The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1894: Monsters gathered

Su Yang originally thought that this layer of clouds was very thin, but it was just a very simple layer. However, after he had been here for three full hours, he only knew that this layer of clouds, which seemed simple, was by no means simple.

I fell here for more than three hours. During this period, Su Yang heard various roars and roars, but he didn't even see a monster beast. In other words, he was in this cloud and mist, and he couldn't see anything at all.

His power is here, as if it has been sealed, and cannot be used at all. He couldn't get out of this cloud and fog, and couldn't leave this cloud and fog, he seemed to be trapped in this cloud and fog.

Su Yang didn't know what was going on with this cloud and mist. When he got to the back, he simply gave up and stopped paying attention to this cloud and mist. Anyway, he also brought those who robbed the house into this cloud. Su Yang couldn't leave this cloud and mist, and those who robbed the house couldn't leave this cloud and mist. The result was the same.

Even if those people can't die in this cloud and mist, they can't go out to set up the formation, let alone help the **** master control the melting furnace. This is what Su Yang has to do!

As a result, after more than three hours of falling, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and Su Yang unexpectedly emerged from the mist.

However, at this moment, he is not in a valley, but in a high altitude. The moment he left the clouds, what he saw was a giant eagle that looked like an airplane, and rushed towards him with a scream.

Su Yang was startled, and subconsciously flashed to the side. His power was finally able to continue to be used at this moment, quickly rushing out of a distance of hundreds of meters, and finally escaped the fatal blow of this giant eagle.

At this moment, many people fell in the air one after another. The giant eagle originally wanted to chase Su Yang, but found that someone came out in the air, so he went straight back, grabbed one person each with his claws, and an eagle mouth, and even swallowed all three people into his mouth.

Su Yang's eyes widened, and he could see clearly that the three people were all powerful home takers. As a result, in the mouth of the giant eagle, the three people didn't even have time to scream, they were swallowed by the giant eagle.

As for the two people caught by the giant eagle, they tried their best to break free from the claws of the giant eagle. The giant eagle seemed to be irritated, and with a strong grasp of both claws, the two men were directly caught and exploded, and died on the spot.

At the same time, many people fell from the air. These were the people who fell into this valley with Su Yang before.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of neighing and roar sounded in Su Yang's ears. Su Yang turned his eyes and saw that there were huge monsters all around him. There were one-horned giant pythons about a thousand feet long, a red centipede about a hundred meters long, a dragon full of electricity, and a giant as tall as a mountain. . From a glance, this fierce beast is densely packed, endless, extremely terrifying, and shocking!

And these fierce beasts were obviously attracted by the people falling from the air, and they rushed here one after another.

The giant eagle seemed to be very angry, and let out an eagle cry, trying to scare the other beasts away. However, these fierce beasts are extremely powerful, how can they be afraid of the giant eagle and rushed over with a roar.

Those who fell in the air were all frightened when they saw this situation. The courageous person completely forgot to resist, was caught in the air by those fierce beasts, and fell into a miserable belly.

Some of the bolder still know how to resist and run away. But the result is still the same, there are too many fierce beasts, and the strength of the fierce beasts is too strong. How could these people be the opponents of these fierce beasts.

Even Su Yang couldn't be idle. In the distance, a one-horned wolf with a height of one hundred feet rushed towards Su Yang roaring, as if he was about to swallow Su Yang directly into his belly.

Su Yang was shocked, and quickly wanted to dodge. But at this moment, another golden giant ape rushed over, stretched out two giant palms covering the sky, and took a picture of Su Yang.

Su Yang made a sharp turn in the air and tried his best to avoid the attack of these two beasts. But at this time, the movement here attracted several fierce beasts, and they ran towards Su Yang screaming.

Su Yang was almost vomiting blood. There were too many fierce beasts in it, and these fierce beasts were too powerful. Stopped by these fierce beasts, his life is probably going to be explained here today!

Although he had already jumped down with the determination to die, who would give up like this before he died?

Raising the speed to the extreme, Su Yang frantically avoided the pursuit of these beasts. Su Yang's speed is faster, and he can barely escape from the attacks of these fierce beasts.

However, Su Yang also knew very well that he could not hold on for long. More and more fierce beasts around him are staring at him. If this continues, he will definitely be completely surrounded by these fierce beasts. When that happens, he will no longer have to think about running away.

Taking a deep breath, Su Yang gritted his teeth and turned his mind sharply.

It would definitely not work if this went on, all these fierce beasts rushed over, and he had nowhere to escape. Therefore, now we must find a way to get rid of the current situation.

Su Yang remembered the situation where Fatty had shown him before. When he was looking from above, there were many fierce beasts under the valley. However, those fierce beasts are also restricted, and those fierce beasts are controlled by a person at the bottom of the valley.

Thinking of this, Su Yang's eyes suddenly lit up.

By the way, there is still someone at the bottom!

Su Yang was curious before, who is this person?

However, Su Yang did not dare to enter this trough at that time.

And now, Su Yang has come in anyway, and under such circumstances, he has to go to the bottom anyway.

Remember that there is a lake at the bottom of the valley, and that person is in the lake. And these fierce beasts are very afraid of this person.

In other words, as long as Su Yang escapes into the lake and flees to this person, nothing will happen.

Looking down, there is indeed a big lake below.

Su Yang was delighted, this is an opportunity. Without any hesitation, he speeded up his fall and headed straight for the lake.

Seeing Su Yang, he was about to reach the lake, but suddenly there was a crying cry in the air: "Su Yang! Su Yang! How are you? Answer me, you...Don't scare me..."

Su Yang's expression changed. This was Jiang Zi'er's voice.

He looked up and saw that one person fell from the sky, and it was Jiang Zi'er.

Su Yang was instantly stunned, why did Jiang Zi'er come? Didn't you let her leave and go out to report?

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