The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1138: I want you to repay a hundred times

"Wang Hao and your nephew, what grudges or grievances do you have..." Su Yang gritted his teeth: "Why do you want such a heavy hand?"

"I...I don't know this..." Wan Changgu trembled: "I...I really don't know anything..."

"Are you really ignorant or fake?" Fang Mingyuan sneered, "Isn't it because a girl from Nanluo City accidentally ran into your nephew’s girlfriend when she returned to school with the takeaway. The takeaway was spilled on her. So, your nephew is coming to seek justice for his girlfriend and brought a group of people to bully the girl. It happened that the girl was a classmate of Wang Hao and the others. The girl said a few words, so your nephew was irritated."

No matter how cold Su Yang's face was, it was only because of this little thing that Wang Hao almost died here. These dudes in the capital, don't take their lives seriously, right?

"But to be honest, your nephew is really very vicious!" Fang Mingyuan said: "It is estimated that there have been four or five foreign students who died in his hands over the years. You are a member of thousands of families, too. You don’t take life seriously, right? That’s why you dare to kill my Ping'er?"

Wan Changgu was already panicking, and said anxiously: "I...I didn't kill Fang Ping, don't talk nonsense..."

"Master Su, this person is really hard-mouthed!" Fang Mingyuan smiled lightly: "You can clearly see that he killed Fang Ping, but he still refuses to admit it. Tsk tsk, it seems you are mistaken. "

Su Yang glanced at Fang Mingyuan and said coldly: "You don't have to agitate me, I said he killed Fang Ping, there would be no mistake."

Fang Mingyuan smiled lightly. He was indeed talking to Su Yang, and wanted Su Yang to respond to this incident himself. And Su Yang's reaction was exactly what he wanted.

"Don't plant on me!" Wan Changgu said anxiously, "I didn't kill Fang Ping at all!"

"I won't fight these word-of-mouth disputes with you!" Su Yang said coldly: "Fang Mingyuan, I can prove that he killed Fang Ping. If necessary, I can stand up and testify!"

Fang Mingyuan's eyes lit up. In fact, they also found out clearly that it was indeed Wan Changgu who killed Su Yang. However, there are thousands of families behind Wanchanggu, and there is also a person who makes them very jealous. If the Fang family wants to get revenge, they have to weigh.

Fang Mingyuan came to Su Yang because he wanted to involve Su Yang in this matter.

Wang Hao was rescued by Fang Mingyuan, but Fang Mingyuan was also trying to involve Su Yang in this matter, so he saved Wang Hao with a very purposeful purpose.

As long as Su Yang is willing to testify, then Su Yang will be involved in this matter. At that time, their Fang family could openly kill Wan Chang Gu, and the people behind Wan Clan and Wan Chang Gu, even if they wanted revenge, would have to find Su Yang first.

After all, it was to involve Su Yang in this matter to share the pressure of the Fang family. Even Fang Mingyuan suspected that after the other party killed Su Yang, the account would be completely over. After all, one person died in the Fang family, and the two sides were even.

And if Su Yang were not involved, then this matter would not be so easy to solve.

Now, Su Yang is willing to come out to testify, which completely achieved the result Fang Mingyuan wanted. As long as Su Yang is willing to testify, then they can kill Ten Thousand Long Valley and come out for revenge.

Wan Changgu is not a fool. Of course he knew the result of Su Yang's willingness to testify, and he couldn't help but be anxious: "The surname Su, are you **** mentally ill? The Fang family made it clear that they wanted to pit you and involve you here. What the **** did you come out to testify? Are you sick? Do you know what the consequences will be if you come out to testify?"

Su Yang glanced at Wan Changgu and said coldly, "If I destroy your Wanjia, what will be the consequences?"

Wan Changgu couldn't help but stunned, Su Yang's words were unbelievable, and he couldn't react for a while.

"What do you mean?" Wan Changgu said angrily.

"Wang Hao's account, I want your Wanjia to pay back a hundred times!" Su Yang said coldly: "Even, I might destroy your Wanjia. If you do this, what will be the consequences?"

" **** talk about dreams!" Wan Changgu was furious: "Do you think my Wanjia is a good bully? I tell you, our Wanjia is not a waste family like the Fang family, we..."

Before Wan Changgu finished speaking, Fang Mingyuan slapped Wan Changgu's face directly.

"Speak to talk, don't swear!" Fang Mingyuan said slowly.

Wan Changgu was extremely angry and roared: "Fang Mingyuan, you have the ability to kill me. I tell you, don't think that if you find such a person to carry you out, you can do whatever you want. If I die, you don't Think about it!"

"Really?" Fang Mingyuan sneered: "Wan Changgu, you really take yourself too seriously!"

Wan Changgu gritted his teeth, ignored Fang Mingyuan, turned his head and said angrily at Su Yang: "The surname is Su, I warn you, please pay attention to your words. Otherwise, my Wanjia will never let you go!"

"I'm waiting!" Su Yang replied coldly, suddenly reached out his hand to grab Wan Changgu's arm, and pulled his right arm abruptly.

Su Yang's sudden move made Fang Mingyuan unable to react, and everyone at the scene was also stunned.

A moment later, Wan Changgu screamed, the pain of his broken arm made his entire face twisted.

"Master Su," Fang Mingyuan was stunned, why did Su Yang suddenly make a move?

"You wounded my man of destiny martial arts, this is a lesson!" Su Yang threw Wan Changgu's severed arm aside, turned and left.

Everyone in the house was dumbfounded, and Su Yang's shot was really fierce.

Although Wan Changgu injured a few people in the Destiny Martial Dao, those people were just ordinary people in the Destiny Martial Dao. And Wanchanggu, but the big man of Wanjia.

Su Yang actually twisted the arm of Ten Thousand Long Valley for these ordinary people, which was unexpected to everyone.

However, Fang Mingyuan's eyes were bright.

Now, he began to believe what Su Yang had said before, that he wanted Wanjia to repay it a hundred times, which seemed not to be a lie.

Watching Su Yang walk away, Fang Mingyuan couldn't help but smile: "It's interesting."

The third elder stood beside Fang Mingyuan, looking at the direction Su Yang was leaving, with a cold glow in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "This surname Su is really arrogant. He wants to be an enemy of the entire Wanjia. He is not seeking death. Did he forget that he is no longer in Qinghe College?"

"Isn't this right?" Fang Mingyuan stood with his hand and smiled lightly: "Wan Jia killed Ping'er, and it is time for Wan Jia to pay a price. It is not convenient for us to shoot for us. It is suitable for someone to do it for us!"

The three elders' eyes lit up, yes, they killed one Ten Thousand Long Valley at most, but they couldn't understand their hatred. Su Yang made a move to solve the entire Wanjia, and he was avenging them!

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