Watching Zhao Hongwei go away, Chen Fei looked at Su Yang excitedly: "Su Yang, this...who is this?"

"The one who owes me money!" Su Yang replied directly.

"Five hundred million? What are you kidding?" Chen Fei exclaimed: "How can I owe you so much money?"

"Haha..." Su Yang smiled lightly: "Qingyun Club has my shares, why can't others owe me so much money?"

Chen Fei was speechless. It was true. Su Yang now really made them unable to understand.

After leaving the company, Su Yang went back to the hotel.

The adult brother and the landlord did not come here by accident, but were instigated. It was Fang Jianhong who instigated them.

This Fang Jianhong still doesn't know what happened to the provincial capital. In order to take revenge, he can be said to have killed Su Yang. Not only did they use the relationship to take away those projects, but they also found an adult brother and the landlord to deal with Zhou Yinghao's company, in order to completely destroy Su Yang's side.

Su Yang remembered this account. Back in Nanluo City, after all, it was time to liquidate the Fang family!

Early the next morning, Su Yang received a call from Wang Shuya. She found the student who was injured by Su Yang.

Su Yang had originally planned to go back to Nanluo City directly, but when he received this call, he immediately gave up the idea.

What happened back then is still a pending case. Now that I have finally found this student, it is time to find out.

When Wang Shuya heard that Su Yang had arrived in the provincial capital, she was obviously pleasantly surprised, so she directly asked where Su Yang lived, and then ran over to find Su Yang.

There was no class today. Wang Shuya wore a calm white skirt, which looked a little fresh and elegant. Coupled with her good looks, she appeared at the door of the hotel, which really attracted the attention of many people.

Su Yang walked out, and Wang Shuya greeted Su Yang from a distance: "Su Yang, here, here."

Su Yang smiled and walked over.

"Hey, why didn't you tell me when you came to the provincial capital?" Wang Shuya groaned: "Last time in Nanluo City, you were the one who hosted me. When you came to the provincial capital, why should I entertain you too!"

"What kind of hospitality is that!" Su Yang smiled: "Your hometown is in Nanluo City. That's just going back to visit our old friends."

"Then I don't care, anyway, when I go to Nanluo City, you are the one who entertained me. When you come to the provincial capital, I have to treat you to a meal." Wang Shuya smiled.

"Alright." Su Yang nodded and went straight to the point: "By the way, where does Zhang Peng live now?"

This Zhang Peng was the student who was beaten as a vegetable by Su Yang.

"Let's go, I'll take you to find him." Wang Shuya drove a red Honda, a small one, which suits him well.

On the road, while driving, Wang Shuya told Su Yang about Zhang Peng's situation.

The current situation of Zhang Peng's house is very difficult. After Zhang Peng became a vegetable, he has been in a coma until now. But his parents took him to find famous doctors all over the country, but they didn't get any better at all.

For this reason, his family spent all their savings, sold the house, and lost their parents' jobs. Nowadays, Zhang Peng doesn't even have the money to be hospitalized. He uses instruments to maintain his life at home, and his parents are also doing coolies outside to make money to support him. Life is very difficult.

Soon, Wang Shuya's car stopped outside a very dilapidated alley in the old town.

"They are renting a house here now." Wang Shuya said: "The people who live in this neighborhood mostly work hard in the provincial capital, and the conditions are very poor."

Su Yang didn't speak, he followed Wang Shuya in. It didn't take long for the two to come outside a very dilapidated low house inside.

When you walk to the door, you can smell a potion.

The house is small, there is no light, and it is dark. After entering, Wang Shuya could still smell the rancid smell, and Wang Shuya couldn't help covering her nose.

"Shu Ya, wait for me outside." Su Yang said softly.

"I'm fine." Wang Shuya said.

"I know!" Su Yang shook his head and said, "But it's between me and them. There are some things that you are not suitable for."

Wang Shuya said nothing, and left the room.

Su Yang walked to the front of the hospital bed. On the hospital bed was a young man who was only 60 or 70 kilograms, already lean. This is how vegetatives are, relying on instruments to maintain their lives, losing weight until they die.

Looking at the person in front of him, Su Yang couldn't help but sigh. This person used to be the closest person to Liao Yuxuan, and was also Liao Yuxuan's most trusted Ma Tsai.

At that time in the school, it was also beautiful. They draw a group of people, claiming to be classmates, and often bully people in school.

At the beginning, he led a dozen people to besiege Su Yang and Fatty, angering Su Yang, and Su Yang smashed a brick, which turned out to be like this. If he could know the future results, would he still bully Su Yang at the beginning?

Su Yang sat on the edge of the bed and waited quietly.

After half an hour, a voice finally came from the door. An old woman walked in carrying a snakeskin bag. The snakeskin bag was filled with various plastic bottles used to sell money.

Seeing Su Yang, the woman was stunned for a moment, and then asked in a hoarse voice: "You...who are you looking for?"

"Are you Zhang Peng's mother?" Su Yang asked.

"It's me, you... are you doing something?" The woman's face was a little cringe, after all, she was about to lose her dignity as a human being at this point.

"Something happened." Su Yang whispered: "You call Zhang Peng's father back too!"

The woman said: "What's the matter, I... My Zhang Peng hasn't woke up for a long time, he... his dad is on the construction site, he is busy now, he can't come back..."

"He will be back!" Su Yang looked at the woman and said word by word, "Because I hit the brick on Zhang Peng's head!"

"What!?" The woman exclaimed suddenly and was silent for a moment. Then she turned around and grabbed a kitchen knife: "I'll fight you!"

Su Yang kicked the kitchen knife in her hand and said coldly: "Let his dad come back, I have something to say!"

"What else do you say, I must kill you!" The woman wailed loudly: "You beat my son like this and you ruined my house. What else do you want to say? Three years, I Unexpectedly, I can still see you, I...I must kill you!"

"You let his dad come back, if you don't kill me, you'll talk at that time!" Su Yang said coldly.

The woman wiped her tears and said loudly: "Okay, wait, I will let his dad come back, let's fight with you together!"

The woman called, and after half an hour, there was a rushing sound outside, and an old voice roared: "Where is that beast, I am going to kill him!"

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