Feasible approach

A kind of resoluteness.

Chen Yi on the stage was a little impatient: "What's the fuss? "

Ollie turned around and said to Chen Yi: "Sun Wei really has a trump card to kill all our human representatives, including you and me. I can confirm that as soon as I make a move, he will activate it immediately. "

Chen Yi clenched his fists all of a sudden, he knew that when it came to the depth of the Divine Fire Sect's genetic mutation "Seven Zero Three", Ao Li was above any human representative, she was the human who knew the Divine Fire Sect best, since she said that Sun Wei had a trick to win, then he must have it.

Chen Yi stepped down from the high platform step by step, rudely pushed Ollie away, and stood in front of Sun Wei, the distance between the two was so close that his breath could be heard, and Chen Yi even smelled the bloody breath emanating from Sun Wei's half-broken skull.

Chen Yi stared at Sun Wei's eyes, Sun Wei was a little shorter than Chen Yi, he raised his head slightly, and calmly accepted Chen Yi's gaze.

Chen Yi's heart sank little by little, yes, Oli was right, this hateful Divine Fire Sect master Sun Wei did have his hateful trump card, he had very, very full confidence to turn over this interstellar dispute that he originally thought he would win.

What is it? What is his trump card? Can he crack it? I can't think of it, I really can't think of it.

The representative of the Divine Fire Sect is now only the master of the Divine Fire Sect, and the other Divine Fire Sects are all dead, and the "earth split" of the Divine Fire Sect has even become the food for human beings, even if there is a hidden Divine Fire Sect jumping out, it is not enough to change the overall situation.

Kill him, kill Sun Wei, kill the Divine Fire Sect master, and then it's over.

This time, the master of the Divine Fire Sect must be completely killed, he brought the knowledge of human beings back to the Divine Fire Sect, so that the technology of the Divine Fire Sect has developed by leaps and bounds, he is the leader of the Divine Fire Sect, kill him, you can prevent future troubles.

Chen Yi persuaded himself over and over again in his mind to kill Sun Wei immediately, but in the end, he hesitated and retreated.

Because, he is afraid of death.

He didn't want to die. In the stomach of the Divine Fire Sect's "Earth Split", he had almost died.

Now, seeing that everything is under his control and victory is in sight, he definitely does not want to die. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I'm going to live, I'm going to live, no matter what it takes.......

Perhaps, agreeing to the peace that Sun Wei's Divine Fire Sect master begged for was a feasible way.

Sun Wei was keenly aware of the change in Chen Yi's expression, and a wave of ecstasy surged into his heart, the human race surrendered, the most selfish and hard-headed Chen Yi surrendered, at this moment, the human representative completely lost the spirit of struggle. They are no longer warriors, they are just a bunch of slaves.

A group of slaves who are greedy for life and afraid of death, thinking that they can survive for a long time.

Hahahaha, Chen Yi, you're just like that. []

Very well, then, let's kill you.

Peace can only be maintained when the strength is equal, once human beings lose the will to resist, they will naturally lose the qualification to have peace, as a slave, life and death are in the hands of the master of the Divine Fire Sect.

0.2 Sun Wei Divine Fire Sect Master's eyes flashed, and a wave of thought was generated at a speed faster than the speed of light.

Chen Yi sensed the sudden drastic change in Sun Wei's expression almost at the same time, and he immediately realized that he had made a huge and irreparably catastrophic mistake...... He foolishly confessed to his enemies that he was willing to accept peace for fear of death.

This is not peace! This is surrender! This is bending.

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