Chapter 18: Smile and smile three times

Xiaosanxiao is a legendary figure in the wind and cloud world, an old monster who has lived for more than 4,000 years.

He bears the blood of a dragon and turtle, and is almost immortal. The martial arts [Four Wonders of Mixing World] and [Wandao Senluo] are even more shocking in the wind and clouds, and they cry out to ghosts and gods.

According to legend, he will appear on the rivers and lakes once every hundred years, and anyone who can find him can make a wish unconditionally.

He walked the rivers and lakes in order to deter the martial arts and prevent those demons from causing disaster.

This time, Xiaosan laughed out of the customs, hid his identity, walked around the rivers and lakes, and only listened to the rumors about Su Ze in all the rivers and lakes..

People in the martial arts world, most of them are in awe of Su Ze.

He beheaded the Leshan Giant Buddha, slaughtered the tyrants with a snap of his fingers, and then entered the world society.

He went to Baijian Mountain Villa, beheaded Aotian of Baijian Mountain Villa, executed Sword Demon, killed Mrs. Ao with a flick of his finger, destroyed Baijian Mountain Villa, and died of anger on the 20th Sunday of the village of Baijian Mountain Villa. Devil!

Xiaosanxiao naturally wanted to take care of it.

On the way, when he met Wang Zhong and Zhong Yue, he was extremely shocked and thought that Su Ze had subdued the two masters with dragon tortoise blood and dragon yuan.

At this moment, slightly-sensing, found that there are hundreds of people with dragon tortoise blood and dragon yuan on the top of Tianshan Mountain, how could he not be shocked?


[Dragon Blood Warrior] [Undead Warrior] is the bloodline of Qinglong and Xuanwu.

Xuanwu, also known as “Dragon Turtle”.

The induction of the three smiles did not go wrong.


“You actually know me?”

Xiaosanxiao is an old monster who has lived for more than 4,000 years after all. After a slight shock, he immediately regained his composure.

Su Ze slowly stepped forward, looked at Xiao Sanxiao, and said with a smile: “I not only know you, but also know that you are nosy, since you hurt my two men, I will hurt you and also It’s fair.”


With a thought, Su Ze directly took out the “Yuan Tujian” from the item bar.

On his body, the Great Perfection of Death Sword Intent rose to the sky, and the Qinglian Sword Qi spewed out from his body, and a sword slashed towards Xiaosanxiao.


Smile three smiles, the complexion changes greatly!

“How can it be so strong?

He suddenly retreated, the 4,000-year-old power in his body was running wildly, and his own unique skill (Wandao Senluo) burst out directly.


As if two cannonballs collided together, a violent explosion occurred directly at the headquarters of the Tianxia Association, and the aftermath of the explosion slammed into all directions, I am afraid that it is like the first-class masters of the rivers and lakes. A warrior of this level of Shuai Shuai would be blown to death by the aftermath of the explosion.


The Werewolf Empress did not know when she appeared behind Su Ze. Without the suppression of the earth’s rules, the breath of this ancient empress became deeper and deeper.

Behind her, the phantom of the swallowing magic pot disappeared in a flash, completely swallowing up the aftermath of Su Ze’s fight with Xiao Sanxiao.

moan moan!

A sword mark appeared in the palm of Xiao Sanxiao’s palm, and blood fell to the ground.

With a look of astonishment on his face, he looked at Su Ze solemnly, and said incredulously: “Impossible, how could your skill be so powerful?”

With the blood of a dragon and tortoise, he has practiced for more than 4,000 years, and the accumulation of internal strength has reached a terrifying level.


In a fight against each other, he actually fell behind?

“Three laughs…but that’s it.”

Su Ze laughed loudly, holding the sword above him, he cultivated the second volume of the emperor-level swordsmanship [Qinglian Sword Canon] to the realm of Dacheng, in the heavens and the world, in the same realm, there are few swordsmanships that are better than him. Piece.

Xiaosanxiao went all out to meet the enemy, surging like Wang Yang’s infuriating sway, but he couldn’t win the slightest advantage at all.


Suddenly, a dark sword beam was as fast as lightning, stabbing towards Xiao Sanxiao’s eyebrows.

Xiao Sanxiao was taken aback, and hurriedly grabbed his hand on the back, took out the “Unparalleled Divine Sword”, and raised his sword to block.

This is the sword he got for rewarding Wang Zhong and Zhong Yue.


Su Ze’s eyes flashed, and he hurriedly pulled back the Yuan Tu sword, for fear that a single sword would cut off the “Unparalleled Divine Sword.”

Although the Unparalleled Divine Sword is known as a divine weapon, it is not known how many thousands of miles away from the Yuanju sword.

Su Ze’s sword draw was a fatal flaw for Xiaosanxiao.

The Peerless Divine Sword in his hand was gently sent out and stabbed towards Su Ze’s chest.

Unparalleled Sword..


Xiaosanxiao still maintained the posture of holding the sword and stabbing the sword, but his face was stunned.

Su Ze looked down at his chest.


The half-cut sword fell to the ground.

On his face, anger rose, and he punched out with joy.


Xiaosan smiled and opened his mouth to bunny blood, and was directly blasted more than 2,000 meters away.

He was lying on the ground in a large shape, his eyes were empty, and there was a feeling of being unlovable. Su Ze stepped forward, grabbed the collar of Xiaosanxiao, and slammed his fists down like raindrops.

“Paralyzed smiles and three smiles!

“Laozi was careful, for fear of breaking the 70th Peerless Sword

“It turned out that the TM was broken in your hands?”

The three smiles were like petrification, but they did not resist nor fight back.

His face was swollen like a pig’s liver, his eyes were empty, and he muttered: “How is it possible?”

He was hit.

With the strength of his smile and three smiles, even a mountain can be blasted with his bare hands, but now, holding the “Peerless Divine Sword”, the sword did not even pierce Su Ze’s skin, but broke the Peerless Divine Sword.. .

How could he not be shocked?

How can he not be hit?

But then again…  

How can people from the martial arts plane of Fengyun World understand the horror of “top-grade defensive fairy armor”?

Su Ze took a picture from the sky, put the broken Wushuang Divine Sword in the props, took out a glass vessel with a thought, and began to collect the blood of Xiaosanxiao

He smiled three times and then recovered.

He looked at Su Ze’s eyes, full of horror and fear, he jumped, and he ran away.

Su Ze chased after him and shouted, “You immortal, don’t go, what the hell, your face is covered in blood anyway, can you kill me if you give me a little?”

(PS: My daughter woke up after sleeping for a while. She closed her eyes and cried when she woke up. She couldn’t wake up even after shouting for a long time, and she was exhausted, hey!).

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