The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1686: Jade face judge

Su Yang did not tell Xue Nu and others what he was worried about.

Although Lu Donglin was still in a coma, Xue Nu and the others were too loyal to the God of War of Beigong. The reason why they were able to stay with Su Yang was because they believed that the God of War in the North Palace would not be in danger. They were just here to take care of Lu Donglin.

If you let them know that the God of War of the North Palace might be in danger, then these people would definitely not be able to sit still. Maybe they would leave Lu Donglin here, and they would go back to help the God of War of the North Palace, which would only make things more troublesome and chaotic.

Su Yang walked out of the Rongshi furnace alone, took the contact information of the Beigong God of War that he had obtained from Xue Nu, and immediately called the Beigong God of War.

Although Su Yang has been in the Rongshi furnace for a while, in fact, less than an hour has passed outside. At this time, the Beigong God of War had not yet left the scope of the capital.

Most of the power of the North Palace War God is still on the carrier, and now he does not have much power left on his body, and the speed of flying back is very slow. Therefore, he still drove back.

After receiving the call, after hearing Su Yang's analysis of the Black Widow, the Beigong God of War was only silent for a moment, and said softly: "Jade Mian Judge, the old fellow is indeed uneasy and kind, but you don't need to worry, I also have a back hand. Yes. It's not that easy to kill me!"

Su Yang let out a sigh of relief, and the God of War in the North Palace also has a back hand, so there is no need to worry.

"Don't worry, I will be fine!" Beigong war **** said: "By the way, I am about to enter the northern three provinces. During this time, you should not contact me. Judge Jade will probably stare at me, if you contact me , He will find your location!"

"I understand!" Su Yang nodded. After all, he had also been in the army for three years. He was very clear about these things.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yang no longer worried about it. The God of War of the North Palace is not an ordinary person, and it is not so easy for those people to deal with him.

What Su Yang really wants to think about now is the purpose of Jade Face Judge. Just as the black widow said, the purpose of the Jade Mian judge who made this plan shouldn't be Su Yang? Why is it now that he seems to be mainly trying to deal with the God of War of the North Palace? What does Jade Judge mean?


In the northern three provinces, Goose Guicheng where the God of War lives in Beigong, in a villa 30 kilometers west of the city.

Ge Kaiyang ran into the villa in a hurry, and saw the three-eyed ghost king standing at the door.

"Uncle Ghost King?" Ge Kaiyang asked in surprise: "Why are you here?"

The three-eyed ghost king looked at the direction of the house, with a respectful look: "The master is here!"

"What?" Ge Kaiyang was overjoyed, and quickly pushed the door in, and said excitedly: "Grandpa, you are here!?"

A tall man stood by the window of the hall. With his back to the door, the man was dressed in black, and a cold breath exuded all over his body. Although the sun was shining on him, it seemed that it couldn't drive away the cold from him.

The man has long silver hair, which is neatly combed and hangs straight down. He had his hands on his back, one of his hands was white without a trace of blood, and even the blood vessels inside could be clearly seen. The skin is extremely delicate, enough to make any girl envy.

Ge Kaiyang was even more overjoyed when he saw this man, and said quickly: "Grandpa, grandpa, you are here!"

The man turned his head and looked at his face, but he was just a young man in his twenties. It seemed that he was even younger than Ge Kaiyang. However, the aura on him looked far beyond what a young man could achieve. That kind of looking at the world, unmatched momentum, enough to make everyone in awe!

Seeing Ge Kaiyang, the man wiped a smile on his face and whispered softly: "Yang'er, you are back!"

If someone is here, they will definitely be shocked to hear such a name.

Who could imagine that this man who looked like a young man turned out to be Ge Kaiyang's grandfather, the old monster Jade face judge who lived two or three hundred years old! ?

Even Su Yang had always felt that Jade Mian Judge should be an old man with a withered face, gray hair and wrinkled face. The worst is the appearance of a middle-aged man in his forties or fifty. But, who can believe it like this?

Ge Kaiyang was quite used to it. He walked to the Jade face judge and knelt down, and said respectfully: "Congratulations, grandpa leaving early!"

"I haven't left the customs yet!" Jade face judge raised his head and looked at the direction of the geese returning to the city, and whispered softly: "It's just that, this time to solve the Beigong God of War, I have to come and see him personally anyway!"

Ge Kaiyang looked at the direction of the geese returning to the city, and said respectfully: "It is an honor for him to be able to send him the Beigong God of War by your grandfather!"

"Hahaha..." Jade face judge raised his head and smiled, walked over to the table and sat down, and whispered, "How is the situation of the goose returning to the city?"

"Grandpa, I was about to tell you about this!" Ge Kaiyang quickly sat down in front of Jade Judge Judge: "Our people have been staring at Lu Donglin, but we found a situation. We live in that other courtyard. Lu Donglin seems to be a fake. Not only that, even Xue Nu, Bai Qing, and even the close servant girl who has been following the God of War of the North Palace are gone!"

"Haha..." Jade face judge smiled lightly: "It must be a fake, Lu Donglin, Xue Nu, Bai Qing, these people are no longer in Goose Guicheng!"

"Huh?" Ge Kaiyang was taken aback for a moment, and quickly said, "Grandpa, where did they go?"

"You must have gone to Su Yang's place!" Jade face judge smiled: "Su Yang is so good at hiding. Is there any place safer than hiding in another space with Su Yang?"

Ge Kaiyang's eyes widened, and he said in a deep voice: "So, they are with Su Yang? Grandpa, then I will inform the four major sects so that they can send someone to investigate. This time, Su Yang will be taken. Find out too!"

Ge Kaiyang wanted to leave as he said, but was drunk by the Jade face judge: "Stop!"

Ge Kaiyang turned his head and looked at Judge Jade in amazement: "Grandpa, is there anything else? I have to hurry up about this matter. If it's late, it's probably too late!"

Jade face judge glanced at him and frowned slightly: "Yang'er, do you know why I want you to stay here and stare at Lu Donglin?"

When the four major gates blocked the geese and returned to the city, they had a division of labor and were responsible for staring at different positions. Judge Jade Mian was mainly responsible for staring at Lu Donglin's side, which was also requested by Judge Jade himself. However, Ge Kaiyang didn't know what was the specific reason!

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