The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1143: I go with you

"Wang Biao...Why did Wang Biao arrest Xiaoyun..." An exclamation suddenly came from behind.

Zhao Tianxing turned his head and looked, and found that his wife had been standing behind for some time, her face full of horror.

Zhao Tianxing's complexion changed, letting his wife know about this, it would be even more troublesome. He took a deep breath, and quickly said: "It is estimated... Maybe it was a mistake, I... I'll look for him in a while and let him put Xiaoyun back..."

The wife ignored him, but looked at his apprentice and said anxiously: "Wang Biao...Why did Wang Biao take Xiaoyun? Wang Biao...Wang Biao is a beast, he...will he insult Xiaoyun?"

The apprentice lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Wang Biao... Wang Biao asked me to warn Master that you... you haven't finished what Wan Shao explained. You want to sneak away, this... This is against Wan Shao. Few disrespect, he took Xiaoyun away and asked Xiaoyun to pay...for Master..."

"What!?" Zhao Tianxing jumped up and roared: "They...what do they want to do!"

The apprentice lowered his head and did not speak. Wang Biao had a very bad reputation nearby. He took Zhao Xiaoyun away, what else could happen?

The wife shook her body and almost fainted.

"I...I will find him now!" Zhao Tianxing roared and jumped up.

"Master!" The apprentice grabbed him and said anxiously: "Wang Biao was followed by several masters, and...and there was Wan Fei behind him, go like this, will definitely suffer. what……"

"Then I can't see my daughter being insulted by them!" Zhao Tianxing said loudly: "I will go by myself, even if they kill me, I will save Xiaoyun!"

"Master..." The apprentice trembled with tears in his eyes: "In the eyes of these people, we...our fate is not fortune-telling at all, you... don't be impulsive..."

"Then I can't watch them insult Xiaoyun like this!" Zhao Tianxing said anxiously.

"But, are going to die like this..." the apprentice trembled.

Zhao Tianxing looked desperate. Of course he knew he was going to die like this, but he had no other choice?

"Or... Or I call home..." At this time, the wife said tremblingly, "Please... please help Xiaoyun?"

"No!" Zhao Tianxing said immediately: "These years, they have been waiting for us to go back and beg them, go back to find them, and then they can humiliate us severely. can I let you be insulted?"

"But, do you have any other way to save Xiaoyun?" his wife trembled.

Zhao Tianxing suddenly concluded his words, his wife walked to him, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and whispered: "I lowered my head and admitted that I was wrong, and there is nothing. The most important thing is that our family can be together intact. I am already At such an old age, what can be done by them? However, Xiaoyun is still young and she has a very good future. Let's... we can't delay..."

"I...I..." Zhao Tianxing's hands and feet trembled, he was very aggrieved, but he really had no choice.

"It's okay, I will tell them well." The wife tried her best to squeeze a smile.

"Hey!" Zhao Tianxing sighed sadly and turned his head to the side.

Su Yang stood behind, his expression also moved slightly. The feelings of this couple really shocked him.

"Actually, we can go directly to Wang Biao's VIP!" Su Yang whispered, "I will go with you!"

Zhao Tianxing glanced at Su Yang. If Su Yang hadn't rescued Zhao Chong, he would definitely have cursed him. Young people, I don’t know who Wang Biao is. You want people to have people? What's more, behind Wang Biao there is a big boy like Wan Fei, how can you ask for someone?

"Don't risk it!" The wife took out her mobile phone and whispered: "Su Yang, thank you for the matter of Xiaochong. We can't let you take risks anymore. I'll make a call and someone will help. ."

After speaking, the wife went to the inner room.

Zhao Tianxing stood at the door, listening to his wife's commitment inside, his heart was like a knife twisted. After so many years, no matter how hard and tired, they have never called their wife's home. He knew how people would be insulted by this call, but they really had no choice.

After a while, the wife put down the phone. When Zhao Tianxing saw her standing in a daze, she seemed to be out of wandering, and he couldn't help but panic.

He quickly walked into the inner room and looked at the tears on his wife's face, and he guessed what was going on.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhao Tianxing wiped the tears from the corners of his wife's eyes and whispered: "I'll go to Wang Biao, and I'll talk to him. They want me to apologize, if they want me to bow my head, I bow my head to apologize, and I tell They said well, they...they will let Xiaoyun go, you wait at home, you just wait for us at home..."

The wife finally couldn't help it. She threw herself into Zhao Tianxing's arms and said tremblingly: "They are my family, my relatives, they... how can they be so cruel to me?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it’s okay to have me here. We don’t need anyone to help us with matters in our own family, and we will take care of it ourselves!" Zhao Tianxing patted his wife on the shoulder and whispered: "Lao San, you stay Here, take care of Xiao Chong for your wife, I...I'll take a trip to Wang Biao's place..."

The apprentice walked to the door and whispered: "Master, after you go, talk to them well, try to... try not to conflict..."

"I know!" Zhao Tianxing nodded, fell silent, patted his apprentice on the shoulder, and whispered: "If I haven't come back tomorrow morning, you take your sister and Xiaochong to Pingnan Province and go to my hometown. ...I will go back to find you..."

The apprentice's tears burst out, Zhao Tianxing said it was simple, but in fact, he was very clear. If he hasn't come back tomorrow morning, he probably won't come back.

Zhao Tianxing took a deep breath and walked straight out of the martial arts gym to the bar where Wang Biao was entrenched.

Just halfway through, Zhao Tianxing stopped suddenly and turned to look at Su Yang who had been following him.

"Mr. Su, thank you very much for Xiaochong's affairs!" Zhao Tianxing said sincerely, "I have a very important thing to do now, so I can't entertain you. You go back first, and if you have fate, we will see you!"

"I just said, I will accompany you to find Wang Biao." Su Yang said: "This matter, speaking of it, was caused by our destiny and martial arts, so naturally I can't just ignore it."

Zhao Tianxing frowned, Su Yang's words sounded good, but when he said this, he was a little bit unconscious. You are a teenager, what do you know? Is there any hope of survival if you are involved in such a thing?

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