Chapter 35: The True Strength of King Zizhong

Su Ze has been in the extraterritorial battlefield for such a long time, and he has collected information about the masters of the extraterritorial battlefield.

“It’s King Yechen!

“Chasing him…

Su Ze’s eyes flashed.

Among the three demon clans that hunted down King Yechen, there was “King Zizhong”. Presumably, the Liangzi, the two kings, were formed here. After that, there was an endless battle to break into the ground. Found “Sacrificial Tower”.

Su Ze deliberately pretended not to notice them and continued to fly forward.


How fast is Feng Wang Gao flying?


The figure of King Yechen first appeared in Su Ze’s sight.


The face of King Yechen, who was flying at a high speed, changed greatly, and he quickly changed his direction, muttering: “Why am I so unlucky? There is another demon clan in front of the monkey clan, which king is this, how come I have never heard of it? ”

King Zi Zhong, who was chasing behind him, apparently also found Su Ze, and immediately said with divine power: “Friend, help me stop King Yechen of the human race. After this is done, you can take 20% of his wealth.


Su Ze responded directly.


He used the word “Xing” with a very fast speed, and quickly chased towards King 20 Yechen.

“I go!”

A Feng Wang Gao who chased Yechen King together with Zi Zhong Wang burst out a foul language and shouted: “This is the master of my demon clan, flying so fast..

King Zizhong was even more excited, he laughed loudly, and said, “Haha, King Yechen, if you can’t escape, just capture it.”

“A group of demon clans also want me to be captured without a hitch. The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken.”

Yechen Wang sneered.

How could he bow his head in the race?

At this moment, a voice resounded in his mind: “King Yechen, in fact, I am a human…

“call out!

Su Ze, who had almost caught up with King Yechen, suddenly changed direction, and his flight speed broke through the speed of light instantly, killing King Zizhong and others.

The word “all” broke out!

The combat power is increased tenfold!

Supernatural powers, blood moon!


The space was like a piece of paper, and it was torn directly by a gap. A Feng Wang Gao, who was next to King Zizhong, was directly smashed to pieces before he could react.


King Zizhong and another demon king were startled and stopped immediately.

They looked at Su Ze and lost their voices: “Friend, what are you doing?”


The two of them exuded a strong murderous intent.

In the extraterritorial battlefield, fighting with the same faction is prohibited..

Therefore, they had no defense against Su Ze before, and Su Ze’s speed was too fast, instantly approaching the “Blood Moon”, and they never reacted at all.

King Yechen also stopped.

He looked at Su Ze, his eyes could not help flashing, and he muttered: “The flesh can break the speed of light and the blood moon can attack the human race.

“Could he be the rumored arrogance of the human race?”

“It’s impossible, isn’t he at the domain master level? How can he become a high-ranking king?”

“You are Su Ze!

The demon king who was shattered by Su Ze’s divine body instantly condensed his divine body. He looked at Su Ze, his pupils could not help shrinking, and he cried out.

His breath was significantly weaker than before, and his breath dropped.

Su Ze’s magical power “Blood Moon” has a bonus to divine body damage, and the blow just now annihilated 3% of his body.

“Su Ze?”

“The arrogance of the human race?”

King Zizhong and another demon clan also reacted.

However, Su Ze laughed: “I didn’t think that my prestige, my lord, has already moved the original universe?”

He reached out and turned it over, the Yuan Ju sword started, holding Yuan Ju, and rushed away.

In the center of his eyebrows, another golden light burst out, but it was the top-quality immortal weapon “Broken Gold Sword”.


“Heaven has a way, you don’t go, and hell has no door to break in. Su Ze. As long as you kill you, the three of us will get the gift of the demon ancestor!” The three kings of Zizhong burst out with all their fighting power in an instant. Welcome up.

Secretly, the news has been spread.

Naturally, Su Ze would not fight with them for a long time. With his full strength, he killed the demon ancestor Feng Wang, whose divine body and divine power had been damaged before.

The high-ranking king raised his sword to meet…


Yuan Ju sword slashed, and his precious sword was instantly folded in two.


His divine body was torn apart again.

“Qinglian Sword Song!

Before his broken body was condensed, he saw a blue misty sword shrouded down, followed by another “Sword Dao Domain” to suppress.


“help me!”

His divine body was difficult to condense at all, and he was completely suppressed and annihilated by Qinglian sword qi and the “Sword Dao Domain”.

In an instant, a high-ranking king fell.


“Congratulations to the Host, you have successfully killed the high immortal (demon clan)-rank of Fengwang, and you will get an advanced reward: planting points + 2,000,000 points.”


King Zizhong and the Fengwang Gao were shocked, turned around and left.

“Want to go?”


Ye Chen Wang laughed.

He is a high-ranking king, and although he has not understood the “space teleportation” of the master, he has mastered the “space blockade”.

Immediately blocking the space, King Zi Zhong trembled.

The space is blocked, and teleportation cannot be performed. In terms of flight speed, in the primitive universe, except for the physical body that can break through the existence of 800 acres of dark space, who can be comparable to Su Ze?

He held Yuanju, with a “cracked golden sword” on his head, stalking him.

With 12,800 times the power of the world master, combined with the ten-fold increase in the combat power of the word secret of “Ji”, his combat power directly crushed that monster clan king.

“Blood Moon!”


A blood moon directly tore the divine body of this high-ranking king.

“Qinglian Sword Song!”

“The Domain of the Sword!”


He did the same, and killed another king named Gao Gao.


“Congratulations to the Host, you have successfully killed a high-level immortal (monster) from the king, and you will receive an advanced reward: planting points + 2,000,000 points.

On the side, King Zi Zhong looked solemn.

“This arrogant human being is so arrogant?”

“Killing Wang Gao is like killing a dog?”

“It seems that if I don’t show my real strength, I’m not his opponent at all!”

He forced King Yechen back with a knife, the aura on his body suddenly increased sharply, and on the surface of his body, a simple purple bell shadow appeared.

King Yechen was taken aback and lost his voice: “Fengwang Peak, Chongbao?

King Zizhong laughed, turned his eyes, looked at Su Ze, and sneered: “Human Tianjiao, you are indeed very strong, but you are not my opponent. Tell me, how do you want to die?”

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