Ye Wutian thought that situ goblin was just joking with him, but when she was pulled to the hotel, she knew that the goblin didn't seem to be joking, she was playing real.

Is this goblin really moved? Do you really want to make a commitment to him? Shit! Wouldn't be so bold?

Ye wudian doesn't want to believe it, but he has to believe it. Now he is in the hotel, even if he doesn't believe it.

"Are you serious?" Ye Wutian smiles bitterly.

The spirit of situ stepped forward, and her full and charming body was already attached to ye Wutian.

On such occasions and places, ye wudian is a little dry mouthed and impatient. If he goes on like this, he is really afraid that he will not be able to support him and push the demon down.

"Little lecher, are you afraid of your sister?" The spirit of situ took another step forward, while the poor Wu Tian classmate stepped back.

"I'm afraid, can't I?" Ye Wutian smiles bitterly. He really didn't expect that the goblin would be so crazy. He really dares to do so.

Situ demon bit her lips, and suddenly pushed her hands to ye Wutian.

The unprepared ye Wutian Leng was pushed by the spirit of situ. Suddenly, he staggered and fell down. Fortunately, the bed was behind him. Otherwise, he would suffer.

After being pushed down, ye Wutian wants to climb from the bed, but situ Wei doesn't give him a chance at all. He sees the demon directly climb onto the bed, and then stretches his legs to press ye Wutian tightly.

Riding? Women up and men down? She likes it?

Ye Wutian has a kind of inexplicable tension, what does she want to do? You want to be tough? Do you want to bow hard?

In a short time, ye wudian thought a lot of questions, among which the most important one was whether he should refuse if the spirit really wanted to bow to his overlord?

"I'm not a casual man." Being pressed by situ Wei's legs, ye wudian didn't resist, or he didn't want to resist at all. I'm afraid it's every man's dream to be pressed by such a creature?

"Then you can be a sister, a casual woman."

Ye Wutian murmurs bitterly. The spirit always moves on him intentionally or unintentionally. This move makes ye Wutian miserable. Xiaowutian immediately raises his head.

The spirit of situ felt the change of Ye Wutian, and her face was so red that she could drip juice. But she didn't seem to stop. Instead, she changed Ben Gali. Every move was so attractive.

It's over. According to this trend, today most of them will fall into the hands of the goblin. If you want to ruin his reputation for the first time, she will be in her hands.

"You can stop now." Ye Wutian is another sentence.

Situ Wei a record of white eyes fly over: "you can be really annoying, sister is so active, you can't see?"

"I'm afraid you'll regret it." Ye Wu was born afraid of situ Wei, but was moved for a while.

"Little villain, do you want to shrink back?" The face of situ goblin is getting closer and closer. Before finishing her words, her sexy little mouth has already reached ye Wutian's lips. At this time, even if ye wudian's mouth is slightly tooted, she can kiss it.

In the face of such a temptation, saints will become coquettish. What's more, ye wudian thinks that he is not a saint. He can only be regarded as a layman at most. How can he not be indifferent? The irritability and primitive desire in the body are becoming stronger and stronger.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ye Wutian bit his teeth and asked soberly by the last ribbon. This also means warning.

Situ goblin didn't speak. She looked at ye Wutian with her eyes like silk, and then began to open buttons by himself.



Her sexy ol dress has no buttons at all. After the second button is untied, she stops and looks at ye Wutian with charming eyes: "good brother, the last button, you can help your sister untie."

Ye Wutian collapses. When he meets such a monster, he only has to surrender. Although the other party only unties two buttons, it can be enough to let her have a good time and see the black clothes inside, and it's still lace.

Fortunately, it is lying down, otherwise, ye Wunai is afraid that he will have a nosebleed.

Through his half opened coat, Wu Tian saw a large piece of snow white in front of the spirit of situ, which was very dazzling.

"Goblin, you asked for it." Ye Wutian suddenly exerts himself, presses situ Wei under his body, and then pours on him like a wolf and kisses him fiercely on his small mouth.

Situ Wei didn't refuse, instead, she put out her arms around ye Wutian's neck, which made Wu Tian's classmates more firm. The goblin made up her mind.

At this time, he didn't care whether she was repaying her kindness or anything, and had to send it.

At the time of the kiss, Wu Tian's classmate did not forget to stretch out a hand to pinch the soft meat on the chest of situ spirit, which made him groan.

No resistance, but a look of enjoyment.

Although across the clothes, Wu Tian classmate is still very excited. He has not touched women here, but every woman is different. It is difficult to describe the sensory stimulation with words.

Even if the hand to grasp, the goblin still does not resist, paralyzed, does she really want to offer. Body? To this woman, Wu Tian classmate has already suffered a lot of secret losses. She is a little afraid and uncertain psychologically. I don't know if she really wants to.After touching the clothes for a while, ye Wutian began to be dissatisfied. With a horizontal heart, he untied the third button very quickly.

