The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2304: Advance to the Lord

In fact, Su Yang still had a bigger doubt in his heart, that was the matter of the guardian **** farming.

The Nine Realms are the fruits of farming, what does this mean?

Guardian God, that must be at least a Saint King or Saint King level powerhouse. To them, the Nine Realms have no meaning at all. Why are they still fighting for it? What does this kind of field mean?

Su Yang looked at these holy priests. There is no doubt that these holy ones must know about farming. However, if you want to ask this secret from their mouths, you don't have to think about it at all.

Su Yang didn't dare to ask them. This time, he was completely provoked by himself. At this time, the Nine Realms must never be exposed. Otherwise, let people know that it was the Nine Realms that provoked this matter and caused such a big conflict between the Monster Beast Clan and the Guardian God. The Nine Realms must be destroyed on the spot. Su Yang would not dare to provoke such a big thing. .

Next, the starry sky calmed down for a while. About two years later, Su Yang finally made a further breakthrough. After absorbing enough profound level aura, he stepped into the next realm and entered the realm of the noble one!

After entering this state, Su Yang was not anxious and excited, but took out the Destiny Book for the first time and continued to open the next page.

Just as Su Yang had expected, after he entered a realm, this fate book could open a page. Now, the sixth page of the Destiny Book has opened.

Although there is only one page, the content recorded in it is as vast as the ocean.

Su Yang went into seclusion for a month before reading the content of this page from beginning to end. And when his strength reached his realm, he was completely unforgettable. The content of this page was also all in his mind.

On this page, there is not much introduction to the universe, but the previous exercises are further improved. And here, Su Yang saw the evolutionary version of the secret disguise method he had cultivated before.

This evolutionary version allows cultivators to integrate themselves with other beings and completely become a part of this being. At the same time, the power of the two can also be merged to increase the power.

This secret method surprised Su Yang. Because this secret method can finally make Su Yang's long ago wish come true.

Su Yang wanted to kill Liu Yao Sovereign before and replace him. Because there is a great spiritual source in the six-yao holy priest, enough for those saints of the nine realms to cultivate. Moreover, the Six-Yao Sovereign is in charge of this area, the area closest to the Nine Realms, and he controls the power of life and death over the Nine Realms. Under such circumstances, replacing the Six-Yao Sovereign will make the Nine Realms much safer.

However, Su Yang did not dare to do this because of the Holy King. After all, he was the human race of the Nine Realms, and he killed Liu Yao Shengzun, let alone the Holy King, other monsters would not let him go.

Now it's different, Su Yang is promoted to the Holy Venerable, he can also find a holy beast to fuse and completely become this holy beast. At the same time, after he merges with the power of this holy beast, the holy beast can also directly become the strength of the holy beast.

Under such circumstances, killing Liuyao Sovereign is equivalent to a monster killing Liuyao Sovereign. As long as it shows allegiance to the Holy King, it will definitely be able to replace it. After all, Su Yang went as a monster, not as a human race. This is absolutely no problem in the monster family.

Of course, although Su Yang had this idea, he was not eager to use it. Because, in this area recently, the envoys of the Six-Yao Sovereign are frequently dispatched, and there is no doubt that it is the same thing as before. In other words, the negotiation between the monster clan and the guardian **** is about to begin, and Su Yang doesn't want to have extra problems at this time.

About half a year later, a message came: the negotiation between the monster clan and the guardian **** was completely over. The orcs who had participated in this incident were beheaded. At the same time, the guardian **** gave a message Some compensation. And this matter, let it go, the two sides will no longer pursue it!

This result completely exceeded Su Yang's expectations. He originally thought that the two sides would be involved in this matter for a long time. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a result, so it can be solved so simply and neatly? Did the monster clan not go to war with the guardian god?

Even if the two sides don't go to war, at least in the ownership of the Nine Realms, they will have to struggle for a while. However, in the end, the two sides resolved the matter so quickly, and the Nine Realms still belonged to the guardian god, which was so strange.

Su Yang sent Longchu out to inquire about the news, and it didn't take long for this guy to come back before telling Su Yang the truth.

It turned out that the guardian **** personally went to meet the holy emperor of the monster clan. The two sides didn't know exactly how they discussed it. In the end, the order was issued by the Holy Emperor.

On the six-yao holy side, the holy emperor gave it some compensation, saying that it was given to it by the guardian god. In fact, these compensations are not painful or itchy. The main thing is to announce to everyone that this matter is over.

Obviously, the Six-Yao Lord was very dissatisfied with this matter, very dissatisfied. However, in the end it dared not say anything against it. If the Holy Emperor himself ordered things, if the Six-Yao Sovereign really dared to say nothing, then his fate would be completely finished.

When the matter reached this point, it was completely over.

Not long after, news came from the Nine Realms, and the fierce beasts began to attack the Nine Realms again. Moreover, among these fierce beasts, there are still sub-holy beasts.

This news caused Su Yang's heart to hang.

The struggle between the monster clan and the guardian **** turned out to be just this result, which was something Su Yang did not expect. In other words, if you want to protect the Nine Realms, you have to rely on your own strength.

It seems that it's time to kill the Six-Yao Sovereign and seize this area!

Before that, Su Yang went back to the Nine Realms first and discussed his plan with all the saints.

Everyone also knew what had happened outside the sky, and was very worried about the fate of the Nine Realms. Now Su Yang proposed such a plan. Although everyone thought it was dangerous, no one could stop it in the end. After all, only raising the strength of the Nine Realms is the way to truly bless the Nine Realms!

After discussing with everyone, Su Yang began to act. He did not merge with the little bear, the golden phoenix and the like, but went to the place where the two sages met, captured a powerful sacred beast, erased the spiritual knowledge of the sacred beast, and then merged with the sacred beast.

In this way, this holy beast's ontological consciousness no longer exists, which is equivalent to Su Yang's other body. He merged with this sacred beast, it is impossible for anyone to see it, and no one can imagine that this monster is actually a person in essence.

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