my life."

Ye Wutian shook his head: "no, I'm just an ordinary person."

"You can kill me, you can torture me, you can even take off my clothes and let me wear those underwear, but you shouldn't take off my mask." Xueying said as she pulled out her sword, which radiated cold light.

Ye Wutian listen to Leng Leng, take off clothes is not more serious than take off mask?

"Ninja, once the mask is removed, there are only two choices: one is to commit suicide, the other is to kill the other."


"Because if I don't kill you, I have to marry you, so you have to die."

"Cough, what? You don't have to marry me. We should not have happened."

Xueying didn't speak any more. After pulling out the samurai sword, she first put the sword into the chest of Wu Tian classmate.

Ye Wutian is going crazy. Although the samurai sword doesn't touch the muscle, Wu Tian can still feel the chill.

What does she want to do?

"Xueying, let's talk about it. Have a good talk. What do you need?" Ye Wutian absolutely has reason to believe that this woman really dare to kill him, so he can't take the risk.

two people are so close that leaves smell the fragrance of blood from cherry blossoms. It is not the smell of perfume, but the peculiar body, smell and smell of this woman.

Ye Wutian can be sure that Xueying is definitely a place. Zizhishen 1

If Xueying knew ye Wutian's dirty ideas, he would kill the bastard immediately.

After putting the samurai sword into it, Xueying suddenly turns the samurai's sword, and the clothes on ye Wutian's body are divided into two.

The blood cherry this action lets the leaf have no day hundred to think its solution, what does she want to do in the end?

After cutting off the top of Tiantian, Xueying doesn't stop, and puts the samurai sword into his pants.

"Stop, Xueying. I'm not a casual man."

How can blood cherry really stop? Still slowly put the knife in.

At this time, ye Wutian's little brother is beside the samurai sword. As long as Xueying moves casually, he will become the last Taijian in Chinese history.

Silence like a cold cicada!

Ye Wutian has never been so scared as he is now. Even if he is pointed at his head with a gun, he will not be so afraid. Because being pointed at his head with a gun, he will not die. But now, if Xueying cuts off his thing, he will not die.

That thing is gone. As a man, life is not as good as death. It's better to die.

After the samurai's sword is put in, Xueying turns the blade of the sword, along with the belt, all of them are cut to pieces.

"Xueying, let's talk about it and have a good talk. I can give you a lot of things. Of course, you don't have to marry me. I promise, from now on, I'll take a detour when I see you. How about it?"

Blood cherry no bird leaves sky, continue his work, at this time, not only the head of his trousers was cut by blood cherry, even the trouser legs were cut off.

What on earth does she want? What's next? Can't even his underwear and trousers be cut off? She is a woman, and a woman should be like a woman.

At this time, I saw blood cherry immediately threw the samurai sword to the ground, and the samurai sword even stabbed into the floor brick, which was to be erected.

Ye Wutian can take a breath and cut iron like mud!

The whole suit of clothes has been cut by a samurai knife, which makes Wu Tian's classmate very uncomfortable. It is the first time for him to stand in front of a beautiful woman in this way.

"Xueying, if you really want to do that, I have a small request, can you be gentle?"


Ye wudian's eyes are only a flower, and he doesn't find out how Xueying picked up the samurai sword. At this time, the samurai sword moves gently on the "little Wutian", which frightens ye wudian and quickly swallows other words back into his stomach.

"You want me to cut it off?" Blood cherry's eyes more than a trace of sneer, a trace of irony, a trace of banter.

Ye wudian shook his head wildly. He had already been obedient. He didn't dare to utter a fart. I'm afraid that any man would not dare to speak in front of this battle.

After a few seconds, Xueying turns to leave, and samurai's sword is also removed, which makes Wu Tian's classmates feel relieved.

Xueying put down the samurai sword, like a magic trick, her hand was more than a skin whip, yes, a black skin whip.

See this skin. Whip, leaf Wu Tian whole body a shock, faintly guess what.

"Pa!" Blood cherry suddenly brandish whip attack, draw in leaf Wu Tian body, immediately let this si send out a scream.

The whip made him gasp with pain, which made him cry his father and his mother. At this moment, he regretted that there would be today. At the beginning, he should have turned Xueying into his woman. Even if he died, he would be more willing to die.

"Wait, Xueying, I can't take it."

"Pa!" Blood cherry is another whip.

No doubt, Wu Tian's classmates screamed again.

"Don't fight any more. I didn't hit you. It's not fair. It's not fair to me." First of all, she will be paralyzed ten times in her hands if she does it ten times."It's too painful, Xueying. Can you change it? How about the ordinary packing rope? Please

"Do you want to change it?" Unexpectedly, Xueying asked.

Ye Wu Tian nods wildly, "want."

The next second, is secretly happy ye Wutian but has a kind of impulse to die! When he saw the whip on the hand of Xueying, he hoped that Xueying would wipe his neck directly.

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