The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1545: Dragon Egg

Zhenren Long Yi and Wu Zheng originally wanted to force these guardian beasts back. Seeing how they are now, they also saved some effort.

Of course, the hearts of the two were even more excited and shocked.

This is the pure blood of the Qinglong, even those guardian beasts can feel it, showing the strong blood of the little turtle.

Wu Zheng took two steps forward, whistling lightly.

Before long, there was a wave in the lake, as if something huge was about to come out of the water.

"This is the leader of these guardian beasts. We brought the guardian beast here at the beginning, so that these guardian beasts can stay here with peace of mind!" Wu Zheng explained: "This leader has a stronger divinity, so he can also communicate. If we want to go to the boulder in the middle, we must get the consent of the leader."

Su Yang looked at the water, and a huge guardian beast slowly emerged from the water. This leader is much larger than the guardian beasts before, and the body is estimated to be more than five times that of the guardian beasts before, and it is completely a monster.

The fighting power of the guardian beasts before was already very powerful, and the fighting power of this leader would only be much more terrifying.

"This chief possesses some supernatural powers of the dragon clan and can kill land immortals alone!" Wu Zheng said.

Su Yang couldn't help being shocked, the fighting power of this leader was truly extraordinary.

However, it didn't take long for the chieftain to be so powerful, suddenly he saw the little turtle flying in the air. It was visibly stunned for a moment, and then immediately climbed to the shore, prostrated on its knees, and was extremely respectful to the little tortoise.

The little tortoise also found it interesting, so he flew over and landed on the leader's head, looking around with majesty.

And the leader didn't dare to move at all, he was crawling on the ground, like a tortoise's mount.

Su Yang was speechless, this little guy is really interesting!

Long Yizheng and Wu Zheng also looked shocked. You know, even if they came over, they had to be polite to see this leader. This is the first time they have seen it, and this leader has such an attitude!

"It seems that we don't need to discuss with this leader this time!" Wu Zheng chuckled.

"Let's go, go and see that dragon egg first!" Su Yang said.

Several people walked to the lake and were about to go into the water. When the little turtle saw Su Yang was about to leave, he flew over and landed on Su Yang's shoulder.

The guardian beast leader was lying on the ground when the little tortoise flew away suddenly, it couldn't help but raised its head immediately. Seeing the little tortoise on Su Yang's shoulder, it couldn't help being a little surprised. However, it quickly accepted all this and gave out a low growl.

Several guardian beasts floated in the water immediately, came directly in front of Su Yang, and squatted down, as if they wanted Su Yang to step on them.

"What does this mean?" Su Yang asked in surprise.

Both Long Yizheng and Wu Zheng were also shocked, Long Yizheng whispered: "They... they seem to be carrying us over."

"Oh?" Su Yang smiled: "That's good too, otherwise we have to swim over!"

Su Yang said, stepping directly on a guardian beast. The guardian beast chuckled and crawled into the water, really carrying Su Yang, slowly swimming towards the middle boulder.

Long Yizheng and Wu Zheng looked at each other. How did they ever receive such treatment? Before they came here, after getting permission from the leader, they all swam past. After all, it was not allowed to use power here, and they couldn't even tread water.

Every time I got to the huge boulder in the middle, I was soaked all over, and I couldn't steam dry my clothes with all my strength.

Today, this kind of treatment is actually a blessing to the little turtle. If it weren't for the little turtles here, these guardian beasts wouldn't be able to bother them at all!

Three guardians carried them three, and a group of guardian beasts followed, as if escorting them.

The little tortoise was lying on Su Yang's shoulders with a triumphant expression, especially jubilant.

Soon, everyone reached the position of the middle boulder.

Su Yang's trio stepped on the boulder, Su Yang immediately felt a warm breath, even the little turtle on his shoulder yawned straight, very comfortable.

"This is an environment specially arranged by us. We have hatched several dragon eggs before, and the effect is very good." Long Yizhen said: "However, this dragon egg has been placed here for a long time, and it has not hatched. It's strange!"

Su Yang also saw the dragon egg at this time, and it was placed in the middle of the stone platform. This dragon egg is not too big, similar to the egg that the little turtle hatched. The egg shell exudes bursts of light, and the divinity is very strong, even comparable to that of the little tortoise egg.

There is no doubt that this must be another powerful sacred beast, probably after Qinglong and a certain sacred beast.

Su Yang didn't know what conditions were needed for this kind of dragon egg incubation. He still wanted to ask some information, but the little turtle on his shoulder flew over.

After this little guy came to the boulder, he kept staring at the dragon egg, even drooling.

Now it flew out all at once, and directly pounced on the stone platform, using four claws together, quickly pounced on the dragon egg. Under the eyes of everyone, this little guy opened his mouth wide and gnawed **** the dragon egg.

Su Yang: "..."

True person Long Yi: "..."

Wu Zheng: "..."

The three of them were shocked for a while, and quickly reacted, and they rushed up almost at the same time.

Long Yizheng and Wu Zheng hurriedly picked up the dragon egg, while Su Yang held down the little turtle.

What a joke, this is a dragon egg, are you going to eat it for breakfast? Are you going to eat your brother?

The little tortoise seemed to be very dissatisfied with everyone's reaction. While struggling hard, he stretched his neck, and his mouth was still one by one, wishing to swallow the dragon egg directly.

Both Long Yizheng and Wu Zheng were taken aback. They hugged the dragon egg tightly and looked at the little turtle in astonishment.

"Leader Su, what...what's the situation?" Both of them asked in shock.

"This little guy is greedy!" Su Yang was so embarrassed that he pressed the little tortoise hard and bounced it on its head.

The little tortoise was in pain, turned his head and glanced at Su Yang, the mung bean eyes were full of doubts, as if he didn't understand why Su Yang didn't let it eat the egg.

"This is your brother or your sister, how can you eat it directly!" Su Yang said, "You have to love your brother and sister, understand?"

The little tortoise was confused, obviously he didn't understand Su Yang's meaning, and still looked straight at the dragon egg.

At this moment, the surface of the dragon egg suddenly made a soft noise. Immediately afterwards, a crack spread rapidly on the dragon egg.

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