The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2137: Sage of the Human World

Under Wu Zhuangyuan's arrangement, Su Yang boarded the Moon Tower.

Among these people, only Su Yang has been here, and the others, although they have fought against Wu Zhuangyuan, have never been to the Moon Tower.

Although before coming, Su Yang had already told them about the situation of the Moon Tower. However, everyone was shocked to see the situation of the Moon Tower. Who can imagine that the Moon Tower is actually like this.

"Can you see me?" Wu Zhuangyuan asked, standing in the middle.

Everyone nodded one after another. If they were here before, they would definitely not see Wu Zhuangyuan. After all, the distance of half a step above the moon tower may be a thousand miles away. Without sufficient strength, it is impossible to see that far.

"Follow me!" Wu Zhuangyuan turned and flew towards the starry sky, and everyone immediately followed and flew up.

After flying in this way for more than three hours, everyone saw a dim planet in the starry sky, which was the moon.

It took nearly an hour before everyone flew to the vicinity of this planet. However, as they approached the planet, there was a faint light outside the planet that stopped them outside.

"This is the restriction of the Moon Tower!" Wu Zhuangyuan took out a small jade pendant from his body and placed it outside the aperture. The same light was emitted from the jade pendant, and after a while, a gap appeared in the aperture.

"Go in!" Wu Zhuangyuan waved his hand.

Everyone walked into the aperture one after another. Su Yang reached out and touched the aperture by the way, and found that the power of the aperture was very powerful.

"How did this prohibition come from?" Su Yang asked.

"The sage arranged it!" Wu Zhuangyuan whispered: "Every world has similar moon towers, and outside the moon towers of every world, there are restrictions set by the saints!"

"Really?" Su Yang was shocked, wondering: "Which sage of the human world set the restriction of the human world?"

"The restrictions on the human world are of course set by the saints of the human world!" Wu Zhuangyuan said.

"Huh?" Su Yang couldn't help being stunned, and the people next to him looked at Wu Zhuangyuan with shocked faces.

"Is there a saint in the human world?" Bei Gong War God couldn't help asking, they were very clear about things in the cultivation world, but they had never heard of a saint in the human world.

If there are saints in the human world, the strength of the human world will definitely not be weak, and it will definitely not be bullied to this point by the other eight worlds!

Su Yang looked at the North Palace God of War with a shocked face. There is a saint in the human world, so why didn't this saint help the human world?

"The saint of the human world has long since died in battle!" Wu Zhuangyuan sighed lightly.

"Dead in battle?" Everyone exclaimed again, how powerful is the saint, how could he die in battle?

"Otherwise, how do you think the boundary between the human world and the eight realms is sealed?" Wu Zhuangyuan looked at the crowd: "You really think that the strength of those sacred beasts is enough to seal the boundary of the eight realms?"

Everyone was stunned, so that the matter of the seal of the human world and the eight world boundary points is related to the death of the saints of the human world?

Su Yang's heart was moved, so to speak, the strength of the beast is actually not as strong as he thought?

"No matter how strong the sacred animal is, it is only a sub-sage at best. Without a sage, it can't affect the sage at all!" Wu Zhuangyuan said: "The boundary between the human world and the eight realms is sealed, why can't the eight realms open this seal? Because they have to pay a great price, because they need the saints to act in person? But, what kind of strength is the saint, what kind of seal, and the saints actually need to do it in person?"

"If it weren't for the saints of the human world, they fought against the saints of the eight realms back then, and after their death, gave up the chance of reincarnation, dispersed the saint's power, and sealed the eight realms, then the eight realms would have entered the human world long ago! It’s just a matter of strengthening the seal. The real seal is actually left by the saints of the human race. It is for this reason that the Eight Realms want to open the seal of the human world, and they have to pay a price, and the saints must do it themselves!"

Everyone suddenly realized, but at the same time they all felt emotional. Unexpectedly, there was a saint in the human world. Moreover, the most important thing is that the saint died so aggrieved.

Fight against the saints of the Eight Realms, and finally die. However, that is a saint after all, as long as the power of the saint is not dissipated, he can still be reincarnated and reincarnated, and then cultivate to the realm of saints.

However, this human world saint finally gave up the chance of reincarnation and rebirth, self-dispelling the power of the saint, and sealed the eight world boundary points. It can be said that this saint of the Human Realm, at the cost of his own life, has fought for the Human Race to survive for so many years.

Had it not been for the sacrifice of this saint in the human world, the human race would have ceased to exist long ago!

"This saint of the human world, what is his name?" Bei Gong asked respectfully, and everyone was full of admiration.

"The Emperor of Xuanyuan!" Wu Zhuangyuan said.

Everyone silently remembered this name in their hearts, this is the patron saint of the human world!

While talking, everyone has reached the moon.

The situation above is the same as that seen in the distance, and it is bleak. But fortunately, everyone's strength is not weak, even in the dark, there is absolutely no problem seeing things.

As soon as everyone landed, they saw a few people coming from a distance. One of them was an assassin.

Seeing everyone here, the assassin couldn't help but smile: "I haven't gone back yet, you guys came first."

Su Yang laughed too. Before, he only knew that the assassin was going out to do a very important thing, but he didn't know what he was doing. Now, he finally understood. Goodbye on the moon is indeed something Su Yang did not expect. In other words, Su Yang never thought that one day he could stand in the same position as the assassin!

"I'll introduce you to you." The assassin pointed at the two people next to him and said: "This surname is Yang, the **** of war in the heavens. That over there, Huo Rin, the brother of the second generation of war gods. The three of us are the guardians of the moon in the human world! "

"Are there only three of you?" Su Yang couldn't help being shocked. The three of them guarded such a big place?

"We want to think about manpower, but how can the human world pick out manpower now!" The assassin shrugged and said, "Now wait for your group of people to grow up, and you can come and help us!"

Su Yang glanced at each other. They came this time not just to improve their strength.

"The God of Heaven..." Qi Zhishan looked at the man surnamed Yang next to him in surprise, with a full face of doubt: "He is also the guardian of the Moon in the Human World?"

"Yes!" The assassin nodded directly: "He is one of the first Celestial masters to enter the human world, one of the creators of Heavenly Court. However, Xiao Yang has a very good relationship with the human race. After the first generation of Martial God lost the endless starry sky, I especially stayed here to help the Human Race guard the moon. I have never been back!"

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