The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1989: Do you want to save strength?

Su Yang looked at the main hall, but was thinking about how to find Qi'er and rescue Qi'er.

Looking around, there are still fifteen people following Su Yang. Inside, there are only three people in the human race, Su Yang, Antorio and Sarutobi Shanzang.

In addition, there are three people in the heavens and three in the feathers. The rest are the people from the Chiyan Land and the Extreme Cold Land, and there are six people together.

It can be said that the number of members of the Five Realms here is very average.

But in fact, the weakest is the Human Race.

Antorio and Sarutobi Shanzang are estimated to be about the same strength as the North Palace God of War who has not entered the life and death barrier. However, even the current Beigong God of War, among the 80 people in the Eight Realms, is only at the lower level.

And Antorio and Sarutobi Shanzang, with their strengths, can only be regarded as the bottom among so many people. Together, the two people are probably not as good as the one who was drawn from the heavens.

Heaven and Feathers belong to their own governance, and the two races are actually guarding each other. After all, their strengths are similar, and their ambitions are similar, and each other is what they need to watch out for the most.

However, the strength of the Chiyan Land and the Extremely Cold Land is not as good as the Heavenly Feather Realm, but the problem is that the people of these two races are absolutely united. So, after all, the land of red flames and the land of extreme cold can be regarded as the strongest on the scene.

If Su Yang wants to solve these people, he must first let them fight.

Looking up at the main hall in front of him for a while, Su Yang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, the main hall of the Yuling Palace is in front, and it is also the core area of ​​the Yuling Palace. However, the Yuling Palace's. The main hall is not so easy to enter. I have been here before, but I have tried all kinds of methods, but I cannot enter the main hall. You can try it, but I cannot guarantee that you can enter the main hall! "

Everyone glanced at each other. Actually, without Su Yang, they could all see that this must be the core area of ​​Yuling Palace.

To be honest, after seeing those powerful magical artifacts before, everyone became more interested in the things in Yuling Palace.

The ability to attract so many powerful characters to attack the Yuling Palace is enough to prove how important the things in the Yuling Palace are.

If you can get the things in the Yuling Palace, then you can really dominate the billions of worlds and become the master of the billions of worlds.

But the problem is, everyone wants to get things from the Yuling Palace, but who dares to go in first?

Everyone is staring at the entrance of Yuling Palace. At this time, whoever goes in first will become the target of others. Therefore, although everyone was very hot in their hearts, no one dared to act first.

Su Yang naturally knew what these people were thinking. Seeing that these people were silent, he coughed slightly and said loudly, "Everyone, since you have arrived at this place, then everyone should not have any racial opinions. In my opinion , If you really want to explore the core area of ​​the Yuling Palace, then everyone should advance and retreat together. All races will send people to try and walk around, so it’s fairer, isn’t it?"

Everyone looked at each other, and they all agreed with Su Yang's proposal.

After all, everyone is staring at each other now, beware of others entering the Yuling Palace first. Under such circumstances, they can only stand confronting each other here, unable to enter the Yuling Palace.

According to the method Su Yang said, everyone sent people to explore inside, so that everyone could act together, and no one would become a target. This is also the best way to solve the current dilemma.

"I agree with Leader Su's proposal!" Wei Qing said directly.

"I agree too!" Ye Xingjun also nodded.

People in the land of red flames and extreme cold will naturally not object.

The four clans unified their opinions, and each sent one person to prepare to let them go to the main hall to test.

Su Yang smiled secretly in his heart. He didn't know what was going on in Yuling Palace, but there was definitely danger in Yuling Palace. Doing so now can further weaken the strength of these four realms, and it is also a step to weaken the strength of these four realms.

"Now that everyone has arranged it, let's go!" Su Yang said loudly, "I don't know if you can enter Yuling Palace, but since you are here, you have to try it anyway, right?"

The four selected people were preparing to act. At this time, Wei Qing suddenly said, "Leader Su, don't your human race send people to detect it?"

Others also looked at Su Yang. Su Yang was taken aback for a moment, then smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Forget it for my human race. I've been here before and understand the situation here. Our human race can't get in at all. Therefore, my human race should not mix this matter, it is meaningless!"

"Lead Su's words are wrong!" Wei Qing shook his head and said, "Since everyone is here, you should try it. After all, the Yuling Palace has undergone a lot of changes now. If you don't try it, how can you know what it is? What about the situation?"

Many people at the scene looked at Wei Qing with some doubts, wondering what he meant. Such a good thing, why do people have to blend into it?

Ye Xingjun nodded slightly, he was able to understand Wei Qing's thoughts.

"I just don't think this is necessary. I don't want my members of the human race to do something that knows no sense!" Su Yang shook his head.

"Haha, is that right?" Wei Qing's voice suddenly turned cold: "Leader Su, is it meaningless in the end, or wants to preserve strength? You have to make it clear!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone else suddenly felt a little uproar. Everyone looked at Su Yang together, with doubts and vigilance in their eyes.

Wei Qing's words really made everyone suddenly realize that Su Yang really seemed to be conserving his strength.

After all, after the four clans sent people there, there were only two of them left. On the Terran side, there are still three people. In terms of numbers, the number of Terrans has become the largest.

Su Yang's face changed slightly, he originally wanted to continue to fool these people. However, now it seems that I cannot do this. Wei Qing's ability to say these words shows that Wei Qing has begun to doubt him, and he can no longer continue to preserve his strength like this.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang also laughed and said loudly: "Master Wei Qing misunderstood, what do I do to preserve the strength of the human race? Among the nine realms, the strength of my human race is the weakest. Even if the strength is really preserved, it does not make much sense. Can you counterattack the Nine Realms and become the final victor? Don’t say anything else, let’s take Master Weiqing. Even if the strength of my human race is well preserved, it is probably not your opponent alone. Does it make sense to preserve strength?”

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