The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1516: Little turtle's life experience

Su Yang looked at the little tortoise with his mouth open and his neck stretched out, as if he was stuck by the pill, he couldn't help being funny. This guy is really greedy.

The assassin looked at Su Yang: "You are a bit like your father."

"Does it look?" Su Yang asked in surprise: "No? Then why didn't you recognize it before?"

"It's not your appearance!" The assassin shook his head: "It's personality. Your appearance has been modified by Su An, so you can't tell from the outside."

Su Yang: "Character?"

"Yes!" The assassin nodded: "He is like you, he would rather bend than bend. No matter what he encounters, no matter how powerful an enemy he encounters, as long as he feels he is right, he will never compromise!"

Su Yang was silent, he didn't know that his father was like this. However, this is really similar to him.

"In the battle with the Lord of Heaven, I advised him not to go, but he didn't listen to me." The assassin walked to the side and looked up at Skyrim: "You know the final result. He and the Lord of Heaven. The Lord disappeared together, and there has been no news. And the Yanbei Su family, and even the entire human world, are all in a mess."

"Where will my father go?" Su Yang asked quickly.

"I don't know." The assassin shook his head: "No one even knows where the two of them are fighting, and no one has seen the process of this battle, let alone where they have gone."

Su Yang frowned, and the two people who were fighting went missing together. This was indeed a very strange thing. But now, even the assassin has no clue here, and Su Yang wants to investigate this matter, but it is not easy.

The assassin looked at Su Yang and said, "But fortunately, Su An did something that everyone in the world can admire. He rescued you, which can be regarded as leaving a blood for Su Zhan. This world is coming soon. Great changes have taken place. Next, I hope you can continue your father's path and lead the people in this world to fight for the world!"

Su Yang looked at the assassin, wondering why he suddenly said so passionately.

"Senior, I have not yet entered the land immortal, such a thing, I am afraid I... I am not qualified..." Su Yang whispered.

"Eligibility and strength are not the same thing." The assassin said: "You are the son of Su Zhan. You have this qualification and responsibility. Su Zhan's life has been for the human world. Struggle, you, as his son, these are all things you must do!"

Su Yang nodded vigorously, "I won't shame my father!"

"That's good!" The assassin slowly nodded. He took out a box from his body and handed it to Su Yang: "The things in this box are what I saved for you. I hope I can help you. There is another box in the box. You take the bottle of medicine to Su Ling, hoping to cure him, this is my apology to Su An!"

The assassin had a deep misunderstanding of Su Ping before, and even scolded him in front of Su Yang. Now, knowing what Su Ping has done, everyone can only admire and admire, and the assassin also feels guilty, so he took out this bottle of medicine as an apology and made up for the guilt in his heart.

"Thank you!" Su Yang took the medicine bottle.

The assassin didn't speak any more, turning his head to look at the little turtle on Su Yang's shoulder, the little guy finally straightened his neck and was trying to swallow the pill. It seems to be very hard work. The four paws are firmly on Su Yang's clothes, the neck is stretched out and the mung bean eyes are big.

Finally, under the tireless efforts of the little turtle, the pill was still swallowed by it. Immediately afterwards, Su Yang felt his shoulders feel a little hot, and when he looked closely, the little turtle's body began to shine.

Su Yang couldn't help being surprised. He knew that the pill that the assassin gave Little Turtle was definitely not simple, but he didn't expect it to work so quickly.

The little tortoise also seemed to feel a little burning. Its four claws were kicking and crawling, flying around in the air, as if trying to get rid of the light on his body.

However, this light is emitted from its body, how can it get rid of it? Finally, the little tortoise landed on Su Yang's shoulder, and Su Yang could see with his naked eyes that the little guy's body was slowly changing.

The biggest feature is that its tortoise shell slowly extends outward, giving birth to some jagged and sharp edges. According to the toughness of the turtle shell, Su Yang has no doubt that the serrations on the edge of the turtle shell, like the sharpest weapon, can increase the combat effectiveness of the little turtle to a level.

What's more, the little tortoise's body began to grow scales, and its abdomen slowly stretched out a small bulge, which looked very strange.

"What's the situation?" Su Yang asked in surprise.

"This is an elixir used to stimulate its potential." The assassin handed a bottle of elixir to Su Yang: "Give it one in the next three days, and its potential will be fully stimulated. As for its future growth. Which step it gets depends on its good fortune!"

Su Yang took the pill and smiled: "Then I will thank you for it!"

"Then there is no need." The assassin shook his head: "This is left by its father, but I will take care of it."

"Its father?" Su Yang was stunned: "Have you seen its father?"

"Qinglong, of course I have seen it." The assassin said.

"Huh?" Su Yang almost didn't vomit blood. Little Turtle's father turned out to be Qinglong?

To be honest, when Su Yang met Little Tortoise before, he did not associate it with Xuanwu at all. Because this guy's appearance is really weird, it is very different from Xuanwu, and has some similarities with dragons. Therefore, Su Yang didn't think it was after Xuanwu at all.

Later, after multiple certifications, Su Yang knew that this guy was indeed after the basalt. However, the difference between it and Xuanwu's appearance was so great that Su Yang couldn't understand it, and he had been wondering whether it was a genetic mutation.

Now hearing what the assassin said, Su Yang finally understood the problem. It wasn't a genetic mutation, but because of this guy's biological father. After the little tortoise is Qinglong and Xuanwu, it naturally has the characteristics of Qinglong and Xuanwu. No wonder it has grown like this!

"After the sacred beast, it is possible to breed for a thousand years!" The assassin said: "This little guy has the characteristics of the two great sacred beasts. The future path may be farther than the two great sacred beasts. However, it can grow to Which step depends on its own destiny."

Su Yang also looked at the little tortoise in shock, who could have imagined that the origin of this little guy was so amazing. After the two great beasts, this identity is enough to shock everyone in the world!

However, Su Yang is even more surprised that Little Tortoise is so powerful, he is not even Xiao Huang's opponent, what is Xiao Huang's identity?

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