Xu Ying began to regret. She had known that she should have followed ye Wutian's advice and left first. She didn't dare to see the scene in front of her.

The scene was not bloody, but it was cruel.

What is ye Wutian's technique just now? Why is it so scary?

At this time, the screams of the two murderers on the ground became more and more loud and frightening. The sound made people feel creepy and their hair stood on end.

However, the two men's screams did not arouse people's sympathy. No matter how they screamed, they should die. From the day when Wu Dong was assassinated, they should have expected today.

Ye Wutian feels that Xu Ying's hands around his arm are shaking slightly, and she is very nervous.

"You go first."

Xu Ying almost blurted out her promise, but she didn't know what was going on when she said, "anyway, you protect me, I'm not afraid."

Ye Wutian almost didn't laugh. This woman has a lovely side.

When Xu Ying doesn't leave, ye Wutian doesn't ask for it, or even refuses to be held by her. When she is held by such a beautiful woman, which man is willing to refuse, he should not dare to take his stool, and it is OK to take advantage of small advantages. It is also a pleasant thing to be held by a beauty like this.

"Can you tell me, gentlemen?" Ye Wutian asked.

The two killers on the ground are still holding on, but their bodies are somewhat different. They have small bubbles on their arms, stomachs and even their faces. Each of them is the size of a child's fist. Moreover, those bubbles are not static. They are bigger and smaller, which are very strange and terrifying.

Xu Ying and they did not see, in fact, the body of these two killers is also around this kind of bubble.

"In a few minutes, if you don't get my help, you'll burst into bubbles, so I hope you'll be prepared.

"Really Xu Ying was surprised and curious.

Ye Wutian's mysterious smile: "what do you say?"

Xu Ying wants to give this irritating guy a fist. What's the mystery? However, she does not believe that this is true, do not believe ye Wutian's words, how can it be so magical?

"Please, kill me." Because of the huge pain, the other party has no strength to commit suicide.

"Answer me, who's to kill you?"


At this moment, one of the killers suddenly made a sound, and the sound was startling.

Make a sound is the arm, as expected, as ye Wutian said, those small bubbles unexpectedly burst open, bloody.

Once, just once, the murderer fainted, which shows how painful the explosion was.

Xu Ying can't bear to look at it again, and quickly turns around.

Ye Wutian secretly laughs, can't understand why this woman didn't leave just now? What's the reason why I have to stay here?

Seeing the explosion on his companion's arm, another murderer said quickly, "we really don't know who is behind the scenes. Someone will pay us money and inform us to attack the villa by SMS. That's all."

Ye Wutian was not sure whether he should believe these words or not, "what about the woman? Where did you catch her? "

"I didn't catch her at all. She was very skillful. She almost caught her hand several times, but she escaped again."

Ye Wutian was stunned and then ecstatic, "did you not catch it? Is that true? "

"Bang!" There was another sound, and it was the same person just now. The difference was that this time, it was not the arm, but the face. When the explosion happened, there was a hole in his face, a hole where bones could be seen.

Under the huge pain, the other party wakes up again. It is estimated that no one can bear the pain.

After a hole in his face, the other side screamed strangely. His voice was hoarse and broken.

"I have told you all I know. Please give us a good time."

Xu Ying turned to look at ye Wutian: "I believe his words."

Ye wudian nodded, "I also believe it."

"And now what to do next?"

Ye Wutian looked at the two people coldly, "how many people participated at that time? What's the name of the others? Where do you live? "

Under the fear, the other side is also honest, quickly say a few names and addresses.

Ye Wutian looks at Chen Le, and Chen Le nods to show that he has written it down.

"I've said everything that should be said. Can we be spared?" No one wants to die, so do these vicious killers. He hopes ye Wutian can change his mind.

"I said, you must die." Ye wudian secretly said that these guys are really naive. Do you want others to let them go? Shit! How can a man be so shameless?

The other side's face changed, "since this, then give us a happy, please."

"Originally I would like to give you a happy, but you do not cooperate, and I get far enough information, so I decided to ensure the status quo, let you slowly die.""Son of a bitch, I'll never let you go." Knowing that he had no way to survive and to die without forgetting, the guy finally became angry and swore at ye Wutian.

The more scolded the other party, the more ye Wutian laughed, "curse it, I don't mind you scolding me."

"Bang bang bang!"

Three times in a row, the person who exploded was still the same person. With these three times, it has been five times.

After these three times, the other side's head was crooked and he died.

