The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1102: Hu Xixi's worries

There was a disturbance at noon, and Hu Xixi did not return to the dormitory, but went to Su Yang's dormitory.

"Su Yang, if we make such a fuss, wouldn't Wu Feizhi completely unite with that Lu Donglin?" Hu Xixi said anxiously, "These two people are not simple, and I heard that Lu Donglin's strength is even stronger. If we do, we must be the one who suffers. Actually, I think we should not offend Wu Feizhi, and we should work with Wu Feizhi and Zhao Dongming to solve the strongest Lu Donglin first. That’s the top priority! You said this Zhao Dongming is also true. Doesn't he have any overall view of the situation? He went to provoke Wu Feizhi. Look at this matter, it will become more and more violent in the end!"

Su Yang's face was calm, and said, "I discussed this matter with Zhao Dongming in advance!"

"Huh?" Hu Xixi couldn't help but stunned: "What do you mean? What do you discuss?"

"I have discussed with Zhao Dongming, we must advance things to this point!" Su Yang said calmly.

"What...what does this mean?" Hu Xixi was even more surprised: "You two deliberately pushed Wu Feizhi to Lu Donglin? It's not a joke. If Wu Feizhi goes to Lu Donglin, it will be very unfavorable for us."

Su Yang smiled lightly: "Don't worry, Zhao Dongming and I have arrangements for this matter."

"What's the arrangement?" Hu Xixi asked strangely.

"Zhao Dongming said, this time, Wu Feizhi and Lu Donglin were deliberately asked to unite. After that, they will seize the opportunity to completely wipe out Wu Feizhi and Lu Donglin, and completely resolve these two forces!" Su Yang said.

"Zhao Dongming said?" Hu Xixi said in amazement: "How can he do it? With such a strong strength as Lu Donglin, Wu Feizhi is not a weak person. If these two people unite, it would be a combination of strong and strong, and the number of people is more than us. Many. No matter how we fight, we are at a disadvantage here. How can he kill these two forces in one go?"

"He didn't say the specific method, but he is very confident!" Su Yang said.

"He didn't even say the method, and he was very confident?" Hu Xixi looked confused and couldn't help but said, "Su Yang, you were not deceived by him? This Zhao Dongming is not a good thing. Ah. You don't really think he wants to treat you as a brother, do you? How do I feel that this man is not a good person with a knife in his smile, maybe he has some bad thoughts, ready to deal with us?"

Su Yang glanced at Hu Xixi and said with a chuckle: "You, don't scare yourself. I have my own measures in this matter!"

"I know you do things well, but we are in the advanced class, and the current situation can really be said to be very dangerous. We are the weakest force. There are only two of us, plus Huo Qianfang, that is, three people. It's incomparable with those big powers. I'm afraid that Zhao Dongming will use any crooked minds to let us take the lead and take risks. That will be troublesome. So, you still have to be careful!" Hu Xixi said bitterly.

Su Yang laughed blankly, when is this girl's turn to teach himself. How far can she consider such a thing?

"You don't have to worry about these. Since I do this, there must be arrangements!" Su Yang said.

Hu Xixi looked at Su Yang's confident face, and opened his mouth. In the end, he didn't say anything, and finally only whispered: "I have heard Bai Qing and the others say these past few days that the strength of this Lu Donglin is not simple. Even the second-ranked master of the younger generation in Beijing was defeated miserably in his hands. As for the first one, the great-grandson of Wu Zhuangyuan, who has never fought with Lu Donglin, but it is said that Lu Donglin has called for battle, and the opponent has not come out. So, someone Doubt, Lu Donglin's strength is even higher than that of Wu Zhuangyuan's great-grandson. Some people even think that Lu Donglin should be the first person in the younger generation!"

Having said that, Hu Xixi glanced at Su Yang again, and laughed in a low voice: "However, I think the title of the first person is a bit too much. You should be the first person in the younger generation. After all, you beat Lu Donglin has never beaten a master of the ground ranking."

Su Yang curled his lips: "I'm probably still a little behind the first person. I'm afraid that Lu Donglin's strength is really not easy. The so-called master of the rankings is just because there are many people who are unwilling to be ranked, and they are not really the strongest. Those people!"

"Really?" Hu Xixi scratched his head: "I thought that the top ranking players had already explained the strength ranking under the land gods!"

"In this world, there are many hidden masters!" Su Yang said: "Even if it is a top ranking list, it may not be accurate!"

Hu Xixi's face was shocked, Su Yang's words changed a lot of her views. Before, she always felt that this list tells everything.

"Leave aside, Wu Feizhi, Ge Kaiyang and Zhao Dongming, both can definitely be on the ground list. However, they don’t have their names on the ground list!” Su Yang said, "It’s not that they are not strong enough, but that they didn’t. Just grab the ranking of the land list!"

"Then what's the significance of this ranking!" Hu Xixi stared.

"Haha..." Su Yang smiled faintly, although the rankings of the people at the back of the list were indeed imaginary. However, the first three are absolutely worthwhile.

The first Wu champion, the second Beigong God of War, and the third Qi Zhishan.

Su Yang had never seen Wu Zhuangyuan and Beigong God of War, so he couldn't analyze them. However, Qi Zhishan and Su Yang have seen it.

Before Su Yang didn't think Qi Zhishan was strong, but when Su Yang broke through this bottleneck, he finally understood Qi Zhishan's toughness.

Qi Zhishan sat in the dry meditation for seventeen years. After seventeen years, his strength can be described as stagnation.

However, after Su Yang broke through the bottleneck, it is estimated that there is still a gap between the strength and Qi Zhishan before sitting in the dry meditation.

But now Qi Zhishan discarded that part of the memory and started again, his strength began to improve by leaps and bounds. It is hard to tell how strong Qi Zhishan is now.

Su Yang has only seen two geniuses in his practice so far. One is Ye Jiansheng and the other is Qi Zhishan.

Needless to say, Ye Jiansheng had achieved great perfection in the realm of Venerable when he was very young, and then became a land immortal. In the land immortal realm, he is advancing by leaps and bounds, and he has made extraordinary achievements. Now he is ranked fourth on the top list, shocking the world.

And Qi Zhishan, if he hadn't had the meaningless dry Zen of the seventeen years, he would have been on the top list for a long time now. Even, given time, it is very likely that he will become the second Ye Jiansheng!

Such a powerful Qi Zhishan ranked third. How strong is the first Wu Zhuangyuan and the second Beigong God of War?

In addition, there is the first seat of the East Judge, the two of them only after Qi Zhishan 17 years ago. Qi Zhishan hasn't made an inch in seventeen years, and these two people have not waited. How strong is their strength?

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