The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1003: List of advanced classes

Yuan Tiangang quietly moved closer to Su Yang, like a pimp, and whispered: "Hey, do you want to know more news?"

Su Yang glanced at Yuan Tiangang, took a step back, too lazy to pay attention to this person.

But Yuan Tiangang had no self-knowledge, approached Su Yang again, and whispered: "The news is very cheap, it only costs 100,000 yuan!"

Su Yang took two steps back to show his attitude that he had no trust in these two people now.

"Hey, what I said is true. The news about the members of the advanced class!" Yuan Tiangang leaned over again and whispered: "Don't you want to know who the members of the advanced class are and what background they have? What status?"

This remark made Su Yang's eyelids move slightly. He really had some thoughts about the advanced class and wanted to know some things about the advanced class.

Wu Daozi also came over at the same time and whispered: "I think these news are very important to you. You have to know how many members have arrived in the capital and what their identities are. You need to know, People who come from the capital basically see you as an enemy. You must at least know yourself and the enemy, right? One hundred thousand yuan is nothing, it involves one's own life, one million ten million, not even one hundred million. Expensive, right?"

"Can you two know these news?" Su Yang had an expression of disbelief.

"Hey, you still don't believe us?" Wu Daozi said immediately: "How many years have we been in this school? What things we don't know, what secrets we don't know, what information can be kept from us? Ah. Let me tell you this. You can get these news from both of us. If you go elsewhere, you don't have to think about it!"

Su Yang still had a look of disbelief, Yuan Tiangang couldn't help it, and whispered: "Well, let me tell you something first. Take the Wei Shao just now, he is a member of this year's advanced class. It is the eldest young master of the Wei family in Beijing. Although this Wei family is not one of the top ten families in Beijing, it is not much different. It is estimated that it can rank up to about fifteen, and it is also a behemoth in Beijing. If it is placed in a place, any A province can steadily become the first family of a province!"

Su Yang frowned. He didn't expect that this Shao Wei was from this way.

The Wei family in the capital, Su Yang had also heard of it, and his strength was indeed not weak. Moreover, as Yuan Tiangang said, this is a big family in the capital after all. Although it ranks around fifteen in the capital, its strength is not weaker than the largest family in the provinces. Even the Ye family in Pingnan Province and the Lian family in North Province are slightly inferior in strength to the Wei family.

The family in Beijing has always been very arrogant. However, arrogance also has the capital of arrogance, can become a big family in the capital, go to any place, have the ability to call the wind and rain!

Yuan Tiangang even knows such things. It seems that he really knows the news of those members of the advanced class.

Su Yang thought for a while, stretched out a finger, and said: "Ten thousand!"

"Ninety thousand!" Yuan Tiangang said: "I'll give you a 10% discount. After all, our relationship lies here!"

"Ten thousand!" Su Yang said straightforwardly.

"Oh my god, why are you kid like this, yes, let me give another step, eighty thousand!"

"Ten thousand!" Su Yang was still so simply.

In the end, after some bargaining, Su Yang was the winner and bought the news for 10,000 yuan.

Su Yang paid the money, Yuan Tiangang immediately got close to Su Yang, and quietly stuffed a piece of paper into Su Yang’s pocket: “This is the list of those members of the advanced class. I finally got it with Lao Wu. Don't let other people look at it, it's all confidential!"

Su Yang quietly glanced at it and found that it was indeed still a list, and the words of senior class members were written on it, showing that the two of them did not deceive themselves.

"Isn't this just a list? What about their identity background?" Su Yang asked.

"With the name, it is not easy to investigate their identity and background?" Wu Daozi whispered: "With your financial strength, wanting to investigate these things is not easy."

Su Yang couldn't help but stunned: "You let me investigate by myself?"

"Otherwise, do you still plan to let us investigate?" Yuan Tiangang said: "If we both help you investigate, then you have to add money!"

"What you just said was the name list plus the identity background. Why do I need to investigate it myself now?" Su Yang said anxiously.

Yuan Tiangang said: "This is not the identity background. We have not completed the investigation, so you have to investigate by yourself. Or if you are not in a hurry, wait a year or a half for the two of us, we will investigate clearly and tell you! "

Su Yang almost didn't kick over, these two **** were deliberately cheating. A year and a half, still need you two?

However, Su Yang was not particularly angry, at least this list is true, and he can investigate it himself. With this list, it is much easier to investigate.

After cursing these two old guys, Su Yang left with the list.

Back in the dormitory, Su Yang took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the list, and sent it to the fat man, asking him to investigate the people on the list.

As soon as the work was over, Zhao Jun came back.

"Oh, Brother Yang, are you there?" Lin Dawei immediately smiled when he saw Su Yang, "Why, didn't you accompany the two major colleges to dinner today?"

"I have eaten it!" Su Yang looked at a few people in surprise, "Why are you back? Didn't you say that you would go online in the afternoon?"

"I didn't hear that Li Xiaohua, one of our three big school flowers, is here, so we will come back to take a look." Lin Dawei paused, and suddenly stared: "Yes, Brother Yang, do you know this Li Xiaohua? When I look back, this girl will pounce on you again, and she won't leave it to the brothers if she misses it, that would be too much!"

Su Yang smiled: "You can pull it down, there is no good thing in this mouth. The two around me are not enough for me to annoy me. Let's have another one. Will I survive in the future?"

"Brother Yang, this is true of you, too many people envy you, but you are still annoying!" Lin Dawei sighed and shook his head: "Hey, people are more dead than people, you have to throw away goods!"

Su Yang curled his lips and suddenly saw a piece of paper in Zhao Jun's hand. He wondered: "Zhao Jun, what are you holding?"

"I don't know. When I first went to the class, the teacher gave it, one for each person, what kind of senior class member list it was." Zhao Jun said curiously: "Are there any advanced classes in our school?"

Su Yang felt a little bit in his heart, and quickly took a look at the list. It was exactly the same as his own list, and he almost didn't scold him.

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