Ye wudian shook his head and sighed: "it's a pity that you can only support it five times. Then, how many times can you support next? Oh, I'm looking forward to it

"Devil, you are a devil." Seeing his companion is such a tragic death, the other party is afraid, afraid, helpless and so on. His psychological endurance has exceeded the limit.

"Ha ha..." Ye Wutian burst out laughing: "devil? I like the name. "

"You really don't care about him?" Xu Ying willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"Think I'm cruel?" Ye Wutian Dao: "I will never be soft on my enemies."

I don't know why, when Xu Ying heard ye Wutian's words, she couldn't help but tremble. At this moment, she also agreed with the killer. Ye Wutian is a devil, a devil who eats people and doesn't vomit bones.

If it is not bound, and thus the movement is limited, it is estimated that the other party will rush to ye Wutian in the early morning and fight hard. It would be better to die happily than to die like this. At least, it will be like a man, and will not die like this!

"Chen Le, here you are." Unable to ask what he wanted, ye Wutian also lost the idea of staying on.

Xu Ying was relieved and finally left. She didn't have to stay in this ghost place.

"Come on, I'll treat you to dinner."

"That's about it." While speaking, Xu Ying and ye Wutian arm, two people like a couple.

Ye Wutian is very puzzled. What does Xu Ying think? Really think of herself as his girlfriend? Would she? Is the Xu family willing?

It's too much for a couple to take the initiative to choose from a high-end restaurant. It's too hard for him to take the initiative to choose a high-end meal!

"Honey, don't you have anything to say to me?" Xu Ying Mei Mou flickers at ye Wutian.

"Xu Ying, do you still remember that? It's a joke Ye Wu Tian Tou is a little big. What is this woman thinking?

Xu Yingman looked at ye Wutian with resentment, "has anyone told you that you are heartless and you are bad?"

Ye Wutian, who has nothing to say, doesn't say anything. In fact, as a man, it's false to say that ye Wutian is not moved. In the face of a beauty of Xu Ying's level, and still a beauty of her own initiative, I'm afraid few men can resist this temptation. If he can, he would like to drive all the people out of the western restaurant, and then close the door with Xu Shadow here fight 300 rounds, two people together to discuss about the structure of the human body!

But is Xu Ying so easy to touch? Is the Xu family so easy to touch? If you mess with her again, the three aristocratic families will have an indescribable relationship with him. On the surface, they are calm, but secretly they are against each other.

It's playing with fire when you gather several families together.

Of course, ye Wutian doesn't believe that Xu Ying really likes him. In contrast, he is more willing to believe that Xu Ying just takes a fancy to what he has in his hand. Seeing Ouyang Xingyue cooperating with him, and then situ Wei, it is estimated that Xu Ying is in a hurry.

"You kiss me, you touch me, and you admit that I'm your girlfriend. Why? Do you want to go back now? " Xu Ying asked.

Ye Wutian almost didn't fall to the ground. Xu Ying is very familiar with this. At the beginning, situ Wei, the goblin, once said this.

He admitted that he had also touched situ Wei, but he did not admit that he was not. Li Guo Xu Ying, that was to save her, no other meaning.

"I'm afraid of you." Ye Wutian smiles bitterly.

Xu Ying that sexy little mouth slightly a doodle, there is a kind of unspeakable delicate and lovely: "I don't care, anyway, you have to be responsible for others."

"Do you want me to agree with you?" Ye Wutian has a bad smile.

Xu Ying pretty face a red, amorous feelings of the angry way: "rogue."

Wu Tian classmate crazy sweat, what call hooligan? This woman is only allowed to play with others, but not others. What is it called to play with her?

"What did you do to those two men? Why do they do that? " Xu Ying's topic changed and he didn't continue to force ye Wutian.

"Haha! Torture, the torture I invented, blocks the blood flow in the other person's body through a special method. " Ye Wutian used this kind of torture for the first time today, and he was very satisfied with the effect.

Although Xu Ying doesn't know what ye Wutian's technique is, she just listens to it and makes her scalp numb, "how can you think about these broken things all day long? I just think about how to deal with people all day long. Is there anyone like you? "

Shrugged ye Wutian sighed: "no way, I have too many enemies, especially I have special time, so I can only study these."Answer Ye Wu Tian's is Xu Ying's a charming white eye, and then suddenly a sentence: "envy them."

Ye Wutian didn't dare to answer, and faintly guessed who she admired.

Just at this time, the phone rings, which helps him a lot. He connects the phone with Xu Ying in an apologetic way, but his face suddenly changes when he gets through the phone.

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