Better opportunities

In the intestines of the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split", Chen Yi's body was motionless, and it seemed that he had completely lost the will and ability to resist.

He relied on his intestines to shrink inch by inch, creaking, and several bones were broken, and the broken bones poked into the internal organs, and suddenly there was a lot of bleeding in his body, and even blood gushed out from Chen Yi's closed mouth and nose under heavy pressure.

A large amount of digestive juice in the intestines of the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split" continued to corrode Chen Yi's body, although the power of these digestive juices was not comparable to gastric juice, it still melted and eroded large areas of Chen Yi's skin, revealing the white fat and red streaked muscles underneath.

At this moment, Chen Yi's body suddenly changed, and lenses similar to glowing crystals suddenly appeared in his body, those lenses were not thick, only 117 inches long, but they were extremely sharp and hard.

As soon as the fluff in the intestines of the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split" touched these lenses, they were immediately cut and cut off, just like ordinary steel encountering the turning tools of a high-speed lathe, and those lenses were still vibrating and rotating at a very high frequency.

Countless villi cracked and disintegrated, the huge intestines were cut out of large and small wounds, large and large pieces of tissue fell off, and the pressure on Chen Yi's body was suddenly relieved, although he was still unconscious, he was already able to breathe heavily.

An extremely long but extremely thin (BJAF) extremely narrow lens grew out of Chen Yi's spine, like an unusually slender and sharp long sword, and the lens long sword vibrated at high speed and pierced deeply into the intestines.

Everywhere it passed, the intestinal tissue touched by the lens melted like a block of snow in the sun, yes, melted, and flowed down like the wax of a candle.

A huge hole appeared on the intestines of the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split", and on the outside of the hole, there was a huge organ wriggling, which was the unprotected internal organ of the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split".

The lens on Chen Yi's body slowly retracted into his body, and almost at the same time, the Divine Fire Sect consciousness body in his brain also fell into a deep sleep, although he really wanted to take this opportunity to completely and comprehensively invade Chen Yi's body.

even expelled and eliminated Chen Yi's subjective consciousness as a human being, but in order to deal with the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split", he consumed a lot of energy in a very short period of time, and his will and physical strength were extremely weak.

If, at this time, the Divine Fire Sect consciousness in Chen Yi's body forcibly attacked the human consciousness, the two would fight, and they would only lose both, and in the end, the Divine Fire Sect, which had not yet completely died, would be cheapened.

In the end, the Divine Fire Sect consciousness in Chen Yi's body chose to take the initiative to retreat, because he believed that he would have a chance in the future, a better chance.

In order to survive this time, Chen Yi took the initiative to give up the dominance of his body, which shows that he is not the kind of stunned young man who only knows that one tendon and the Divine Fire Sect are incompatible, he knows how to make trade-offs, knows how to make concessions, knows how to compromise, as long as he can live, there is no moral concept rule that can restrain him.

With the first, there will be a second, a third

Chen Yi opened his eyes, he regained his consciousness as a human being, although the bones and tendons of his whole body were broken, large pieces of skin and flesh were corroded, and in some places even the white bones under the muscles were exposed, and the severe pain almost made him shocked, but he saw the big hole leading to various internal organs at a glance.

Without hesitation, Chen Yi struggled to crawl towards the big hole, almost rolling into the abdominal cavity of the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split".

Scratching, trampling, hitting, and biting the internal organs of the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split" are very huge, the size of a table, chair, bed, and sofa, and they are also relatively tough.

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