After the three buttons were untied, she found that there was only one cover in the goblin, and there was no more underwear. She was bold enough. Was she not afraid to go away? Don't know who in the company is eyeing her?

Goblins are goblins. The cloth in the covers is very small. Do you want to tempt others if you don't show it clearly?

In the face of Ye Wutian taking off her clothes, situ Wei still doesn't stop her and hugs ye Wutian's neck tightly.

Such temptation, such a scene, let ye Wutian have kidney hormone rise, also in the most intense way to respond.

Gradually, ye Wutian is not satisfied with the stage of kissing, but slowly goes down along the neck of situ goblin.

Perhaps because of the stimulation, the situ spirit trembled from time to time like an electric shock.

In many people's eyes, she is a goblin, a bold and unrestrained woman, but like today, she is also the first time.

Soon, ye Wutian kisses situ spirit's chest and looks at the obstacles to be pulled away. Ye Wutian can't describe it with excitement. He doesn't even notice that his hand is shaking and nervous.

Situ goblin's eyes were like silk, her breath was like blue, and she was as delicate as she was angry. "What are you doing, little villain?"

This seems to be a charge command, yes, this is the charge number, enough to make every man want to blood.

Ye Wutian was no exception. After receiving this order, he immediately took off the coat man of situ goblin, and then put his hands behind situ Wei to untie the damned inner button. However, he felt for a long time, but he could not find the button.

"In front." Situ Wei is angry and funny. This little villain is worthy of being a little lecher. She didn't shout wrong before. How can anyone like him? Can't you see with your eyes?

's old face is red, and the leaves are very embarrassed.


After a sound, the two rabbits, who lost their bondage, jumped out in an instant, which was very spectacular, especially the two bright red buds on the top of the peak. They were tender and attractive!

Situ Wei is shy and wants to block with her hand, but how can Wu Tian classmate be like her wish? He pushed his hands away, and almost at the same time, his hands were covered.


Feeling the scorching temperature passing through her place, situ Wei groaned again. Her beautiful eyes closed tightly and did not dare to look at ye wudian's eyes.

In the past, it was the goblin tune that played on him, but today, Wu Tian's classmates can finally take revenge with one stone, nothing makes him happy.

Pinching, pressing, kneading, pinching, squeezing, pulling and so on, but he used all the moves that Wutian could think of. At this moment, ye Wutian found himself the happiest person in the world. How exciting it was to be able to press such a special object on his body?

How did the spirit of situ receive such treatment? At this time, she was paralyzed and left to the disposal of Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian lowers his head and opens to hold one of the buds and begins to use his tongue skill to taste it.

Until this time, ye Wutian believed that the goblin really wanted to offer his body. Although he was very shameless about this kind of trade like practice, he was not willing to let him stop at the moment. In this case, which man would like to stop?

"Don't be an old man. It's itchy. It's hard for my sister." The spirit of situ pressed his hands on the top of Ye Wutian and seemed to want to push him away. "What are you doing? There's still one left. "

Ye wudian was stunned and then laughed in his heart. The goblin was more urgent than him. Hehe, but he liked it.

According to ye Wutian's intention, he will take off the goblin's skirt after a while, but now that she has taken the initiative to mention it, he has no need to be polite.

After unfastening the button, ye Wutian gently pulls the skirt down. The more you pull it down, the more nervous Wu Tian's classmates are. After today, situ Wei is even his ye Wutian's woman, paralyzed. Somehow, she is a little excited.

Soon, the short skirt was pulled down, and the black sexy inside was exposed. But when he looked at it more, he found that something was wrong. Why did a piece of white drill out of the small inner part of the spirit of situ Wei? No, even if something comes out, it can only be those naughty grass. How can it be white? And pieces of it.

Eyes stare big, full of incredible, he forgot what to do next?

"Good brother, why did you stop? Don't stop

Ye Wutian swallows saliva, reaches out to her small inside pointed to, meaning to say how this is to return a responsibility?

Just then, situ Wei suddenly realized, full of surprise and guilt, and of course, Shyness: "ah! I forgot, good brother, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but my sister forgot that it's inconvenient for my sister these days. You know, women have those days every month

At this moment, ye Wu is not born to die. She stares at situ goblin with gnashing teeth. This woman is definitely intentional. Although she apologizes constantly, no matter how you look at it, you can't see that she has a little guilty expression. Instead, she is excited and complacent.I'm in a trap!

Ye Wutian, who wants to cry without tears, has to believe that everything is self directed and performed by situ demon. Maybe in order to revenge, he didn't help her before, even though he ignored her before.


Looking down at the thing under him, I think I have to ask five girls out of the mountain again. Paralyzed, what's this? There is something special that can't move in front of you, but you have to ask five girls for help. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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