
He grabbed the two long horns with both hands, and shook them as hard as he did with a steering wheel, while his legs between the belly of the ox, kicking, and the huge bison mooed, and ran away from the bulging ground under the impetus of Wednesday.

Wednesday was like driving a clumsy four-wheel drive vehicle, driving the bison under the crotch and keeping a safe distance from the bulging ground, which was obviously frightened by the violent movement of the underground "two-two-seven".

Just wanted to escape from this grassland, and then Wednesday broke the horns of the cow, kicked the cow in the belly with his heel, and even simply covered the cow's eyes with his hands, and the disoriented bison spun around in place.

Wednesday must stay, he has a hunch, this strange movement underground is tossed by the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split", and there must be some kind of change! No matter what, he must seize this opportunity to kill the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split"!

Wednesday had already made up his mind to die when he was hiding in the rumen of the cow, and he was not afraid of dying again.

Even if he was bare-handed at this time, even if he bit it with his teeth, he would have to fight desperately with the Divine Fire Sect "Earth Split".

Boom, the landslide cracked, and a huge object with a huge amount of untold kinetic energy rushed out of the ground, its body was bigger than the subway.

Wednesday was curious, and suddenly, with a thud, a hand suddenly stretched out from the closed anus of the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split", and that hand waved helplessly in the air, as if trying to grab something, so as to use his strength to get himself out of the anus of the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Crack".

That is, human hands!

There is a person in the body of the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split"!

Wednesday immediately understood that there was a person who, like himself, wanted to get into the body of the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split" and make trouble in the Heavenly Palace, and he actually succeeded, and the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split" was killed by him.

Wednesday's hands trembled, wiping away the goo that wrapped around his head, there was a lot of goo here, wrapped thick layer after layer, the innermost layer was almost as hard as steel armor, but it was this multi-layered protection that kept the most important skull wrapped inside from being melted by the digestive juices of the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split".

However, Wednesday couldn't recognize the man who had erased the goo, for all that was left of one of his eyes was a bloody hollow, his nose and ears had disappeared without a trace, and even his lips had partially melted, revealing the teeth inside, and he looked like a half-decomposed corpse buried in the ground..........

Big tears dripped from Wednesday's eye sockets, who was he? Who was this person with incomparable courage, great sacrifice spirit, who endured unimaginable pain for ordinary people, and almost buried half his life, killing the "earth split" of the Divine Fire Sect?

Wednesday looked around from side to side, ran to a big tree, broke off a few thick branches, returned to the hero, squeezed hard, squeezed a few drops of sap out of the branch, and dripped cool sap drop after drop into the man's mouth, and the man finally had a little life, moved his tongue, and licked his lips, which had disappeared.

He's alive! He's alive!

Wednesday was in ecstasy, squeezing more sap into the man's mouth, and the man let out a muffled moan0.6, slightly opening his only eye that could see, and his gaze was focused on Wednesday: "Wednesday, is that you?"

Chen Yi, he is Chen Yi, this dying man is actually Chen Yi.

Wednesday was almost stunned.

As an old partner who has experienced two interstellar disputes with Chen Yi, Wednesday knows best what kind of person Chen Yi is.

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